Author: Elastic
Description: This hunt identifies potential SSH persistence mechanisms on Linux systems using OSQuery. It monitors SSH keys, authorized_keys files, SSH configuration files, and SSH file information to detect unauthorized access or persistence techniques. The hunt lists detailed information for further analysis and investigation.
Integration: endpoint
Source File: Persistence via SSH Configurations and/or Keys
SELECT * FROM user_ssh_keys
SELECT authorized_keys.*
FROM users
JOIN authorized_keys
SELECT * FROM ssh_configs
u.username AS file_owner,
g.groupname AS group_owner,
datetime(f.atime, 'unixepoch') AS file_last_access_time,
datetime(f.mtime, 'unixepoch') AS file_last_modified_time,
datetime(f.ctime, 'unixepoch') AS file_last_status_change_time,
datetime(f.btime, 'unixepoch') AS file_created_time,
f.size AS size_bytes
file f
users u ON f.uid = u.uid
groups g ON f.gid = g.gid
f.path LIKE "/root/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/home/%/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/etc/ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/usr/sbin/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/bin/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/usr/games/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/var/cache/man/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/var/mail/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/var/spool/news/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/var/spool/lpd/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/var/backups/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/var/list/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/run/ircd/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/var/lib/gnats/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/nonexistent/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/run/systemd/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/var/cache/pollinate/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/run/sshd/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/home/syslog/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/run/uuidd/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/var/lib/tpm/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/var/lib/landscape/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/var/lib/usbmux/.ssh/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/.ssh/%";
from logs-endpoint.events.process-*
| where @timestamp > now() - 30 day
| where host.os.type == "linux" and event.type == "start" and event.action == "exec" and process.interactive == "true"
| stats cc = count(), host_count = count_distinct(host.name) by user.name
// Alter this threshold to make sense for your environment
| where cc <= 50 and host_count <= 3
| sort cc asc
| limit 100
- Monitors SSH keys, authorized_keys files, and SSH configuration files using OSQuery to detect potential unauthorized access or persistence techniques.
- Monitor for interactive processes by unusual users to detect potential unauthorized access or persistence techniques.
- Lists detailed information about SSH files, including paths, owners, and permissions.
- Requires additional data analysis and investigation into results to identify malicious or unauthorized SSH configurations and keys.
Elastic License v2