Author: Elastic
Description: This hunt identifies potential persistence mechanisms via modifications to shell profile files on Linux systems. It monitors file creation or modification events in system-wide and user-specific profile files, which can indicate attempts to establish persistence through shell modifications. It also monitors processes started by SSH daemons to detect suspicious activity related to SSH logins.
Integration: endpoint
Source File: Shell Modification Persistence
from logs-endpoint.events.file-*
| where @timestamp > now() - 30 day
| where host.os.type == "linux" and event.type in ("creation", "change") and (
// System-wide profile files
file.path in ("/etc/profile", "/etc/bash.bashrc", "/etc/bash.bash_logout") or
file.path like "/etc/profile.d/*" or
// root-specific profile files
file.path in ("/root/.profile", "/root/.bash_profile", "/root/.bash_login", "/root/.bash_logout", "/root/.bashrc") or
// User-specific profile files
file.path like "/home/*/.profile" or
file.path like "/home/*/.bash_profile" or
file.path like "/home/*/.bash_login" or
file.path like "/home/*/.bash_logout" or
file.path like "/home/*/.bashrc"
) and not (
process.name in (
"dpkg", "dockerd", "yum", "dnf", "snapd", "pacman", "pamac-daemon", "microdnf", "podman", "apk"
) or
process.executable == "/proc/self/exe" or
process.executable like "/dev/fd/*" or
file.extension in ("dpkg-remove", "swx", "swp")
| eval persistence = case(
// System-wide profile files
file.path in ("/etc/profile", "/etc/bash.bashrc", "/etc/bash.bash_logout") or
file.path like "/etc/profile.d/*" or
// root-specific profile files
file.path in ("/root/.profile", "/root/.bash_profile", "/root/.bash_login", "/root/.bash_logout", "/root/.bashrc") or
// User-specific profile files
file.path like "/home/*/.profile" or
file.path like "/home/*/.bash_profile" or
file.path like "/home/*/.bash_login" or
file.path like "/home/*/.bash_logout" or
file.path like "/home/*/.bashrc",
| stats pers_count = count(persistence) by process.executable, file.path
| where pers_count > 0 and pers_count <= 20
| sort pers_count asc
| limit 100
from logs-endpoint.events.process-*
| where @timestamp > now() - 30 day
| where host.os.type == "linux" and event.type == "start" and event.action == "exec" and process.parent.name == "sshd"
| stats cc = count(*) by process.command_line
| where cc <= 20
| sort cc asc
| limit 100
u.username AS file_owner,
g.groupname AS group_owner,
datetime(f.atime, 'unixepoch') AS file_last_access_time,
datetime(f.mtime, 'unixepoch') AS file_last_modified_time,
datetime(f.ctime, 'unixepoch') AS file_last_status_change_time,
datetime(f.btime, 'unixepoch') AS file_created_time,
f.size AS size_bytes
file f
users u ON f.uid = u.uid
groups g ON f.gid = g.gid
f.path IN ("/etc/profile", "/etc/bash.bashrc", "/etc/bash.bash_logout")
OR f.path IN ("/root/.profile", "/root/.bash_profile", "/root/.bash_login", "/root/.bash_logout", "/root/.bashrc")
OR f.path LIKE "/etc/profile.d/%"
OR f.path LIKE "/home/%/.profile"
OR f.path LIKE "/home/%/.bash_profile"
OR f.path LIKE "/home/%/.bash_login"
OR f.path LIKE "/home/%/.bash_logout"
OR f.path LIKE "/home/%/.bashrc"
- Monitors for file creation or modification events in system-wide and user-specific profile files, such as /etc/profile, /etc/bash.bashrc, /home/*/.bashrc, and others.
- Excludes modifications made by expected update processes such as package managers to reduce false positives.
- Uses EVAL to tag potential persistence events and counts occurrences to identify unusual activity.
- Monitors processes started by SSH daemons (sshd) to detect suspicious activity related to SSH logins.
- OSQuery query is provided to retrieve detailed file information related to profile files.
Elastic License v2