Documentation and code for provisioning and running CKAN Cloud clusters.
ckan-cloud-management - a server (or group of servers) which runs centralized management components:
- cca-operator - Provision, manage and configure Ckan Cloud components
- Exposes an SSH server to perform admin or automation tasks using limited roles.
- The cca-operator SSH server listens on port 8022
- Nginx + Let's Encrypt
- The main HTTPS entrypoint to the management server/s
- Serves the following services:
- Rancher - Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Management
- Each management server can manage multiple clusters on different cloud providers
- There is no direct dependency on Rancher, but it's the supported method to provisiong and manage Ckan Cloud clusters.
- Jenkins - Automation Server
- Used to perform predefined cluster management actions manually or scheduled / as part of CI/CD.
- There is no direct dependency on Jenkins
- cca-operator - Provision, manage and configure Ckan Cloud components
ckan-cloud-cluster - a Kubernetes cluster, configured for Ckan Cloud
- Ckan Cloud instance
- Ckan instances can be created by cca-operator or manually using Rancher / Helm
- Each Ckan instance is installing in a namespaced named with the instance id.
- The following cluster-wide resources are required:
- Traefik - Reverse proxy and load balancer
- Main HTTPS entrypoint to the CKAN instances
- A subdomain is registered for each CKAN instance and configured for SSL with Let's Encrypt
- cca-operator adds routing for each instance to the Traefik configuration but additional routes can be added manually
- Solr Cloud - Search Engine
- Postgresql - Main DB
- Traefik - Reverse proxy and load balancer
- Ckan Cloud instance
The management server is provisioned and managed using Docker Machine, you should install it locally -
Following snippet install Docker Machine on Linux (assuming you already have Docker installed):
base= &&
curl -L $base/docker-machine-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) >/tmp/docker-machine &&
sudo install /tmp/docker-machine /usr/local/bin/docker-machine
Verify Docker Machine installation:
docker-machine version
Follow these guides in this order to provision all the components: