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All syntaxes

This document lists all the high-level syntaxes available on the Formality language. Every syntax listed below is expanded (desugared) to either a primitive FormCore term, or to one of the functions available on the base library.

Top-level definition

name(arg0: type0, arg1: type1): return_type


Formality programs and proofs are composed of a number of top-level definitions containing a name, followed by a number of arguments, followed by a :, followed by a return_type, followed by a return_body. For example:

my_name: String

Creates a top-level definition called my_name, of type String and value "Victor". And:

get_first(fst: String, snd: String): String

Creates a top-level function called get_first, which receives two arguments, fst and snd of type String, and returns a String, which is the first argument.

Top-level definitions and datatype declarations (described below) are the only syntaxes that aren't expressions, which mean they can't appear anywhere in the program and, instead, must appear at the "global scope" of a file.


(x) body

A lambda represents an inline function. It is written using a parenthesis, followed by a name, followed by a closing parenthesis, followed by the function body. There is no arrow (=>) in Formality's lambdas.

Multi-argument lambdas can be written by separating multiple names by commas. They are expanded to multiple lambdas. For example:

(x,y,z) body

The code above is the same as:

(x) (y) (z) body

There are no true multi-argument lambdas in Formality, this syntax is a mere convenience.

Lambdas can also be written using <x> body instead of (x) body. You can also omit the name and write just () body. As with applications, the difference is merely stylistic.



A function application is written using the conventional mathematical syntax, f(x). There can be no spaces between the function and the parenthesis, thus, f (x) is not allowed. If you want to apply a bigger expression to an argument, you can wrap () around it. For example: ((x) body)(argm) would apply the (x) body function to argm.

A function application can also be written using <> instead of (). There is no difference other than style, but it is usually a good practice to use <> for type arguments.

An application to a hole can also be written as fn!, which expands to fn(_).

Like multi-argument lambdas, multi-argument applications can be written using comma-separated arguments. For example:


The code above is expanded to:



let x = value

Let expressions define local values. They allow an expression to be reused multiple times, and computed only once at runtime. For example:

let x = heavy(1000000)
x + x

Will only evaluate heavy(1000000) once. Since let is just an expression, you can chain it any way you like. A ; can be used for clarity to separate the value and the body, and () can be used to wrap an inline let expression, but neither are mandatory.

let a = 1
let b = (let x = 2; x)
let c = 3
a + b + c

A let expression introduces a new variable in the context. That variable will appear in error messages and is not considered equal to the expression it assigns (for theorem proving and type-aliasing purposes).


def x = value

Def expressions also define local values. The only difference is that these expressions will be expanded at compile-time. In other words, the program below:

def x = f(42)
x + x

Is identical to:

f(42) + f(42)

And f(42) will be computed twice at runtime. One advantage of def is that it doesn't introduce a new variable to the context, so the type checker will consider it equal to the expression it binds.

Forall (self-dependent function type)

self(name: type) body

Forall, or Pi, or self-dependent function, is the type of a function.

Nat.add(n: Nat, m: Nat): Nat

Nat.add is a function which takes two Nats and returns its sum.

Bool.double_negation(b: Bool): Equal(Bool, Bool.not(Bool.not(b)), b)

Bool.double_negation is a proof that for all Bool, its double negation is equal to itself.

Since Formality functions are self-dependently typed, you can optionally give a name to the input variable, and to the value of the function itself. For example,

(n: Nat) Vector(Bool, n)

Is the type of a function that receives a n: Nat and returns a Vector of n Bools.

If you're not using self-dependent types, you can omit the names, parenthesis and colon, and write just:

Nat -> Nat

Which is a function that receives a Nat and returns a Nat.


type Name (A: Par0, B: Par1 ...) ~ (i: Idx0, j: Idx1 ...) {
  ctor0(field0: Fld0, field1: Fld1 ...) ~ (i: id0, j: idx1 ...)
  ctor1(field0: Fld0, field1: Fld1 ...) ~ (i: id0, j: idx1 ...)

Declares an inductive algebraic datatype. A simple datatype starts with the type keyword, followed by its name, followed by any number of parameters ("static polymorphic types"). Inside {} follows any number of constructors, each one is followed by its fields.

As an example, the following type, in Haskell:

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)

Can be written in Formality as:

type List (A: Type) {
  cons(head: A, tail: List(A))

We can have more complex types as the following type, in Agda:

data Vector (A : Set) : (len : Nat) -> Set where
  nil  : Vector A zero
  cons : (n : Nat) -> (head : A) -> (tail : Vector A n) -> Vector A (succ n)

That can be written in Formality as:

type Vector (A: Type) ~ (len: Nat) {
  nil                                      ~ (len: zero)
  cons(n: Nat, head: A, tail: Vector(A,n)) ~ (len: succ(n))

Where ~ (it's optional) stands for any number of indices ("dynamic polymorphic types"). In the constructor, its fields are also optionally followed by ~ and its concrete indices.

For more examples, check the common types (Maybe, Either, Nat, Vector, List, Equal, etc.) on

Case (pattern matching)

case expr as name {
  case0: body0
  case1: body1
} : ReturnType

Formality's case is the most important syntax of the language, as it allows one to branch, extract values from datatypes, and prove theorems. Unlike most functional languages, you don't need to write field names on each case; instead, fields are automatically bound with the name.field name (here, . is just part of the name).

The as name part is only necessary when the matched expression isn't a variable.

case<_>(m,base64) as char {
  none: '#',
  some: char.value,

The motive is optional: if it isn't provided, it will be replaced by a hole. For example, to sum a list, we write:

sum(list: List(Nat)): Nat
  case list {
    nil  : 0
    cons : list.head + sum(list.tail)

This is expanded to:

sum(list: List(Nat)): Nat
  list<() _>(0, (list.head, list.tail) Nat.add(list.head, sum(list.tail)))

Notice that Formality automatically inserts two lambdas on the cons case, binding the list.head and list.tail names to the list's fields. While the return type is optional, it is useful when proving theorems. You may also write a ! instead of the motive, to ask Formality to try to smartly guess it for you. For more information on theorem proving, check its tutorial.


open value as v

The open syntax is a shortcut for pattern-matching a datatype with only one constructor. For example, if we have a datatype like:

type Vector3D {
  vector(x: Nat, y: Nat, z: Nat)

Then, the program below:

dot(a: Vector3D, b: Vector3D): Nat
  open a
  open b
  (a.x * b.x) + (a.y * b.y) + (a.z * b.z)

Is equivalent to:

dot(a: Vector3D, b: Vector3D): Nat
  case a {
    vector: case b {
      vector: (a.x * b.x) + (a.y * b.y) + (a.z * b.z)

The as name part is only necessary when the matched expression isn't a variable.


x :: A

An inline type annotation. Has no effect, but can be useful to help the type-checker when it can't infer a type. For example:

let fn = ((x) x + x) :: Nat -> Nat

The code above uses an inline annotation to annotate the type of the (x) x + x function named fn.



A goal can be written as ? followed by a name. For example, ?help is a goal named help. Goals are extremely useful when developing algorithms and proofs, as they allow you to keep a part of your program incomplete while you work on the rest. They also allow you to inspect the context and expected type on that part. For example, if you write:

add(a: Nat, b: Nat): Nat
  case a {
    zero: ?hole0
    succ: ?hole1

Formality will display:

Goal ?hole0:
With type: Nat
With ctxt:
- a: Nat
- b: Nat

Goal ?hole1:
With type: Nat
With ctxt:
- a: Nat
- b: Nat
- a.pred: Nat

Notice how it shows the type it expects on each hole (Nat), as well as the context available there. Note also, in particular, how a.pred is available on the succ case: that's because pred is a field of Nat.succ.



A hole is written as a single underscore. It stands for "complete this for me". Holes are extremely useful to let Formality fill the "obvious" parts of your program for you. Without holes, Formality would be extremely more verbose. For example, the list of lists [[1,2],[3,4]], in its full form, would be:

List.cons<List(Nat)>(List.cons<Nat>(1, List.cons<Nat>(2, List.nil<Nat>)),
List.cons<List(Nat)>(List.cons<Nat>(3, List.cons<Nat>(4, List.nil<Nat>)),

With holes, you can write just:

List.cons<_>(List.cons<_>(1, List.cons<_>(2, List.nil<_>)),
List.cons<_>(List.cons<_>(3, List.cons<_>(4, List.nil<_>)),

Moreover, single holes can be shortened as !. So it can also be written as:

List.cons!(List.cons!(1, List.cons!(2, List.nil!)),
List.cons!(List.cons!(3, List.cons!(4, List.nil!)),

Of course, in this particular example, we can also use &, which stands for List.cons!, and [], which stands for List.nil!, and write:

(1 & 2 & []) & (3 & 4 & [])

And, obviously, we can just use the list notation directly:

[[1, 2], [3, 4]]

But all the list syntaxes, and many others, use holes under the hoods.

Formality's holes work by unifying immediate values only. That is, whenever you'd have an error such as:

Expected: Bool
Detected: _

Formality will replace _ by Bool and try again. That is all it does, which means it does no complex unification. Turns out this covers all cases required to keep Formality's syntax clean and free from bloated type annotations, even things like equality rewrites and vectors, while also keeping the type-checker fast. But if you want more advanced hole-filling features as seen in Agda or Idris, Formality won't do that and you need explicit types.


log("foo", "bar")

The syntax above expands to:

Debug.log<_>("foo" | "bar", () body)

Formality's log feature works like Haskell's Debug.trace. It allows you to print a string at runtime. It is very useful for debugging and inspecting the execution of an algorithm. Note that the order that Debug.logs happen can change depending on the evaluation strategy used by the target language, so it isn't deterministic.

Pair extractor

let {x,y} = pair

The syntax above can be used to extract two elements of a single-constructor type with two fields (like Pair). It desugars to:

pair<() _>((x,y) body)

If, then, else

if bool then t else f

The syntax above is equivalent to a ternary operator. It evaluates the bool x and returns t if it is true, f otherwise. It expands to:

bool<() _>(t, f)

Do notation

do name {

Do blocks, or the do-notation, is extremely useful to "flatten" cascades of callbacks. In Formality, a do block requires the name of a monad and a series of statements. Inside it, you may use var x = monad to bind the result of a monadic computation to the name x. You may also write monad directly to execute a monadic computation and drop the result. You can also use local lets, as you'd expect. It will then be converted to a series of applications of Monad.bind and Monad.pure. For example,

ask_user_age: IO(Nat)
  do IO {
    var name = IO.get_line("What is your name?")
    IO.print("Welcome, " | name)
    var year = IO.get_line("When you were born?")
    let age = 2020 -

Is converted to:

Monad.bind<_>(IO.monad)<_,_>(IO.get_line("What is your name?"), (name)
Monad.bind<_>(IO.monad)<_,_>(IO.print(String.concat("Hello, ", name), ()
Monad.bind<_>(IO.monad)<_,_>(IO.get_line("When you were born?"), (year)
let age = 2020 -

Nat literal


A natural number can be written by its decimal notation. The literal above is expanded to:

Nat.succ(Nat.succ(Nat.succ ... 42 times ... (

For efficiency purposes, Formality's type-checker keeps Nat literals represented as BigInts until they are needed for type-checking purposes. Also, Formality compiles every Nat (not just literals) to efficient BigInts, when available on the target language.

Uint literal


The literals above can be used to create uints of 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits respectivelly. So, for example:

num: U32

Is a 32-bit unsigned integer. These aren't primitive either. The code above is expanded to:

num: U32

Which uses the standard library Nat.to_u32 function to convert a Nat to an U32, which is itself represented using the Word type, which is itself a list of bits of statically known length:

type Word ~ (size: Nat) {
  e                              ~ (size:,
  o<size: Nat>(pred: Word(size)) ~ (size: Nat.succ(size)),
  i<size: Nat>(pred: Word(size)) ~ (size: Nat.succ(size)),

Obviously Nat.to_u32 is optimized by the compiler, so that uint literals become just numeric literals on the target language.

Char literal


A character literal is written with '. Characters aren't primitive in Formality. Instead, they're represented as 16-bit words, using the Word(16) type. As such, the character literal expands to:


For efficiency reasons, Formality's type-checker keeps characters represented as ints in memory and only unrolls if necessary. Moreover, all characters are compiled to Uint16 or equivalent when available in the target language.

String literal


A string literal is written with ". Strings aren't primitives in Formality either. Instead, they are represented as:

type String {
  cons(head: Char, tail: String),

Note that Strings aren't the same as List(Char). They're a new datatype in order to make efficient compilation simpler. Formality's type-checker expands string literals to strings when needed. For example, "Hello" is expanded to:

String.cons('h', "ello")

If the first character is required for type-checking purposes (such as when doing dependent macros, or implementing printf()). Strings are compiled to native strings when available.

String concatenation

xs | ys

The code above expands to:

String.concat(xs, ys)

It concatenates two strings as one.

New pair

{1, "foo"}

Pair literals can be used as a shortcut to write pairs. They are expanded to:<_,_>(1, "foo")

New sigma

1 ~ refl literals can be used to write sigmas, or dependent pairs. They are expanded to:<_,_>(1, refl)

With as defined on the base library.

Sigma type

{x: A} B(x)

Sigma literals can be used to write sigma types or dependent pairs. They are expanded to:

Sigma(A, (x) B(x))

With Sigma as defined in the base library. In the same way that forall (aka Pi, aka the dependent function type) can be read as "forall", Sigmas can be read as "there exists". So, for example, the program below:

there_is_an_even_nat: {x: Nat} (x % 2) == 0
  0 ~ refl

Can be read as there exists a x:Nat such that x mod 2 is equal to zero. Sigmas can also be used to create subset types:

EvenNat: Type
  {x: Nat} (x % 2) == 0

Equal type

a == b

The syntax above expands to:

Equal(_, a, b)

It is the type of propositional equality proofs. It is not a boolean equality operator.

refl is the constructor of Equal and provides an evidence of syntactically equal expressions.

Not equal type

a != b

The syntax above expands to:

Not(Equal(_, a, b))

It is the type of propositional inequality proofs. It is not a boolean inequality operator.



The syntax above expands to:




The syntax above expands to:


List literal

[1, 2, 3]

The syntax above expands to:

List.cons<_>(1, List.cons<_>(2, List.cons<_>(3, List.nil<_>)))

List consing

1 & list

The syntax above expands to:

List.cons<_>(1, list)

It adds an element to the beginning of a list.

List concatenation

xs ++ ys

The syntax above expands to:

List.concat<_>(xs, ys)

It concatenates two lists as one.


apply(f, e)

The syntax above expands to:



value :: rewrite x in type with e

The syntax above expands to:

Equal.rewrite<_,_,_, (x) type>(e, value)

Using Equal.rewrite as defined on It allows rewritting the type of an expression based on an equality proof. For example, suppose you have the following values in your context:

eq: 10 == 5 + 5
xs: Vector(Nat, 10)

Then you can use rewrite to "cast" the type of xs:

let ys = xs :: rewrite x in Vector(Nat, x) with e

And then you'll have:

eq: 10 == 5 + 5
xs: Vector(Nat, 10)
ys: Vector(Nat, 5 + 5)

In your context. Notice that ys is just xs, except with the type changed to replace 10 by 5 + 5. You can always rewrite inside types if you have a proof that the substituted expressions are equal.

For in

for x in list with state:

The for-in syntax can be used to update a state continuously, for each element of a list. For example:

let sum = 0
for n in [1, 2, 3] with sum:
  sum + n

The code above will add all the elements in the [1,2,3] list, resulting in 6. Loops aren't primitives. Instead, the code above is expanded to:

let sum = 0
List.for(_, [1,2,3], _, 0, (n, sum) Nat.add(sum, n))

Let for in

for x in list:
  state = loop

Similar to the syntax above, but allows you to assign the result of the loop to a local variable, instead of returning it. For example:

let sum = 0
for n in [1, 2, 3]:
  sum = sum + n
sum * 2

Adds all the numbers in the [1, 2, 3] list, and then returns the double of that sum (i.e., 12). It expands to:

let sum = 0
let sum = List.for(_, [1,2,3], _, 0, (n,sum) Nat.add(sum, n))

For range

for x in from .. upto:

Like for-in, but operates on numeric ranges instead of lists.

Let for range

for x in from .. upto:
  state = loop

Like let-for-in, but operates on numeric ranges instead of lists.

Numeric operation

24 + 24
84 - 24
24 * 2
84 / 2
128 % 43

The expressions above are desugared to:

Nat.add(24, 24)
Nat.sub(84, 24)
Nat.mul(24, 2)
Nat.div(84, 2)
Nat.mod(128, 43)

Operators in Formality have no precedence and are always right associative. That means, for example, a * b + c - d is parsed as (((a * b) + c) - d).