The BrightEyes Microscope Control Software Low-Level is a collections of firmwares for NI FPGA in order to be used with BrightEyes-MCS. Documentation and usage you can find in BrightEyes-MCS repository.
Copyright (C) 2023 Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Author: Mattia Donato
Credits to: Marco Castello, Giorgio Tortarolo, Simonluca Piazza, Eli Slenders
Closed-Source Firmware License Agreement: This license grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable permission to download and utilize our proprietary firmware free of charge. However, you are required to use this firmware exclusively in conjunction with open-source software, such as BrightEyes-MCS. Modifying, distributing, or employing it with closed-source software is strictly prohibited. We actively endorse and support the use of this firmware in educational institutions, including schools, universities, as well as in both public and private research organizations. All rights to the firmware are retained by us. The firmware is provided "as is" with absolutely no warranty. We disclaim all liability for any damages. This license may be terminated at your discretion or by us. Your use of the firmware signifies your agreement to this Agreement.
If you have bugs to report or you have requests for adding or modifying firmware functionalities, please feel free to contact us. We are open to collaborations!