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{"code":{"0":"ECE326H1","1":"ECE241H1","2":"ECE243H1","3":"ECE244H1","4":"ECE295H1","5":"ECE297H1","6":"ECE302H1","7":"ECE302H1","8":"ECE311H1","9":"ECE311H1","10":"ECE313H1","11":"ECE314H1","12":"ECE316H1","13":"ECE316H1","14":"ECE318H1","15":"ECE320H1","16":"ECE367H1","17":"ECE330H1","18":"ECE331H1","19":"ECE334H1","20":"ECE334H1","21":"ECE335H1","22":"ECE342H1","23":"ECE344H1","24":"ECE344H1","25":"ECE345H1","26":"ECE345H1","27":"ECE201H1","28":"ECE212H1","29":"ECE216H1","30":"ECE221H1","31":"ECE231H1","32":"ECE470H1","33":"ECE470H1","34":"ECE361H1","35":"ECE361H1","36":"ECE454H1","37":"ECE368H1","38":"ECE410H1","39":"ECE411H1","40":"ECE412H1","41":"ECE417H1","42":"ECE419H1","43":"ECE421H1","44":"ECE421H1","45":"ECE422H1","46":"ECE424H1","47":"ECE427H1","48":"ECE430H1","49":"ECE431H1","50":"ECE437H1","51":"ECE444H1","52":"ECE446H1","53":"ECE448H1","54":"ECE552H1","55":"ECE461H1","56":"ECE462H1","57":"ECE463H1","58":"ECE464H1","59":"ECE466H1","60":"ECE469H1","61":"ECE472H1","62":"ECE472H1","63":"ECE496Y1","64":"ECE499H1","65":"ECE499Y1","66":"ECE516H1","67":"ECE520H1","68":"ECE526H1","69":"ECE532H1","70":"ECE537H1","71":"ECE568H1","72":"ECE568H1","73":"MAT290H1","74":"MAT291H1"},"name":{"0":"Programming Languages","1":"Digital Systems","2":"Computer Organization","3":"Programming Fundamentals","4":"Hardware Design and Communication","5":"Software Design and Communication","6":"Probability and Applications","7":"Probability and Applications","8":"Introduction to Control Systems","9":"Introduction to Control Systems","10":"Energy Systems and Distributed Generation","11":"Fundamentals of Electrical Energy Systems","12":"Communication Systems","13":"Communication Systems","14":"Fundamentals of Optics","15":"Fields and Waves","16":"Matrix Algebra and Optimization","17":"Quantum and Semiconductor Physics","18":"Analog Electronics","19":"Digital Electronics","20":"Digital Electronics","21":"Introduction to Electronic Devices","22":"Computer Hardware","23":"Operating Systems","24":"Operating Systems","25":"Algorithms and Data Structures","26":"Algorithms and Data Structures","27":"Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar","28":"Circuit Analysis","29":"Signals and Systems","30":"Electric and Magnetic Fields","31":"Introductory Electronics","32":"Robot Modeling and Control","33":"Robot Modeling and Control","34":"Computer Networks I","35":"Computer Networks I","36":"Computer Systems Programming","37":"Probabilistic Reasoning","38":"Linear Control Systems","39":"Real-Time Computer Control","40":"Analog Signal Processing Circuits","41":"Digital Communication","42":"Distributed Systems","43":"Introduction to Machine Learning","44":"Introduction to Machine Learning","45":"Radio and Microwave Wireless Systems","46":"Microwave Circuits","47":"Photonic Devices","48":"Analog Integrated Circuits","49":"Digital Signal Processing","50":"VLSI Technology","51":"Software Engineering","52":"Sensory Communication","53":"Biocomputation","54":"Computer Architecture","55":"Internetworking","56":"Multimedia Systems","57":"Electric Drives","58":"Wireless Communication","59":"Computer Networks II","60":"Optical Communications and Networks","61":"Engineering Economic Analysis & Entrepreneurship","62":"Engineering Economic Analysis & Entrepreneurship","63":"Design Project","64":"Research Thesis","65":"Research Thesis","66":"Intelligent Image Processing","67":"Power Electronics","68":"Power System Protection and Automation","69":"Digital Systems Design","70":"Random Processes","71":"Computer Security","72":"Computer Security","73":"Advanced Engineering Mathematics","74":"Calculus III"},"description":{"0":"Study of programming styles and paradigms. Included are object-oriented scripting functional and logic-based approaches. Languages that support these programming styles will be introduced. Languages treated include Python, Lisp or Scheme and Prolog.","1":"Digital logic circuit design with substantial hands-on laboratory work. Algebraic and truth table representation of logic functions and variables. Optimizations of combinational logic, using \"don't cares.\" Multi-level logic optimization. Transistor-level design of logic gates; propagation delay and timing of gates and circuits. The Verilog hardware description language. Memory in digital circuits, including latches, clocked flip-flops, and Static Random Access Memory. Set-up and hold times of sequential logic. Finite state machines - design and implementation. Binary number representation, hardware addition and multiplication. Tri-state gates, and multiplexers. There is a major lab component using Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and associated computer-aided design software.","2":"Basic computer structure. Design of central processing unit. Hardwired control. Input-output and the use of interrupts. Assembly language programming. Main memory organization and caches. Peripherals and interfacing. System design considerations. The laboratory will consist of experiments involving logic systems and microprocessors and a large open project. Design activity constitutes a major portion of laboratory work.","3":"Provides a foundation in programming using an object-oriented programming language. Topics include: classes and objects, inheritance, exception handling, basic data structures (lists, tree, etc.), big-O complexity analysis, and testing and debugging. The laboratory assignments emphasize the use of object-oriented programming constructs in the design and implementation of reasonably large programs.","4":"By the end of this course, students will be able to:1. Work in a team environment in developing a complex hardware project;2. Intepret design specifications and translate them into a design that attempts to achieve them;3. Be familiar with agile methods in hardware development, and apply ideas from these methods in their own design process with their team;4. Demonstrate proficiency using computer aided design (CAD) and electronic design automation (EDA) techniques for hardware development, in particular, schematic capture and printed circuit board layout tools;5. Demonstrate ability to solder components, familiarity with surface-mount technology, and awareness of the restriction of hazardous substances directive (RoHS);6. Be familiar with electrostatic discharge (ESD) handling guidelines and protection;7. Confidently use using laboratory instruments and apply them for testing circuits and systems;8. Assemble instruments and controlling software for the purpose of automated hardware testing (test automation);9. Be aware of standards and regulatory compliance when pursuing industrial design; and10. Demonstrate confidence preparing oral presentations and written documents on technical engineering hardware design.","5":"An introduction to engineering design processes, illustrated by the design and implementation of a software system, and to effective oral and written communication in a team context. Principles of software design, project management and teamwork are developed in the lectures and tutorials, and students apply these concepts in the laboratories as they work in a team to design and implement a complex software system. Students learn and practice oral and written communication techniques in lectures and in meetings with their communication instructor, and apply these techniques in a variety of documents and presentations, such as short status reports and longer design proposals and design reviews.","6":"Events, sample space, axioms of probability. Discrete and continuous random variables, distribution and density functions. Bernoulli trials, Binomial, geometric, Poisson, exponential and Gaussian distributions.Expectation, moments, characteristic function and correlation coefficient. Functions of random variables. Random vectors, joint distributions, transformations. Applications will be chosen from communication theory, estimation and hypothesis testing, predictive analytics and other areas of electrical and computer engineering.","7":"Events, sample space, axioms of probability. Discrete and continuous random variables, distribution and density functions. Bernoulli trials, Binomial, geometric, Poisson, exponential and Gaussian distributions.Expectation, moments, characteristic function and correlation coefficient. Functions of random variables. Random vectors, joint distributions, transformations. Applications will be chosen from communication theory, estimation and hypothesis testing, predictive analytics and other areas of electrical and computer engineering.","8":"An introduction to dynamic systems and their control. Differential equation models of mechanical, electrical, and electromechanical systems. State variable form. Linearization of nonlinear models and transfer functions. Use of Laplace transform to solve ordinary differential equations. Conversion of models from state variable form to transfer function representation and vice versa. Block diagrams and their manipulation. Time response: transient analysis and performance measures. Properties of feedback control systems. Steady state tracking:the notion of system type. The concept of stability of feedback systems, Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion. Frequency response and stability in the frequency domain. Root locus. Bode and Nyquist plots and their use in feedback control design.","9":"An introduction to dynamic systems and their control. Differential equation models of mechanical, electrical, and electromechanical systems. State variable form. Linearization of nonlinear models and transfer functions. Use of Laplace transform to solve ordinary differential equations. Conversion of models from state variable form to transfer function representation and vice versa. Block diagrams and their manipulation. Time response: transient analysis and performance measures. Properties of feedback control systems. Steady state tracking:the notion of system type. The concept of stability of feedback systems, Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion. Frequency response and stability in the frequency domain. Root locus. Bode and Nyquist plots and their use in feedback control design.","10":"Three-phase systems; steady-state transmission line model; symmetrical three-phase faults; power system stability; symmetrical components; unsymmetrical faults and fault current calculation; distribution network; equivalent steady-state model of voltage-sourced converter; distributed energy resources (DR); distributed energy storage; interface between DR and power system.","11":"Introduction to 3-phase systems, single line diagrams and complex power flow. Energy conversion via switch-mode power electronic circuits: DC\/DC converters, DC\/AC converters. Energy conversions via magnetic devices: Faraday's law for time varying fields, characterization of hysteresis and eddy current losses in magnetic materials, modelling of magnetic circuits, transformer and inductor modelling and design. Introduction to electromechanical energy conversion: Lorentz Force, concepts of energy, co-energy, forces between ferromagnetic materials carrying flux, simple magnetic actuators.","12":"An introductory course in analog and digital communication systems. Analog and digital signals. Signal representation and Fourier transforms; energy and power spectral densities; bandwidth. Distortionless analog communication; amplitude, frequency and phase modulation systems; frequency division multiplexing. Sampling, quantization and pulse code modulation (PCM). Baseband digital communication; intersymbol interference (ISI); Nyquist's ISI criterion; eye diagrams. Passband digital communications; amplitude-, phase- and frequency-shift keying; signal constellations. Performance analysis of analog modulation schemes in the presence of noise. Performance analysis of PCM in noise.","13":"An introductory course in analog and digital communication systems. Analog and digital signals. Signal representation and Fourier transforms; energy and power spectral densities; bandwidth. Distortionless analog communication; amplitude, frequency and phase modulation systems; frequency division multiplexing. Sampling, quantization and pulse code modulation (PCM). Baseband digital communication; intersymbol interference (ISI); Nyquist's ISI criterion; eye diagrams. Passband digital communications; amplitude-, phase- and frequency-shift keying; signal constellations. Performance analysis of analog modulation schemes in the presence of noise. Performance analysis of PCM in noise.","14":"Geometric Optics: Spherical surfaces, lenses and mirrors, optical imaging systems, matrix method, and aberrations. Polarization: Polarizer and polarizations, anisotropic materials, dichroism, birefringence, index ellipsoid, waveplates, optical activity, Faraday effect. Interference: superposition of waves, longitudinal and transverse coherence, Young's double-slit experiment, Michelson and Fabry-Perot interferometer, thin-films. Diffraction and Fourier Optics: diffraction theory, single and double slits, diffraction gratings, spatial filtering, basic optical signal processing. (Background preparation in ECE320H1 F - Fields and Waves, or ECE357H1 S - Electromagnetic Fields, is strongly recommended.)","15":"Voltage and current waves on a general transmission line, reflections from the load and source, transients on the line, and Smith's chart. Maxwell's equations, electric and magnetic fields wave equations, boundary conditions, plane wave propagation, reflection and transmission at boundaries, constitutive relations, dispersion, polarization; Poynting vector; waveguides.","16":"This course will provide students with a grounding in optimization methods and the matrix algebra upon which they are based. The first past of the course focuses on fundamental building blocks in linear algebra and their geometric interpretation: matrices, their use to represent data and as linear operators, and the matrix decompositions (such as eigen-, spectral-, and singular-vector decompositions) that reveal structural and geometric insight. The second part of the course focuses on optimization, both unconstrained and constrained, linear and non-linear, as well as convex and nonconvex; conditions for local and global optimality, as well as basic classes of optimization problems are discussed. Applications from machine learning, signal processing, and engineering are used to illustrate the techniques developed.","17":"The course introduces the principles of quantum physics and uses them to understand the behaviour of semiconductors. Topics to be covered include wave-particle duality, Schrodinger's equation, energy quantization, quantum mechanical tunnelling, electrons in crystalline semiconductors and other physical concepts that form the basis for nanotechnology, microelectronics, and optoelectronics.","18":"Transistor amplifiers, including: differential and multistage amplifiers, integrated circuit biasing techniques, output stage design and IC amplifier building blocks. Frequency response of amplifiers at low, medium and high frequencies. Feedback amplifier analysis. Stability and compensation techniques for amplifiers using negative feedback.","19":"Digital design techniques for integrated circuits. The emphasis will be on the design of logic gates at the transistor level. A number of different logic families will be described, but CMOS will be emphasized. Review of: device modeling, IC processing, and Spice simulation, simplified layout rules, inverter noise margins, transient response, and power dissipation, traditional CMOS logic design, transmission gates, RC timing approximations, input-output circuits, latches and flipflops, counters and adders, decoders and muxes, dynamic gates, SRAMs, DRAMs, and EEPROMs.","20":"Digital design techniques for integrated circuits. The emphasis will be on the design of logic gates at the transistor level. A number of different logic families will be described, but CMOS will be emphasized. Review of: device modeling, IC processing, and Spice simulation, simplified layout rules, inverter noise margins, transient response, and power dissipation, traditional CMOS logic design, transmission gates, RC timing approximations, input-output circuits, latches and flipflops, counters and adders, decoders and muxes, dynamic gates, SRAMs, DRAMs, and EEPROMs.","21":"Electrical behaviour of semiconductor structures and devices. Metal-semiconductor contacts; pn junctions, diodes, photodetectors, LED's; bipolar junction transistors, Ebers-Moll and hybrid-pi models; field effect transistors, MOSFET, JFET\/MESFET structures and models; thyristors and semiconductor lasers.","22":"Arithmetic circuits, cubical representation of logic functions, digital system design, timing analysis, design of asynchronous circuits, testing of logic circuits.","23":"Operating system structures, concurrency, synchronization, deadlock, CPU scheduling, memory management, file systems. The laboratory exercises will require implementation of part of an operating system.","24":"Operating system structures, concurrency, synchronization, deadlock, CPU scheduling, memory management, file systems. The laboratory exercises will require implementation of part of an operating system.","25":"Design and analysis of algorithms and data structures that are essential to engineers in every aspect of the computer hardware and software industry. Recurrences, asymptotics, summations, trees and graphs. Sorting, search trees and balanced search trees, amortized analysis, hash functions, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, basic graph algorithms, minimum spanning trees, shortest paths, introduction to NP completeness and new trends in algorithms and data structures.","26":"Design and analysis of algorithms and data structures that are essential to engineers in every aspect of the computer hardware and software industry. Recurrences, asymptotics, summations, trees and graphs. Sorting, search trees and balanced search trees, amortized analysis, hash functions, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, basic graph algorithms, minimum spanning trees, shortest paths, introduction to NP completeness and new trends in algorithms and data structures.","27":"This seminar introduces second year students to the various career pathways within the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Instructors from various areas will talk about third and fourth year ECE courses in weekly seminars to guide students with the selection of upper year courses. The course also offers talks and advice to aid students transitioning into second year, as well as enhance students' skills such as stress management and time management. This course will be offered on a credit\/no credit basis. Credit will not be given to students who attend fewer than 70% of the seminars. Students who receive no credit for the course must re-take it in their 3F session. Students who have not received credit for this course at the end of their 3F session will not be permitted to register for their 3S session.","28":"Nodal and loop analysis and network theorems. Natural and forced response of RL, RC, and RLC circuits. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis. Frequency response; resonance phenomena; poles and zeros; applications of the Laplace transform.","29":"Fundamental discrete- and continuous-time signals, definition and properties of systems, linearity and time invariance, convolution, impulse response, differential and difference equations, Fourier analysis, sampling and aliasing, applications in communications.","30":"The fundamental laws of electromagnetics are covered, including Coulomb's law, Gauss' law, Poisson's and Laplace's equations, the Biot-Savart law, Ampere's law, Faraday's law, and Maxwell's equations. Vector calculus is applied to determine the relationship between the electric and magnetic fields and their sources (charges and currents). The interaction of the fields with material media will be discussed, including resistance, polarization in dielectrics, magnetization in magnetic materials, properties of magnetic materials and boundary conditions. Other topics include: electric and magnetic forces, the electric potential, capacitance and inductance, electric and magnetic energy, magnetic circuits, and boundary-value problems.","31":"An introduction to electronic circuits using operational amplifiers, diodes, bipolar junction transistors and field-effect transistors.","32":"Classification of robot manipulators, kinematic modeling, forward and inverse kinematics, velocity kinematics, path planning, point-to-point trajectory planning, dynamic modeling, Euler-Lagrange equations, inverse dynamics, joint control, computed torque control, passivity-based control, feedback linearization.","33":"Classification of robot manipulators, kinematic modeling, forward and inverse kinematics, velocity kinematics, path planning, point-to-point trajectory planning, dynamic modeling, Euler-Lagrange equations, inverse dynamics, joint control, computed torque control, passivity-based control, feedback linearization.","34":"Layered network architectures; overview of TCP\/IP protocol suite. Introduction to sockets; introduction to application layer protocols. Peer-to-Peer Protocols: ARQ; TCP reliable stream service; flow control. Data Link Controls: Framing; PPP; HDLC. Medium access control and LANs: Aloha; Ethernet; Wireless LANs; Bridges. Packet Switching: Datagram and virtual circuit switching; Shortest path algorithms; Distance vector and link state algorithms.","35":"Layered network architectures; overview of TCP\/IP protocol suite. Introduction to sockets; introduction to application layer protocols. Peer-to-Peer Protocols: ARQ; TCP reliable stream service; flow control. Data Link Controls: Framing; PPP; HDLC. Medium access control and LANs: Aloha; Ethernet; Wireless LANs; Bridges. Packet Switching: Datagram and virtual circuit switching; Shortest path algorithms; Distance vector and link state algorithms.","36":"Fundamental techniques for programming computer systems, with an emphasis on obtaining good performance. Topics covered include: how to measure and understand program and execution and behaviour, how to get the most out of an optimizing compiler, how memory is allocated and managed, and how to exploit caches and the memory hierarchy. Furthermore, current trends in multicore, multithreaded and data parallel hardware, and how to exploit parallelism in their programs will be covered.","37":"This course will focus on different classes of probabilistic models and how, based on those models, one deduces actionable information from data. The course will start by reviewing basic concepts of probability including random variables and first and second-order statistics. Building from this foundation the course will then cover probabilistic models including vectors (e.g., multivariate Gaussian), temporal (e.g., stationarity and hidden Markov models), and graphical (e.g., factor graphs). On the inference side topics such as hypothesis testing, marginalization, estimation, and message passing will be covered. Applications of these tools cover a vast range of data processing domains including machine learning, communications, search, recommendation systems, finance, robotics and navigation.","38":"State space analysis of linear systems, the matrix exponential, linearization of nonlinear systems. Structural properties of linear systems: stability, controllability, observability, stabilizability, and detectability. Pole assignment using state feedback, state estimation using observers, full-order and reduced-order observer design, design of feedback compensators using the separation principle, control design for tracking. Control design based on optimization, linear quadratic optimal control, the algebraic Riccati equation. Laboratory experiments include computer-aided design using MATLAB and the control of an inverted pendulum on a cart.","39":"Digital Control analysis and design by state-space methods. Introduction to scheduling of control tasks using fixed-priority protocols. Labs include control design using MATLAB and Simulink, and computer control of the inverted pendulum using a PC with real-time software.","40":"This course will provide students with an overview of continuous-time and discrete-time signal processing techniques, and the analysis and design of analog and mixed-signal circuit building blocks used in modern electronic systems. Topics covered include: analysis, specification, simulation, and design of continuous-time filters with linear transconductors and op-amps; phase-domain model, noise model, and design methodology for low phase noise Phase Lock Loops and associated building blocks (VCO, phase-frequency detector, charge pump); discrete-time signal analysis using z-transform; discrete-time filter design based on switched capacitors; as well as fundamentals, architectures, building blocks, and characterization techniques for digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters.","41":"Basic concepts of digital communication. Baseband data transmission, intersymbol interference, Nyquist pulse shaping, equalization, line coding, multi-path fading, diversity. Binary and M-ary modulation schemes, synchronization. Signal space concepts, optimum receivers, coherent and noncoherent detectors. Information theory, source encoding, error control coding, block and convolutional codes.","42":"Design issues in distributed systems: heterogeneity, security, transparency, concurrency, fault-tolerance; networking principles; request-reply protocol; remote procedure calls; distributed objects; middleware architectures; CORBA; security and authentication protocols; distributed file systems; name services; global states in distributed systems; coordination and agreement; transactions and concurrency control; distributed transactions; replication.","43":"An Introduction to the basic theory, the fundamental algorithms, and the computational toolboxes of machine learning. The focus is on a balanced treatment of the practical and theoretical approaches, along with hands on experience with relevant software packages. Supervised learning methods covered in the course will include: the study of linear models for classification and regression, neural networks and support vector machines. Unsupervised learning methods covered in the course will include: principal component analysis, k-means clustering, and Gaussian mixture models. Theoretical topics will include: bounds on the generalization error, bias-variance tradeoffs and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension. Techniques to control overfitting, including regularization and validation, will be covered.","44":"An Introduction to the basic theory, the fundamental algorithms, and the computational toolboxes of machine learning. The focus is on a balanced treatment of the practical and theoretical approaches, along with hands on experience with relevant software packages. Supervised learning methods covered in the course will include: the study of linear models for classification and regression, neural networks and support vector machines. Unsupervised learning methods covered in the course will include: principal component analysis, k-means clustering, and Gaussian mixture models. Theoretical topics will include: bounds on the generalization error, bias-variance tradeoffs and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension. Techniques to control overfitting, including regularization and validation, will be covered.","45":"Analysis and design of systems employing radio waves, covering both the underlying electromagnetics and the overall system performance aspects such as signal-to-noise ratios. Transmission\/reception phenomena include: electromagnetic wave radiation and polarization; elementary and linear dipoles; directivity, gain, efficiency; integrated, phased-array and aperture antennas; beam-steering; Friis transmission formula and link budget. Propagation phenomena include: diffraction and wave propagation over obstacles; multipath propagation; atmospheric and ionospheric effects. Receiver design aspects include: radio receiver architectures, receiver figures of merit, noise in cascaded systems, noise figure, and noise temperature. System examples are: terrestrial communication systems; satellite communications; radar; radiometric receivers; software-defined radio.","46":"Losses in conductors and dielectrics; RF and microwave transmission lines; transients on transmission lines; matching networks; planar transmission lines (microstrip, stripline, coplanar waveguide); design with scattering parameters; 3- and 4-port RF devices (power dividers\/combiners, couplers, isolators & circulators); coupled lines and devices; microwave active circuits (RF amplifiers, mixers, and receiver front ends); RF and microwave filters. The hands-on laboratories engage students in the design, simulation, fabrication, and test of practical passive and active microwave circuits using industry-standard RF\/microwave simulation tools and measurement systems.","47":"The human visual interface is rapidly evolving with the emergence of smart glasses, AR\/VR wearable display, and autonomous vehicles. This course examines the photonic devices and integrated systems that underline such technologies, and how they are shaped by human visual perception and acuity. Advanced integrated photonic systems in optical display and sensing will be deconstructed and the underlying fundamental concepts studied. Topics include introduction to: heads up and wearable display, optical lidar, optical fiber, waveguide circuits, holography, optical switches, light sources (LED, laser), detectors and imaging sensors.","48":"Review of MOSFET semiconductor device equations. Noise in electronic devices. Review of single-stage amplifiers and frequency response, including noise analysis. Basic CMOS op amp. Op amp compensation. Advanced op amp circuits: telescopic and folded-cascode op amps. Fully-differential op amps. Common mode feedback.","49":"An introductory course in digital filtering and applications. Introduction to real world signal processing. Review of sampling and quantization of signals. Introduction to the discrete Fourier transform and its properties. The fast Fourier transform. Fourier analysis of signals using the discrete Fourier transform. Structures for discrete-time systems. Design and realization of digital filters: finite and infinite impulse response filters. DSP applications in areas such as communications, multimedia, video coding, human computer interaction and medicine.","50":"The introduction to VLSI fabrication techniques, integrated circuit designs and advanced semiconductor devices will give a proper perspective of the past, present and future trends in the VLSI industry. Following the evolution of MOS and bipolar devices, digital and analog CMOS, BiCMOS, deep submicron CMOS, SOI-CMOS, RF-CMOS and HV-CMOS technologies will be studied. Special attention will be given to the physical scaling limits such as short channel effects. In addition, CAD tools and design methodology for the development of advanced semiconductor devices and integrated circuits will be introduced in the laboratory environment. These include the simulation of device fabrication, device characteristics, device modeling, circuit layout, design verification. Finally, advanced technology such as GaN HEMTs, graphene devices, carbon nano-tube devices, power devices, heterojunctions, InP and GaSb HBTs will also be studied.","51":"The software development process. Software requirements and specifications. Software design techniques. Techniques for developing large software systems; CASE tools and software development environments. Software testing, documentation and maintenance.","52":"Physical acoustics, acoustic measurements, electroacoustic transducers, and physiological acoustics. Speech processing, speech recognition algorithms and signal processing by the auditory system. Engineering aspects of acoustic design. Electrical models of acoustic systems. Noise, noise-induced hearing loss, and noise control. Introduction to vision and other modalities. Musical and psychoacoustics.","53":"Modern technologies in the biosciences generate tremendous amounts of biological data ranging from genomic sequences to protein structures to gene expression. Biocomputations are the computer algorithms used to reveal the hidden patterns within this data. Course topics include basic concepts in molecular cell biology, pairwise sequence alignment, multiple sequence alignment, fast alignment algorithms, deep learning approaches, phylogentic prediction, structure-based computational methods, gene finding and annotation.","54":"Performance analysis and metrics and cost. Instruction set architectures. Instruction-level parallelism: pipelining, superscalar, dynamic scheduling, VLIW processors. Data-level prallelism: vector processors, GPUs. Thread-level parallelism: multiprocessors, multi-core, coherence, simultaneous multi-threading. Memory hierarchies: caches and virtual memory support. Simulation tools and methods. Limited Enrollment.","55":"This course will cover the fundamentals of protocols for packet switching networks with emphasis on Internet type of networks including the following topics: the Internetworking concept and architectural model; data link layer (Ethernet and PPP); service interface; Internet addresses; address resolution protocol; Internet protocol (connectionless datagram delivery); routing IP datagrams; Internet control message protocol (error and control messages); subnet and supernet address extensions; ping program; traceroute program; user datagram protocol; reliable stream transport service (TCP); the socket interface; routing (GGP, EGP, IP, OSPF, HELLO); Internet multicasting; domain name system; applications such as HTTP, electronic mail, and SNMP; Internet security and firewall design; Ipv6, RSVP, flows, and ISIP.","56":"Topics in the engineering area of multimedia systems with particular emphasis on the theory, design features, performance, complexity analysis, optimization and application of multimedia engineering technologies. Topics include sound\/audio, image and video characterization, compression, source entropy and hybrid coding, transform coding, wavelet-based coding, motion estimation, JPEG coding, digital video coding, MPEG-1\/2 coding, content-based processing, and MPEG-7.","57":"Electro-mechanical mechanisms for force and torque production in rotating machines. DC machine theory and DC machine dynamics, synchronous machines and their dynamics, stepper motors. Introduction to space vectors and vector control of AC machines. Steady state and variable speed operation of the induction machine via V\/f control.","58":"The radio medium, radio communication system examples. Link budget: cable losses, propagation loss, antenna gains. Basic concepts of propagation: path loss, multi-path propagation and fading. Raleigh and Rician fading models, Doppler shift, delay spread, coherence time and coherence bandwidth of the channel. Analog modulation schemes and their bandwidths. Digital modulation schemes and their bandwidths and bit rates: BPSK, QPSK, MSK, GMSK. Basic concepts of speech coding. Error correction coding, interleaving, and multiple access frame structure. The physical layer description of the AMPS, IS-54, and GSM cellular systems. The cellular concept: frequency re-use, re-use cluster concept. Channel allocation. Cellular system architecture for AMPS, IS-54, and GSM. Hand-offs and transmitter power control. Cellular traffic, call blocking, concept of Erlangs. Basic ideas in spread spectrum modulation, spreading codes, bit error probability. Orthogonal and non-orthogonal CDMA Basic concepts in CDMA networks.","59":"Traffic modeling; network calculus; traffic classification; traffic regulation: shaping, filtering, policing, leaky bucket; queueing systems; scheduling; quality of service: Diffserv and IntServ\/RSVP; multi-protocol label switching; call admission control \/ congestion control; switching; pricing; optical networks.","60":"This course provides an introduction to optical communication systems and networks at the system and functional level. Applications range from telecommunication networks (short to long haul) to computing networks (chip-to-chip, on chip communications, optical backplanes). Basic principles of optical transmission and associated components used for transmission of light and optical networks; system design tools for optical links; multi-service system requirements; optical network design tools (routing and wavelength assignment), network management and survivability.","61":"The economic evaluation and justification of engineering projects and investment proposals are discussed. Cost concepts; financial and cost accounting; depreciation; the time value of money and compound interest; inflation; capital budgeting; equity, bond and loan financing; income tax and after-tax cash flow in engineering project proposals; measures of economic merit in the public sector; sensitivity and risk analysis. Applications: evaluations of competing engineering project alternatives; replacement analysis; economic life of assets; lease versus buy decisions; break-even and sensitivity analysis. Entrepreneurship and the Canadian business environment will be discussed.","62":"The economic evaluation and justification of engineering projects and investment proposals are discussed. Cost concepts; financial and cost accounting; depreciation; the time value of money and compound interest; inflation; capital budgeting; equity, bond and loan financing; income tax and after-tax cash flow in engineering project proposals; measures of economic merit in the public sector; sensitivity and risk analysis. Applications: evaluations of competing engineering project alternatives; replacement analysis; economic life of assets; lease versus buy decisions; break-even and sensitivity analysis. Entrepreneurship and the Canadian business environment will be discussed.","63":"A full year capstone design project course intended to give students an opportunity to apply their technical knowledge and communication skills. Working in teams under the direct supervision of a faculty member, students develop a design project of their choice from an initial concept to a final working prototype. In the first session, a project proposal is submitted early on, followed by a project requirements specification. A design review meeting is then held to review the proposed design. Lectures given during the first session will develop expertise in various areas related to design and technical communication. In the second session, the teams present their work in a number of ways, including an oral presentation, a poster presentation, a final demonstration at the Design Fair, an individual progress report, and a group final report. Course deliverables are evaluated by both the team's supervisor and one of several course administrators.","64":"The course consists of a research project conducted under the supervision of an ECE faculty member. Research projects must be arranged individually between the student and a supervising faculty member, subject to the approval of the Associate Chair, Undergraduate. The thesis should have a research focus. The student?s work must culminate in a final thesis document. The student is also required to submit a set of deliverables, including a proposal. The course may be undertaken only once, either in the Fall (F) or Winter (S) Session (0.5 weight), or as a full year (Y) course (1.0 weight).","65":"The course consists of a research project conducted under the supervision of an ECE faculty member. Research projects must be arranged individually between the student and a supervising faculty member, subject to the approval of the Associate Chair, Undergraduate. The thesis should have a research focus. The student?s work must culminate in a final thesis document. The student is also required to submit a set of deliverables, including a proposal. The course may be undertaken only once, either in the Fall (F) or Winter (S) Session (0.5 weight), or as a full year (Y) course (1.0 weight).","66":"This course provides the student with the fundamental knowledge needed in the rapidly growing field of Personal Cybernetics, including \"Wearable Computing\", \"Personal Technologies\", \"Human Computer Interaction (HCI),\" \"Mobile Multimedia,\" \"Augmented Reality,\" \"Mediated Reality,\" CyborgLogging,\" and the merging of communications devices such as portable telephones with computational and imaging devices. The focus is on fundamental aspects and new inventions for human-computer interaction. Topics to be covered include: mediated reality, Personal Safety Devices, lifelong personal video capture, the Eye Tap principle, collinearity criterion, comparametric equations, photoquantigraphic imaging, lightvector spaces, anti-homomorphic imaging, application of personal imaging to the visual arts, and algebraic projective geometry.","67":"Focuses on power electronic converters utilized in applications ranging from low-power mobile devices to higher power applications such as electric vehicles, server farms, microgrids, and renewable energy systems. Concepts covered include the principles of efficient electrical energy processing (dc-dc, dc\/ac, and ac\/ac) through switch-mode energy conversion, converter loss analysis, large- and small-signal modeling of power electronic circuits and controller design.","68":"Presents the concepts of short-circuit fault analysis, protective relaying, and automation in power systems. The course starts by discussing the causes and types of short-circuit faults using real-world examples. The consequences of faults for different power system components will be reviewed using event reports from field data. The method of symmetrical components for analyzing unbalanced three-phase systems will be introduced. Analytical methods and computer-based approaches for deriving fault voltages and currents will be discussed and the effect of system grounding during transient conditions, including faults, will be introduced. Students will also learn the concept of power system automation and its role in monitoring, protection. and control of modern power systems. Critical devices used in an automation system, such as breakers, relays, reclosers, capacitor bank controllers, and tap changer controllers will be presented.","69":"Advanced digital systems design concepts including project planning, design flows, embedded processors, hardware\/software interfacing and interactions, software drivers, embedded operating systems, memory interfaces, system-level timing analysis, clocking and clock domains. A significant design project is undertaken and implemented on an FPGA development board.","70":"Introduction to the principles and properties of random processes, with applications to communications, control systems, and computer science. Random vectors, random convergence, random processes, specifying random processes, Poisson and Gaussian processes, stationarity, mean square derivatives and integrals, ergodicity, power spectrum, linear systems with stochastic input, mean square estimation, Markov chains, recurrence, absorption, limiting and steady-state distributions, time reversibility, and balance equations.","71":"As computers permeate our society, the security of such computing systems is becoming of paramount importance. This course covers principles of computer systems security. To build secure systems, one must understand how attackers operate. This course starts by teaching students how to identify security vulnerabilities and how they can be exploited. Then techniques to create secure systems and defend against such attacks will be discussed. Industry standards for conducting security audits to establish levels of security will be introduced. The course will include an introduction to basic cryptographic techniques as well as hardware used to accelerate cryptographic operations in ATM's and webservers.","72":"As computers permeate our society, the security of such computing systems is becoming of paramount importance. This course covers principles of computer systems security. To build secure systems, one must understand how attackers operate. This course starts by teaching students how to identify security vulnerabilities and how they can be exploited. Then techniques to create secure systems and defend against such attacks will be discussed. Industry standards for conducting security audits to establish levels of security will be introduced. The course will include an introduction to basic cryptographic techniques as well as hardware used to accelerate cryptographic operations in ATM's and webservers.","73":"An introduction to complex variables and ordinary differential equations. Topics include: Laplace transforms, ordinary higher-order linear differential equations with constant coefficients; transform methods; complex numbers and the complex plane; complex functions; limits and continuity; derivatives and integrals; analytic functions and the Cauchy-Riemann equations; power series as analytic functions; the logarithmic and exponential functions; Cauchy's integral theorem, Laurent series, residues, Cauchy's integral formula, the Laplace transform as an analytic function. Examples are drawn from electrical systems.","74":"The chain rule for functions of several variables; the gradient. Multiple integrals; change of variables, Jacobians, line integrals, the divergence and curl of a vector field. Surface integrals; parametric and explicit representations, Divergence theorem and Stokes' theorem and applications from electromagnetic fields and Green's theorem."},"prereq":{"0":null,"1":null,"2":null,"3":"APS105H1","4":"ECE212H1, ECE241H1, ECE244H1","5":"APS105H1, ECE244H1","6":"MAT290H1 and MAT291H1 and ECE216H1","7":"MAT290H1 and MAT291H1 and ECE216H1","8":"MAT290H1, MAT291H1, ECE216H1","9":"MAT290H1, MAT291H1, ECE216H1","10":null,"11":"ECE212H1 and ECE221H1 and ECE231H1","12":"(MAT290H1, ECE216H1) \/(MAT389H1, ECE355H1)","13":"(MAT290H1, ECE216H1) \/(MAT389H1, ECE355H1)","14":"ECE221H1 or ECE259H1","15":"ECE221H1","16":"AER210H1\/MAT290H1, MAT185H1\/MAT188H1","17":"ECE221H1\/ECE231H1","18":"ECE212H1, ECE231H1","19":"ECE241H1 and ECE231H1 or ECE253H1 and ECE360H1","20":"ECE241H1 and ECE231H1 or ECE253H1 and ECE360H1","21":"MAT291H1 and ECE221H1 and ECE231H1","22":"ECE241H1 and ECE243H1","23":"ECE244H1 and ECE243H1","24":"ECE244H1 and ECE243H1","25":"ECE244H1 or equivalent with the permission of the Chair of the AI certificate\/minor.","26":"ECE244H1 or equivalent with the permission of the Chair of the AI certificate\/minor.","27":null,"28":null,"29":null,"30":null,"31":null,"32":"ECE311H1 or ECE356H1","33":"ECE311H1 or ECE356H1","34":"ECE286H1 or ECE302H1","35":"ECE286H1 or ECE302H1","36":null,"37":"ECE286H1\/ECE302H1","38":"ECE311H1","39":"ECE311H1 or ECE356H1","40":"ECE331H1 or ECE354H1","41":"ECE302H1 and ECE316H1, or ECE286H1","42":"ECE344H1 or ECE353H1","43":"ECE286H1\/STA286H1, ECE302H1\/MIE231H1\/CHE223H1\/MIE236H1\/MSE238H1","44":"ECE286H1\/STA286H1, ECE302H1\/MIE231H1\/CHE223H1\/MIE236H1\/MSE238H1","45":"ECE320H1 or ECE357H1","46":null,"47":"ECE318H1\/ECE320H1\/ECE357H1","48":"ECE331H1 or ECE354H1","49":null,"50":"(ECE331H1 or ECE334H1 or ECE354H1) and (ECE335H1 or ECE350H1)","51":"ECE344H1 or ECE353H1","52":null,"53":null,"54":"ECE243H1 or ECE352H1","55":"ECE361H1","56":null,"57":"ECE314H1\/ECE315H1\/ECE349H1\/ECE359H1, ECE311H1\/ECE356H1\/AER372H1","58":"ECE302H1 and ECE316H1 and ECE417H1, or ECE286H1 and ECE417H1","59":"ECE361H1","60":null,"61":null,"62":null,"63":null,"64":"Approval of Associate Chair, Undergraduate","65":"Approval of Associate Chair, Undergraduate","66":null,"67":"ECE314H1\/ECE349H1\/ECE359H1","68":"ECE313H1\/ECE314H1\/ECE349H1","69":"ECE342H1 or ECE352H1","70":"ECE286H1 and ECE355H1 or ECE302H1","71":"ECE344H1 or ECE353H1","72":"ECE344H1 or ECE353H1","73":null,"74":null},"coreq":{"0":null,"1":null,"2":null,"3":null,"4":null,"5":null,"6":null,"7":null,"8":null,"9":null,"10":null,"11":null,"12":null,"13":null,"14":null,"15":null,"16":null,"17":null,"18":null,"19":null,"20":null,"21":null,"22":null,"23":null,"24":null,"25":null,"26":null,"27":null,"28":null,"29":null,"30":null,"31":null,"32":null,"33":null,"34":"ECE302H1. (Students must take the co-requisite, ECE302H1 in the same term as ECE361H, OR in a term before taking ECE361H1.)","35":"ECE302H1. (Students must take the co-requisite, ECE302H1 in the same term as ECE361H, OR in a term before taking ECE361H1.)","36":null,"37":null,"38":null,"39":null,"40":null,"41":null,"42":null,"43":null,"44":null,"45":null,"46":null,"47":null,"48":null,"49":null,"50":null,"51":null,"52":null,"53":null,"54":null,"55":null,"56":null,"57":"ECE311H1\/ECE356H1\/AER372H1","58":null,"59":null,"60":null,"61":null,"62":null,"63":null,"64":null,"65":null,"66":null,"67":null,"68":null,"69":null,"70":"ECE355H1 (can be taken at the same time as ECE537H1)","71":null,"72":null,"73":null,"74":null},"exclusion":{"0":"CSC324H1, CSC326H1","1":null,"2":null,"3":null,"4":"ECE297H1","5":"ECE295H1","6":"ECE286H1","7":"ECE286H1","8":null,"9":null,"10":"ECE413H1","11":"ECE315H1","12":null,"13":null,"14":null,"15":null,"16":null,"17":"MSE235H1","18":null,"19":null,"20":null,"21":"MSE235H1","22":null,"23":"ECE353H1","24":"ECE353H1","25":null,"26":null,"27":null,"28":null,"29":null,"30":null,"31":null,"32":"AER525H1","33":"AER525H1","34":null,"35":null,"36":null,"37":"CSC412H1","38":"ECE557H1","39":null,"40":"ECE512H1","41":null,"42":null,"43":"CSC411H1, ECE521H1","44":"CSC411H1, ECE521H1","45":null,"46":"ECE524H1","47":null,"48":"ECE530H1","49":null,"50":"ECE535H1 and ECE534H1","51":"CSC444H1","52":null,"53":null,"54":null,"55":null,"56":null,"57":null,"58":null,"59":null,"60":null,"61":null,"62":null,"63":"APS490Y1","64":null,"65":null,"66":null,"67":"ECE514H1, ECE533H1","68":null,"69":null,"70":null,"71":null,"72":null,"73":null,"74":null}}