Simple Cat version of Instragram in Ruby on Rails - for Webrails class at HEIG-VD
This is a Ruby on Rails project for WebRails class at HEIG-VD, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland.
As a prerequisite, you need ruby
, rails
, mysql
and imagemagick
. imagemagick
may install itself if you have apt-get
(linux) or brew
You can launch in 1-click using the script or do it manually.
When you're done, you can reach the website on
You can connect as an admin with
login: admin1
Or you can connect as an user with
email: or
login: user12
Execute the given script
, that will do everything for you. It is still necessary to check database connection settings in config/database.yml
if you don't run with default params.
- install imagemagick (supported are
) - launch mysql
- drop & create the db in mysql
- execute the migration
- fill the db with the fixtures
- launch the server (type ctrl-c to escape)
- quit mysql
Install imagemagick
It is necessary to set up mysql
with a database catstagram
first, and to check database connection settings in config/database.yml
(there are several example, like with mysqld
Then, execute the migrations
rake db:migrate
To populate the database with some example data, type:
rake db:fixtures:load
To launch, simply type :
rails s
If you need more details, check here the complete documentation, under Installation Indications section (at the end).
The final report, with full documentation and usage manual, is available here.
In french, available here.
Main page
Search query result
Photo view
Cat view
User view
Hashtag view
Admin views
- see reported photos
- see banned users
Many others are described in manual, available here under Usage Manual section.
For the records, the commands we used, in sequential order.
rails new Catstagram -d mysql
rails g scaffold User username:string avatar_url:string biography:text banned_until:datetime
rails g scaffold Cat catname:string description:text city:string birth_time:date
rails g scaffold Photo image_url:string caption:text view_count:integer like_count:integer report_count:integer
rails g scaffold Hashtag tag:string
rails g migration CreateJoinTablePhotoCat photo cat
rails g migration CreateJoinTablePhotoHashtag photo hashtag
rails g migration AddUserToPhotos user:references
rails g migration AddUserToCats user:references
rails g uploader Image
rails generate devise:install
# to copy devise views to be customisable
rails g devise:views
# to add devise fields to existing model User
rails generate devise User
# roles
rails generate scaffold Role name:string
rails generate migration RolesUsers
# cancan
rails g cancan:ability
#to populate the db with some fixtures
rake db:fixtures:load