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VFPX Deployment

VFPX Deployment logo

Version 1.7.09149

These instructions describe how to use VFPX Deployment to include your project in the Thor Check for Updates (CFU) dialog so users can easily install your project and update to the latest version without having to clone your project's repository or manually download and extract a ZIP file.
It also sets a minimum of community standards as used for VFPX and github.

Thor CFU

See the great article Anatomy of a VFPX Project by Doug Hennig. It shows the setup of VFPX related data and Thor in two chapters. This version of VFPX Deployment combines both to one tool, but the principles remain. (Remember, set up .github\

A brief idea how to give your project a standard look is discussed in

Table of contents

Using this document

  • Paths are relative to your projects root folder. This is the toplevel folder of the local git repository you can get invoking git rev-parse --show-toplevel.
  • Strings like {This} must be replaced with the value of the entry from the Settings file. Example:
    Settings contains AppID = VFPXDeployment, then Thor_Update_{AppID}.prg is Thor_Update_VFPXDeployment.prg
  • Strings like [This] must be replaced with a user set value.
  • Links to example files are in general the files used to create VFPX Deployment.

Note: For Placeholder, { and } are literals.


  • you should know how to use git in one or the other way
  • you should be familiar with MarkDown
  • optional you should know how to work with FoxBin2Prg


To make it easier to create the files necessary to support Thor CFU, an automated build process is used. The main component of this process is Thor_Tools_DeployVFPXProject.prg, a generic program that works with any project. After doing the necessary set up (discussed later), you'll run Thor_Tools_DeployVFPXProject.prg whenever you release a new version of your project.

In addition to whatever subdirectories your project root folder contains, it will also contain BuildProcess, InstalledFiles, and ThorUpdater subdirectories, and if enabled, some folders and files used for documentation in VFPX community standard.

Setup Guide

This is the step-by-step guide to set up your VFPX / Thor project. Some information is identical to VFPX Deployment process. See Setting up the build process

In it's most simple way the setup for a project works like:

  1. First run of VFPX Deployment - Create the BuildProcess folder
  2. User now must fill in BuildProcess\ProjectSettings.txt.
  3. Second run of VFPX Deployment
    • As soon as Include_VFPX is enabled. Create additional VFPX community structure, see VFPX Templates.
    • otherwise as like all following runs of VFPX Deployment.
  4. If created, user must fill in information for VFPX community structure. Alter .gitignore
  5. Proceed with First time task to deploy
  6. Second and any following run of VFPX Deployment will create a new version of your project to push.

More detailed:

  1. Install Thor
  2. Download VFPX Deployment from Thors Check for Update (CFU)
  3. If not already done, create a remote git repository for your project, for example at github. See VFPX Add a Project
  4. If not already done, create a local git repository for your project root folder. Just init, do not add files.
    • or clone the remote, that's up to your choice and level of git knowledge.
  5. Open your pjx or CD into your project (anywhere) or simple
  6. Run VFPX Project Deployment from Thor/Applications menu
  • The program tries to figure out your project root (this is the top level folder git uses) from information provided by git in the following order:
    1. The recent path in VFP
    2. Home of _VFP.ACTIVEPROJECT if there is one (user will be prompted to use it, if found)
    3. User prompt for folder
  1. If the folder BuildProcess exists, proceed to step 10, else it's a first run. VFPX Deployment copies some files into that folder and quits
  2. Now you need to set your basic project information in BuildProcess\ProjectSettings.txt
    • AppName - Mandatory
    • AppID - Mandatory
    • Version - Mandatory
    • Component - Mandatory
    • Repository or the pair Repository_URL + Repository_Branch- Mandatory if remote repository is not at{AppID}/master
    • Others, see ProjectSettings
  3. Rerun
  4. The ProjectSettings will be read
  5. Additional processing and tests run
  6. If Include_VFPX is set, the program checks and creates several Folders and files. If something is missing, the file or folder is created, and some Placeholders like {AppName} name are substituted. See VFPX Templates
  7. Fill in documentation, .gitignore etc
  8. Test your project
  9. See First time task to deploy to publish your project to Thor.
  10. To run VFPX Deployment for production, one need to set up some information, documentation etc. What to do should be noted step by step into .github\ so everybody know what to do.
  11. push



This shows the use of folders in a project using VFPX Deployment. For the use of folders in the VFPX Deployment project see VFPX Deployment.


This folder is mandatory.
BuildProcess contains the files for the build process:

  • ProjectSettings.txt: contains project settings, such as project name and version number.
  • VersionTemplate.txt: contains the template for the Thor CFU version file. Although it has a TXT extension, it actually contains VFP code. This will be used to create the version file for the remote ThorUpdater{AppID}Version.txt file
  • BuildMe.prg: contains custom code you write to do whatever is necessary for the build process. It can use public variables created by VFPX Deployment (discussed later). This program is optional.
  • BeforeZip.prg contains custom code that is intended to alter the staging folder just before zipping. For example to create filelist to uninstall. It can use public variables created by VFPX Deployment (discussed later). This program is optional.
  • AfterBuild.prg: contains custom code you write to do whatever is necessary after the build process. It can use public variables created by VFPX Deployment (discussed later). This program is optional.
  • Substitute.txt contains a list of files or folders that will be processed like on each run to substitute Version and date. This file is optional.
  • Thor_Update_{AppID}.prg (where AppID is the value of the AppID setting in ProjectSettings.txt): the Thor CFU update program, which contains the URLs for Thor to use to download the version and ZIP files to install the tool. This file is created the first time you use the VFPX Deployment process and then not updated again after that.
  • InstalledFiles.txt: staging folder, contain the paths for the files to be installed by Thor CFU. This file is optional.
    • Files
    • File skeletons
    • Paths (ending with \)
    • Files to exclude (starting with !)
  • Thor_Update_{AppID}.prg: The file to control the update process in Thor. See First time task to deploy.


This folder is mandatory.
This is a staging folder that contains only the files Thor CFU should install, not other files related to your project (such as git-related files,, etc.). There are two options for copying the necessary files into this folder:

  • You can manually create the InstalledFiles folder and copy the necessary files into it.
  • If InstalledFiles.txt exists, in the BuildProcess folder, VFPX Deployment copies the files listed in it to the InstalledFiles folder (creating that folder and any subdirectories of it if they don't exist).
    • If InstalledFiles.txt exists, the Clear_InstalledFiles settings controls if all files will be removed from this folder to create an empty folder to copy to.
  • If the gitIgnore_InstalledFiles setting is "YES", a .gitignore file will be added to this folder to keep it out of the repository. Note: If already in the repo, this will not remove the files!

Note: you can specify a different folder name using the InstalledFilesFolder setting in ProjectSettings.txt.


This folder is mandatory.
This contains the Thor CFU files generated by the build process (VFPX Deployment creates this folder if necessary):

  • {AppID}.zip (AppID is the AppID value specified in ProjectSettings.txt): the zip file downloaded by Thor CFU to install the project. This file is created by VFPX Deployment by zipping the contents of the staging InstalledFiles folder.
  • {AppID}Version.txt: the Thor version file downloaded by Thor CFU to decide if a newer version is available (it compares the version number specified in this file with the version number in the copy of the file on your system) and also to contain other information such as the text displayed for the selected project at the bottom of the Thor CFU dialog. Note The file used might be changed with the VersionFile_Remote setting. This is usefull for old projects.

for the following points, see VFPX Templates


Optional, only created if Include_VFPX is set.
Folder to store some files to interact with github.

Those files should be changed to the need of the project

  • A file telling how to participate on the project, and what to do before running this program.
  • ISSUE_TEMPLATE/*.md Templates to create issues


Optional, only created if Include_VFPX is set.
Folder to store documentation.

Those files should be changed to the need of the project

  • Anchor for documentation, target of links from other documents.
  • File to list your changes, might be substituted into {AppID}Version.txt if set as ChangeLog setting.
  •, Example files.


Optional, only created if Include_VFPX is set.
Folder to store images for documentation etc.

  • Picture used in some templates and

Root folder

Optional files, only created if Include_VFPX is set.
This is the project root. Some files will copied on first run, if they are not existing.

  • Basic information about your project, the main information on git server pages.
    • Fit to your needs
    • The second run on your system use ProjectSettings.txt: to set the project with the value of AppName
    • All following runs will merge the values of pdVersionDate and pcVersionDate into this file. There are comments as place holder.
  • .gitignore: File to control what to exclude from git, for example executables and backups.
    • There are two ways to do this, this is the conventional exclude one.
    • If you like the more secure include way, you need to copy the L.gitignore file. The idea here is to only include what you are sure of, so private keys will not be included by accident.
    • Fit to your needs
    • The second run on your system use ProjectSettings.txt: to mark this file as belonging to AppName
  • .gitattributes: Depending how you install or config git, it might transform CRLF <> LF on add / checkout - or not. This creates havoc if different developers set there system different. This file forces to keep CRLF - the idea is VFP, i.e. DOS, not LINUX.
    • There is no need to alter this file
    • The second run on your system use ProjectSettings.txt: to mark this file as belonging to AppName
  • NoVFPXDeployment.txt If the file exists, VFPX Deployment will not process.


Those are the settings available in the BuildProcess\ProjectSettings.txt file.

Setting Usage
AppName The display name for the project.
AppID Similar to appName but must be URL-friendly (no spaces or other illegal URL characters).
Version The version number, such as 1.0 (optional; see below).
There is a special value pjx. If this is set, the version number will be read from the project provided by PJXFile.
web information Most will like to set up there own repository.
When VFPX Deployment generates Thor_Update_{AppID}.prg, it assumes the project repository is{AppID}/master. If your project exists in a different location (for example,[YourName]/{AppID}/main), add a repository. Use one of the both following ways to adress your repository on the web.
Repository Give the full URL to your remote repository, like
Repository = Branch uses master
Use the pair "Repository_URL" and "Repository_Branch" for use in github repositories.
github repositories are definied in the form "Repository_URL" is Project/Repository, "Repository_Branch" the Branch part of the URL. This allows finer control.
For the example
Repository_URL = DougHennig/SFMail
Repository_Branch = master
If used, both fields must be defined. Repository will take precedence.
optional part You can also add the following optional settings if you wish:
VersionDate The release date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD; if omitted, today's date is used.
Prompt Yes (default) to prompt for Version if it isn't specified; No to not prompt. Not required if Version is specified. If Version isn't specified, your code in BuildMe.prg can set the public pcVersion variable (for example, by reading a value from an INI or include file), so set Prompt to No in that case. If Version isn't specified, Prompt is No, and your code doesn't set pcVersion, a warning message is displayed and the build process terminates.
ChangeLog The path for a file containing changes (see below).
Component "Yes" for Components (default), else "No" (exactly so) for Apps.
  • Apps create Thor tools for use in your IDE (e.g., GoFish, PEMEditor).
  • Components are not called directly from Thor tools but are used indirectly in either your IDE (FoxBin2PRG) or in production applications (Dynamic Forms)
Category The category to use when adding to the Thor menu. If this is omitted, "Applications" is used. This is only used when Component is No.
PJXFile The relative path to the PJX file to build an APP or EXE from. Omit this if that isn't required.
The version number of this project can be auto-used, see Version setting.
AppFile The path to the APP or EXE to build from the project (specified with the extension; for example, builds an APP and MyApp.exe builds an EXE). If PJXFile is specified and AppFile is omitted, VFPX Deployment automatically builds an APP file in the same folder and with the same file name as the PJX file specified in the PJXFile setting.
If ProjectSettings.txt specifies that an APP or EXE is part of the VFPX project, VFPX Deployment ensures it's built using VFP 9 and not VFP Advanced because the APP/EXE structure is different. While VFP Advanced can run APP/EXEs created in VFP 9, VFP 9 cannot run APP/EXEs created in VFP Advanced.
Recompile By default, VFPX Deployment builds the project specified in PJXFile without the RECOMPILE clause. Add Recompile = Yes to force recompilation upon building.
Bin2PRGFolder A comma-separated list of relative paths to which FoxBin2PRG is to be applied. If this is specified, FoxBin2PRG is run on all VFP binary files (SCX, VCX, PJX, etc.) in the specified folders to create their text equivalents. This is important because Git cannot do diffs on binary files. Also git is bad on binaries, it's made for text files.
FoxBin2PRG: is automatically run on the project file specified in the PJXFile setting. If PJXFile is specified and the only files that need to have FoxBin2PRG run on them are included in the project, you can omit the Bin2PRGFolder setting. The use of FoxBin2Prg can be turned off, see RunBin2Prg.
InstalledFilesFolder By default, the staging folder VFPX Deployment uses to generate the ZIP file from is called InstalledFiles. This setting allows you to specify a different name.
Clear_InstalledFiles "Yes" to remove all files from the staging folder, if the InstalledFiles.txt](#installedfilestxt) file exists. If "No" (default), the files / folders defined in InstalledFiles.txt are copied on top of the existing files.
Will be ignored if InstalledFiles.txt file is not existing.
gitIgnore_InstalledFiles "Yes" to autocreate a .gitignore file in the staging folder to keep the whole folder out of git repository.
RunBin2Prg "Yes" to auto run FoxBin2prg (Default), else "No" to not run.
RunGit "Yes" to auto run git (Default), else "No" to not run.
Include_VFPX "Yes" to create community files, else "No" to not create. (Default)
This will create some files if missing, but not overwrite existing files.
See VFPX Templates for the use of this.
Include_Thor "Yes" to create Thor files (Default), else "No" to not create.
This will create the content of the ThorUpdater folder and zip it, if enabled.
VersionFile_Remote The file used to control the update stored on projects remote repository (github). Default is {AppID}Version.txt
This setting is to allow VFPX Deployment to work for projects inherited.
This is the file created by VFPX Deplayment on local computer to be pushed to remote repository.
Check existing property .VersionFileURL set in existing Thor_Update_{AppId}.prg
Debugging Used to debug the appication on different web location. Creates a Thor_Update_{AppId}Test.prg in the BuildProcess directory to be used in Thors My Updates directory.
The file will be rebuild on every run, while Thor_Update
{AppId}.prg is only created once.
This works best with an altered URL via the Repository_URL / Repository_Branch or Repository setting.

If both Include_VFPX and Include_Thor are disabled, File substitution will be processed and FoxBin2prg may run. Also the optinal programs BuildMe, BeforeZip.prg and AfterBuild may run.

Public variables

Public variables read from the BuildProcess\ProjectSettings.txt file, that might be modified or used in BuildMe.prg preprocessing, BeforeZip.prg program, or in the AfterBuild.prg postprocess program.
A lot of these variables may be used by templates substitution and file substitution.

Variable Usage in substitution
pcAppName: the AppName setting Yes
pcAppID the AppID setting Yes
pcVersion the version number (the Version setting but can also be set in code; see the next section) Yes
pdVersionDate the release date (the VersionDate setting or the current date if not specified) No
pcDate the release date pdVersionDate as a string (YYYYMMDD) Yes
pcVersionDate the release date pdVersionDate as a string (YYYY-MM-DD) Yes
pcThisDate the release date DATEas a string (DATE(YYYY, MM, DD)) Yes
pcJulian the release date as string as days since 2000/01/01 Yes
pcChangeLog the ChangeLog setting Yes (The file name, not the file content)
plContinue Return of BuildMe.prg and BeforeZip.prg. .T. to continue the deployment process after running or .F. to stop No
plRun_Bin2Prg .T. to auto run FoxBin2prg (default) No
plRun_git .T. to auto run git (default) No
pcFullVersion The version as it should look like to replace in on each run. Default: pcVersion Yes
pcRepository The URL of the remote repository (for web, not git access) Yes
pcRepository_Branch The branch part of the remote repository (for web, not git access). Defaults to master if not defiened via Repository_Branch setting Yes
pcVersionFile_Remote The name of the remote version file, VersionFile_Remote Yes
pcPJXFile: The PJXFile setting Read only No


Placeholders that will be substituted.
There are two ways of substitiution.

  1. Create files from templates, called templates substitution, that will fill in a value that will never be changed in the result file. Most of those replaces will only be use once. The version file {AppID}Version.txt will be created on each run from VersionTemplate.txt. Those substitutions exist as {Placeholder}
  2. Alter files on each run by file substitution. Those are sections like <!--VERNO-->content<!--/VERNO-->, where content will be substituded.

For Thor_Update_{AppID}.prg and VFPX documentation on first run, for {AppID}Version.txt on each run.

Placeholder Substituted by Usage In Templates substitution In File substitution
APPNAME pcAppName substituted with the value of pcAppName. Yes Yes
APPID pcAppID substituted with the value of pcAppID. Yes Yes
CURRDATE pcThisDate substituted with the value of pcThisDate Yes Yes
VERSIONDATE pcDate substituted with the value of pcDate, this is the value of pdVersionDate formatted as YYYYMMDD. Yes Yes
CVERSIONDATE pcVersionDate substituted with the pcVersionDate, this is the value of pdVersionDate formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Yes Yes
VERSION pcVersion substituted with the value of pcVersion. Yes Yes
JULIAN pcJulian substituted with the value of pcJulian as a numeric value: the release date as string as days since 2000/01/01. Yes Yes
REPOSITORY pcRepository substituted with the value of pcRepository. Yes Yes
BRANCH pcRepository_Branch substituted with the value of pcRepository_Branch. Yes Yes
VERNO pcFullVersion substituted with the value of the pcFullVersion variable.
CHANGELOG_F pcChangeLog substituted with value of pcChangeLog. Yes Yes
CHANGELOG [pcChangeLog] substituted with the contents of the file specified in pcChangeLog.
Only for {AppID}Version.txt, each run.
Yes No
CATEGORY Category substituted with the value of the Category setting in ProjectSettings.txt.
Only for {AppID}Version.txt, each run.
Yes No
COMPONENT Component substituted with the value of the Component setting in ProjectSettings.txt.
Only for {AppID}Version.txt, each run and
Thor_Update_{AppID}.prg, first run.
Yes No
VERSIONFILE VersionFile_Remote substituted with the value of the VersionFile_Remote setting / pcVersionFile_Remote.
Only for Thor_Update_{AppID}.prg, first run.
Yes No

Setting up the build process

This looks like a lot of steps but most of it is simple and you only have to do it once.
See Setup Guide.


In order to work with VFPX Deployment, your project must be under git control, and a remote repository should exist.

  • Create a remote git repository for your project, for example at github. See VFPX Add a Project
  • Create a local git repository for your project root folder. Just init, do not add files.
    • or clone the remote, that's up to your choice and level of git knowledge.

Download the VFPX Deployment tool

  • Choose Check for Updates from the Thor menu and install VFPX Deployment. It's automatically added to the Thor Tools menu under Applications, VFPX Project Deployment.

Customize the project settings for your project

Start VFP, CD to the folder containing your project, and invoke the VFPX Deployment tool (from the Thor Tools, Application, VFPX Project Deployment menu item or using EXECSCRIPT(_screen.cThorDispatcher, 'Thor_Tool_DeployVFPXProject'). The first time you do that, it'll create a BuildProcess subdirectory of the project root folder, copy some files to it, and terminate.

Edit BuildProcess\ProjectSettings.txt to specify your project information (the case of these settings is unimportant):


See Settings for details.

Specify what files are to install on the target computer

There are two ways to determine what to install

  • Copy all what you need to the staging folder.
  • Use the BuildProcess\InstalledFiles.txt file to determine the files that should be copied to the staging folder by the build process.


Edit BuildProcess\InstalledFiles.txt and list each file to be copied to the staging folder on a separate line. All paths should be relative to the project root folder.


The file may contain

  • Comments: Lines starting with # will be ignored
  • Empty lines will be ignored
  • Single files
  • File skeletons
  • Directories; If a directory is given in the form SomeDirectory\ the whole structure including subdirectories will be copied.
  • Excludes: Lines starting with ! will hold a skeleton or file to exclude

Note The Clear_InstalledFiles settings defines, if files will be removed from the staging to create an empty folder to copy to.


Each line may contain a target, if the folder / file in the staging folder should be named different then the source.
The form is Source||Target. If both source and target are folders, the syntax must be Source\||Target\.

  • lines with empty Sources will be ignored
  • empty Target is read as staging folder
  • Target == "\" is read as staging folder

Each line starting with ! holds a file name pattern to be excluded from the staging files. This is a post-processor, the files will be first copied to the staging folders, and then removed. The idea is to remove stuff like bak or FoxBin2Text *.??2 files, and not name each and any file in the source lines.
Note: This is a pattern over all files in the staging folder and it's subfolders.

Customize the version template

This is an optional task.

BuildProcess\VersionTemplate.txt already has the code most projects would use. However, you may wish to edit it to customize the behavior; see comments in the provided file for possible customization points. Also note the use of @@@ and \\\: text between those delimiters is for you to read but is removed in the {AppID}Version.txt file that's generated from the template.

The code in this file must accept a single parameter, which is a Thor CFU updater object. The code typically sets properties of that object to do whatever is necessary.

The template file should have Placeholders for project settings (the case of the placeholder isn't important):

The format of AvailableVersion in VersionTemplate.txt—the project name, a dash, the version number, a dash, some text, a dash, and the release date formatted as YYYYMMDD—is required by Thor (Thor actually only uses the version number and release date and ignores the rest).

See comments in VersionTemplate.txt about how to use different types of version numbers.

Customize the build tasks

This is an optional task.


If you need to perform specific tasks as part of the build process, such as updating version numbers in code or include files, edit BuildProcess\BuildMe.prg to perform those tasks. It can use the Public variables created by VFPX Deployment (discussed earlier). If the Version setting isn't specified in ProjectSettings.txt and the prompt setting is N, set the pcVersion variable to the appropriate value.

If no specific tasks are needed beyond what the VFPX Deployment process does, you can delete BuildMe.prg.

The program may set the public variable plContinue to .F. to cancel the build process.


If you need to perform specific tasks as part of the build process after the creation of the files in the staging folder, such as creating a list of files to remove files from older installs, edit BuildProcess\BeforeZip.prg to perform those tasks. It can use the Public variables created by VFPX Deployment (discussed earlier).

If no specific tasks are needed beyond what the VFPX Deployment process does, you can delete BuildMe.prg.

The program may set the public variable plContinue to .F. to cancel the build process.


If you need to perform specific tasks after the build process, such as running your own idea of git, like add ., tag, push, etc, edit BuildProcess\AfterBuild.prg to perform those tasks. It can use the Public variables created by VFPX Deployment (discussed earlier).

If no specific tasks are needed beyond what the VFPX Deployment process does, you can delete AfterBuild.prg.

For example you might use Bin2Text to both process FoxBin2Prg for your project and create a snapshot git commit (turn of RunBin2Prg and RunGit):

  do Pjx2Commit in (_screen.gcB2T_App)
  messagebox('Failed to invoke "Bin2Text" to create text files and commit.',16,'{Your project} Bin2Text')


Customize documentation

This is an optional task.

All substitution will run before the files get copied to the staging folder.

Templates substitution

Some documentation files allow to be automatic substituted to deplyoment information using placeholders on second run of VFPX Deployment or as soon as Include_VFPX is enabled. See VFPX Templates. The list of placeholders available is on placeholders topic.

A placeholder looks like {Placeholder}, and will be substituded with the value in the placeholder table.

The template may hold comments available while not substituted like @@@ Comments \\\. They will be removed after created in project folder. Normal comments like <!--comment--> will remain.

See this example.

File substitution

On each run of VFPX Deployment, some files will be substituted by placeholders. See there for the list of placeholders available. The substitution works like:

  • All space between <!--placeholders--> and <!--/placeholders--> will be replaced with substitution named in placeholders.

A special will be <!--DeploymentDate-->content<!--/DeploymentDate-->. This is inherited from older version and is no longer valid. DeploymentDate will be replaced by CVERSIONDATE placeholder. To avoid to look up any file, this version will silently rename, so the files working will be updated. This is not true for your templates like VersionTemplate.txt. While the templates will work now, the rename may be removed with in later versions. Please rework.

This substitution will run independent of Include_VFPX and Include_Thor settings.
Example: Check the source of this file

On each run of VFPX Deployment, will be processed. This is automatically active.


This is a list of files to substitute.
The file BuildProcess\Substitute.txt is optional. The file may contain:

  • lines starting with # will be ignored
  • single files
  • file skeletons
  • directories If a directory is given in the form SomeDirectory\ the whole structure including subdirectories will be processed.
    On each run, all files defined by this list will be substituted like from above.

VFPX Deployment process

The VFPX Deployment process does the following:

  • Creates the BuildProcess subdirectory of the project root folder and copies the files listed above to it.
  • Reads the settings in ProjectSettings.txt into the Public variables so BuildMe.prg can read from or write to them if necessary:

This is he step-by-step walk through the Deployment process. Some information is identical to Setup Guide. Special task on set up are provided on the Setting up the build process topic.

If you run VFPX Deployment for production, you need to set information, documentation etc. What to do you should note step by step into .github\ so everybody know what to do.

  1. Run VFPX Project Deployment from Thor/Applications menu
  • The program tries to figure out your project root folder from information provided by git in the following order:
    1. The recent path in VFP
    2. Home of _VFP.ACTIVEPROJECT if there is one (user will be prompted to use it, if found)
    3. User prompt for folder
  1. If the folder BuildProcess exists, proceed to step 5, else it's a first run. VFPX Deployment copies some files into that folder and quits
  2. Now you need to set your basic project information in BuildProcess\ProjectSettings.txt
    • AppName - Mandatory
    • AppID - Mandatory
    • Version - Mandatory
    • Component - Mandatory
    • Repository - Mandatory if remote repository is not a{AppID}
    • others, see ProjectSettings
  3. Rerun
  4. The ProjectSettings will be read
  5. Additional processing and tests run
  6. If no Version number could be determined, the user will be prompted.
  7. If found, BuildProcess\BuildMe.prg runs user defined code to pre-process and gather other information to the Public variables. Some ideas are provided in the file.
  8. If enabled, run FoxBinb2Prg
  9. If a pjx (PJXFILE)is provided, compile the PJX, depending on APPFILE
  10. Now the program checks for the existence of several Folders and files. If something is missing, the file or folder is created, and some information like {AppName} name is substituted.
  11. If a InstalledFiles.txt file is provided, copy all files listed to the staging folder
  12. Run, if available, BeforeZip.prg to modify the staging folder
  13. Check for ThorUpdater folder and create if missing.
  14. Create Thor files
    • {AppID}Version.txt (or the file defined by VersionFile_Remote setting) from BuildProcess\VersionTemplate.txt
    • Zips the contents of the staging folder into {AppID}.zip in the ThorUpdater folder.
  15. If enabled, run git
  16. If found, BuildProcess\AfterBuild.prg runs user defined code to post-process. Some ideas are provided in the file.

Running the build process

After doing all of the tasks in the previous section, you're ready to create the files Thor needs to download and install or update your project. This is the normal deployment process you'll use each time there's a new release for your project:

  1. Make whatever changes to your project files are necessary.
  2. Update ProjectSettings.txt: with a new version number if necessary. For example, if you use the Version setting as the version number, increment it. If you use Version as the major version number and the Julian date as a minor version number, and this is just a minor release (e.g. going from 3.2.1234 to 3.2.1245), you don't need to change Version at all. Or, if you provide a pjx, you can automatic use the version number of the project.
  3. If you've specified the ChangeLog setting in ProjectSettings.txt, update the specified file to describe the changes.
  4. Start VFP 9 (not VFP Advanced) and CD into the project or make the pjx the active one.
  5. Invoke the VFPX Deployment tool from the Thor Tools, Application, VFPX Project Deployment menu item or using EXECSCRIPT(_screen.cThorDispatcher, 'Thor_Tool_DeployVFPXProject').
  6. Commit and push to the remote repository.

The steps required for a project should be found in .github\ so everybody know what to do. Or on your github repository, Insights -> Community Standards -> Contributing

First time task to deploy

In order for Thor to know about your project, it needs a Thor updater program named Thor_Update_{AppID}.prg. The build process creates that PRG in the BuildProcess folder if missing and then doesn't update it again after that.

Note: If you use a recent version of git, your default branch may not be "master". Edit the file and change lcDownloadsBranch to your default branch. If you are in doubt, open bash or cmd, navigate to your project and enter git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD.

You can test that the updater PRG works by copying it to Thor\Tools\Updates\My Updates under your Thor installation folder. Then choose Check for Updates from the Thor menu. The tool should appear in the CFU dialogue in italics, and installing it should work.

Once you confirm the update process works, zip Thor_Update_{AppID}.prg and email it to the VFPX administrators ( They'll add it to the Thor repository so Thor knows about your project.

Note to admins: see How to contribute to Thor for instructions to handle the new Thor_Update_{AppID}.prg.

Checking for updates

Now that Thor knows about your project, the next time a user chooses Check for Updates from the Thor menu in VFP, Thor will download {AppID}Version.txt (the file in .VersionFileURL in Thor_Update_{AppID}.prg) from the ThorUpdater folder of your repository, see that the project is available to be installed or a new version is ready for download, and display it to the user in the update dialogue.

If the user chooses to install the project or the update, Thor downloads {AppID}.zip from the ThorUpdater folder of your repository and unzips it in the appropriate folder on your machine (the {AppName} subdirectory of either the Thor\Tools\Apps or Thor\Tools\Components, depending on the Component setting in ProjectSettings.txt, subdirectory of the main Thor folder) and creates {AppID}VersionFile.txt in that folder so it knows what version the user has so they aren't prompted about an update until the next release.

Test your project

To test your project, push to your remote repository. Add the file Thor_Update_{AppID}.prg to the "Thor\Thor\Tools\Updates\My Updates" subdirectory in Thor folder, and run Thors Check for Updates.
See Anatomy of a VFPX Project by Doug Hennig around around 57:00 for more information.


There is no explicit example project provided. Anyway, VFPX Deployment in itself is a VFPX Deployment project, so it might be a good idea to understand this project. A brief help is given in VFPX Deployment

Set up for existing projects

This is a stub.
It is posible to set up VFPX Deployment for projects already running under Thor.


  • The project must push to Thor with a ThorUpdater
  • The old settings of Thor_Update_{AppID}.prg must be checked against the values in ProjectSettings.txt.

See also

Last changed: 2025-01-18

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