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Library for String in C++.



#define __version__ "3.0.0"
#define __author__ "Usama Azad"

#define NONE            ""
#define digits          "0123456789"
#define octdigits       "01234567"
#define hexdigits       "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"
#define operators       "+-*/^%!&|"
#define printable       "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"
#define punctuation     "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"
#define ascii_letters   "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
#define ascii_lowercase "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
#define ascii_uppercase "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

All Methods List:


string(const char *)

string(const __STDSTRING__&)

string(const __BOOL__&)   

string(const __CHAR__&)   

string(const __DOUBLE__&) 

string(const __FLOAT__&)  

string(const __LDOUBLE__&) 

string(const __INT__&)         

string(const __LONG__&)        

template<typename type>
string(const std::initializer_list<type>);

operator int() const;

operator long() const;

operator bool() const;

operator char() const;

operator float() const;

operator double() const;

operator long double() const;

operator std::string() const;

explicit operator const char* () const;

__INT__         to_int() const;                           
__LONG__        to_long() const;                         

__BOOL__        to_bool() const;                         

__CHAR__        to_char() const;                        

__FLOAT__       to_float() const;                       

__DOUBLE__      to_double() const;                     

__LDOUBLE__     to_longDouble() const;            

__STDSTRING__   to_stdString() const;    

template<typename T>
T castTo() const;

__MYSTRING__ operator*(int times) const;

__MYSTRING_REF__ operator*=(int times);

template<typename T>
__MYSTRING_REF__ operator<<(const T& obj);

__MYSTRING__ operator~() const;

__BOOL__ isEmpty() const;
__BOOL__ is_space() const;

__BOOL__ is_upper() const;

__BOOL__ is_lower() const;

__BOOL__ is_alpha() const;

__BOOL__ is_alnum() const;

__BOOL__ is_numeric() const;

__BOOL__ is_palindrome() const;

__BOOL__ is_containSpace() const;

__BOOL__ is_containAny(const char *) const;

__BOOL__ endswith(__STDSTRING__, __BOOL__ = true) const;

__BOOL__ startswith(__STDSTRING__, __BOOL__ = true) const;

__INT__ findStr(__STDSTRING__, __INT__ = 0, __BOOL__ = true) const;

__INT__ count(__CHAR__) const;

__INT__ countWord(__STDSTRING__ word, __BOOL__ = true) const;

template<typename T>
__MYSTRING_REF__ getLine(basic_istream<__CHAR__, T>&, __CHAR__ = 0x00A, const char* = NULL);

#if __cplusplus >= 201102L

        __MYSTRING__ trim()  const;

        __MYSTRING__ ltrim() const;

        __MYSTRING__ rtrim() const;

        __MYSTRING_REF__ trim_();

        __MYSTRING_REF__ ltrim_();

        __MYSTRING_REF__ rtrim_();

         * Deprecated in version 3.0.0.
         * @deprecated Use trim_() instead of this.
        void strip();


__MYSTRING__ title() const;

__MYSTRING_REF__ title_();

__MYSTRING__ reverse() const;

__MYSTRING_REF__ reverse_();

__MYSTRING__ swapcase() const;

__MYSTRING_REF__ swapcase_();

__MYSTRING__ capitalize() const;

__MYSTRING_REF__ capitalize_();

__MYSTRING__ toUpperCase() const;

__MYSTRING_REF__ toUpperCase_();

__MYSTRING__ toLowerCase() const;

__MYSTRING_REF__ toLowerCase_();

__MYSTRING__ replace(const __STDSTRING__&, const __STDSTRING__&) const;

__MYSTRING_REF__ replace_(const __STDSTRING__&, const __STDSTRING__&);

__MYSTRING__ replaceFirst(const __STDSTRING__&, const __STDSTRING__&) const;

__MYSTRING_REF__ replaceFirst_(const __STDSTRING__&, const __STDSTRING__&);

__MYSTRING__ replaceBlocks(const __CHAR__* startsFrom, const __STDSTRING__& endsOn, const __CHAR__* replaceWith) const;

__MYSTRING_REF__ replaceBlocks_(const __CHAR__* startsFrom, const __STDSTRING__& endsOn, const __CHAR__* replaceWith);

template<typename ...Args>
__MYSTRING__ format(const Args& ...) const; 

template<typename ...Args>
__MYSTRING_REF__ format_(const Args& ...);

__MYSTRING__ fill(__INT__, __INT__, __CHAR__) const;

__MYSTRING_REF__ fill_(__INT__, __INT__, __CHAR__);

__MYSTRING__ zfill(__INT__, __CHAR__ = '0', __BOOL__ = true) const;

__MYSTRING_REF__ zfill_(__INT__, __CHAR__ = '0', __BOOL__ = true);

__MYSTRING__ slice(__INT__ = 0, __INT__ = 0, __INT__ = 0) const;

__MYSTRING_REF__ slice_(__INT__ = 0, __INT__ = 0, __INT__ = 0);

__MYSTRING_REF__ join(const __MYSTRING__&, const __STDSTRING__& = "");

template <typename Iter>
__MYSTRING_REF__ join(Iter begin, Iter end, const __STDSTRING__& = "", __BOOL__ = true);

template <typename T, size_t n>
__MYSTRING_REF__ join(const T(&)[n], const __STDSTRING__ & = "", __BOOL__ = true);

vector<__STDSTRING__> split(const __CHAR__& = 0x020);

vector<__STDSTRING__> splitlines();

#if __cplusplus > 201103L

    #if __cplusplus >= 201402L

        usa::string operator""x(const char*, size_t);


        std::string operator""x(const char*, size_t);




Constructors Example


Operators Example


IntraConvertable Example


         * @name castTo
         * @brief Take typename as template parameter T and try to cast the
         * usa::string to given type T and if conversion is not possible it throws
         * runtime error.
         * @param T: template parameter T which is typename.
         * @return Any : ? Return casted string if possible
         * else `throw runtime error`.
        template<typename T>
        T castTo();

convert Example:

convert Example


         * @name is_space
         * @brief A string is whitespace if all characters in the string
         * are whitespace and string is not empty.
         * @return bool : Return true if the string is a whitespace string, 
         * else false.
        __BOOL__ is_space() const;


         * @name is_upper
         * @brief A string is uppercase if all cased characters in a string 
         * are uppercase and string is not empty.
         * @return bool : Return true if the string is an uppercase string, 
         * else false.
        __BOOL__ is_upper() const;


         * @name is_lower
         * @brief A string is lowercase if all cased characters in the string 
         * are lowercase and string is not empty.
         * @return bool : Return true if the string is a lowercase string, 
         * else false.
        __BOOL__ is_lower() const;


         * @name is_alpha
         * @brief A string is alphabetic if all characters in the string are 
         * alphabetic and string is not empty.
         * @return bool : Return true if the string is an alphabetic string, 
         * else false.
        __BOOL__ is_alpha() const;


         * @name is_alnum
         * @brief A string is alpha Numeric if all characters in the string are
         *  alpha Numeric and string is not empty.
         * @return bool : Return true if the string is an alpha Numeric string,
         * else false.
        __BOOL__ is_alnum() const;


         * @name is_numeric
         * @brief A string is numeric if all characters in the string are numeric
         * and and string is not empty.
         * @return bool : Return true if the string is a numeric string,
         * else false.
        __BOOL__ is_numeric() const;


         * @name is_palindrome
         * @brief A string is palindrome if it reads the same backward as forward.
         * @return bool : Return true if the string is palindrome, else false.
        __BOOL__ is_palindrome() const;


         * TODO Add optional arguments start and end for slicing.
         * @name is_containSpace
         * @return bool : Return true if any char in string is space,
         * else false.
        __BOOL__ is_containSpace() const;


         * TODO Add optional arguments start and end for slicing.
         * @name is_containAny
         * @brief take type of chars are return true if string contain those chars,
         * else false.
         * @param type: contain which type of character.
         * @example usa::string("C++ is awesome!").is_containAny(punctuation);
         * @return bool : Return true if the string contains given type of characters,
         * else false.
        __BOOL__ is_containAny(const char* type) const;


         * @name isEmpty
         * @brief A string is None if it is empty.
         * @return bool : Return true if the string is empty, else false.
        __BOOL__ isEmpty() const;

is_* Functions Example:

is_* Functions Example


         * TODO Add optional arguments start and end for slicing.
         * @name endswith
         * @param str: suffix which is to be compared.
         * @param match_case: (By default 'true') if true then compared cases 
         * of the character with the charcter present in orignal string, 
         * but if it is false then only characters are compared without comparing 
         * the case of character.
         * @return bool : Return true if string ends with the specified suffix,
         * else false.
        __BOOL__ endswith(__STDSTRING__ str, __BOOL__ match_case = true);


         * TODO Add optional arguments start and end for slicing.
         * @name startswith
         * @param str: suffix which is to be compared.
         * @param match_case: (By default 'true') if true then compared cases
         * of the character with the charcter present in orignal string,
         * but if it is false then only characters are compared without comparing
         * the case of character.
         * @return bool : Return true if string starts with the specified suffix,
         * else false.
        __BOOL__ startswith(__STDSTRING__ str, __BOOL__ match_case = true);


         * @name findStr
         * @param str: substring which is to be compared.
         * @param pos: position from where start comparasion.
         * @param match_case: (By default 'true') if true then compared cases
         * of the character with the charcter present in orignal string,
         * but if it is false then only characters are compared without comparing
         * the case of character.
         * @return int : Return the lowest index in string where substring is found,
         * Return -1 on failure.
        __INT__ findStr(__STDSTRING__ str, __INT__ pos = 0, __BOOL__ match_case = true);


         * TODO Add optional arguments start and end for slicing.
         * @name count
         * @param ch: character which occurrences count from the given string.
         * @return int : Return the number of occurrences of character @c 'ch'
         * in string.
        __INT__ count(__CHAR__ ch);


         * TODO Add optional arguments start and end for slicing.
         * @name countWord
         * @param word: word which counted from the given string.
         * @return int : Return the number of occurrences of @c word in string.
        __INT__ countWord(const __MYSTRING__&, __BOOL__ = true) const;

startswith, endswith, findStr & count Example:

startswith, endswith, findStr & count Example


         * @name getLine
         * @brief String extraction, Read value from given stream and 
         * stores it into string.
         * @param in: A character array in which to store the data.
         * @param delim: A "stop" character. (By default 'newline')
         * @param msgtobeprint: if given then it printed on console before
         * taking input from console.
         * @return usa::string& : Return a refrence of input string.
        template<typename T>
        __MYSTRING_REF__ getLine(basic_istream<__CHAR__, T>& in, __CHAR__ delim = 0x00A, const char* msgtobeprint = NULL);

getLine Example:

getLine Example


         * @name join
         * @overload +3
         * @brief Concatenate sequence of string with orignal string with delimeter.
         * @param Any: ? Overloaded.
         * @param delimiter: By which two strings are joined. (By default "")
         * @param swd: start with delimeter if it is true concatination starts with
         * delimeter, else start with given array's element (By default 'true')
         * @return usa::string& : Return a refrence of Concatenated string.

        __MYSTRING_REF__ join(const __MYSTRING__&, const __STDSTRING__& = "");

        template <typename Iter>
        __MYSTRING_REF__ join(Iter begin, Iter end, const __STDSTRING__& = "", __BOOL__ = true);

        template <typename T, size_t n>
        __MYSTRING_REF__ join(const T(&)[n], const __STDSTRING__ & = "", __BOOL__ = true);


join Example:

join Example

trim(), ltrim(), rtrim(), strip()

#if __cplusplus >= 201102L

         * TODO If chars is given, remove characters from string instead.
         * @name trim, ltrim, rtrim, strip
         * @return usa::string& : Return a refrence of the string with leading
         * and trailing whitespace remove.
         * @ltrim: it only trims only left spaces.
         * @rtrim: it only trims only right spaces.
         * @trim: it trims spaces from both sides.
         * @strip: it works like trim() but it does not return any thing.

        __MYSTRING__ trim()  const;

        __MYSTRING__ ltrim() const;

        __MYSTRING__ rtrim() const;

        __MYSTRING_REF__ trim_();

        __MYSTRING_REF__ ltrim_();

        __MYSTRING_REF__ rtrim_();

         * Deprecated in version 3.0.0.
         * @deprecated Use trim_() instead of this.
        void strip();



trim Example:

trim Example


         * @name title
         * @return usa::string& : Return a refrence of the string where each
         * word is titlecased.

         * @brief words start with uppercased characters and all remaining cased
         * characters have lower case.
        __MYSTRING_REF__ title();


         * @name reverse
         * @return usa::string& : Return a refrence of the reversed string.
        __MYSTRING_REF__ reverse();


         * @name swapcase
         * @brief Convert uppercase characters to lowercase and lowercase 
         * characters to uppercase.
         * @return usa::string& : Return a refrence of the swapcased string.
        __MYSTRING_REF__ swapcase();


         * @name capitalize
         * @brief make the first character upper case and the rest lower case.
         * @return usa::string& : Return a refrence of the capitalized string.
        __MYSTRING_REF__ capitalize();


         * @name toUpperCase
         * @brief all character in given string are converted into upper case.
         * @return usa::string& : Return a refrence of the UpperCased string.
        __MYSTRING_REF__ toUpperCase();


         * @name toLowerCase
         * @brief all character in given string are converted into lower case.
         * @return usa::string& : Return a refrence of the LowerCased string.
        __MYSTRING_REF__ toLowerCase();


         * @name replace
         * @overload +1
         * @brief replace all @c _old substrings in given string with @c _new substring.
         * @param _old: substring which is already present in the string.
         * @param _new: new substring which is replace with all @c _old substrings
         * in the string.
         * @return usa::string& : Return a refrence string with all occurrences
         * of @c _old substrings replaced by @c _new substring.
        __MYSTRING_REF__ replace(const __STDSTRING__& _old, const __STDSTRING__& _new);


         * @name replaceFirst
         * @overload +1
         * @brief replace only first occurrences of @c _old substring in given
         * string with @c _new substring.
         * @param _old: substring which is already present in the string.
         * @param _new: new substring which is replace with only first occurrences of
         * @c _old substring in the string.
         * @return usa::string& : Return a refrence string with only first occurrences
         * of @c _old substring replaced by @c _new substring.
        __MYSTRING_REF__ replaceFirst(const __STDSTRING__& _old, const __STDSTRING__& _new);


         * @name replaceBlocks
         * @brief replace all matching blocks in the string.
         * @param startsFrom: Starting point of the block.
         * @param endsOn: Ending point of the block.
         * @param replaceWith: String which is replaced by all blocks.
         * @return usa::string | usa::string& : Return a string with all matching blocks
         * are replaced by @p replaceWith.
        __MYSTRING__ replaceBlocks(const __CHAR__* startsFrom, const __STDSTRING__& endsOn, const __CHAR__* replaceWith) const;

replace & replaceFirst Example:

replace & replaceFirst Example


         * @name format
         * @brief Formatted string, using substitutions from args.
         * The substitutions are identified by braces ('{' and '}').
         * After version 3.0.0 now support index substitutions (like "Hello {2} & {1}").
         * @tparam ...Args: Any type of args.
         * @param args: Different type of args.
         * @return usa::string | usa::string& : Return a formatted version of string.
        template<typename ...Args>
        __MYSTRING__ format(const Args& ...) const; 

        template<typename ...Args>
        __MYSTRING_REF__ format_(const Args& ...);

format Example:

format Example


         * @name fill
         * @brief fill given @c fillChar in string from @c _start to @c _end.
         * @param _start: position from where start filling.
         * @param _end: position where filling ends.
         * @return usa::string& : Return a refrence of fill string with @c fillChar
         * from @c _start to @c _end.
        __MYSTRING_REF__ fill(__INT__ _start, __INT__ _end, __CHAR__ fillChar);


         * @name zfill
         * @brief Pad a numeric string with @c fillChar on the left or right,
         * to fill a field of the given @c width.
         * @param width: how much paddind is required.
         * @param fillChar: character which is filled during padding. (By default '0')
         * @param fillFromStart: if true so start padding from start or left side of 
         * the string, else start padding from end or right side of the string. (By default 'true')
         * @return usa::string& : Return a refrence of padded string.
        __MYSTRING_REF__ zfill(__INT__ width, __CHAR__ fillChar = '0', __BOOL__ fillFromStart = true);

fill & zfill Example:

fill & zfill Example


         * @name slice
         * @brief Advance extended String slicing. Approximately equal to String slicing in python.
         * @param _start: from where start the slicing of string (It might be negative).
         * @param _end: from where slicing ends (It might be negative).
         * @param _step: how many characters skiped during slicing (It might be negative).
         * @return usa::string& : Return a refrence of sliced string.
        __MYSTRING_REF__ slice(__INT__ _start = 0, __INT__ _end = 0, __INT__ _step = 0);

slice Example:

slice Example


         * @name split
         * @brief Return a vector of the words in the string, using the delimiter to split the string.
         * The default value of delimiter (" ") means split according to any whitespace.
         * @param delimiter: By which function split the given string (By default " ").
         * @return vector std::string : Return a vector of splited tokens of string.
        vector<__STDSTRING__> split(const __CHAR__& delimiter = 0x020);

split Example:

split Example


         * @name splitlines
         * @brief use the split function with (delimiter = "\\n") so it splits the
         * string with every newline character.
         * @return vector std::string : Return a vector of splited tokens of string.
        vector<__STDSTRING__> splitlines();

usa::string literal

#if __cplusplus > 201103L

    #if __cplusplus >= 201402L

         * @name user defined literal
         * @brief user defined literal for usa::string after C++11.
         * @return usa::string || std::string : if  you have C++14 or above it
         * Return <usa::string> otherwise Return <std::string>
        usa::string operator""x(const char* str, size_t size);


         * @name user defined literal
         * @brief user defined literal for usa::string after C++11.
         * @return usa::string || std::string : if  you have C++14 or above it
         * Return <usa::string> otherwise Return <std::string>
        std::string operator""x(const char* str, size_t size);



usa::string literal Example:

operator x Example