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Meredith L. Patterson edited this page Dec 7, 2013 · 9 revisions


Explain what the arena allocator (HAllocator) is for, and how to use it, since it's going to come up a lot. The HACKING file will be useful here.

Style conventions

stdint.h is your friend, and other things we should really have some kind of checkstyle template for anyway

Extending Hammer

Adding new combinators

  • Combinators are declared in src/hammer.h, defined in src/parsers/, and listed under the 'parsers' key in src/SConscript.

  • Declaration is done with the HAMMER_FN_DECL family of macros (see hammer.h)

  • What gets declared is a function that returns an HParser*; this function needs to call a corresponding __m function that calls h_new_parser to instantiate an HParser* with the combinator's vtable. Example, suitable for boilerplate:

      HParser* h_foo(const int n) {
          return h_foo__m(&system_allocator, n);
      HParser* h_foo__m(HAllocator* mm__, const int n) {
          return h_new_parser(mm__, &foo_vt, (void*)(intptr_t)n);

h_new_parser expects its third argument to be a void*; if a combinator has more than one argument, the combinator implementation should also define a struct to hold the arguments (referred to as the "environment"). See src/parsers/token.c for a simple example.

  • Each vtable is a struct that must define the following members, all of which are function pointers:
    • .parse
      • Signature: static HParseResult* parse_foo(void *env, HParseState *state)
      • destructures the environment that was passed in (if necessary)
      • if a primitive combinator (e.g. h_ch), consumes input directly off the input stream using h_read_bits
      • if a higher-order combinator (e.g. h_sequence), applies its component parsers to the input stream using h_do_parse
      • constructs result HParsedToken* and wraps it in an HParseResult*
    • .isValidRegular
      • for primitive combinators, this will just be h_true
      • for higher-order combinators that can never be regular (e.g. h_indirect), use h_false
      • for higher-order combinators that need a function to determine whether their expansion is regular (e.g. h_sequence), the signature is static bool foo_isValidRegular(void *env)
    • .isValidCF
      • for primitive combinators, this will just be h_true
      • for higher-order combinators that can never be context-free (e.g. h_length_value), use h_false
      • for higher-order combinators that need a function to determine whether their expansion is context-free (e.g. h_choice), the signature is static bool foo_isValidCF(void *env)
    • .desugar
      • Signature: static void desugar_foo(HAllocator *mm__, HCFStack *stk, void *env)
      • converts an HParser* to a sum-of-products representation for the context-free backends
      • there are some macros to make this easier, defined in src/backends/contextfree.h
      • doesn't need to be defined if .isValidCF = h_false
    • .compile_to_rvm
      • Signature: static void foo_ctrvm(HRVMProg *prog, void *env)
      • converts an HParser* to a corresponding set of instructions for the regex VM. Those are defined in src/backends/regex.h.

Adding new parsing backends

  • declare a new extern HParserBackendVTable in internal.h with the existing ones
  • add it to the HParserBackend enum in hammer.h
  • add it to *backends in hammer.c
  • add it to the 'backends' list in src/SConscript
  • the vtable in your backend implementation is a struct which must define the following members, all function pointers:
    • .compile
      • Signature: int h_bar_compile(HAllocator* mm__, HParser* parser, const void* params)
      • does any setup work for using this backend (e.g., generating parse tables)
      • returns 0 on success, -1 on failure
    • .parse
      • Signature: HParseResult *h_bar_parse(HAllocator* mm__, const HParser* parser, HInputStream* stream)
    • .free
      • Signature: void h_bar_free(HParser *parser)
      • for cleaning up anything that .compile created

Adding new language bindings

Build scripts

Bindings live in src/bindings/LANGUAGE, and each such directory must have its own SConscript.



Import the environment as declared by the SConstruct. Add any other symbols you might need that were declared in SConstruct or src/SConscript. These are usually as follows:

Import('env libhammer_shared testruns targets')

Clone the environment, so that changes that need to be made for this part of the build don't affect other parts.

exampleenv = env.Clone(IMPLICIT_COMMAND_DEPENDENCIES = 0)

Add environment variables, compiler flags, &c for this part of the build.

exampleenv.Append(...)` # CPPPATH, CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, whatever

Set up your target, exampletarget, with the appropriate builder (usually Command() or SharedLibrary()).

exampletarget = exampleenv.SharedLibrary(sources)

Then declare it as the default target.


Clone a test environment from your build environment, set up a target, then alias it to the "test" target using the Alias builder:

exampletest = testenv.Alias("test", [exampletesttarget], exampletesttarget)

Then tell it to AlwaysBuild(), so that scons test will always run tests even if they're already up to date:


And add the target to the list of tests to run:


The list of supported bindings is near the top of the SConstruct: vars.Add(ListVariable('bindings', ...)) Add the name of the language you're binding to this list (it must also be the name of the directory you added to src/bindings) otherwise SCons won't be able to find it.


Using the build environment you created, set up your install target with the appropriate builder (usually Command()):

exampleinstallexec = exampleenv.Command(...)

If the language you're binding has its own installation utilities, like Python's distutils or Perl's MakeMaker, use those for maximum cross-platform compatibility.

Then use the Alias builder to add your target to the install alias:

exampleinstall = Alias('installexample', [exampleinstallexec], exampleinstallexec)

Then add the it to the list of targets to install:

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