An intel 8080 processor emulated in rust.
- TUI Disassembler with port tracking
- Descriptive opcode display and navigation
- graphical display mapped to memory 0x2400 - 0x4000
git clone
cd Rust8080/
cargo build --release
Command -
./target/release/rust8080 <rom_path>
Example space invaders rom -
./target/release/rust8080 rom/spaceinvaders/space-invaders.rom
TUI keybinds can be seen by pressing h for (h)elp
For the example rom space-invaders, controls are mapped as follows (For Graphical Screen)
Button | Action |
8 (eight) | Deposit credit |
9 (nine) | Player 1 Start |
, (comma) | Player 1 left |
. (period) | Player 1 right |
/ (slash) | Player 1 fire |
0 (zero) | Player 2 Start |
Q | Player 2 left |
W | Player 2 right |
E | Player 2 fire |
d | Switch debug |
These are my main resources for the entire project
Thank you!