- usually an account is made for any student and researcher at the moment of registration
- if you do not have an account, ask Paolo Dini for one, and if you're a student ask your supervisor to provide you with her/his request approval
- the access server is named
- the server is not accessible from outside the INFN Milano-Bicocca network,
therefore one should first connect to
, and then from there tohercules
ssh username@cerbero.mib.infn.it
ssh username@hercules.mib.infn.it
Run the following commands from within hercules (better save them in bash or setup script)
export KRB5CCNAME=/gwpool/users/<hercules_username>/krb5cc_`id -u <hercules_username>`
eosfusebind -g
If your hercules username does not match you lxplus username:
export KRB5CCNAME=/gwpool/users/<hercules_username>/krb5cc_`id -u <hercules_username>`
kinit -f <lxplus_username>@CERN.CH
eosfusebind -g
Latinos won't work out of the box. A branch was made to let latinos work on hercules: https://github.com/UniMiBAnalyses/LatinoAnalysis/tree/VBS_skim_giacomo
Details are in the README of the VBS_skim_giacomo branch.
git clone --branch VBS_skim_giacomo git@github.com:UniMiBAnalyses/LatinoAnalysis.git