When submitting a summer school please use one of the following topics. If you think a new topic should be added, please open an issue by making changes to site/_data/types.yml
Sub | Topics |
ML | Machine Learning |
CV | Computer Vision |
CG | Computer Graphics |
NLP | Natural Language Proc |
RO | Robotics |
SP | Speech/SigProc |
DM | Data Mining |
AP | Automated Planning |
KR | Knowledge Representation |
HCI | Human-Computer Interaction |
GenAI | Generative AI |
HW | ML Hardware |
AI4Games | AI For Games |
CogSci | Cognitive Science |
Theory | ML Theory |
Bio | ML for Biology |
Log | Logic |
Neuro | Neuroscience |
EML | Efficient Machine Learning |
RL | Reinforcement Learning |
Health | ML for Health |
ML4Science | ML for Science |
RAI | Responsible AI |
Quantum | Quantum AI |
RecSys | Recommender Systems |