Like Samvera/Hyrax, we (University of Victoria Libraries) use Universal Viewer (UV)
as our IIIF viewer for images. To see it in action,
you can run a search for "Still Image"
resource types in Vault and select an item from the results. To view the
IIIF manifest for any work, go to the page for a work, add "/manifest.json"
to the end of the URL, and hit Enter. For example, for this work,
the manifest URL would be
If you are using our Docker image, UV should work "out of the box" after building the container running the server for the first time.
Note that our approach to installing the viewer differs from Hyrax/Hyku in key ways
(see this commit).
We use npm instead of yarn to install our viewer and we track all files in public/uv
we've customized them.
The key lines in our Dockerfile are:
RUN apt-get update -qq && \
# ...
# Install npm
apt-get install -y build-essential libpq-dev nodejs npm libreoffice imagemagick unzip ghostscript && \
# Install universalviewer into node/node_modules
RUN mkdir /node
RUN npm install universalviewer@3.0.36 --prefix /node
Note that any changes to node_modules
will not persist if you stop and restart the container.
If you want to make your own customizations, we recommend doing that in public/uv
, or uninstalling/reinstalling
UV with yarn and editing node_modules
once they are reinstalled in /data
We have provided a package.json
in the root app folder as well, which can be run with yarn install
If you install a different version of UV with yarn, you'll need to copy the files from /data/node_modules/dist
into /data/public/uv
, overwriting any customizations that were previously there.
In order to detect which file set is currently being viewed, we insert a custom event into /public/uv/lib/GalleryComponent.js
console.log("Thumbs loaded");
var event = new Event('thumbsLoaded');
Then we add an event listener in a <script>
in /public/uv.html
(this is so the script only runs once on a page
with the viewer to avoid throwing errors). When the thumbnails are loaded, we send an AJAX request
to the manifest.json
and parse it to find the file set metadata (canvas-level metadata when talking in IIIF terms) that corresponds to the
currently selected image in the viewer. This is done by looking for the matching canvas/file set ID.
See the full code for more code details.
document.addEventListener('thumbsLoaded', function (e) {
var manifestUrl = window.location.hash.split('&')[0].replace('#?manifest=', '') + '.json';
// When the AJAX request has finished
$.get(manifestUrl).done(function(data) {
// Do the thing
// ...
Note that Hyrax and the IIIFManifest gem does not support canvas-level metadata by default. That is another Vault customization: you can see the code for this in CustomManifestBuilderService.
To do this, we first create a no-download config file in public/uv
called uv-config-no-download.json
"options": {
"modules": {
"footerPanel": {
"options": {
"downloadEnabled": false
Then we can add some sort of helper method in a file such as app/helpers/hyrax/iiif_helper.rb
that we can call
from the <iframe>
in the Hyrax view.
# Helper method
def universal_viewer_config_url(work_presenter)
if request.base_url.include? "vault"
if GenericWork.find( or can?(:edit,
# app/views/hyrax/base/iiif_viewers/_universal_viewer.html.erb
src="<%= universal_viewer_base_url(presenter) %>#?manifest=<%= main_app.polymorphic_url [main_app, :manifest, presenter], { locale: nil } %>&config=<%= universal_viewer_config_url(presenter) %>"
style="width:100%; height:480px;"