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A Shibboleth IdP v3.X plugin for authentication via an external CAS Server

This project was developed as part of Unicon's Open Source Support program. Professional support/integration assistance for this module is available. For more information, visit

This is a Shibboleth IDP external authentication plugin that delegates the authentication to an external Central Authentication Server. The biggest advantage of using this component over the plain REMOTE_USER header solution provided by Shibboleth is the ability to utilize a full range of native CAS protocol features such as renew and gateway, plus the ability to share with CAS the EntityID of the relying application.

The plugin consists of 2 components:

  • A library (.jar) file that provides an IDP side servlet that acts as a bridge between CAS and the IDP
  • Spring Webflow definition file (and bean definition file) that invokes the shib-cas-authn3 library.

Build Status

Travis-CI: Travis-CI build status

Software Requirements

This minimum supported version of Shibboleth Identity Provider is 3.0.0

A Shibboleth IdP v2.X plugin can be found at


Instructions for building from source can be found in the wiki <>.

The first step is to update your Shib idp deployment with the CasCallbackServlet. This can be done prior to building/deploying the idp war file or if preferred, after the build, the files can be modified/updated in the war file before deploying to Tomcat. Previous instructions were based on the idea that the files would be modified post-deployment. The recommended installation/deployment of the Shib idp suggest not exploding the Shib war, so these instructions assume you will modify the files ahead of time.


  1. Copy the Spring Webflow files into the IDP_HOME.
  2. Update the IdP's web.xml. (optional)
  3. Update the IdP's file.
  4. Update the IdP's general-authn.xml file.
  5. Copy the libraries/jars.
  6. Rebuild the war file.

Copy the Spring Webflow files into the IDP_HOME

Copy the two xml files from the IDP_HOME directory (in the src tree) to the corresponding layout in your Shibboleth IdP home directory.

Update the IdP's web.xml (optional)

The servlet will register itself with the container when running under a Servlet 3.0 compliant container (such as Jetty 9). This step is provided for legacy reasons.

Add the ShibCas Auth Servlet entry in IDP_HOME/edit-webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml (Copy from IDP_HOME/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml, if necessary.)

Example snippet web.xml:

    <!-- Servlet for receiving a callback from an external CAS Server and continues the IdP login flow -->
        <servlet-name>ShibCas Auth Servlet</servlet-name>
        <servlet-name>ShibCas Auth Servlet</servlet-name>

Update the IdP's file

  1. Set the idp.authn.flows to ShibCas. Or, for advance cases, add ShibCas to the list.
  2. Add the additional properties.
# Regular expression matching login flows to enable, e.g. IPAddress|Password
#idp.authn.flows = Password
idp.authn.flows = Shibcas

# CAS Client properties (usage loosely matches that of the Java CAS Client)
## CAS Server Properties
shibcas.casServerUrlPrefix =
shibcas.casServerLoginUrl = ${shibcas.casServerUrlPrefix}/login

## Shibboleth Server Properties
shibcas.serverName =

# By default you always get the AuthenticatedNameTranslator, add additional code to cover your custom needs.
# Takes a comma separated list of fully qualified class names
# shibcas.casToShibTranslators = com.your.institution.MyCustomNamedTranslatorClass


Update the IdP's general-authn.xml file.

Register the module with the IdP by adding the authn/Shibcas bean in IDP_HOME/conf/authn/general-authn.xml:

    <util:list id="shibboleth.AvailableAuthenticationFlows">

        <bean id="authn/Shibcas" parent="shibboleth.AuthenticationFlow"
                p:nonBrowserSupported="false" />

Copy the libraries/jars

Both the shib-cas-authn and cas client library are required. You can download them directly (vs building from source):

Copy them to IDP_HOME/edit-webapp/WEB-INF/lib/.

These links are here for demonstration purposes. Please check and for more up-to-date versions.

Rebuild the war file

From the IDP_HOME/bin directory, run ./ or build.bat to rebuild the idp.war. Redeploy if necessary.

Shibboleth SP Apache Configuration

It hasn't been confirmed that this is required to function in IdP v3.0

  • Ensure that the following command is set:
ShibRequestSetting authnContextClassRef urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:unspecified

New Features 3.0

Support for IdP version 3.0.0

Release Notes


  • Applied a fix to a bad reference in the Spring config file (issue #1). (No change to the binary/release, hence the "-1")


  • Support for IdP 3.0.0
  • URL encode the service querystring parameter during redirection to CAS Server
  • URL encode the entityID querystring parameter during redirection to CAS Server