!INTERFILE := !imaging modality := PT originating system := GE Discovery MI 4 rings !version of keys := STIR4.0 name of data file := DMI4.v !GENERAL DATA := !GENERAL IMAGE DATA := !type of data := PET imagedata byte order := LITTLEENDIAN isotope name := ^18^Fluorine !PET STUDY (General) := !PET data type := Image process status := Reconstructed !number format := float !number of bytes per pixel := 4 number of dimensions := 3 matrix axis label [1] := x !matrix size [1] := 215 scaling factor (mm/pixel) [1] := 2.78 matrix axis label [2] := y !matrix size [2] := 215 scaling factor (mm/pixel) [2] := 2.78 matrix axis label [3] := z !matrix size [3] := 71 scaling factor (mm/pixel) [3] := 2.76148 number of time frames := 1 !END OF INTERFILE :=