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Tylor Steinberger
Apr 25, 2019
1d20606 · Apr 25, 2019




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Apr 25, 2019
Apr 25, 2019
Apr 25, 2019

@typed/logic -- 3.0.0

Collection of functions to perform logic

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yarn add @typed/logic
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npm install --save @typed/logic

API Documentation

All functions are curried!


export type Conditional<A, B> = [Predicate<A>, (value: A) => B]

all<A>(predicate: Predicate<A>, list: List<A>): boolean

Returns true if predicate function returns true for all values in a List.

See the code
export const all = curry2(__all)

function __all<A>(predicate: Predicate<A>, list: List<A>): boolean {
  for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) if (not(predicate(list[i]))) return false

  return true

allPass<A>(predicates: List<Predicate<A>>, value: A): boolean

Returns true if all predicates return true.

See the code
export const allPass: AllPass = curry2(__allPass)

export type AllPass = {
  <A>(predicates: List<Predicate<A>>, value: A): boolean
  <A>(predicates: List<Predicate<A>>): Predicate<A>

function __allPass<A>(predicates: List<Predicate<A>>, value: A): boolean {
  const predicateCount = predicates.length

  for (let i = 0; i < predicateCount; ++i) if (not(predicates[i](value))) return false

  return true

and<A>(predicate1: Predicate<A>, predicate2: Predicate<A>, value: A): boolean

Applies && between two predicate functions.

See the code
export const and: And = curry3(__and)

export type And = {
  <A>(predicate1: Predicate<A>, predicate2: Predicate<A>, value: A): boolean
  <A>(predicate1: Predicate<A>, predicate2: Predicate<A>): Predicate<A>
  <A>(predicate1: Predicate<A>): {
    (predicate2: Predicate<A>, value: A): boolean
    (predicate2: Predicate<A>): Predicate<A>

function __and<A>(predicate1: Predicate<A>, predicate2: Predicate<A>, value: A): boolean {
  return predicate1(value) && predicate2(value)

any<A>(predicate: Predicate<A>, list: List<A>): boolean

Returns true if predicate function returns true for any value contained in a List.

See the code
export const any: Any = curry2(__any)

function __any<A>(predicate: Predicate<A>, list: List<A>): boolean {
  for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) if (predicate(list[i])) return true

  return false

anyPass<A>(predicates: List<Predicate<A>>, value: A): boolean

Returns true if any predicates returns true, false otherwise.

See the code
export const anyPass: AnyPass = curry2(__anyPass)

export type AnyPass = {
  <A>(predicates: List<Predicate<A>>, value: A): boolean
  <A>(predicates: List<Predicate<A>>): (value: A) => boolean

function __anyPass<A>(predicates: List<Predicate<A>>, value: A): boolean {
  for (const predicate of Array.from(predicates)) if (predicate(value)) return true

  return false

cond<A, B>(conditionals: List<Condition<A, B>>, value: A): Maybe<B>

Returns the value of an applied Conditional. If no Conditional is matched then Nothing is returned.

See the code
export const cond: Cond = curry2(__cond)

function __cond<A, B>(conditionals: List<Conditional<A, B>>, value: A): Maybe<B> {
  const itemCount = conditionals.length

  for (let i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) {
    const [predicate, f] = conditionals[i]

    if (predicate(value)) return Maybe.of(f(value))

  return Nothing

equals<A>(a: A, b: A): boolean

Checks if two values are equal.

See the code
export const equals: Equals = curry2(function equals<A>(x: A, y: A): boolean {
  return isEqual(x, y, [], [])

function isEqual(a: any, b: any, stackA: Array<any>, stackB: Array<any>): boolean {
  if (a === b) return true

  if (typeOf(a) !== typeOf(b)) return false

  // tslint:disable-next-line
  if (a == null || b == null) return false

  switch (typeOf(a)) {
    case 'Arguments':
    case 'Array':
    case 'Object':
      if (typeof a.constructor === 'function' && functionName(a.constructor) === 'Promise')
        return a === b
    case 'Boolean':
    case 'Number':
    case 'String':
      if (!(typeof a === typeof b && a.valueOf() === b.valueOf())) return false
    case 'Date':
      if (a.valueOf() !== b.valueOf()) return false

    case 'Error':
      return === && a.message === b.message
    case 'RegExp':
      if (
          a.source === b.source &&
 === &&
          a.ignoreCase === b.ignoreCase &&
          a.multiline === b.multiline &&
          a.sticky === b.sticky &&
          a.unicode === b.unicode
      ) {
        return false
    case 'Map':
    case 'Set':
      if (!isEqual(Array.from(a.entries()), Array.from(b.entries()), stackA, stackB)) return false
    case 'Int8Array':
    case 'Uint8Array':
    case 'Uint8ClampedArray':
    case 'Int16Array':
    case 'Uint16Array':
    case 'Int32Array':
    case 'Uint32Array':
    case 'Float32Array':
    case 'Float64Array':
    case 'ArrayBuffer':
      // Values of other types are only equal if identical.
      return false

  const keysA = Object.keys(a)

  if (keysA.length !== Object.keys(b).length) return false

  let idx = stackA.length - 1

  while (idx >= 0) {
    if (stackA[idx] === a) return stackB[idx] === b

    idx -= 1

  idx = keysA.length - 1

  while (idx >= 0) {
    const key = keysA[idx]

    if (!(, key) && isEqual(b[key], a[key], stackA, stackB)))
      return false

    idx -= 1


  return true

functionName(fn: Function): string

Returns the name of a function.

See the code
export function functionName(fn: Function): string {
  if ( return

  const [, name] = String(fn).match(FUNCTION_NAME_REGEX) || DEFAULT_MATCH

  return name

greaterThan<A>(right: A, left: A): boolean

Applies \> to 2 values.

See the code
export const greaterThan: GreaterThan = curry2(<A>(right: A, left: A) => left > right)

export type GreaterThan = {
  <A>(right: A, left: A): boolean
  <A>(right: A): (left: A) => boolean

greaterThanOrEqual<A>(right: A, left: A): boolean

Applies \>= to 2 values.

See the code
export const greaterThanOrEqual: GreaterThanOrEqual = curry2(
  <A>(right: A, left: A) => left >= right

export type GreaterThanOrEqual = {
  <A>(right: A, left: A): boolean
  <A>(right: A): (left: A) => boolean

ifElse<A, B>(predicate: Predicate<A>, thenF: Arity1<A, B>, elseF: Arity1<A, B>, value: A): B

Function for handling if/Else statements.

See the code
export const ifElse: IfElseArity4 = curry4(__ifElse)

function __ifElse<A, B>(
  ifF: (value: A) => boolean,
  thenF: (value: A) => B,
  elseF: (value: A) => B,
  value: A
): B {
  return ifF(value) ? thenF(value) : elseF(value)

isArray<A = any>(x: any): x is Array<A>

Returns true if given value is an Array.

See the code
export function isArray<A = any>(x: any): x is Array<A> {
  return Array.isArray(x)

isIterable<A>(x: any): x is Iterable<A>

Returns true if a value is an Iterable.

See the code
export function isIterable<A>(x: any): x is Iterable<A> {
  return x && typeof x[Symbol.iterator] === 'function' && isIterator(x[Symbol.iterator]())

isIterator<A>(x: any): x is Iterator<A>

Returns true if value is an iterator.

See the code
export function isIterator<A>(x: any): x is Iterator<A> {
  return x && typeof (x as Iterator<A>).next === 'function'

isList<A = any>(x: any): x is List<A>

Returns true if a value is a List.

See the code
export function isList<A = any>(x: any): x is List<A> {
  if (Array.isArray(x)) return true
  if (!x || typeof x !== 'object' || typeof x === 'string') return false
  if (x.nodeType === 1) return !!x.length
  if (x.length === 0) return true
  if (x.length > 0) return x.hasOwnProperty(0) && x.hasOwnProperty(x.length - 1)
  return false

isMap<A = any, B = any>(x: any): x is Map<A, B>

Returns true if a value is a Map.

See the code
export function isMap<A = any, B = any>(x: any): x is Map<A, B> {
  return (
    x && typeof (x as Map<A, B>).delete === 'function' && typeof (x as Map<A, B>).set === 'function'

isNull(x: any): x is null

Returns true if the value is null

See the code
export function isNull(x: any): x is null {
  return x === null

isNumber(x: any): x is number

Returns true if value is a number.

See the code
export function isNumber(x: any): x is number {
  return typeof x === 'number'

isObject<A extends object = Object>(x: any): x is A

Returns true if a value is an object.

See the code
export function isObject<A extends object = Object>(x: any): x is A {
  return x && typeof x === 'object'

isPromiseLike<A = any>(x: any): x is PromiseLike<A>

Returns true if a value is PromiseLike

See the code
export function isPromiseLike<A = any>(x: any): x is PromiseLike<A> {
  return x && typeof x.then === 'function'

isSet<A = any>(x: any): x is Set<A>

Returns true if a value is a Set.

See the code
export function isSet<A = any>(x: any): x is Set<A> {
  return x && typeof (x as Set<A>).delete === 'function' && typeof (x as Set<A>).add === 'function'

isUndefined(x: any): x is undefined

Returns true if the value is undefined.

See the code
export function isUndefined(x: any): x is undefined {
  return x === void 0

lessThan<A>(right: A, left: A): boolean

Compares two values using \<

See the code
export const lessThan: LessThan = curry2(<A>(right: A, left: A) => left < right)

export type LessThan = {
  <A>(right: A, left: A): boolean
  <A>(right: A): (left: A) => boolean

lessThanOrEqual<A>(right: A, left: A): boolean

Compares 2 values using \<=

See the code
export const lessThanOrEqual: LessThanOrEqual = curry2(<A>(right: A, left: A) => left <= right)

export type LessThanOrEqual = {
  <A>(right: A, left: A): boolean
  <A>(right: A): (left: A) => boolean

not<A>(a: A): boolean

Applies ! to a value.

See the code
export function not<A>(x: A): boolean {
  return !x

or<A>(predicate1: Predicate<A>, predicate2: Predicate<A>, value: A): boolean

Applies || between two predicate functions.

See the code
export const or: Or = curry3(__or)

export type Or = {
  <A>(predicate1: Predicate<A>, predicate2: Predicate<A>, value: A): boolean
  <A>(predicate1: Predicate<A>, predicate2: Predicate<A>): Predicate<A>
  <A>(predicate1: Predicate<A>): {
    (predicate2: Predicate<A>, value: A): boolean
    (predicate2: Predicate<A>): Predicate<A>

function __or<A>(predicate1: Predicate<A>, predicate2: Predicate<A>, value: A): boolean {
  return predicate1(value) || predicate2(value)

propEq<O, K extends keyof O>(key: K, value: O[K], obj: O): boolean

Returns true if a given object's key value is equal to the given value.

See the code
export const propEq: PropEq = curry3(function<O, K extends keyof O>(
  key: K,
  value: O[K],
  obj: O
): boolean {
  return equals(obj[key], value)

propOr<A, K extends string>(defaultValue: A, key: K, obj: { [Key in K]: A }): A

Returns the value at a given key if an object has that property, otherwise returns the defaultValue.

See the code
export const propOr: PropOr = curry3(__propOr)

function __propOr<A, K extends string>(defaultValue: A, key: K, obj: { [Key in K]: A }): A {
  return obj.hasOwnProperty(key) ? obj[key] : defaultValue

export type PropOr = {
  <A, K extends string>(defaultValue: A, key: K, obj: { [Key in K]: A }): A
  <A, K extends string>(defaultValue: A, key: K): (obj: { [Key in K]: A }) => A
  <A>(defaultValue: A): {
    <K extends string>(key: K, obj: { [Key in K]: A }): A
    <K extends string>(key: K): (obj: { [Key in K]: A }) => A

tryCatch<A>(list: List<any>, fn: (...args: Array<any>) => A): Either<Error, A>

Given a list of arguments and a function, applies the function with the given arguments.

See the code
export const tryCatch = curry2(function apply<A, Err = any>(
  list: List<any>,
  f: (...args: Array<any>) => A
): Either<Err, A> {
  switch (list.length) {
    case 0:
      return __catch(f)
    case 1:
      return __catch(() => f(list[0]))
    case 2:
      return __catch(() => f(list[0], list[1]))
    case 3:
      return __catch(() => f(list[0], list[1], list[2]))
    case 4:
      return __catch(() => f(list[0], list[1], list[2], list[3]))
    case 5:
      return __catch(() => f(list[0], list[1], list[2], list[3], list[4]))
      return __catch(() => f.apply(null, list))
}) as TryCatch

function __catch<A, Err = any>(f: () => A): Either<Err, A> {
  try {
    return Either.of(f())
  } catch (error) {
    return Either.left(error)

typeOf(value: any): string

Returns the type of a value.

See the code
export function typeOf(value: string): 'String'
export function typeOf(value: number): 'Number'
export function typeOf(value: null): 'Null'
export function typeOf(value: undefined): 'Undefined'
export function typeOf(value: undefined): 'Undefined'
export function typeOf(value: any): string
export function typeOf(value: any): string {
  if (value === null) return 'Null'

  if (value === void 0) return `Undefined`

  return, -1)