This repository will help us to understand better how to deploy contracts on an Ethereum blockchain, connect to a Quorum regular node, emit and listen to events produced by the smart contracts.
Contract deployment is done via Truffle
Install the project and all the required dependencies:
git clone
cd quorum-websockets-example
npm install
We will compile and deploy contracts on a Quorum Blockchain. For that modify the file environment.js adding a valid node url and providing an account for the contract deployment.
truffle compile
truffle migrate --network telsius
Now the contract will be deployed on the specified network and now you are able to interact with them.
We are calling smart contract methods that will change the state of the contract an will emit events that will be able to watch.
Executing node app.js
setProfile will be called and change the state of the contract
On other shell execute node eventListener.js
and you will watch the events emited by the contract.