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Option 1: CDN

Add the Cere Web SDK directly to your HTML to load the library.

<script src=""></script>

Option 2: NPM

If your web application uses NPM, you can add our SDK as a dependency.

npm install --save @cere/sdk-js@5.3.2

Then, you can import it into your code:

import { cereWebSDK } from "@cere/sdk-js/dist/web";

Initial SDK setup

Once the Cere Web SDK is installed on your web application, initialize the library with APP_ID and YOUR_USER_ID.

You can find your APP_ID on the RXB Dashboard

User ID is what should be set for each of your users and should be unchangeable.

let appId = 242;
let yourUserId = 'd65e211e-047b-4c0d-8c8c-933e3c04abe1';

try {
   const sdk = cereWebSDK(appId, userId);
} catch {
   console.log('Could not initialize cereSDK.');

App ID and User ID should be provided, otherwise an error will result.

You can also specify the container element that you want the in-app messages to be attached to. By default, in-app messages are attached to the <body>.

let containerForInAppMessages = document.getElementById('container');
try {
const sdk = cereWebSDK(appId, yourUserId, containerForInAppMessages);
} catch {
console.log('Could not initialize cereSDK.');

One more important parameter that can be set during the SDK initialization is API_KEY.

Auth methods supported

Initialisation of the SDK can be handled in a variety of methods.

For all invocations APP_ID, USER_ID, REACT_APP_API_KEY - parameters described previously.

Auth methods supported include:

let sdk = cereWebSDK(APP_ID, USER_ID, {
 authMethod: {
   accessToken: AccessTokenValue,
let sdk = cereWebSDK(APP_ID, USER_ID, {
 authMethod: {
   type: 'TRUSTED_3RD_PARTY',
   externalUserId: EXTERNAL_USER_ID
   token: TOKEN
let sdk = cereWebSDK(APP_ID, USER_ID, {
 authMethod: {
   type: 'EMAIL',
   password: EmailPassword,


Default Handlers

Render template

If you pass a container div upon initialization of the SDK, the SDK will render templates passed via WebSocket automatically.

Reward Click

In order to track rewards clicked by the user, your template must use an action-click class and set the data-event-type parameter to REWARD_CLICKED. Any clicks inside of this div will be registered in Cere's DDC automatically as reward clicks. You can pass data about the reward inside the data-event-value parameter.

 <div class="action-click"
           Click me to get a reward!

Dismiss Event

Similarly, users can dismiss an event, which you can inject automatically using the data-event-type of DISMISS. This is best practice for determining if a user actively dismissed an engagement offering. It will remove the entire engagement from the container div by default.

<div class="action-click" data-event-type="DISMISS">

Impression Event

Every time an engagement is displayed to the user, an impression event is registered in the Cere DDC.

Custom Handlers

You can also register custom handlers for when an engagement is received by the websocket, or when a user dismisses an engagement. These functions are onEngagement and onDismissEngagement, onGetUserKeypair

let apiKey = 'secret';
const sdk = await cereWebSDK(appId, yourUserId, null, apiKey);
sdk.onEngagement((template) => {

sdk.onDismissEngagement(() => {

sdk.onGetUserKeypair((keyPair) => {
    //use of publicKey, privateKey

Custom Events

In addition to the default events like IMPRESSION and REWARD_CLICKED, you can record events in the Cere platform to learn more about your app’s usage and then use that data to understand users’ patterns to segment them and set up unique campaigns to deliver personalized product offerings.

let eventName = 'YOUR_EVENT_NAME';
let eventPayload = {'id': 26, booked: true}; // payload is optional argument
sdk.sendEvent(eventName, eventPayload);

CDN + ReactJS app

For ReactJS library without NPM there is a possibility to add web.js script

  1. There is a way for adding an external javascript file into a react js application. If you want to deal with this case please take a look at link Option 1: CDN
  2. There are different ways to add external javascript files in react. Some of them are listed below.


React-script-tag is an npm package that provides a React <script> tag that supports universal rendering. All standard <script> attributes like async, src, type, and defer are supported, including onLoad and onError callbacks.

import ScriptTag from 'react-script-tag';

const Demo = props => (
<ScriptTag type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/resource.js" />

React Helmet

Helmet is a React component that manages all your changes to the document head. It is another simple, beginner-friendly package that supports both server-side and client-side rendering.

Helmet takes plain HTML tags and outputs plain HTML tags.

import {Helmet} from "react-helmet";

const Demo = props => (
<div className="application">
              <script src="/path/to/resource.js" type="text/javascript" />

DOM Method

Though the above solutions are simple to achieve, it requires us to add additional packages that might bulk up our application. If you have some experience coding, then you can do:

componentDidMount () {
    const script = document.createElement("script");
    script.src = "/path/to/resource.js";
    script.async = true;

React Hooks

useEffect is a great way to append external JS files

Sample application code:

useEffect(() => {
   const script = document.createElement('script');
   script.src = "";
   script.async = true;
   script.addEventListener('load', (event) => {
       try {
           sdk = window.CereSDK.web.cereWebSDK(applicationId, userId,
           authMethod: {
            //Parameters needed
       } catch {
           console.log('SDK initialisation failed');
       sdk.onEngagement((template) => {
//Processing of a template

   return () => {
}, []);

In-app messages

In-app messages are a good way to tell your users about your new app features or deliver a special personalized offer.