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Trendyol iOS Style Guide

Tailored exclusively for the Trendyol app, this Swift Style Guide prioritizes code readability within Trendyol's unique development environment. Crafted to ensure consistency across diverse contributors, the guide serves as a dedicated resource for maintaining a cohesive and clear codebase.

Our overarching goals are clarity, consistency and brevity, in that order.

Table of Contents

Unit Tests

The rules do not apply to unit tests at the moment unless it's explicitly stated that the rule is valid for unit tests too. After the document reaches a certain maturity, separate work will be done for unit testing.

Using SwiftLint

When developing for Trendyol, it is highly recommended — and may even be mandatory, depending on your team — to incorporate our SwiftLint configuration. Please refer to the SwiftLint Policy for detailed information.,

Function And Variable Declarations For Page Guide

You can read the document here, which includes examples to make function and variable definitions more readable and understandable.


Descriptive and consistent naming makes software easier to read and understand. Use the Swift naming conventions described in the API Design Guidelines. Some key takeaways include:

  • striving for clarity at the call site
  • prioritizing clarity over brevity
  • using camelCase (not snake_case)
  • using UpperCamelCase for types and protocols, lowerCamelCase for everything else
  • including all needed words while omitting needless words
  • using names based on roles, not types
  • sometimes compensating for weak type information
  • striving for fluent usage
  • beginning factory methods with make
  • naming methods for their side effects
    • verb methods follow the -ed, -ing rule for the non-mutating version
    • noun methods follow the formX rule for the mutating version
    • boolean types should read like assertions
    • protocols that describe what something is should read as nouns
    • protocols that describe a capability should end in -able or -ible
  • omitting all labels when arguments can't be usefully distinguished e.g. min(number1, number2), zip(sequence1, sequence2)
  • using terms that don't surprise experts or confuse beginners
  • generally avoiding abbreviations
  • using precedent for names
  • preferring methods and properties to free functions
  • casing acronyms and initialisms uniformly up or down
  • giving the same base name to methods that share the same meaning
  • avoiding overloads on return type
  • choosing good parameter names that serve as documentation
  • preferring to name the first parameter instead of including its name in the method name, except as mentioned under Delegates
  • labeling closure and tuple parameters
  • taking advantage of default parameters


1. Booleans

Use one the is, has or should etc. prefixes to name a boolean to makes it clear that it is boolean and not other type.


 let isAddressAvailable = false
 let hasPermissionChanged = true

Not Preferred:

let permissionChanged = false
let isProductHasContent = false

2. Declaration

Variable declaration should be lowerCamelCase.

3. Type Inference

Don't include type information.


let screenName = ""
let presenter = ScreenPresenter()

Not Preferred:

let screenName: String = ""
let presenter: ScreenPresenter = ScreenPresenter()

There might be some exceptions, like array and floating number declarations when explicitly needed.

let products: [Product] = []
let products: [Product] = .empty
let buttonOpacity: CGFloat = 1

4. Let vs var

Always use let over var for immutable variables.

5. Avoid Ambiguity

Name variables according to their roles, rather than their types. Include all the words needed to avoid ambiguity for a person reading code where the name is used.


@IBOutlet private weak var iconImageView: UIImageView!
let isLowestPriceDurationActive = false
let greetingText = "Hello Trendyol!"

Not Preferred:

@IBOutlet private weak var icon: UIImageView!
let isDurationActive = false
let text = "Hello Trendyol!"

6. Naming from general part to specific part

Order names by starting with the most general part and ending with the most specific part.


let borderRadius: CGFloat
let bodyMarginRight: CGFloat

Not Preferred:

let radiusBorder: CGFloat
let bodyRightMargin: CGFloat

7. Underscore Usage

Don't use underscore.


let array: [String] = []
let filteredArray: [String] = []

Not Preferred:

let array: [String] = []
let _array: [String] = []

8. Static Properties

Static properties returning instances of their declaring type are not suffixed with the type's name.


enum Constant {
    enum InstallmentView {
        static let backgroundColor: UIColor
        static let cornerRadius: CGFloat
        static let borderWidth: Double

Not Preferred:

enum Constant {
    static let installmentViewBackgroundColor: UIColor
    static let installmentViewCornerRadius: CGFloat
    static let installmentViewBorderWidth: Double

9. Proper Nouns

Use lowercased naming if noun is being used as prefix, otherwise it should be uppercased.


 var utf8Bytes: [UTF8.CodeUnit]
 var endpointURL: URL
 var userSMTPServer: SecureSMTPServer

Not Preferred:

 var endpointUrl: URL
 var userSmtpServer: SecureSMTPServer

10. Computed Properties

Naming should be just like ordinary variable, not like functions.


var productDetailDescriptionText: String {

Not Preferred:

var makeProductDetailDescriptionText: String {


Method Naming for Non-Side-Effect Functions:

Methods that do not cause side effects should be named using the form of a question. For example:

let size = view.originalSize()

Method Naming for Side-Effect Functions:

Methods that perform actions and cause side effects should be named using imperative verbs. For instance:


Naming Non-Mutating Methods:

Methods that do not modify the original object but return a new value should be named using the past participle or present participle. Examples include:

let newList = oldList.sorted()
let newList = oldList.sortingLexicographically()

Parameter Naming Convention:

Parameter names should follow the same conventions as variable names. Utilize Swift’s syntax to ensure the method declaration reads naturally, almost like a sentence. For example:

func insert(_ element: Element, at index: Int)

should be read as:

insert(someElement, at: someIndex)

Factory Method Naming:

Factory method names should start with the word “make”. Both factory methods and initializers should list their parameters, but they are not required to form phrases.


init(name: String, id: Int)
func makeView(position: CGPoint, size: CGSize) -> UIView

Not Preferred:

init(withName name: String, andID id: Int)

Naming UIControl Actions:

UIControl actions should be named starting with the control's name followed by the word "tapped":


private func nextButtonTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {
    // ...

Not Preferred:

private func nextButtonAction(_ sender: UIButton) {
    // ...

Omitting Unused Parameters:

Avoid including parameters that are not used within the function.


func calculateSum(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
    return a + b

Not Preferred:

func calculateSum(_ a: Int, _ b: Int, _ c: Int) -> Int {
    return a + b  // The parameter 'c' is unused

Omitting Void Return Types:

Do not include Void in the return type of function definitions.


func performTask() {
    // Implementation

Not Preferred:

func performTask() -> Void {
    // Implementation

Command-Query Separation Principle:

When a function’s return value might be useful in certain scenarios but is not always needed, use the @discardableResult annotation. However, this practice is generally discouraged. Follow the command-query separation principle to keep functions focused on either performing an action or returning data, but not both.


Delegate protocols and delegate-like protocols (such as data sources) should use a specific naming convention inspired by Cocoa’s protocols.

The "delegate's source object" refers to the object that calls the delegate methods. For instance, a UITableView is the source object that calls methods on the UITableViewDelegate set as its delegate property.

All delegate methods should take the delegate’s source object as their first parameter.

For methods where the delegate’s source object is the only parameter:

  • If the method returns Void (typically used to notify the delegate of an event), the method name should start with the delegate’s source type followed by an indicative verb phrase describing the event. This parameter should be unlabeled.

    func scrollViewDidBeginScrolling(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
  • If the method returns Bool (often used to ask a yes/no question about the delegate’s source object), the method name should start with the delegate’s source type followed by an indicative or conditional verb phrase describing the question. This parameter should be unlabeled.

    func scrollViewShouldScrollToTop(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool
  • If the method returns a value other than Void or Bool (typically used to request information about the delegate’s source object), the method name should be a noun phrase describing the requested information. This parameter should be labeled with a preposition or phrase with a trailing preposition to clearly link the noun phrase and the delegate’s source object.

    func numberOfSections(in scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Int

For methods that take additional parameters after the delegate’s source object, the method name should start with the delegate’s source type by itself and the first parameter should be unlabeled. Then:

  • If the method returns Void, the second parameter should be labeled with an indicative verb phrase describing the event that the parameter represents as its direct object or prepositional object, with any other parameters providing further context.

    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
                   willDisplayCell cell: UITableViewCell,
                   forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)
  • If the method returns Bool, the second parameter should be labeled with an indicative or conditional verb phrase that describes the return value in terms of the parameter, with any other parameters providing further context.

    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
                   shouldSpringLoadRowAt indexPath: IndexPath,
                   with context: UISpringLoadedInteractionContext) -> Bool
  • If the method returns a value other than Void or Bool, the second parameter should be labeled with a noun phrase and trailing preposition that describes the return value in terms of the parameter, with any other parameters providing further context.

    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
                   heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat

Apple’s documentation on delegates and data sources provides further guidance on naming conventions for these methods.



func namePickerView(_ namePickerView: NamePickerView, didSelectName name: String)
func namePickerViewShouldReload(_ namePickerView: NamePickerView) -> Bool
func namePickerViewNumberOfSections(in scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Int
func namePickerViewRefreshOrdersAndFocus(on orderParentId: String)

Not Preferred:

func didSelectName(namePicker: NamePickerViewController, name: String)
func namePickerShouldReload() -> Bool
func numberOfSections(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Int
func viewRefreshOrdersAndFocus(on orderParentId: String)


Classes and structures should be named using noun phrases, similar to protocols that define what an object is. Protocols that add capabilities should be named descriptively (e.g., Sortable). Avoid ending protocol names with the word Protocol. Instead, conforming types should include a descriptive word in the name followed by the Interface suffix.


protocol EngineInterface { }
struct DefaultEngine: EngineInterface { }
protocol AccountRouterInterface { }
struct AccountRouter: AccountRouterInterface { }
private let router: AccountRouterInterface

Not Preferred:

protocol EngineProtocol { }
struct Engine: EngineProtocol { }
protocol AccountRouter { }
protocol AccountRouterProtocol { }
private let router: AccountRouter

Support for using the AnyObject keyword as a protocol constraint has been introduced, and it is recommended to prefer AnyObject over class.

This proposal consolidates the concepts of class and AnyObject, which now both denote an existential for classes. To streamline this, the proposal suggests retaining only AnyObject. To minimize source-breaking changes, class could be redefined as typealias class = AnyObject, with class receiving a deprecation warning in the initial Swift version implementing this proposal. Eventually, class could be phased out in a future Swift release.


protocol FooInterface: AnyObject { }

Not Preferred:

protocol FooInterface: class { }


Generic type parameters should be descriptive and use upper camel case naming. If the type doesn't have a specific role or relationship, use a traditional single uppercase letter like T, U, or V.


struct Container<Item> { ... }
func save<DataType: Encodable>(data: DataType)
func compare<T>(_ first: T, _ second: T) -> Bool

Not Preferred:

struct Container<T> { ... }
func save<datatype: Encodable>(data: datatype)
func compare<Element>(_ first: Element, _ second: Element) -> Bool


1. Where Clause

Prefer to use where clause if it's possible.


for item in items where item.productCount > 1 {

Not Preferred:

for item in items {
    if item.productCount > 1 {

2. Indices

Use .indicies property to loop over array indexes.


for index in array.indices {

Not Preferred:

for index in 0..<array.count {

3. Enumarated

Use .enumarated to loop through both index and item.

for (index, item) in array.enumarated() {

Self and self usage

1. Bind to self

Bind to self when capturing weak self reference.


 func fetch(completion: () -> Void) {
   networkManager.request() { [weak self] response in
     guard let self else { return }

2. Bind to self

Prefer using guard self checking unless you have single self usage. If you bind to self, don't use self again in the rest of the closure.


 func fetch(completion: () -> Void) {
     networkManager.request { [weak self] response in
         guard let self else { return }

 func fetch(completion: () -> Void) {
     networkManager.request { [weak self] response in

 func fetch(completion: () -> Void) {
     networkManager..request() { [weak self] response in.
         guard let self else { return }
         bark(item, item2)

Not Preferred:

 func fetch(completion: () -> Void) {
     networkManager..request { [weak self] response in
         guard let self else { return }

 func fetch(completion: () -> Void) {
     networkManager..request { [weak self] response in

 func fetch(completion: () -> Void) {
     networkManager.request { [weak self] response in.
         self?.bark(self?.item, self?.item2)

3. Unnecesary self usage

Use self only if you need it explicitly.

4. Self usage

Prefer to use "Self" over concrete type name.


 final class HomePageBarButtonsBuilder {
     private var buttons: [UIBarButtonItem] = []

     func appendSellerNotificationButton(target: Any?, selector: Selector) -> Self {
         return self

     func appendSpacerButton(width: CGFloat) -> Self {
         return self

     func build() -> [UIBarButtonItem] {
         return buttons

 protocol SomeProtocol {
     static func createModule() -> Self

Class and Structs

1. Controller Suffix

Don't use "Controller" in names of classes that aren't view controllers.

2. Declaration

Use PascalCase for type names.

3. Mock Naming

Use "Mock" prefix for entire mock classes.


class MockPriceView: PriceViewInterface { }

Not Preferred:

class PriceView: PriceViewInterface { }
class MockPriceViewInterface: PriceViewInterface { }
class MockPriceViewController: PriceViewInterface { } 

"Mock" prefix should be first rather than channel prefixes.


class MockPDPTagView: PriceViewInterface { }

Not Preferred:

class PDPMockTagView: PriceViewInterface { }

4. Test Class Naming

Use "Tests" suffix for BaseXCTestCases.

5. UI Related Class Naming

Use type constraint as suffix.


class INTPriceView: UIView { }
class INTDescriptionCell: UICollectionViewCell { }

Not Preferred:

class INTPriceComponent: UIView { }
class INTDescriptionComponent: UICollectionViewCell { }

6. Version Suffixes

Use "V" suffix for versions of the classes.


class ProductSliderCell { }
class ProductSliderCellV2 { }
class ProductSliderCellV3 { }

Not Preferred:

class ProductSliderCell { }
class ProductSliderCellNew { }
class ProductSliderCellRedesign { }


1. Attribute Placement

Prefer to declare attribute in the same line if it's stored property, otherwise declare it in one line above. As exception, IBAction is declared in the same line by Xcode, you don't need to change it.


class Manager {
    @State private var isLoggedIn = false
    func reset() {
    @IBAction func logout() {
    func login() {

Not Preferred:

@objc class Manager {
    private var isLoggedIn = false
    @discardableResult func reset() {


Apply US English spelling to align with Apple's API.


let color = "red"

Not Preferred:

let colour = "red"

Some tips:

if you turn on "Check spelling while you type", found in the Edit->Format->Spelling and Grammar menu, Xcode will display the red word spelled wrong indicator for comments as they are spelled wrong. It will also spell check camel case identifiers

Xcode while editing settings

Also, you can look for the correct form via right-click

Xcode while editing settings

String Concatenation

1. String(format:) usage

Prefer "()" over String(format:).


return "user name: \(, user id: \(, user height: \(length)"

Not Preferred:

return String(format: "user name: %@, user id: %d, user height: %f",,, length)

File Organization

Alphabetize and deduplicate module imports within a file. Place all imports at the top of the file below the header comments. (Also see Imports.)

Limit consecutive whitespace to one blank line or space (excluding indentation)


struct Planet {
  let mass: Double
  let hasAtmosphere: Bool

  func distance(to: Planet) { }

Not Preferred:

struct Planet {
  let mass:          Double
  let hasAtmosphere: Bool

  func distance(to: Planet) { }

Declarations that include scopes spanning multiple lines should be separated from adjacent declarations in the same scope by a newline.

Insert a single blank line between multi-line scoped declarations (e.g. types, extensions, functions, computed properties, etc.) and other declarations at the same indentation level.

Why: Dividing scoped declarations from other declarations at the same scope visually separates them, making adjacent declarations easier to differentiate from the scoped declaration.


struct SolarSystem {
  var numberOfPlanets: Int {

  func distance(to: SolarSystem) -> AstronomicalUnit {

struct Galaxy {
  func distance(to: Galaxy) -> AstronomicalUnit {

  func contains(_ solarSystem: SolarSystem) -> Bool {

Not Preferred:

struct SolarSystem {
  var numberOfPlanets: Int {
  func distance(to: SolarSystem) -> AstronomicalUnit {
struct Galaxy {
  func distance(to: Galaxy) -> AstronomicalUnit {
  func contains(_ solarSystem: SolarSystem) -> Bool {

Remove blank lines at the top and bottom of scopes, excluding type bodies which can optionally include blank lines.


class Planet {
  func terraform() {

Not Preferred:

class Planet {
  func terraform() {



Within each top-level section, place content in the following order. This allows a new reader of your code to more easily find what they are looking for.

  • Nested types and type aliases
  • Static properties
  • Class properties
  • IBOutlet properties
  • Instance properties
  • Lifecycle methods
  • Static methods
  • Class methods
  • IBAction methods
  • Instance methods

Protocol conforms should be ordered for understanding action structure easily.

  • Private method extension
  • Type protocol conform extension
  • Delegate conform extension
  • Output conform extension

Add empty lines between property declarations of different kinds. (e.g. between static properties and instance properties.)


static let gravityEarth: CGFloat = 9.8
static let gravityMoon: CGFloat = 1.6

var gravity: CGFloat

Not Preferred:

static let gravityEarth: CGFloat = 9.8
static let gravityMoon: CGFloat = 1.6
var gravity: CGFloat

Computed properties and properties with property observers should appear at the end of the set of declarations of the same kind. (e.g. instance properties.)


var gravity: CGFloat
var atmosphere: Atmosphere {
  didSet {
    print("oh my god, the atmosphere changed")

init() {

Also Preferred:

If a swift file contains a lot of computed and stored property, they can be grouped and sorted among themselves with using MARK.

// MARK: - Identity Properties
var name: String
var surname: String
var fullName: String {
  "\(name) \(surname)"

// MARK: - X Component Properties
var xComponentTitle: String
var isXComponentFlagEnabled: Bool
var shouldShowXComponent: Bool {
  !xComponentTitle.isEmpty && isXComponentFlagEnabled

init() {

Not Preferred:

var atmosphere: Atmosphere {
  didSet {
    print("oh my god, the atmosphere changed")
var gravity: CGFloat

init() {

Also see for file organization ExamplePresenter.swift

Code Organization

Use extensions to organize your code into logical blocks of functionality.

Protocol Conformance

1. AnyObject vs class

Use AnyObject instead of class in protocol definitions.

2. Mark Usage

Use mark for protocol conformance.

// MARK: - ViewInterface
extension MyViewController: ViewInterface {

3. Extension Usage

Prefer adding a separate extension for the protocol methods and each extension should confirm single protocol. If protocol/type is generic or don't require any implementation, it can be confirmed without extension.


class MyViewController: UIViewController, Loadable {
  // class stuff here

// MARK: - UITableViewDataSource
extension MyViewController: UITableViewDataSource {
  // table view data source methods

// MARK: - UITableViewDelegate
extension MyViewController: UITableViewDelegate {
  // scroll view delegate methods

Not Preferred:

extension MyViewController: UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {
  // scroll view delegate methods

Unused Code

Remove any unused (dead) code, including default Xcode template code and placeholder comments. The only exception is when the code is part of a tutorial or book and is meant to be uncommented by the user.

Methods that are not directly needed and simply call the superclass should also be removed, especially if they are empty or unused, such as certain UIApplicationDelegate methods.


override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
  let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Cell", for: indexPath)
  cell.textLabel?.text = Database.contacts[indexPath.row].name
  return cell

Not Preferred:

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
  // #warning Incomplete implementation, configure the cell
  let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Cell", for: indexPath)
  cell.textLabel?.text = Database.contacts[indexPath.row].name
  return cell

Reason: If you are only calling the superclass method and not adding any additional functionality, there is no need to override methods like viewDidLoad.

override func viewDidLoad() {

Reason: The default value for numberOfSections is 1, so if you are not changing it, there is no need to override.

override func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
  return 1

Omitting Return

Avoid using the return keyword when it is not necessary.


["1", "2", "3"].compactMap { Int($0) }

var size: CGSize {
    width: 100.0,
    height: 100.0

func makeInfoAlert(message: String) -> UIAlertController {
    title: "ℹ️ Info",
    message: message,
    preferredStyle: .alert

Not Preferred:

["1", "2", "3"].compactMap { return Int($0) }

var size: CGSize {
  return CGSize(
    width: 100.0,
    height: 100.0

func makeInfoAlert(message: String) -> UIAlertController {
  return UIAlertController(
    title: "ℹ️ Info",
    message: message,
    preferredStyle: .alert


Arrange and deduplicate module imports alphabetically within a file. Place all imports at the top of the file, below any header comments. Avoid adding extra line breaks between import statements. Include a single empty line before the first import and after the last one. SwiftFormat: sortedImports SwiftFormat: duplicateImports

A consistent organization method helps engineers quickly determine which modules a file depends on. Duplicate import statements have no effect and should be removed for clarity.

Not Preferred:

//  Copyright © 2024 Trendyol. All rights reserved.

import TYCoreUtils
import Foundation
import CommonKit
import AccessibilityKit

import MemberKit


//  Copyright © 2024 Trendyol. All rights reserved.

import AccessibilityKit
import CommonKit
import Foundation
import MemberKit
import TYCoreUtils

@testable usage


//  Copyright © 2024 Trendyol. All rights reserved.

import AccessibilityKit
import CommonKit
import Foundation
import MemberKit
import TYCoreUtils

@testable import Trendyol

Also Preferred:

//  Copyright © 2024 Trendyol. All rights reserved.

import AccessibilityKit
import CommonKit
import Foundation
import MemberKit
@testable import Trendyol
import TYCoreUtils

Import only the modules a source file requires. For example, don't import UIKit when importing Foundation will suffice. Likewise, don't import Foundation if you must import UIKit.


import UIKit
var view: UIView
var deviceModels: [String]


import Foundation
var deviceModels: [String]

Not Preferred:

import UIKit
import Foundation
var view: UIView
var deviceModels: [String]

Not Preferred:

import UIKit
var deviceModels: [String]

Spacing And New Line

Important: Go to Xcode > Preferences > Text Editing > Editing -> While editing

  • Starting from Xcode 4.4 whitespaces will be trimmed automatically by default, unless the line is all whitespace. You can also activate Including whitespace-only lines to fix this, which is not active by default.

Xcode while editing settings

  • While the generall recommendation advises indenting with 2 spaces rather than tabs to save space and prevent line wrapping, we've chosen to adhere to our decision of using 4 spaces for indentation. Be sure to set this preference in Xcode and in the Project settings as shown below::

Xcode indent settings

  • Method braces and other braces (if/else/switch/while etc.) always open on the same line as the statement but close on a new line.
  • Tip: You can re-indent by selecting some code (or Command-A to select all) and then Control-I (or Editor ▸ Structure ▸ Re-Indent in the menu). Some of the Xcode template code will have 4-space tabs hard coded, so this is a good way to fix that.

1. Colon Spacing

Certainly! Here's the corrected version: "Place the colon immediately after an identifier, followed by a space."


var something: Double = 0

class MyClass: SuperClass {
  // ...

var dict = [KeyType: ValueType]()

Not Preferred:

var something : Double = 0

class MyClass : SuperClass {
  // ...

var dict = [KeyType:ValueType]()
var dict = [KeyType : ValueType]()

2. Return Arrow Spacing

Leave a space on each side of a line break arrow for readability.


func doSomething() -> String {
  // ...

func doSomething(completion: () -> Void) {
  // ...

Not Preferred:

func doSomething()->String {
  // ...

func doSomething(completion: ()->Void) {
  // ...

Multi-line arrays should have each bracket on a separate line. Separate the opening and closing brackets from any elements within the array. Additionally, ensure the last element has a trailing comma.


let rowContent = [

Not Preferred:

let rowContent = [listingUrgencyDatesRowContent(),

let rowContent = [

3. Whitespace Around Braces

Curly braces should be surrounded by a single whitespace character (either a space or a newline) on each side.


struct Earth {

if condition {
} else {

if user.isHappy {
  // Do something
} else {
  // Do something else

Not Preferred:

struct Planet{

if condition{

if user.isHappy
  // Do something
else {
  // Do something else
  • Between methods, there should be one blank line for visual clarity and organization. Between type declarations, there can be up to one blank line. Inside methods, whitespace should be used to separate functionality; however, having too many sections within a method often indicates the need for refactoring into multiple methods.

  • There should be no blank lines after an opening brace or before a closing brace.

  • Depending on the requirement, you can also utilize Control-m provided that it doesn't overly distort the pattern and involves a subject with multiple parameters.


let user = try await getUser(for: userID,
                             on: connection)

    param1: String,
    param2: String,
    param3: String

Not Preferred:

let user = try await getUser(
  for: userID,
  on: connection

ManyParamInit(param1: String, param2: String, param3: String)

4. No Spaces Around Parens

For function calls and declarations, avoid placing spaces before or inside the parentheses of the argument list.


func install(_ engine: Engine) { }


Not Preferred:

func install ( _ engine: Engine ) { }

4. Space In Empty Braces

Empty braces should contain a single space. ({ }).


extension Spaceship: Trackable { }

extension SpaceshipView {
  var accessibilityIdentifier: String {
    get { }
    set { }

Not Preferred:

extension Spaceship: Trackable {}

extension SpaceshipView {
  var accessibilityIdentifier: String {
    get { }
    set {}

5. No Blank Lines At Start Or End Of Non-Type Scopes

Remove blank lines at the top and bottom of scopes, Type bodies are an exception, as they may include optional blank lines.


class Planet {
  func terraform() {

Not Preferred:

class Planet {
  func terraform() {



class Planet {

  func terraform() {


6. Newline Between Subsections

Add empty lines between property declarations of different kinds. (e.g. between static properties and instance properties.)


static let gravityEarth: CGFloat = 9.8
static let gravityMoon: CGFloat = 1.6

var gravity: CGFloat

Not Preferred:

static let gravityEarth: CGFloat = 9.8
static let gravityMoon: CGFloat = 1.6
var gravity: CGFloat

7. No Space Inside Brackets

Collection literals should not have spaces inside their brackets.


let innerPlanets = [mercury, venus, earth, mars]
let largestObjects = [.star: sun, .planet: jupiter]

Not Preferred:

let innerPlanets = [ mercury, venus, earth, mars ]
let largestObjects = [ .star: sun, .planet: jupiter  ]

Colons always have no space on the left and one space on the right. Exceptions are the ternary operator ? :, empty dictionary [:] and #selector syntax addTarget(_:action:).


class TestDatabase: Database {
  var data: [String: CGFloat] = ["A": 1.2, "B": 3.2]

Not Preferred:

class TestDatabase : Database {
  var data :[String:CGFloat] = ["A" : 1.2, "B":3.2]
  • Avoid trailing whitespaces at the ends of lines.

  • Add a single newline character at the end of each file.

8. Multi Line Conditions

Multi-line conditional statements should begin with the keyword on a new line. Each subsequent statement should be indented by 2 spaces

Why? Starting a new line after the leading keyword resets the indentation to the standard 2-space grid. This approach helps prevent conflicts with Xcode's indentation behavior when using control + i.


  let galaxy, == "Milky Way"
{  }

  let galaxy, == "Milky Way"
else {  }

  let earth = universe.find(
    named: "Earth"),
else {  }

if let galaxy {

guard let galaxy else {

Not Preferred:

if let galaxy, == "Milky Way" // Indenting by two spaces fights Xcode's ^+I indentation behavior
{  }

guard let galaxy, == "Milky Way" // Variable width indentation (6 spaces)
else {  }

guard let earth = universe.find(
  named: "Earth"),
  earth.isHabitable // Blends in with previous condition's method arguments
else {  }

9. Closure Brace Spacing

Closures should have a single space or newline inside each brace. Additionally, trailing closures should have a single space or newline outside each brace


let evenSquares = numbers.filter { $0.isMultiple(of: 2) }.map { $0 * $0 }
let evenSquares = numbers.filter({ $0.isMultiple(of: 2) }).map({ $0 * $0 })

let evenSquares = numbers
  .filter { $0.isMultiple(of: 2) }
  .map { $0 * $0 }

Not Preferred:

let evenSquares = numbers.filter{$0.isMultiple(of: 2)}.map{  $0 * $0  }
let evenSquares = numbers.filter( { $0.isMultiple(of: 2) } ).map( { $0 * $0 } )

let evenSquares = numbers
  .filter{ $0.isMultiple(of: 2) }
    $0 * $0

10. Infix Operator Spacing

Infix operators should have a single space on either side. Use parentheses to visually group statements with many operators instead of relying on varying widths of whitespace. This guideline excludes range operators (e.g., 1...3) and postfix or prefix operators (e.g., guest? or -1).


let capacity = 1 + 2
let capacity = currentCapacity ?? 0
let mask = (UIAccessibilityTraitButton | UIAccessibilityTraitSelected)
let capacity = newCapacity
let latitude = - (region.span.latitudeDelta / 2.0)

Not Preferred:

let capacity = 1+2
let capacity = currentCapacity   ?? 0
let mask = (UIAccessibilityTraitButton|UIAccessibilityTraitSelected)
let capacity=newCapacity
let latitude = - region.span.latitudeDelta/2.0

Parentheses & Braces


Omit unnecessary parentheses.


if name == "Hello" {

if userCount > 0 { ... }
switch someValue { ... }
let evens = userCounts.filter { number in number.isMultiple(of: 2) }

if (x == 0 || y == 1) && z == 2 {

Not Preferred:

if (name == "Hello") {

if (userCount > 0) { ... }
switch (someValue) { ... }
let evens = userCounts.filter { (number) in number.isMultiple(of: 2) }

if ((x == 0 || y == 1) && z == 2) {


The opening brace following a single-line expression should be on the same line as the rest of the statement.


if !planet.isHabitable {

class Planet {
  func terraform() {

Not Preferred:

if !planet.isHabitable

class Planet
  func terraform()


Use single-line comments (// for code comments and /// for documentation comments) instead of multi-line comments (/* ... */ and /** ... */).


/// Represents a vehicle that can traverse different terrains.
/// Vehicles have various attributes. For instance, the best vehicles
/// can handle both off-road and highway conditions.
class Vehicle {
  /// Modifies the vehicle's settings for off-road driving.
  func configureForOffRoad() {
    // Adjust the suspension for rough terrain.

    // Switch to all-terrain tires for better grip.

Not Preferred:

* Represents a vehicle that can traverse different terrains.
* Vehicles have various attributes. For instance, the best vehicles
* can handle both off-road and highway conditions.
class Vehicle {
    Modifies the vehicle's settings for off-road driving.
  func configureForOffRoad() {
    Adjust the suspension for rough terrain.

    /* Switch to all-terrain tires for better grip. */

Include spaces or newlines before and after comment delimiters


/// An advanced robot capable of performing complex tasks.
struct Robot {

  func selfRepair() { /* function not yet implemented */ }

  func analyzeEnvironment() { } // TODO: add environment analysis code


Not Preferred:

///An advanced robot capable of performing complex tasks.
struct Robot {

  func selfRepair() {/*function not yet implemented*/}

  func analyzeEnvironment() { }//TODO: add environment analysis code


Each type and extension which implements a conformance should be preceded by a MARK comment.

  • Extensions that immediately follow the type being extended should omit that type's name and instead use // MARK: ProtocolName.
  • If there is only one type or extension in a file, the MARK comment can be omitted.
  • If the extension in question is empty (e.g. has no declarations in its body), the MARK comment can be omitted.
  • For extensions that do not add new conformances, consider adding a MARK with a descriptive comment.
class MyViewController: UIViewController {

// MARK: - ABCDelegate
extension MyViewController: ABCDelegate {

// MARK: - XYZDelegate
extension MyViewController: XYZDelegate {

private extension MyViewController {

Final Usage

Default to marking classes as final.

If a class needs to be overridden, the author should choose to allow that functionality by omitting the final keyword.


final class BasketPersonalizedHeaderCell: UICollectionViewCell { // ... }

Not Preferred:

class BasketPersonalizedHeaderCell: UICollectionViewCell { // ... }

High Order Functions

1. KeyPath

Prefer to use keypaths over providing closures.



Not Preferred:

response.restaurants?.compactMap({ $ })

2. Chaining

Move to new line per high order function. Also, take care of chaining performance, avoid multiple loops as much as possible.


let value = numbers
  .map { $0 * 2 }
  .filter { $0 > 50 }
  .map { $0 + 10 }

attributes.contains { $0.key == }

Not Preferred:

let value = { $0 * 2 }.filter { $0 > 50 }.map { $0 + 10 }\.key).contains($

3. Paranthesis

Prefer omitting paranthesis unless we need to put dot after the expression.

Preferred: { $ }
planets.first { $0.flag }
planets.first({ $0.flag }).name

Not Preferred:{ $ })
planets.first(where: { $0.flag })
planets.first { $0.flag }.name

4. Passing method name as closure

Prefer to pass method name over closure.


Not Preferred: {
     TargetModel(item: $0)

items.forEach { 

5. Prefering High Order Functions Over Traditional Loops

Prefer high order functions over traditional loops.

let filteredStamps = stamps.filter { $0.shouldShowOnSearch ?? true }

Not Preferred:

for item in items {

var filteredStamps: [Stamp] = []
for stamp in stamps where stamp.shouldShowOnSearch == true {


1. Closure Complexity

Extract closure content to separate method if closure gets too complex.

2. Void Usage

Prefer Void over (). You can also declare your own typealiases for closures for your own module.


typealias IntHandler = (Int) -> Void

Not Preferred:

typealias IntHandler = (Int) -> ()

3. Unused Closure Parameters

Use underscore for unused closure parameters.


fetchUser() { _,  param2 in

Not Preferred:

fetchUser() { param1, param2 in

4. Trailing Closure

Prefer trailing closure syntax if there's a single closure at the end of the arguments. If you have multiple arguments, declare closure as last argument.


myMethod(productCount: 1) {

Not Preferred:

myMethod(productCount: 1, completion: {

5. Single Expression Closure

Omit return if you have single expression in closure.


users.first { user in

Not Preferred:

users.first { user in
   return user.isLoggedIn

6. Lazy Closures

Prefer short syntax for single line lazy var declarations.


lazy var item = Item()

Not Preferred:

lazy var item: Item = {
     return Item()


A tuple type is a comma-separated list of types, enclosed in parentheses.

Name members of tuples for extra clarity. Rule of thumb: if you've got more than 3 fields, you should probably be using a struct.

Example 1:


func fetchDimensions() -> (width: Int, height: Int) {
  return (width: 1920, height: 1080)

func fetchSize() -> (width: Int, height: Int) {
  return (1920, 1080)

let dimensions = fetchDimensions()

Not Preferred:

func fetchDimensions() -> (Int, Int) {
  return (1920, 1080)
let size = fetchDimensions()

Example 2:


struct Inventory {
  let quantities = (inStock: 50, reserved: 10)

let inventory = Inventory()
inventory.quantities.reserved // returns 10

Not Preferred:

struct Inventory {
  let quantities = (50, 10)

let inventory = Inventory()
inventory.quantities.1 // returns 10

Property Observers

Refactor complex property observers into dedicated methods. This approach reduces nested code, separates side effects from property declarations, and makes the usage of implicitly passed parameters like oldValue more explicit.


class TextField {
  var text: String? {
    didSet { handleTextUpdate(from: oldValue) }

  private func handleTextUpdate(from oldValue: String?) {
    guard oldValue != text else {

    // Execute a series of side effects related to text.

Not Preferred:

class TextField {
  var text: String? {
    didSet {
      guard oldValue != text else {

      // Execute a series of side effects related to text.

Property observers also take parameters that refer to the old and new values.

By default, these parameters are named oldValue and newValue.

The willSet block always stores the incoming value as newValue. The didSetdidSet block always stores the previous value as oldValue. You don't need to declare these parameters; they are automatically available for use.

For example:

var name: String = """"Trendyol"""" {
    willSet { print(""""Name will from \(name) to \(newValue)"""") }
    didSet { print(""""Name changed from \(oldValue) to \(name)"""")}

As demonstrated, newValue and oldValue automatically reference the name before and after the change. Additionally, you can customize the default parameter names;

var name: String = """"Trendyol"""" {
    willSet(newName) {
        print(""""Name will from \(name) to \(newName)"""")
    didSet(oldName) {
        print(""""Name changed from \(oldName) to \(name)"""")


Always use Swift's native types and expressions when available. Swift offers bridging to Objective-C so you can still use the full set of methods as needed.


let width = 120.0                                    // Double
let widthString = "\(width)"                         // String

Less Preferred:

let width = 120.0                                    // Double
let widthString = (width as NSNumber).stringValue    // String

Not Preferred:

let width: NSNumber = 120.0                          // NSNumber
let widthString: NSString = width.stringValue        // NSString

In drawing code, use CGFloat if it makes the code more succinct by avoiding too many conversions.

Init Usage

1. Variable Declaration

Do not use '.init()' while assigning value to variable. Unit test variable declarations is an exception for this rule.


 presenter = MyCellPresenter()

Not Preferred:

 presenter: MyCellPresenter= .init()

2. Nested Statement

Prefer not to use use .init inside nested statements.


 tracker.track(GRCAvailableTimeSlotsInstantNavigationEvents(arguments: EvenArgument(type: .click, screen: arguments.screen)))

Not Preferred:

 tracker.track(GRCAvailableTimeSlotsInstantNavigationEvents(arguments: .init(type: .click, screen: arguments.screen)))

3. Convenience init

Use convenience init if we have already one designated initializer.

4.Initializer Arguments

Don't omit parameter names for initializers, parameter name should be same as the variable its initializing.


 struct BasketDiscountViewEvent: CoreTrackable {
     enum Action: String {    }

     let action: Action

     init(action: Action) {
         self.action = action

Not Preferred:

 struct BasketDiscountViewEvent: CoreTrackable {
     enum Action: String {    }

     let action: Action

     init(_ eventAction: Action) {
          action = eventAction

5. Failable Initializers

Avoid failable initializers as much as possible.


Constants should be defined using the let keyword, while variables should use the var keyword. Always use let instead of var if the value will not change.

Tip: A good practice is to start by defining everything with let and only change it to var if the compiler raises an error.

To define constants on a type rather than an instance, use type properties with static let. These type properties are generally preferred over global constants as they are easier to distinguish from instance properties. Example:


enum Mathematics {
  static let eulerNumber = 2.718281828459045235360287
  static let squareRootOfTwo = 1.41421356237309504880168872

let hypotenuse = sideLength * Mathematics.squareRootOfTwo

Note: The advantage of using a case-less enum is that it cannot be instantiated, serving purely as a namespace.

Not Preferred:

let eulerNumber = 2.718281828459045235360287  // pollutes the global namespace
let squareRootOfTwo = 1.41421356237309504880168872

let hypotenuse = sideLength * squareRootOfTwo // what is squareRootOfTwo?

Use case-less enums to organize public or internal constants and functions into namespaces. SwiftFormat: enumNamespaces

  • Avoid creating non-namespaced global constants and functions.
  • Nest namespaces if it adds clarity.
  • private globals are allowed since they are file-scoped and do not pollute the global namespace. Consider placing private globals in an enum namespace to maintain consistency with other declaration types.

For correct usage, prefer enum over struct for defining namespaces.

Why? Case-less enums are suitable as namespaces because they cannot be instantiated, aligning with their intended purpose.


enum Environment {
  enum Earth {
    static let gravity = 9.8

  enum Moon {
    static let gravity = 1.6

Not Preferred:

struct Environment {
  static let earthGravity = 9.8
  static let moonGravity = 1.6

Note: Place constants within extensions of classes, and ensure the class extension is not marked with any access control. Reference: Extension Access Control


extension AccountPresenter {
  private enum Constant {
    enum Date {
      static let cobrandedOnboardingLastShownDateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"

    enum URL {
      static let trendyolDeeplinkUrl = "ty://"


When all arguments in enum case statements are unlabeled, omit enum associated values. SwiftLint: empty_enum_arguments


if case .success = result { ... }

switch service {
case .firebase:

Not Preferred:

if case .success(_) = result { ... }

switch service {
case .firebase(_, _, _):

When deconstructing an enum case or a tuple, position the let keyword directly next to each separate property assignment. Inlining the let keyword makes it more clear which identifiers are part of the conditional check and which identifiers are binding new variables, since the let keyword is always adjacent to the variable identifier. SwiftFormat: hoistPatternLet


switch result {
case .success(let value):
  // ...
case .error(let errorCode, let errorReason):
  // ...
guard case .success(let value) else {

Not Preferred:

switch result {
case let .success(value):
  // ...
case let .error(errorCode, errorReason):
  // ...
guard let case .success(value) else {

Enum Namespaces

Employ caseless enums to structure public or internal constants and functions within namespaces. SwiftFormat: enumNamespaces

  • Avoid creating global constants and functions that are non-namespaced.
  • Feel free to nest namespaces where it adds clarity.
  • private globals are permitted, since they are scoped to a single file and do not pollute the global namespace. Consider placing private globals in an enum namespace to match the guidelines for other declaration types.

Enums without cases function effectively as namespaces since they are unable to be instantiated, aligning with their purpose.


// RIGHT  
enum Constants {
  enum ContainerDefaultBorder {
      static let width: Double = 1.0
      static let color: String = "#E5E5E5"

  enum ContainerGradientBorder {
      static let startPoint: CGPoint = .init(x: 0, y: 0)
      static let endPoint: CGPoint = .init(x: 1, y: 1)
      static let width: CGFloat = 0.5

Not Preferred:

struct Constants {  
  static let width: Double = 1.0
  static let color: String = "#E5E5E5"
// WRONG  
struct Constants {  
  struct ContainerDefaultBorder {  
      static let width: Double = 1.0
      static let color: String = "#E5E5E5"
  struct ContainerGradientBorder {  
      static let startPoint: CGPoint = .init(x: 0, y: 0)
      static let endPoint: CGPoint = .init(x: 1, y: 1)
      static let width: CGFloat = 0.5

Utilize Swift's automatic enum values unless they correspond to an external source. Add a comment explaining the rationale behind explicitly defined values. SwiftFormat: redundantRawValues


For enhanced user error prevention, improved readability, and quicker code writing, prioritize Swift's automatic enum values. Explicitly define values only when they originate from an external source (like a network request) or need persistence across binaries. Document these explicit mappings for clarity and maintainability.

This approach ensures that adding a new value in the middle won't inadvertently cause issues or break functionality.


// Relying on Swift's automatic enum values  
enum ErrorResponseType: String {  
  case error  
  case warning  
/// These are written to a logging service. Explicit values ensure they're consistent across binaries.  
// swiftformat:disable redundantRawValues  
enum UserType: String {  
  case owner = "owner"  
  case manager = "manager"  
  case member = "member"  
// swiftformat:enable redundantRawValues  
// Relying on Swift's automatic enum values  
enum Planet: Int {  
  case mercury  
  case venus  
  case earth  
  case mars  
  case jupiter  
  case saturn  
  case uranus  
  case neptune  
/// These values come from the server, so we set them here explicitly to match those values.  
enum ErrorCode: Int {  
  case notEnoughMemory = 0  
  case invalidResource = 1  
  case timeOut = 2  

Not Preferred:

enum ErrorResponseType: String {  
  case error = "error"  
  case warning = "warning"  
enum UserType: String {  
  case owner  
  case manager  
  case member  
enum Planet: Int {  
  case mercury = 0  
  case venus = 1  
  case earth = 2  
  case mars = 3  
  case jupiter = 4  
  case saturn = 5  
  case uranus = 6  
  case neptune = 7  
enum ErrorCode: Int {  
  case notEnoughMemory  
  case invalidResource  
  case timeOut  

Avoid using the default case when switching over an enum.

Why? Enumerating every case necessitates that developers and reviewers carefully assess the correctness of every switch statement when new cases are introduced.


switch type {  
case .aType:  
// Do something  
case .bType, .cType:  
// Do something else.  

Not Preferred:

switch type {  
case .aType:  
// Do something  
// Do something else.  

When all cases of an enum require indirect handling, declare the enum itself as indirect, and omit the keyword on the individual cases.


public indirect enum DependencyGraphNode {  
  case userDefined(dependencies: [DependencyGraphNode])  
  case synthesized(dependencies: [DependencyGraphNode])  

Not Preferred:

public enum DependencyGraphNode {  
  indirect case userDefined(dependencies: [DependencyGraphNode])  
  indirect case synthesized(dependencies: [DependencyGraphNode])  

When an enum case does not have associated values, empty parentheses are never present.


public enum BinaryTree<Element> {  
  indirect case node(element: Element, left: BinaryTree, right: BinaryTree)  
  case empty // GOOD.  

Not Preferred:

public enum BinaryTree<Element> {  
  indirect case node(element: Element, left: BinaryTree, right: BinaryTree)  
  case empty() // AVOID.  
  • None of the cases have associated values or raw values,
  • All cases fit on a single line,
  • The cases' meanings are self-evident from their names and do not require additional documentation.


public enum DecodingType {  
  case raw  
  case combined  
  case identifier
public enum DecodingType {  
  case raw, combined, identifier  
public enum DecodingType {  
  case raw  
  case combined  
  case identifier(String)  

Not Preferred:

public enum DecodingType {  
  case raw, combined, identifier(String)  

The enumerations within an enum should adhere to a coherent sequence that the developer can elucidate upon inquiry. In instances where a clear logical order is absent, employ a lexicographical arrangement based on the names of the cases.

In the example below, the cases are organized in numerical order according to the underlying HTTP status code, with blank lines used to separate groups.


public enum HTTPStatus: Int {
  case ok = 200

  case badRequest = 400
  case notAuthorized = 401
  case paymentRequired = 402
  case forbidden = 403
  case notFound = 404

  case internalServerError = 500

The revised enum version is less readable. While the cases are ordered alphabetically, the meaningful groupings of related values have been lost.

Not Preferred:

public enum HTTPStatus: Int {
  case badRequest = 400
  case forbidden = 403
  case internalServerError = 500
  case notAuthorized = 401
  case notFound = 404
  case ok = 200
  case paymentRequired = 402

Enum names should be singular, not plural.


public enum PageType {
  case market
  case store
  case order

Not Preferred:

public enum PageTypes {
  case market
  case store
  case order


Long type aliases for protocol compositions should wrap before the = and before each individual &. SwiftFormat: wrapArguments


public typealias AppServices
  = DataStorageProviding
  & LoggerServiceProviding
  & NetworkRequestHandling
  & UserAuthenticationProviding
  & UserInterfaceUpdating

Not Preferred:

// WRONG (too long)
public typealias AppServices = DataStorageProviding & LoggerServiceProviding & NetworkRequestHandling & UserAuthenticationProviding & UserInterfaceUpdating

// WRONG (naive wrapping)
public typealias AppServices = DataStorageProviding & LoggerServiceProviding & NetworkRequestHandling &
  UserAuthenticationProviding & UserInterfaceUpdating

// WRONG (unbalanced)
public typealias AppServices = DataStorageProviding
  & LoggerServiceProviding
  & NetworkRequestHandling
  & UserAuthenticationProviding
  & UserInterfaceUpdating

Sort protocol composition type aliases alphabetically. SwiftFormat: sortTypealiases

Protocol composition type aliases lack a natural order, making them unordered lists. Sorting them alphabetically helps maintain organization, especially for lengthy protocol compositions.


public typealias AppServices
  = DataStorageProviding
  & LoggerServiceProviding
  & NetworkRequestHandling
  & UserAuthenticationProviding
  & UserInterfaceUpdating

Not Preferred:

// WRONG (not sorted)
public typealias AppServices
  = UserAuthenticationProviding
  & DataStorageProviding
  & NetworkRequestHandling
  & UserInterfaceUpdating
  & LoggerServiceProviding

If a function returns multiple values, prefer returning a tuple to using inout arguments (it’s best to use labeled tuples for clarity on what you’re returning if it is not otherwise obvious). If you use a certain tuple more than once, consider using a typealias. If you’re returning 3 or more items in a tuple, consider using a struct or class instead.


func getBookDetails() -> (title: String, author: String, year: Int) {
    return ("1984", "George Orwell", 1949)

let bookDetails = getBookDetails()
let bookTitle = bookDetails.title
let bookAuthor =
let publicationYear = bookDetails.year

typealias BookDetail = (title: String, author: String, year: Int)

func getBookDetails() -> BookDetail {
    return ("1984", "George Orwell", 1984)

let bookDetails = getBookDetails()
let bookTitle = bookDetails.title
let bookAuthor =
let publicationYear = bookDetails.year

Not Preferred:

func getBookDetails() -> (String, String, Int) {
    return ("Eva", "Test", 23)

let bookDetails = getBookDetails()
let bookTitle = bookDetails.$0
let bookAuthor = bookDetails.$1
let publicationYear = bookDetails.$2

Use typealias declarations only for brevity when they do not compromise clarity.


typealias AuthWalletResult = (_ token: Sting) -> Result<WalletAuthResponse, APIClientError>
handleSignupWalletResult(_ result: AuthWalletResult)

Not Preferred:

typealias T = (String) -> (String, Int)
func handleSignupWalletResult(result: T) -> String

Type Inference

Favor concise code and let the compiler infer types for single instance constants or variables. Type inference works well for small, non-empty arrays and dictionaries too. When necessary, specify exact types like CGFloat or Int16.


let message = "Warning Message"
let edgeInsets = getEdgeInsets()
var pets = ["Cat", "Dog", "Bird"]
let minDelay: CGFloat = 12.5

Not Preferred:

let message: String = "Click the button"
let edgeInsets: EdgeInsets = getEdgeInsets()
var pets = [String]()

Access Control

1. General

Explicitly specifying an access level is optional in declarations. For top-level declarations, the default access level is internal. For nested declarations, the default access level is the more restrictive of either internal or the access level of the enclosing declaration. This means the default access modifier, which is internal, isn't explicitly stated (similarly to other defaults). Class type members are rarely beneficial due to the discouraged use of inheritance, particularly for static members. Engineers should understand the use-cases for class and static modifiers, as confusing them is a common mistake. Generally, encapsulation is maintained in various ways. For instance, @IBOutlet properties and @IBAction methods are always private. Implementation details are concealed behind a meaningful API. Additionally, the access modifier keyword should be kept inline with what it describes and should not be on a separate line.


open class Cheat { /* ... */ }

Not Preferred:

class Cheat { /* ... */ }

2. RedundantInternal

When defining types, properties, or functions with an internal access control level, omit the internal keyword.

Preferred: When defining types, properties, or functions with an internal access control level, omit the internal keyword because internal access control is implied if no other access control level is specified.

class Car { 
     init() {  } 
     func travel(to city: City) {  }

Not Preferred:

internal class Car {
 internal init() {  } 
 internal func travel(to city: City) {  }

3. Redundant Fileprivate

Access control should be set to the strictest level possible. Prefer public over open and private over fileprivate unless the specific behavior of the latter is required.

Preferred: If no other access control level is specified, internal access control is implied.

// RIGHT: `navigation` is used in `extension Pilot` below,
// so `fileprivate` is necessary here. 
 fileprivate let navigation: SpecialRelativityNavigationService
public struct Spaceship { 
    fileprivate let navigation: SpecialRelativityNavigationService 
    private let engine: AntimatterEngine 
    private let hull: Hull 

extension Spaceship { 
 public func blastOff() { 

extension Pilot { 
public func chartCourse() {
     spaceship.navigation.course = .andromedaGalaxy spaceship.blastOff()

Not Preferred:

public struct Spaceship {
 // WRONG: `engine` is used in `extension Spaceship` below, 
 // but extensions in the same file can access `private` members. 
 fileprivate let engine: AntimatterEngine 

// WRONG: `hull` is not used by any other type, so `fileprivate` is unnecessary.
 fileprivate let hull: Hull
extension Spaceship { 
public func blastOff() { 
 extension Pilot { 
 public func chartCourse() {
          spaceship.navigation.course = .andromedaGalaxy spaceship.blastOff() 

4. ExtensionAccessControl

It's not allowed to specify an explicit access level for a file-level extension. Each member of the extension must have its access level specified only if it differs from the default.


extension String {
    public var isUppercase: Bool {
      // ... 
    public var isLowercase: Bool {
      // ... 

Not Preferred:

public extension String {
     var isUppercase: Bool {
      // ... 
     var isLowercase: Bool {
      // ... 

5. Access

When specifying properties, ensure that access control is the first property specifier. The only things that should precede access control are the static specifier or attributes like @IBAction, @IBOutlet, and @discardableResult. If an access modifier keyword is necessary, it should be written first.


private static let myPrivateNumber: Int

Not Preferred:

static private let myPrivateNumber: Int

Control Flow

Use the for-in style of for loop instead of the while-condition-increment style.


for _ in 0..<3 {
  print("Hello three times")

for (index, person) in attendeeList.enumerated() {
  print("\(person) is at position #\(index)")

for index in stride(from: 0, to: items.count, by: 2) {

for index in (0...3).reversed() {

Not Preferred:

var i = 0
while i < 3 {
  print("Hello three times")
  i += 1

var i = 0
while i < attendeeList.count {
  let person = attendeeList[i]
  print("\(person) is at position #\(i)")
  i += 1

Ternary Operator

  • When using long ternary operator expressions, format them so that each part of the expression, including before the ? and before the :, is on a separate line for clarity.


let selectedCourse = student.hasCompletedCourses
  ? student.completedCourses.first
  : student.coursesInProgress.first

let value = 5
result = value != 0 ? x : y

let isHorizontal = true
result = isHorizontal ? x : y

Not Preferred:

// WRONG (too long)
 let selectedCourse = student.hasCompletedCourses ? student.completedCourses.first : student.coursesInProgress.first
 let result = a > b ? x = c > d ? c : d : y
  • For complex logic, use an if condition instead of a ternary operator.
let result: Bool

if oldStyleIfElse { 
    result = true 
} else {
    result = false 
  • While the ternary operator can reduce the number of lines of code, it can be hard to read. Swift 5.9 has improved the if-else statement to allow single-line formatting for single statements.


let result = if newIfElse { true } else { false }

Not Preferred:

let result = ternary ? true : false

Else Statements


if let galaxy {
} else if let bigBangService {
} else {

Not Preferred:

if let galaxy {
else if let bigBangService {
else {

Switch Statements

Use one level of indentation inside a switch’s parentheses and for case implementations. Ensure that all statements inside the cases of a switch statement start on separate lines.


switch direction {
    case .left:
    case .right:
    case .straight:

Not Preferred:

switch direction {
    case .left: turnLeft()
    case .right: turnRight()
    case .straight: break

Golden Path

When writing conditionals, ensure the "golden" or "happy" path aligns with the left-hand margin of the code. Avoid nesting if statements. Using multiple return statements is acceptable. Utilize guard statements for this purpose.


func process(user: User?) {
  guard let user else {
  // Process user
  print("Processing user \(")
func validate(input: String?) -> Bool {
  guard let input, !input.isEmpty else {
    return false
  // Continue with valid input
  return true

When unwrapping multiple optionals with guard or if let, minimize nesting by using the compound version when possible. In the compound version, place the guard on its own line, then indent each condition on its own line. The else clause is indented to match the guard itself, as shown below.


  let username = inputUsername,
  let password = inputPassword,
  let email = inputEmail 
else {
  fatalError("Missing user information")
// proceed with user registration

Not Preferred:

if let username = inputUsername {
  if let password = inputPassword {
    if let email = inputEmail {
      // proceed with user registration
    } else {
      fatalError("Missing user information")
  } else {
    fatalError("Missing user information")
} else {
  fatalError("Missing user information")

In any guard-statement, the else (and its left brace) goes on the same line after the last condition.


guard !array.isEmpty else {
    // ...

Not Preferred:

guard !array.isEmpty 
    else {
    // ...

Failing Guards

Guard statements must include an exit strategy such as return, throw, break, continue, or fatalError(). These should generally be simple, one-line statements. Avoid using large code blocks within guard statements. If multiple exit points require cleanup code, use a defer block to prevent code duplication.


guard let config = loadConfiguration() else {

guard isValidUser else {
  throw AuthenticationError.invalidUser

guard let file = openFile(path: filePath) else {
  fatalError("File not found")

Not Preferred:

guard let config = loadConfiguration() else {
  // Large code block for cleanup

guard isValidUser else {
  // Duplicate cleanup code
  throw AuthenticationError.invalidUser

Omit the right-hand side of the expression

Avoid using the right-hand side of the expression when unwrapping optionals with if let or guard let.


if let user,
   user.isActive {
  // process active user

guard let session,
      session.isValid else {
  // handle invalid session

Not Preferred:

if let user = user,
   user.isActive {
  // process active user

guard let session = session,
      session.isValid else {
  // handle invalid session

Add a line break after the assignment operator (=) before a multi-line if or switch expression


let userStatus = 
  if user.isLoggedIn {
    "User is logged in"
  } else {
    "User is not logged in"
let vehicleType: VehicleType =
  switch vehicle {
  case .car, .truck, .motorcycle:
  case .boat, .ship:
  case .airplane, .helicopter:

Not Preferred:

// Should have a line break after the first `=`. 
let userStatus = if user.isLoggedIn {
  "User is logged in"
 } else {
  "User is not logged in"

// The first `=` should be on the line of the variable being assigned.
let userStatus 
  = if user.isLoggedIn {
    "User is logged in"
  } else {
    "User is not logged in"

// `switch` expression should be indented.
let vehicleType =
switch vehicle {
case .car, .truck, .motorcycle:
case .boat, .ship:
case .airplane, .helicopter:

Insert a blank line following a switch case with a multi-line body


// All of the cases have a trailing blank line.
func handle(_ action: GameAction) {
  switch action {
  case .jump:

  case .crouch:

  case .attack(let enemy): = enemy
  case .defend:

// Since none of the cases are multi-line, blank lines are not required.
func handle(_ action: GameAction) {
  switch action {
  case .jump:
  case .crouch:
  case .attack(let enemy):
  case .defend:

Not Preferred:

// These switch cases should be followed by a blank line.
func handle(_ action: GameAction) {
  switch action {
  case .jump:
  case .crouch:
  case .attack(let enemy): = enemy
  case .defend:

// While the `.crouch` case isn't multi-line, the other cases are.
// For consistency, it should also include a trailing blank line.
func handle(_ action: GameAction) {
  switch action {
  case .jump:

  case .crouch:
  case .attack(let enemy): = enemy
  case .defend:

Multi-line String Literals

When building a long string literal, you're encouraged to use the multi-line string literal syntax. Open the literal on the same line as the assignment but do not include text on that line. Indent the text block one additional level.


let message = """
  You cannot charge the flux \
  capacitor with a 9V battery.
  You must use a super-charger \
  which costs 10 credits. You currently \
  have \(credits) credits available.

Not Preferred:

let message = """You cannot charge the flux \
  capacitor with a 9V battery.
  You must use a super-charger \
  which costs 10 credits. You currently \
  have \(credits) credits available.

Not Preferred:

let message = "You cannot charge the flux " +
  "capacitor with a 9V battery.\n" +
  "You must use a super-charger " +
  "which costs 10 credits. You currently " +
  "have \(credits) credits available."

Line breaks

Long expressions are broken into several parts on different lines so that the symbol that connects two parts of expression starts the new line. Each new line is indented with one additional indentation level. Having a special character starting a new line avoids creating the illusion that a new line is a new statement.


let a = (a + b)
    + (a + c)

Not Preferred:

let a = (a + b) +
    (a + c)

Pre-processor Directives

Any macros shall not be indented, the surrounded code shall be formatted as if the macro doesn't exist.


func handleLogin() {

Not Preferred:

func handleLogin() {
    #if DEBUG
