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File metadata and controls

67 lines (49 loc) · 2.94 KB


This project is spearheaded by the Trash Monks wiki editing team for the Caves of Qud community. We coordinate in the official Caves of Qud Discord server (invite link).

Contributions from the community in the form of issues or pull requests are welcomed. The Trash Monks team is also available to join on the Discord server by asking any of the Mayors there.

This project uses the Code of Conduct available in the file

Environment setup

To develop on this project, have Python 3.10 installed on your system, then git clone the repo to your hard drive and set up a virtual environment from the repo directory:

On Linux:

python3.10 -m pip install --user poetry
python3.10 -m poetry install

On Windows:

py -3.10 -m pip install --user poetry
py -3.10 -m poetry install

Using a local hagadias in a virtual environment

By default, projects that include hagadias in their dependencies will use the hagadias hosted on git, but these are the steps to take to make the virtual environment use your local hagadias folder instead. Testing out local changes on Hagadias to for other connected Trash Monk projects is recommended to make sure the outcomes for those projects are correct. This assumes that the virtual environment already has hagadias.

Look up how to change your system environment variables. For Windows, this can be done by searching "System environment" and select "Edit System environment variables" and then select the "Environment Variables..." in the Advanced Tab.

Create a new system variable (or user variable if installed locally) called PYTHONPATH and set the value to your hagadias directory (Ex. C:\Users\(you)\Documents\github\hagadias\). This must end in a backslash to read the whole folder instead of just the folder itself!

Start a new terminal, enter the virtual environment from the project directory by running poetry shell, and run your program of choice.

This makes python read the hagadias folder every time you run something. This may cause issues if you are working on unrelated projects that use .py files that share the same name as some in hagadias. If this is of concern, be sure to remove the PYTHONPATH variable once you're done with hagadias development.

Running tests

In order to run the test suite, create a file in your hagadias project development directory called game_location_for_tests. The only contents of this file should be a path to the installation directory of Caves of Qud, with no other characters.

Run the tests with:

poetry run python -m pytest

Pull requests

Pull requests are welcome. Please do some checks on your code first:

  • Run the included tests with the instructions from the "Running tests" section above. These cannot be run automatically on GitHub because they need a copy of the game.
  • Run black --line-length 100 . and flake8 to ensure that your code will pass the automatic tests first.