- Part 0: Fundamentals of Web Apps
- HTML and CSS
- Part 1: Introduction to React
- JavaScript
- React
- Part 2: Communicating with Server
- HTML Forms
- Axios
- Inline Styles
- Part 3: Programming a server with NodeJS and Express
- NodeJS
- Express
- MongoDB
- Deployment
- Linting
- Part 4: Testing Express servers, user administration
- Jest and Supertest
- Salting and Hashing
- JSON Web Tokens
- Part 5: Testing React apps
- PropTypes
- React Testing Library
- Cypress
- Part 6: Advanced State Management
- Redux and Redux Thunk
- React Query
- useReducer & useContext
- Part 7: React Router, custom hooks, styling app with CSS and webpack
- Part 8: GraphQL
- Apollo
- Part 9: TypeScript
- Part 12: Containers
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Nginx