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557 lines (459 loc) · 21.4 KB

🥧 PIE (PHP Installer for Extensions) Design

A work in progress design documentation for the "new pecl" iteration.



The current favourite name is pie, the PHP Installer for E xtensions.

  • npecl
  • Cucumber/Pickle adjacent:
    • 🥦 Floret / Broccoli
    • 🌱 Seedling / Sapling
    • 🍇 Grape / GraPHPe
    • 🥒 Enpickle / Pickled
  • Composer/Conductor/Orchestra adjacent:
    • 🎷 Sax / Saxophone
    • 🎺 Trumpet / Horn
    • 🎻 Violin
  • Community suggestions:
    • 🌶️ Pepper (src)
    • php-ext (src)
    • phpem/pem / PHP Extension Manager (src)
    • install-php-extension (src
    • 🥧 PIE / PHP Installer for Extensions (src)
    • Composter (src)
    • Compecler (src)
    • Maestro (src)
    • phex (src)


  • pie is the assumed name in this document, although this is to be discussed and confirmed.
  • pie is a CLI tool, probably bundled as a PHAR like Composer is
    • therefore a usage such as pie install <thing> assumes the PHAR exist in $PATH, for example in /usr/bin/pie. If not, you would do something like php pie.phar install <thing>.
  • Following investigation into Pickle, we have determined that the new PECL tool will be a new PHP Foundation based project. However, we are planning to copy some parts from Pickle, given the great work already done on that project. Following the terms of the New BSD licence, the parts copied from Pickle will have an additional copyright and licence, and credit to the original Pickle contributors.

Out of initial scope

Whilst we are not going to rule out EVER implementing the following features, we just don't plan to include them in the initial version of this new tool. We will consider these items for future inclusion and improvements:

  • pie self-update - we can likely replicate the way Composer does a self-update, but this is out of initial scope since we will be distributing as a PHAR, it is relatively straightforward to do a simple replacement to begin with.
  • Compiling Windows binaries on the fly on the end-users system. We will rely on precompiled Windows binaries in the GitHub release assets to begin with.
  • Binary distribution for any other platform except Windows. We will rely on compiling binaries on the fly on the end- user's system for all platforms except Windows to begin with.
  • Installing extensions per-project
  • Ability to process a per-project composer.json and install missing extensions globally
  • Dealing with signing infrastructure and verification of signatures
  • Changelog section in composer.json
  • Adding "search" to the PIE tool
  • List security issues in composer.json file

PIE itself

  • use symfony/console to simplify writing the CLI tool itself
  • use composer/composer to resolve dependencies; it knows how to do all this stuff already, lets not re-invent the wheel - once we have a better idea of what calls we need to make, it may make sense to split some of composer/composer out into separate libraries we can consume; although that might be a huge undertaking in itself, so is really just a "strech goal".
  • There may be multiple versions of php on a system. The version of php invoking pie would be assumed, and its corresponding phpize tool would be used. To use a different installed PHP version, you could use (for example) /usr/bin/php8.2 /usr/bin/pie ...
  • Parts of pie will need to be run with sudo access (so it can make install to root-owned paths). Care should be taken to ensure only the minimal amount is run with elevated privileges, so we don't accidentally give root to a malicious PECL package. Ideally, pie would run without sudo, and just prompt for access, when needed (for example, by invoking a sub-process with sudo.

CLI commands

install {package}{?:version-constraint}{?@stability}

Installs the requested package. The {package} is a Composer package name, and not the extension name. For example, pie install xdebug/xdebug is a valid request. At the time of writing, PIE-compatible packages are listed on Note that previous iterations of this design draft suggested using the extension name as the pie install parameter, but after some discussion it was agreed to use the Composer package name instead.

If version-constraint is given, try to install that version if it matches the allowed versions. Version constraints are resolved using the same format as Composer, along with the minimum stability.

  • ^1.0 will install the latest stable and backwards-compatible version with 1.0.0 and above, according to semantic versioning. See Composer docs for details.
  • ^2.3@beta will install the latest beta and backwards-compatible version with 2.3.0 and above (for example, 2.3.0-beta.3).
  • dev-main will install the latest commit on the main branch at the time of command execution. This would not work with Windows, as there is no release with Windows binaries.
  • dev-main#07f454ad797c30651be8356466685b15331f72ff will install the specific commit denoted by the commit sha after #, in this case the commit 07f454ad797c30651be8356466685b15331f72ff would be installed. This would not work with Windows, as there is no release with Windows binaries.

If no version-constraint is given, try to install any compatible latest and stable version.

On Windows this downloads the correct DLL (attached as file to the release tag), if available. Otherwise, it will download the source and compile the extension.

It will then attempt to create a 20-{extension_name}.ini file with extension={extension_name} in the directory returned by php-config --ini-dir, the name that is used is the one from the "name" element in the metadata file.

If the extension is a Zend extension (such as Xdebug), then it will write the line zend_extension={extension_name} instead.

If the extension has a composer.json defined priority, the 20 in the ini file filename will be replaced by that priority.

Each step should run with as few privileges as possible.

build {package}{?:version-constraint}{?@stability}

Same behaviour as install, but only compiles (or downloads if it's Windows).

changelog {?version}

Shows the release notes of the version it was going to install, or from the specific version, if given.

download {package}{?:version-constraint}{?@stability}

Same behaviour as build, but puts the files in a local directory for manual building and installation.


Shows the description from the metadata file


Shows all available commands


Shows all installed extensions available with the PHP version in the path, including their versions. This includes all loaded PHP extensions, and not just PIE-sourced ones.

upgrade {?{package}{?:version-constraint}{?@stability}}

Attempts to upgrade all installed versions to the latest available ones on GitHub (unless their major version has changed). If a specific package is specified, only attempt to upgrade that specific one.

CLI Options


Shows what it is about to do, but doesn't actually install


To attempt to install a version that doesn't match the version constraints from the meta-data, for instance to install an older version than recommended, or when the signature is not available.


Allows installation of extensions with PHP versions that are not in the path


All options specified in the configure-options section of the composer.json file can be given, including a value if they take them. For example, for Xdebug you could run pie install xdebug/xdebug --without-xdebug-compression.

Extension maintainer: register a PIE package

Create a composer.json in your repository, and commit it. The following is ONLY AN EXAMPLE, and is not necessarily the real composer.json in Xdebug.

    "name": "xdebug/xdebug",
    "type": "php-ext-zend",
    "license": "Xdebug-1.03",
    "description": "Xdebug is an amazing tool...",
    "require": {
        "ext-something": "*",
        "php": ">=7.4.21,<8.4"
    "conflict": {
        "ext-a-conflicting-extension": "*"
    "replace": {
        "ext-xdebug": "*"
    "php-ext": {
        "extension-name": "ext-xdebug",
        "priority": 80,
        "support-zts": false,
        "configure-options": [
                "name": "enable-xdebug-dev",
                "description": "Enable developer flags"
                "name": "without-xdebug-compression",
                "description": "Disable compression through zlib"
                "name": "some-path-to-something",
                "needs-value": true,
                "description": "This should be the path to the thing that is needed."

Submit your repo URL into Packagist will read the composer.json as usual.

When releases are made, Packagist will do the usual thing of producing metadata for the release

Notes on the composer.json

  • The name MUST be in a typical vendor/package format seen in regular Composer PHP packages, for example asgrim/my-ext.
  • The type dictates if it is a PHP Module (php-ext) or a Zend Extension (php-ext-zend).
  • Typically, there will be almost no require definitions, except php version itself.
  • The php-ext is a new top-level element to provide additional metadata for building the extension, if required.
    • Whilst it is not mandatory, a PIE package SHOULD specify the extension name in the extension-name field. If the extension-name is omitted, invalid, or an empty string, the extension-name will be derived from the top level name. The vendor/ prefix will be removed, and that will be used as the extension name, for example asgrim/my-ext will become ext-my-ext. The extension-name field, if defined, may or may not have the ext- prefix, and tooling such as PIE will be expected to normalise this appropriately.
    • Proposed JSON schema for this is in composer-json-php-ext-schema.json
    • It is assumed that packages all support Zend Thread Safe mode (ZTS). If a package does not support ZTS mode, the key "support-zts": false should be set in php-ext section, but you may explicitly advertise ZTS support by specifying "support-zts": true.
  • There is a slight disconnect between the Composer package name, and the extension name itself, although typically extension authors are expected to provide some predictable consistency between them (for example, a package named xdebug/xdebug would reasonably be expected to name the extension as ext-xdebug). To help semantic understanding, a PIE package MAY optionally specify a replace for the extension, in the format ext-my-ext. Whilst this will not be used by PIE (at least for now), it may provide some benefit in understanding the correlation between the package name (e.g. asgrim/my-ext) and the extension name (e.g. ext-my-ext).

Windows binaries

Windows needs pre-built binary DLLs. The expected workflow is that the release is made, then some kind of build takes place (for example, in a GitHub Action, or manually on a compatible build environment), and the .zip file is added to the GitHub release.

The name for the ZIP must follow the following pattern:

  • php_{extension-name}-{tag}-{php-maj/min}-{ts|nts}-{compiler}-{arch}.zip
  • Example:

The descriptions of these items:

  • extension-name the name of the extension, e.g. xdebug
  • tag for example 3.3.0alpha3 - defined by the tag/release you have made
  • php-maj/min - for example 8.3 for PHP 8.3.*
  • compiler - usually something like vc6, vs16 - fetch from 'PHP Extension Build' flags in php -i
  • ts|nts - Thread-safe or non-thread safe.
  • arch - for example x86_64.
    • Windows: Architecture from php -i
    • non-Windows: check PHP_INT_SIZE - 4 for 32-bit, 8 for 64-bit.

Contents of the Windows ZIP

The pre-built ZIP should contain at minimum a DLL named in the same way as the ZIP itself, for example php_{extension-name}-{tag}-{php-maj/min}-{ts|nts}-{compiler}-{arch}.dll. The .dll will be moved into the PHP extensions path, and renamed, e.g. to C:\path\to\php\ext\php_{extension-name}.dll. The ZIP file may include additional resources, such as:

  • php_{extension-name}.pdb - this will be moved alongside the C:\path\to\php\ext\php_{extension-name}.dll
  • *.dll - any other .dll would be moved alongside C:\path\to\php\php.exe
  • Any other file, which would be moved into C:\path\to\php\extras\{extension-name}\.

End user: installing a PIE package


$ pie install xdebug/xdebug

PIE uses composer/composer library to help resolve dependencies

    participant pie
    participant composer as composer library
    participant packagist as

    pie ->> composer : request to install "xdebug/xdebug"
    composer ->> packagist : read metadata to resolve dependencies
    packagist ->> composer : metadata
    composer ->> pie : release information
  • if a downstream dep (e.g. ext-something in the ext-xdebug example above) is not installed, Composer can detect this missing depenedency, and warn accordingly.
  • whilst it would be useful for end users, library requirements will not currently be factored into the composer.json dependencies, due to the complexity of different package managers on different platforms.
  • The package will be checked to see if it is compatible with ZTS mode. If using a --with-php-config with ZTS enabled, but the extension specifies "support-zts": false in its composer.json manifest, the installation will be halted with an error explanation. Converseley, if using a PHP without ZTS, but the extension specifies "supports-nts": false, the installation will similarly fail.

Once we have the release information, for Linux:

non-Windows installation

  • download/extract the source tarball
  • run phpize
  • run ./configure <options>
  • run make
  • run make install (note: this part may need sudo)

The <options> for ./configure come from the $.php-ext.configure-options section in composer.json. These would be specified as part of the build or install commands. Here are some examples:

$ pie install xdebug/xdebug
$ pie install xdebug/xdebug --enable-xdebug-dev
$ pie install xdebug/xdebug --enable-xdebug-dev --without-xdebug-compression
$ pie install xdebug/xdebug --some-path-to-something=/usr/local/lib/something
$ pie install xdebug/xdebug --not-a-defined-configuration-option # this would fail

Windows installation

When installing the extension on Windows, the PHP version invoking PIE would be used for determining the PHP version, library install path and so on, unless --with-php-path=<php-path> is provided. Example:

# Assuming C:\usr\php8.3.4\php.exe is in the $PATH
$ pie install xdebug/xdebug                                     # uses C:\usr\php8.3.4\php.exe (i.e. the version that invoked PIE)
$ pie install xdebug/xdebug --with-php-path="C:\usr\php7.4.33"  # uses C:\usr\php7.4.33\php.exe

In the follow examples, the $PHP_PATH is whichever the path is given above, e.g. C:\usr\php8.3.4 or C:\usr\php7.4.33

Determine the expected name for the Windows ZIP:

  • extension-name - We know this already minus ext- from the package name
  • tag - Composer gave us the release version
  • php-maj/min - We know this from the version of PHP that invoked pie
  • compiler - processed from PHP_COMPILER_ID (if possible in userland) or parsing phpinfo, like xdebug.
  • -nts or omitted - We know this from the version of PHP that invoked pie
  • -arch - for example x86_64, fetch using php -r "echo php_uname('m');".

Because arch is optional, we have to try therefore, the following file formats, in order:

  • php_{extension-name}-{tag}-{php-maj/min}-{ts|nts}-{compiler}-{arch}.zip
    • example for a non-TS request for xdebug 3.3.0alpha3 on PHP 8.3 on an x86_64 machine:

If the release is found:

  • download the ZIP from the release assets. Perhaps only support GitHub API initially - Composer does not support fetching/listing assets, so we would need to build this.
  • Extract the ZIP to a temporary location
  • Move the contents of the ZIP according to these rules:
    • Move php_{extension-name}-{tag}-{php-maj/min}-{ts|nts}-{compiler}-{arch}.dll to $PHP_PATH\ext\php_{extension-name}.dll
    • Move php_{extension-name}.pdb to $PHP_PATH\ext\php_{extension-name}.pdb (if it exists)
    • Move *.dll to $PHP_PATH\*.dll (if they exist, but exclude php_{extension-name}.dll)
    • Move any other file in the ZIP to $PHP_PATH\extras\{extension-name}\.

Remaining steps:

  • Configure ini
    • If php-config --ini-dir exists, and there is no {priority}-{extension-name}.ini (or {extension-name}.ini?) file, create one with contents:
      in the "conf.d" directory (if configured).
    • If the file {priority}-{extension-name}.ini or {extension-name}.ini exists in the downloaded release tarball, append its contents to the created file. If the INI path does not exist, create a "temp" ini file that developers can copy into a directory, or append to their php.ini file(s).
  • Show the release notes
    • Composer itself MAY be working on such a thing, so lets co-ordinate with Composer team before re-inventing the wheel.
    • There are several source we could get release notes from:
      • GitHub Release (use API to fetch)
      • The git tag (use git to read)
      • A file called CHANGELOG / / CHANGES etc. (or other variations)
  • Clean up downloaded and build files

High level overview

This graph is a high level overview of the key processes of downloading, building and installing both Windows and Linux based PHP extensions:

flowchart LR
    subgraph composer
    subgraph packagist
    subgraph LinuxDownloader
        direction LR
    subgraph WindowsDownloader
        direction LR
    subgraph LinuxBuilder
        direction LR
    subgraph WindowsBuilder
        direction LR
    style InstallWithSuperuser fill:#ffa15e
    subgraph InstallWithSuperuser
        direction LR


    entrypoint--pie changelog-->ChangelogCommand

    entrypoint--pie info-->InfoCommand

    entrypoint--pie download-->DownloadCommand
    Downloader--resolve ext-name-->DependencyResolver
    composer--request metadata-->packagist

    entrypoint--pie build-->BuildCommand

    entrypoint--pie upgrade-->InstallCommand
    entrypoint--pie install-->InstallCommand

    entrypoint--pie show-->ShowCommand
