- working directory name
work000000 --> work0 - We used to pickle data by grouping several data into tuples, but we changed it to pickle each item individually.
For example, rs_id_data.pkl --> id_queueing.pkl and id_running.pkl
- Using cal_fingerprint program is obsolete. dscribe is required instead.
in cryspy.in are obsolete.
- Changed the Bayesian optimization library from COMBO to PHYSBO
- support for recent pymatgen
- Random structure generation and structure generation by EA are now available as libraries.
- We stopped using global variables (rin), now uses dataclass for input data.
- Many of the input variables were lists, but we changed them to tuples.
- bug fix for order_ef in out_results.py
- bug fix
- default value of cls_lat: equal –> random
- test version of variable composition EA (EA-vc). only binary system for now.
- bug fix for MPI
- enthalpy
- bug fix for ASE interface
- adopts logging for output
- ASE interface
- bug fix for gen_struc: delete spg_error
- backup (keep history)
- MPI parallelization
- New score of LAQA
- standard output --> log_cryspy
- standard error --> err_cryspy
- cryspy.out is obsoleted
- COMBO --> optional
- mindist
- mindist can be omitted in cryspy.in
- mindist_ea is obsoleted
- moved examples to CrySPY utility
- moved cal_fingerprint program to CrySPY utility
- directory tree (gen_struc, utility, RS, EA)
- CrySPY stops once before going to next selection or next generation
- excecutable script, cryspy
- auto and manual backup
- mindist_mol_bs and mindist_mol_bs_factor in cryspy.in
- fwpath and fppath in cryspy.in
- new calc_mode: ext
- update LAMMPS example
- default vol_factor value: 1.1
- bug fix for LAMMPS IO
- parse force data in QE
- nrot: maximum number of times to rotate molecules in mol_bs
- bug fix for np.random.seed in multiprocessing
- step_data for QE
- LAQA for QE
- Upper and lower limits of energy in EA and BO
- support PyXtal 0.2.9 or later
- bug fix for recalc
- support pymatgen major change (v2022)
- minor bug fix for bo_status
- Interface with OpenMX
- Employ PyXtal
- Molecular crystal structure generation
- Scale volume
- LAQA with soiap
- find_wy is optional
- In cryspy.in, [lattice] section --> [structure] section
- natot: [basic] –> [structure]
- atype: [basic] –> [structure]
- nat: [basic] –> [structure]
- maxcnt: [option] –> [structure]
- symprec: [option] –> [structure]
- spgnum: [option] –> [structure]
- CrySPY logo
- recaluculation
- manual select in BO
- Migrated to Python 3
- Several variable names
- Several data formats
- Unit of energy in output: eV/cell --> eV/atom
- No. of working directories corresponds to structure ID
- Evolutionary algorithm is now available
- Added lock_cryspy system
- Fixed minor bugs
- Fixed a bug for spgnum in cryspy.in/read_input.py
- Added LAMMPS example
- In generating structures (including appending structures), CrySPY always stops before submitting jobs.
- LAMMPS can be used in CrySPY
- Fixed a bug for job control in RS
- LAQA is now available
- Changed the data format of init_struc_data and opt_struc_data from list to dict
- Fixed a minor bug for BO