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Releases: Tk-Glitch/PKGBUILDS

wine-tkg and proton-tkg 4.21.r0.g2935bab965

30 Nov 06:16
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WARNING: These were built on Archlinux against glibc 2.30. If your distribution ships with older glibc you'll run into issues such as nothing actually runs. In such case you'll have to run the build script on your machine to compile against your local environment:

Building on a non-pacman distro will require that you resolve wine building dependencies on your own. More on this in here

About the attached releases:

Wine-tkg 4.21.r0.g2935bab965 pacman package: install on your pacman distro by running sudo pacman -U wine-tkg-staging-fsync-vkd3d-git-4.21.r0.g9be789b2-227-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst in the dir you have downloaded the package to.

Proton-tkg 4.21.r0.g2935bab965 standalone package: Uncompress to ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d on most distros or ~/.steam/compatibilitytools.d on Debian/Ubuntu or other Debian based distros. If the directory doesn't exist, simply create it.

Proton wine builds (-tkg, -GE, official or others) are not suited for use outside of Steam, even if the option is provided by some third party tools. Doing so can break the whole way they are designed to work and thus is NOT recommended.

  • Faudio libs aren't included, so better have them installed on your system 🐸
  • VKD3D support is enabled. Simply install VKD3D libs to make use of them for D3D12 games.
  • Proton build comes with both DXVK and D9VK. D9VK is enabled by default and you can disable it by uncommenting the "PROTON_USE_WINED3D9": "1", line in the ~/.steam/(root)/compatibilitytools.d/proton_tkg_4.21.r0.g2935bab965/ file.
  • LAA is now enabled by default. It fixes a huge amount of crashes on 32-bit games when using DXVK/D9VK. However a small number of (older) games might run into issues with it, so you can disable LAA by using PROTON_DISABLE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 %command% in your game's launch options.
  • Proton build has winetricks integration. It requires you to have the tk package (python3-tk on Debian based distros) installed and can be turned off/on in the same as above. The implementation has been refined since previous release to simply fallback to normal launch if tk isn't installed/found on your system, instead of preventing any game to run.

You'll now find wine-tkg and wine-tkg-interactive scripts in the bin folder. You can use them to enforce correct paths on non-Arch distros if you encounter issues running the wine binary directly.

!!! WARNING !!!
The Steam client doesn't have a fallback mechanism for Proton. Removing a Proton build that is set as the build to use for a game will create issues. Please either use proton-tkg uninstaller (./ clean in the PKGBUILDS/proton-tkg dir) or edit your config.vdf file by hand before removing a proton build (be it -tkg or not).

wine-tkg and proton-tkg 4.20.r4.ga9639c41

30 Nov 06:16
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WARNING: These were built on Archlinux against glibc 2.30. If your distribution ships with older glibc you'll run into issues such as nothing actually runs. In such case you'll have to run the build script on your machine to compile against your local environment:

Building on a non-pacman distro will require you to resolve wine building dependencies on your own. More on this in here

About the attached releases:

Wine-tkg 4.20.r4.ga9639c41 pacman package.

Proton-tkg 4.20.r4.ga9639c41 standalone package (uncompress to ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d).

  • Faudio libs aren't included, so better have them installed on your system 🐸
  • Proton build comes with both DXVK and D9VK. D9VK is enabled by default and you can disable it by uncommenting the "PROTON_USE_WINED3D9": "1", line in the ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/proton_tkg_4.20.r4.ga9639c41/ file.
  • Proton build has winetricks integration. It requires you to have the tk package (python3-tk on Debian based distros) installed and can be turned off/on in the same as above. !! tk is required even with the option disabled or proton-tkg will fail to start !!

VKD3D support is enabled. Simply install VKD3D libs to make use of them.

You'll now find wine-tkg and wine-tkg-interactive scripts in the bin folder. You can use them to enforce correct paths on non-Arch distros if you encounter issues running the wine binary directly.

!!! WARNING !!!
The Steam client doesn't have a fallback mechanism for Proton. Removing a Proton build that is set as the build to use for a game will create issues. Please either use proton-tkg uninstaller (./ clean in the PKGBUILDS/proton-tkg dir) or edit your config.vdf file by hand before removing a proton build (be it -tkg or not).

wine-tkg and proton-tkg 4.19.r0.g1f775840

30 Nov 06:15
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WARNING: These were built on Archlinux against glibc 2.30. If your distribution ships with older glibc you'll run into issues such as nothing actually runs. In such case you'll have to run the build script on your machine to compile against your local environment:

Building on a non-pacman distro will require you to resolve wine building dependencies on your own. More on this in here

About the attached releases:

Wine-tkg 4.19.r0.g1f775840 pacman package.

Proton-tkg 4.19.r0.g1f775840 standalone package (uncompress to ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d).

  • Faudio libs aren't included, so better have them installed on your system 🐸
  • Proton build comes with both DXVK and D9VK. D9VK is enabled by default and you can disable it by uncommenting the "PROTON_USE_WINED3D9": "1", line in the ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/proton_tkg_4.19.r0.g1f775840/ file.
  • Proton build has winetricks integration. It requires you to have the tk package (python3-tk on Debian based distros) installed and can be turned off/on in the same as above. !! tk is required even with the option disabled or proton-tkg will fail to start !!

VKD3D support is enabled. Simply install VKD3D libs to make use of them.

You'll now find wine-tkg and wine-tkg-interactive scripts in the bin folder. You can use them to enforce correct paths on non-Arch distros if you encounter issues running the wine binary directly.

!!! WARNING !!!
The Steam client doesn't have a fallback mechanism for Proton. Removing a Proton build that is set as the build to use for a game will create issues. Please either use proton-tkg uninstaller (./ clean in the PKGBUILDS/proton-tkg dir) or edit your config.vdf file by hand before removing a proton build (be it -tkg or not).

wine-tkg and proton-tkg 4.15.r0.ga46b9ff3

31 Aug 07:19
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Wine-tkg 4.15.r0.ga46b9ff3 pacman package.

Proton-tkg 4.15.r0.ga46b9ff3 standalone package (uncompress to ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d).

  • Faudio libs aren't included, so better have them installed on your system 🐸
  • Proton build comes with both DXVK and D9VK. D9VK is enabled by default and you can disable it by uncommenting the "PROTON_USE_WINED3D9": "1", line in the ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/proton_tkg_4.15.r0.ga46b9ff3/ file.
  • Proton build has winetricks integration. It requires you to have the tk package installed and can be turned on in the same as above.

VKD3D support is enabled. Simply install VKD3D libs to make use of them.

You'll now find wine-tkg and wine-tkg-interactive scripts in the bin folder. You can use them to enforce correct paths on non-Arch distros if you encounter issues running the wine binary directly.

!!! WARNING !!!
The Steam client doesn't have a fallback mechanism for Proton. Removing a Proton build that is set as the build to use for a game will create issues. Please either use proton-tkg uninstaller (./ clean in the PKGBUILDS/proton-tkg dir) or edit your config.vdf file by hand before removing a proton build (be it -tkg or not).

EDIT: proton build had broken DXVK/D9VK builds so it's been reuploaded. Please redownload that new version if you have issues in case you downloaded the previous one.

wine-tkg and proton-tkg 4.14.r16.gff10ae6e

27 Aug 06:40
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Wine-tkg 4.14.r16.gff10ae6e pacman package.

Proton-tkg 4.14.r16.gff10ae6e standalone package (uncompress to ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d).

  • Faudio libs aren't included, so better have them installed on your system 🐸
  • Proton build comes with both DXVK and D9VK. D9VK is enabled by default and you can disable it by uncommenting the "PROTON_USE_WINED3D9": "1", line in the ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/proton_tkg_4.14.r16.gff10ae6e/ file.
  • Proton build has winetricks integration. It requires you to have the tk package installed and can be turned on in the same as above.

VKD3D support is enabled. Simply install VKD3D libs to make use of them.

You'll now find wine-tkg and wine-tkg-interactive scripts in the bin folder. You can use them to enforce correct paths on non-Arch distros if you encounter issues running the wine binary directly.

!!! WARNING !!!
The Steam client doesn't have a fallback mechanism for Proton. Removing a Proton build that is set as the build to use for a game will create issues. Please either use proton-tkg uninstaller (./ clean in the PKGBUILDS/proton-tkg dir) or edit your config.vdf file by hand before removing a proton build (be it -tkg or not).

wine-tkg and proton-tkg 4.12.1.r0.gf0718137 (hotfix)

08 Jul 00:36
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The original wine 4.12 release was frogged. This is the hotfix release numbered 4.12.1.

This is a re-release from me as the mingw changes in wine introduced an issue with a couple functions in proton. Apart from these being fixed, this hotfix also contains the newest DXVK/D9VK master builds (proton-tkg-only) and a performance regression fix (in both proton-tkg and wine-tkg). Thanks to @tannisroot for the latter <3

Wine-tkg 4.12.1.r0.gf0718137 pacman package.

Proton-tkg 4.12.1.r0.gf0718137 standalone package (uncompress to ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d).

  • Faudio libs aren't included, so better have them installed on your system 🐸
  • Proton build comes with both DXVK and D9VK. D9VK is enabled by default and you can disable it by uncommenting the "PROTON_USE_WINED3D9": "1", line in the ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/proton_tkg_4.12.1.r0.gf0718137/ file.
  • Proton build has winetricks integration. It requires you to have the tk package installed and can be turned on in the same as above.

VKD3D support is enabled. Simply install VKD3D libs to make use of them.

You'll now find wine-tkg and wine-tkg-interactive scripts in the bin folder. You can use them to enforce correct paths on non-Arch distros if you encounter issues running the wine binary directly.

wine-tkg and proton-tkg 4.12.1.r0.gf0718137

07 Jul 18:24
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The original wine 4.12 release was frogged. This is the hotfix release numbered 4.12.1.

Wine-tkg 4.12.1.r0.gf0718137 pacman package.

Proton-tkg 4.12.1.r0.gf0718137 standalone package (uncompress to ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d).

  • Faudio libs aren't included, so better have them installed on your system 🐸
  • Proton build comes with both DXVK and D9VK. D9VK is enabled by default and you can disable it by uncommenting the "PROTON_USE_WINED3D9": "1", line in the ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/proton_tkg_4.12.1.r0.gf0718137/ file.
  • Proton build has winetricks integration. It requires you to have the tk package installed and can be turned on in the same as above.

VKD3D support is enabled. Simply install VKD3D libs to make use of them.

You'll now find wine-tkg and wine-tkg-interactive scripts in the bin folder. You can use them to enforce correct paths on non-Arch distros if you encounter issues running the wine binary directly.

wine-tkg and proton-tkg 4.12.r0.g4babcaf2

06 Jul 08:42
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!!! The wine 4.12 release is frogged, please wait for the re-release !!!

Wine-tkg 4.12.r0.g4babcaf2 pacman package.

Proton-tkg 4.12.r0.g4babcaf2 standalone package (uncompress to ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d).

  • Faudio libs aren't included, so better have them installed on your system 🐸
  • Proton build comes with both DXVK and D9VK. D9VK is enabled by default and you can disable it by uncommenting the "PROTON_USE_WINED3D9": "1", line in the ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/proton_tkg_4.12.r0.g4babcaf2/ file.
  • Proton build has winetricks integration. It requires you to have the tk package installed and can be turned on in the same as above.

VKD3D support is enabled. Simply install VKD3D libs to make use of them.

You'll now find wine-tkg and wine-tkg-interactive scripts in the bin folder. You can use them to enforce correct paths on non-Arch distros if you encounter issues running the wine binary directly.

wine-tkg and proton-tkg 4.11.r2.gfad0c725

26 Jun 22:01
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Wine-tkg 4.11.r2.gfad0c725 pacman package.

Proton-tkg 4.11.r2.gfad0c725 standalone package (uncompress to ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d).

  • Faudio libs aren't included, so better have them installed on your system 🐸
  • Proton build comes with both DXVK and D9VK. D9VK is enabled by default and you can disable it by uncommenting the "PROTON_USE_WINED3D9": "1", line in the ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/proton_tkg_4.11.r2.gfad0c725/ file.
  • Proton build has winetricks integration enabled. It requires you to have the tk package installed and can be turned off in the same as above.

VKD3D support is enabled. Simply install VKD3D libs to make use of them.

You'll now find wine-tkg and wine-tkg-interactive scripts in the bin folder. You can use them to enforce correct paths on non-Arch distros if you encounter issues running the wine binary directly.

wine-tkg and proton-tkg 4.10.r1.ge2fa6bd9

12 Jun 13:48
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Wine-tkg 4.10.r1.ge2fa6bd9 pacman package.

Proton-tkg 4.10.r1.ge2fa6bd9 standalone package (uncompress to ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d).

  • Faudio libs aren't included, so better have them installed on your system 🐸
  • Proton build comes with both DXVK and D9VK. D9VK is enabled by default and you can disable it by uncommenting the "PROTON_USE_WINED3D9": "1", line in the ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/proton_tkg_4.10.r1.ge2fa6bd9/ file.
  • Proton build has winetricks integration enabled. It requires you to have the tk package installed and can be turned off in the same as above.

VKD3D support is enabled. Simply install VKD3D libs to make use of them.