make all trigger function names follow the format [before/after]-[insert/update]-[table_name]-tg-fn
make all trigger names follow the format [before/after]-[insert/update]-[table_name]-tg
extract all functions currently in tg functions into their own functions (for resusability)
- e.g: process-jobs is good
update all trigger functions to be wrappers that use other named functions (for readability and resuability)
ensure there are unique constraints on the job and worker columns of the current_job table
test out using the 'skip locked' line in the process jobs functions
update the vault secret from supabase_serevice_role key to supaqueue_secret
- in the vault
- in the pg function that calls the edge function
- in the edge funciton itself (must be added to env variables)
add an 'updated_at' column and tg to the jobs table, default now()s
- sort the jobs in the process_jobs table on updated_at
- add attempts filtering to the processing jobs fn.
support HTTP Methods (pass payload as body of req)
- GET (currently payload gets passed as query params, not body)
support explicit body and query params
- should I make different paths? or use if/else in one function call?
file with changes -
update the readme.md file with changes.
- multiple concurrent queues
- long running api calls
- adding a job to the queue while queue is being processed
- adding an API secret to the queue
- calling a real edge function.
- timebase rate limiting per queue
- capturing the results of a job in the job table
- capturing an array of errors from a job in the job table
- add cron to 'kick' the queue every minute.
- adding in crons to clean up jobs table every [day/week/month]
- host the edge function in a node package, and make it importable to a custom edge function, scuh that users don't need to copy and paste code, just update version # for updated edge function.