- fix startup macros
- add range and limit snippet for weTest
- add bi alarm field support
- debug dfanout OMSL field
- add EPICS types
- add SNL snippets
- fix field colors bug
- we-test
- add suite snippets
- start all snippets with "epics."
- change logo
- add field colors
- fix name ins sub snippet
- add some field colors (EGU, PREC ...)
- add snippets for substitutions files
- add stringin/out snippets
- add DTYP and SCAN field to ai record
- fix fanout (LNKA -> LNK1)
- add module icon
- fix image path in
- add "epics." for every snippet
- add colors and snippets in database definition files (.dbd)
- add keyworks to SNL files
- add snippets for weTest (CEA tool for acceptance tests)
- add HIGH field to bo
- add mbbi, mbbo, mbbidirect, mbbodirect records
- asub improvements (I/O reading/writing examples)
- SNL files (.st) are associated to .c files
- add spaces to align records and sort them per type
- Add snippets for various file types
- Minor syntax highlighting improvements.
- Initial release