Ilmomasiina uses Sequelize to store data in a relational database.
╷───────┐1 *┌───────┐1 *┌────────┐
│ Event ├───────┤ Quota ├───────┤ Signup │
└───┬───┘ └───────┘ └────┬───┘
│1 │1
│ │
│* │*
┌────┴─────┐1 *┌────┴───┐
│ Question ├─────────────────────┤ Answer │
└──────────┘ └────────┘
│ User │
Event instances hold most of the information of an event, including description information, registration settings and status flags.
Events can be enumerated, viewed, modified and deleted by admins, and in a limited fashion by users.
Each Event has one or more Quotas and zero or more Questions.
Quota instances are assigned to an Event. Quotas mostly hold their name and size.
Quotas are created, updated and deleted automatically when updating their Events. Quotas cannot be reassigned to a different Event.
Each Quota has one Event and zero or more Signups.
Question instances are assigned to an Event. Questions hold their question, answer type, required flag and potentially answer options.
Like Quotas, Questions are created, updated and deleted automatically when updating their Events, and cannot be reassigned to a different Event.
Each Question has one Event and zero or more Answers.
Signup instances are assigned to a Quota. Signup instances hold their basic fields (name/email) and their cached quota assignment.
Signups can be enumerated and deleted per-event by admins, and in a limited fashion by users. They can also be viewed, modified and deleted using their edit token, which is computed statelessly.
Each Signup has one Quota and zero or more Answers. There is one for each Question in the associated Event, but the count may be mismatched if Questions have changed.
Answer instances are assigned to a Signup and Question.
Answers are included when fetching Signups. They are recreated on each update to the Signup and are completely transparent to the API.
Each Answer has one Signup and one Question.
User instances hold an email address and hashed password.
Users are not related to any other models. This model is only used for local login, and can be enumerated, created and deleted by admins.
Tables other than User use Sequelize's paranoid mode by default. This means their data is not deleted immediately,
only marked as deleted. The removeDeletedData.ts
script periodically deletes this data permanently with a
configurable grace period, to allow restoration of accidentally deleted data.