Do you still use streams in an old fashioned way? 🧐
Async pipeline bring RxJS operators in Angular templates! 🔥 Useful custom operators included!
npm i ngx-async-pipeline
- Import required modules:
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { NotModule, LengthModule, SkipModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [
export class AppModule {}
- Use pipes
<app-errors *ngIf="errors$ | skip:3 | length | not | async"></app-errors>
- Be awesome 🌈
Here's a list of custom pipes introduced to bring simplicity and clarity to Angular templates.
Here's a list of RxJS operators provided as pipes. Each RxJS pipe has the same API as appropriate operator.
- debounce
- debounceTime
- delay
- distinctUntilChanged
- first
- last
- mapTo
- pairwise
- skip
- skipLast
- skipUntil
- skipWhile
- take
- takeLast
- takeUntil
- takeWhile
- throttle
- throttleTime
// app.module.ts
import { LengthModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [ LengthModule ],
export class AppModule {}
// app.component.ts
template: `
{{ title$ | length | async }}
export class AppComponent {
title$: Observable<string> = of('Hello, Async Pipeline!');
length operator has to be used to retrieve the length of the string or array title$ | length.
// app.module.ts
import { LogModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [ LogModule ],
export class AppModule {}
// app.component.ts
template: `
{{ title$ | log | async }}
export class AppComponent {
title$: Observable<string> = of('Hello, Async Pipeline!');
log operator will console.log each value from the stream title$ | log.
// app.module.ts
import { NotModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [ NotModule ],
export class AppModule {}
// app.component.ts
template: `
<div *ngIf="data$ | length | not | async">
No Data
export class AppComponent {
data$: Observable<string[]> = of([
'Hello, Async Pipeline!',
'Some another string',
'And one more string',
'And so on...',
not operator will negate the value from the stream using ! operator condition$ | not
// app.module.ts
import { GetModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [ GetModule ],
export class AppModule {}
// app.component.ts
template: `
{{ data$ | get:'title' | async }}
export class AppComponent {
data$: Observable<{ title: string }> = of({ title: 'Here is a title!' });
Using get pipe you can get a value from an object by key provided as a param get:'title'. Or, get could be used to retrieve a specific item from an array get:3.
// app.module.ts
import { DebounceTimeModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [ DebounceTimeModule ],
export class AppModule {}
// app.component.ts
template: `
{{ title$ | debounceTime:1000 | async }}
export class AppComponent {
title$: Observable<string> = of('Hello, Async Pipeline!');
Official documentation for debounceTime operator.
// app.module.ts
import { DelayModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [ DelayModule ],
export class AppModule {}
// app.component.ts
template: `
{{ title$ | delay:1000 | async }}
export class AppComponent {
title$: Observable<string> = of('Hello, Async Pipeline!');
Official documentation for delay operator.
// app.module.ts
import { DistinctUntilChangedModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [ DistinctUntilChangedModule ],
export class AppModule {}
// app.component.ts
template: `
{{ title$ | distinctUntilChanged | async }}
export class AppComponent {
title$: Observable<string> = of('Hello, Async Pipeline!');
Official documentation for distinctUntilChanged operator.
// app.module.ts
import { FirstModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [ FirstModule ],
export class AppModule {}
// app.component.ts
template: `
{{ title$ | first:3 | async }}
export class AppComponent {
title$: Observable<string> = of('Hello, Async Pipeline!');
Official documentation for first operator.
// app.module.ts
import { LastModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [ LastModule ],
export class AppModule {}
// app.component.ts
template: `
{{ title$ | last:3 | async }}
export class AppComponent {
title$: Observable<string> = of('Hello, Async Pipeline!');
Official documentation for last operator.
// app.module.ts
import { MapToModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [ MapToModule ],
export class AppModule {}
// app.component.ts
template: `
{{ title$ | mapTo:'some other string' | async }}
export class AppComponent {
title$: Observable<string> = of('Hello, Async Pipeline!');
Official documentation for mapTo operator.
// app.module.ts
import { PairwiseModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [ PairwiseModule ],
export class AppModule {}
// app.component.ts
template: `
{{ title$ | pairwise | async }}
export class AppComponent {
title$: Observable<string> = of('Hello, Async Pipeline!');
Official documentation for pairwise operator.
// app.module.ts
import { SkipModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [ SkipModule ],
export class AppModule {}
// app.component.ts
template: `
{{ title$ | skip:3 | async }}
export class AppComponent {
title$: Observable<string> = of('Hello, Async Pipeline!');
Official documentation for skip operator.
// app.module.ts
import { SkipLastModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [ SkipLastModule ],
export class AppModule {}
// app.component.ts
template: `
{{ title$ | skipLast:3 | async }}
export class AppComponent {
title$: Observable<string> = of('Hello, Async Pipeline!');
Official documentation for skipLast operator.
// app.module.ts
import { TakeModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [ TakeModule ],
export class AppModule {}
// app.component.ts
template: `
{{ title$ | take:3 | async }}
export class AppComponent {
title$: Observable<string> = of('Hello, Async Pipeline!');
Official documentation for take operator.
// app.module.ts
import { TakeLastModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [ TakeLastModule ],
export class AppModule {}
// app.component.ts
template: `
{{ title$ | takeLast:3 | async }}
export class AppComponent {
title$: Observable<string> = of('Hello, Async Pipeline!');
Official documentation for takeLast operator.
// app.module.ts
import { ThrottleModule } from 'ngx-async-pipeline';
imports: [ ThrottleModule ],
export class AppModule {}
// app.component.ts
template: `
{{ title$ | throttle:1000 | async }}
export class AppComponent {
title$: Observable<string> = of('Hello, Async Pipeline!');