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Customize training

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410 lines (319 loc) · 15.9 KB

Advanced usage

Enable cross-validation

While the default behaviour of BlueCast is to use a simple train-test-split, cross-validation can be enabled easily:

from bluecast.blueprints.cast import BlueCast
from bluecast.config.training_config import TrainingConfig

# Create a custom training config and adjust general training parameters
train_config = TrainingConfig()
train_config.hypertuning_cv_folds = 5 # default is 1

# Pass the custom configs to the BlueCast class
automl = BlueCast(
    ), target_col="target")
y_probs, y_classes = automl.predict(df_val)

The same can also be achieved without the need of a custom training config. In any way BlueCast will initialize a config during class instantiation. These settings can be adjusted afterwards as well.

from bluecast.blueprints.cast import BlueCast
# Pass the custom configs to the BlueCast class
automl = BlueCast(
automl.train_config.hypertuning_cv_folds = 5, target_col="target")
y_probs, y_classes = automl.predict(df_val)

This will use Xgboost's inbuilt cross validation routine which allows BlueCast to execute early pruning on not promising hyperparameter sets. This way BlueCast can test many more hyperparameters than usual cross validation. For regression problems Xgboost's inbuilt cross validation routine is also used, however BlueCast uses stratification to ensure that the folds are balanced.

Repeated cross-validation

BlueCast supports repeated cross-validation as well. This can be enabled by setting hypertuning_cv_repeats to a value greater than 1. This will repeat the cross-validation routine n times and will return the average performance of all runs.

Enable even more overfitting-robust cross-validation

There might be situations where a preprocessing step has a high risk of overfitting and needs even more careful evaluation (i.e. oversampling techniques). For such scenarios BlueCast offers a solution as well.

from bluecast.blueprints.cast import BlueCast
from bluecast.config.training_config import TrainingConfig

# Create a custom training config and adjust general training parameters
train_config = TrainingConfig()
train_config.hypertuning_cv_folds = 5 # default is 1
train_config.precise_cv_tuning = True # this enables the better routine

# this only makes sense if we have an overfitting risky step
custom_preprocessor = MyCustomPreprocessing() # see section Custom Preprocessing for details

# Pass the custom configs to the BlueCast class
automl = BlueCast(
        custom_in_fold_preprocessor=custom_preprocessor # this happens during each fold
    ), target_col="target")
y_probs, y_classes = automl.predict(df_val)

The custom in fold preprocessing takes place within the cross validation and executes the step on each fold.

This is more robust, but does not offer early pruning and is much (!) slower. BlueCastCV supports this as well.

Please note that this is an experimental feature.

Gaining extra performance

By default BlueCast uses Optuna's Bayesian hyperparameter optimization, however Bayesian methods give an estimate and do not necessarly find the ideal spot, thus BlueCast has an optional GridSearch setting that allows BlueCast to refine some of the parameters Optuna has found. This can be enabled by setting enable_grid_search_fine_tuning to True. This fine-tuning step uses a different random seed than the autotuning routine (seed from the settings + 1000).

from bluecast.blueprints.cast import BlueCast
from bluecast.config.training_config import TrainingConfig

# Create a custom training config and adjust general training parameters
train_config = TrainingConfig()
train_config.hypertuning_cv_folds = 5 # default is 1
train_config.enable_grid_search_fine_tuning = True # default is False
train_config.gridsearch_tuning_max_runtime_secs = 3600 # max runtime in secs
train_config.gridsearch_nb_parameters_per_grid = 5 # increasing this means X^3 trials atm

# Pass the custom configs to the BlueCast class
automl = BlueCast(
    ), target_col="target")
y_probs, y_classes = automl.predict(df_val)

This comes with a tradeoff of longer runtime. This behaviour can be further controlled with two parameters:

  • gridsearch_nb_parameters_per_grid: Decides how many steps the grid shall have per parameter
  • gridsearch_tuning_max_runtime_secs: Sets the maximum time in seconds the tuning shall run. This will finish the latest trial nd will exceed this limit though.

Optimizing the random seed

As Optuna uses sampling to find the best hyperparameters, the random seed might have a significant impact on the results. BlueCast offers a way to optimize the random seed by running the tuning process multiple times with different seeds and then selecting the best hyperparameters.

from bluecast.blueprints.cast import BlueCast
from bluecast.config.training_config import TrainingConfig

# Create a custom training config and adjust general training parameters
train_config = TrainingConfig()
train_config.autotune_n_random_seeds = 5 # default is 1 (train_config.autotune_model must be True)

# Pass the custom configs to the BlueCast class
automl = BlueCast(
    ), target_col="target")
y_probs, y_classes = automl.predict(df_val)

Use multi-model blended pipeline

By default, BlueCast trains a single model. However, it is possible to train multiple models with one call for extra robustness. BlueCastCV has a fit and a fit_eval method. The fit_eval method trains the models, but also provides out-of-fold validation. Also BlueCastCV allows to pass custom configurations.

from bluecast.blueprints.cast_cv import BlueCastCV
from bluecast.config.training_config import TrainingConfig, XgboostTuneParamsConfig

# Pass the custom configs to the BlueCast class
automl = BlueCastCV(
        #custom_preprocessor=custom_preprocessor, # this takes place right after test_train_split
        #custom_last_mile_computation=custom_last_mile_computation, # last step before model training/prediction

# this class has a train method:
#, target_col="target")

automl.fit_eval(df_train, target_col="target")
y_probs, y_classes = automl.predict(df_val)

By default BlueCastCV trains five models. This can be adjusted in the training config via bluecast_cv_train_n_model, which expects a tuple like (5, 3) to train 5 models via 3 repeats (so 15 models in total).

Also here a variant for regression is available:

from bluecast.blueprints.cast_cv_regression import BlueCastCVRegression
from bluecast.config.training_config import TrainingConfig, XgboostTuneParamsConfig

# Pass the custom configs to the BlueCast class
automl = BlueCastCVRegression(
        #custom_preprocessor=custom_preprocessor, # this takes place right after test_train_split
        #custom_last_mile_computation=custom_last_mile_computation, # last step before model training/prediction

# this class has a train method:
#, target_col="target")

automl.fit_eval(df_train, target_col="target")
y_hat = automl.predict(df_val)

Be aware that fit_eval is meant to be used for prototyping and not for final model training as the model will have less training data available. For final model training use fit instead.

Categorical encoding

By default, BlueCast uses onehot and target encoding. An orchestrator measures the columns' cardinality and routes each categorical column to onehot or target encoding. Onehot encoding is applied when the cardinality is less or equal cardinality_threshold_for_onehot_encoding from the training config (5 by default).

This behaviour can be changed in the TrainingConfig by setting cat_encoding_via_ml_algorithm to True. This will change the expectations of custom_last_mile_computation though. If cat_encoding_via_ml_algorithm is set to False, custom_last_mile_computation will receive numerical features only as target encoding will apply before. If cat_encoding_via_ml_algorithm is True (default setting) custom_last_mile_computation will receive categorical features as well, because Xgboost's or a custom model's inbuilt categorical encoding will be used.

Passing custom eval metrics

BlueCast allows to pass eval metrics for single fold training and for the final model training. The eval metrics can be passed to the BlueCast class during instantiation or afterwards. Classification and regression classes have different requirements for the eval metrics.

Passing eval metrics for classification

This feature is available since version 1.4.0. For classification tasks the eval metrics must be passed as a ClassificationEvalWrapper object. This is required as classification prediction outputs can arrive in different shapes.

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, log_loss, matthews_corrcoef
from bluecast.evaluation.eval_metrics import ClassificationEvalWrapper
from bluecast.blueprints.cast_cv import BlueCastCV
from bluecast.config.training_config import TrainingConfig, XgboostTuneParamsConfig

wrapper = ClassificationEvalWrapper(
        eval_against="probas_target_class", metric_func=log_loss, higher_is_better=False

# Pass the custom configs to the BlueCast class
automl = BlueCastCV(

# this class has a train method:
#, target_col="target")

automl.fit_eval(df_train, target_col="target")
y_probs, y_classes = automl.predict(df_val)

Passing eval metrics for regression

This feature is available since version 1.4.0. For regression a similar API is available.

from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_percentage_error
from bluecast.evaluation.eval_metrics import RegressionEvalWrapper
from bluecast.blueprints.cast_cv_regression import BlueCastCVRegression
from bluecast.config.training_config import TrainingConfig, XgboostTuneParamsConfig

wrapper = RegressionEvalWrapper(
                metric_name="Mean squared error",
                **{"squared": False}, # here args to the eval metric can be passed

# Pass the custom configs to the BlueCast class
automl = BlueCastCVRegression(

# this class has a train method:
#, target_col="target")

automl.fit_eval(df_train, target_col="target")
y_hat = automl.predict(df_val)

Training speed and performance

BlueCast offers various options to train models. The combinations of settings will have a significant impact on the training speed and performance. The following overview shall help making the right decisions:


BlueCast will automatically detect if a GPU is available and will use it for Xgboost training. For large datasets this can speed up training significantly. Since version 1.4.0 the training config has a parameter autotune_on_device, which allows to specify the hardware to use for the hyperparameter tuning manually. Available options are cpu, gpu and auto (default).

Number of models to train

Use BlueCastCV instead of BlueCast for more robust hyperparameter tuning -> BlueCast trains a single model while BlueCastCV trains five models. All the training config settings will apply to all models (more info see above).

Hyperparameter tuning

BlueCast offers various settings to adjust training speed and performance:

  • default: simple train-test split -> fast training, but might overfit
  • disable autotune_model: This will disable the hyperparameter tuning and will use the default hyperparameters as defined in XgboostFinalParamConfig and XgboostRegressionFinalParamConfig. This will speed up the training significantly, but will decrease the performance. Default parameters can be adjusted and passed to the BlueCast class during instantiation or afterwards.
  • increase hypertuning_cv_folds: more folds -> slower training, but less overfitting (5 or 10 are good values usually)
  • decrease hyperparameter_tuning_rounds: fewer rounds -> faster training, but less optimal hyperparameters
  • enable enable_feature_selection: For datasets with a big number of features this can speed up training significantly, but will decrease performance. Custom feature selection methods can be passed to optimize speed and performance.
  • enable sample_data_during_tuning: This will sample the data during the tuning process. This can speed up the tuning process significantly, but might decrease the performance. This is especially useful for large datasets where the tuning process takes too long for each trial and thus the tuning process is not able to test many hyperparameters (at least 15 rounds).
  • enable enable_grid_search_fine_tuning: This will enable another fine-tuning step after the Bayesian optimization. This will require two or three times of the original tuning time additionally. Marginal performance increase possible.
  • enable precise_cv_tuning: This will enable a more robust cross-validation routine that will apply random noise to the eval dataset to find even more robust hyperparameters. This is an experimental feature and will slow down the training massively as it runs without parallelism and without trial pruning.
  • Adjust early_stopping_rounds (if None, no early stopping happens). By default, early stopping is enabled and will stop the final training if the eval metric does not improve for the given number of rounds. Early stopping returns the best model, not the one after stopping. If early_stopping_rounds is set, use_full_data_for_final_model must be set to False to prevent overfitting.
  • Adjust autotune_n_random_seeds to optimize the random seed. This will run the tuning process multiple times with different seeds (for Optuna only) and then select the best hyperparameters. This can be useful if the random seed has a significant impact on the results.

Recommended settings

A summary of recommended settings for different scenarios:

  • Prototype training or debugging:

    • use BlueCast
    • autotune_model = False
  • Fast training, but might overfit:

    • use BlueCast
    • hypertuning_cv_folds = 1 (default)
    • hyperparameter_tuning_rounds = 20
    • early_stopping_rounds = 20 (default)
  • Balanced training:

    • use BlueCast
    • hypertuning_cv_folds = 5
    • hyperparameter_tuning_rounds = 20
    • enable_feature_selection = True
    • early_stopping_rounds = 20 (default)
  • Robust training:

    • use BlueCastCV
    • hypertuning_cv_folds = 10
    • hyperparameter_tuning_rounds = 100
    • early_stopping_rounds = 20 (default)
  • Robust training with fine-tuning:

    • use BlueCastCV
    • hypertuning_cv_folds = 10
    • hyperparameter_tuning_rounds = 200 (default)
    • enable_grid_search_fine_tuning = True
    • early_stopping_rounds = 20 (default)