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Planned Features

ThioJoe edited this page Jan 10, 2022 · 34 revisions

Currently Planned Features

  • Add 'only' option, like an opposite of 'exclude' - Only delete certain users from sample
  • Ability to delete comments using a list of comment IDs, such as from a log file
    • For large amounts of comments that require multiple sessions (because of API quota), it could keep track of which were deleted and which still need to be deleted

Relatively Soon

  • Option to search also obfuscated versions of entered strings
  • An option to delete comments using just a list of comment IDs - Could be useful if too many comments are found for your quota limit, and the job needs to be continued where it left off
  • Break the script up into multiple files, as it is becoming absolutely enormous

Whenever I Get Around to It

  • Monitoring Mode: Program could be let to continue running and automatically mark matched comments as 'held for review', so they can be restored if incorrectly removed.
  • Channel 'Mega-Scan' - Automated process to scan all comments on every single video on a channel.
    • Could theoretically pre-calculate the total number of comments needed to be scanned, and determine how many could be done in one go
    • Would need to implement a way to continue where left off, allowing user to either switch to a different google cloud project, or wait until the next day's quota reset

Maybe Some Day

  • Auto Full-Scan Mode: Scans entire channel until more than ~100 comments scanned without spammer found, then stops automatically
  • Self-Hosted web version, wouldn't require downloading or setting up your own Google Cloud project

Not likely

  • Graphic User Interface