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Scam Accounts

ThioJoe edited this page Jan 4, 2022 · 10 revisions

What Is Meant By "Scam Accounts"

  • For the purpose of the spam list, a 'scam account' is a username for another social media site (usually Whatsapp, Instagram and Telegram, but also email addresses) that a spam comments tells you to contact
    • NOTE: Please note the difference between the "scam account" category and "scam thread" category. Yes, spam threads do mention spam accounts, but I want to separate those for future purposes and features
  • They come in a wide variety, but seem to most often be for fake hacking services
  • By scam accounts, I don't mean the usernames of bots leaving spam comments, but the external account usernames they are advertising
    • Note: Many times bots will put the external username in their own channel name itself (to get around comment filters), then direct you to 'visit the person in my profile' or whatever, or have upward pointing arrows. In this case, submit only the external username they are advertising.

Notes Before Submitting

  • Of course, NEVER contact scammers, and never reply to spam comments, because sometimes you can get caught as a false positive
  • Try to only submit scam accounts from comments that aren't very old (within the past couple). Many of these accounts become abandoned or get suspended after a while, so it really only makes sense to add accounts known to be active
  • Don't worry about submitting any phone numbers, they should already get caught by the program's existing spam filters


Telegram Instagram Spam Accounts

In these, the 'scam accounts' to submit are:

  • ROGE***98
  • legit***10
  • VEN***LZ

They're censored in these examples, but don't censor them in the submission. Note how I didn't include the username of the commenter, but only any username they refer to, highlighted by the red boxes. This applies also if the 'scam account name' is in the comment text.

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