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% Embed C++ in Excel % Keith A. Lewis


C++ is an algorithmic language. You see the code but not the data.

Excel is purely functional. You see the data but not the code.

C++ and Excel are complementary.

The xll library makes C++ code accessible to anyone using Excel on Windows.

  • Call C++/C/Fortran from Excel
  • Copy, paste, insert graphs: a debugger on steroids
  • Use UTF-8 strings
  • Embed objects and use single inheritance
  • Plug in 3rd party libraries
  • Integrate with Excel help documentation


Specify the information Excel needs to call your function.

#include "xll/xll.h"
using namespace xll;

AddIn xai_tgamma(
    Function(XLL_DOUBLE, "xll_tgamma", "TGAMMA")
        Arg(XLL_DOUBLE, "x", "is the value for which you want to calculate Gamma.")
    .FunctionHelp("Return the Gamma function value.")

This shows up in the MATH category of the function wizard as:

Function Wizard dialog

Click Help on this function to open the help topic URL in a browser.

Implement xll_tgamma

#include <cmath> // for double tgamma(double)

double WINAPI xll_tgamma(double x)
	return tgamma(x);

Use WINAPI for functions called by Excel if you don't like debugging corrupt call stack crashes.

Export xll_tgamma from the dll with #pragma XLLEXPORT. If you forget you will get a warning when the add-in is opened.


Macros take no arguments, they only produce side effects.

// Alt-F8, XLL.MACRO calls xll_macro
AddIn xai_macro(Macro("xll_macro", "XLL.MACRO"));
int WINAPI xll_macro(void)
            OPER("XLL.MACRO 召唤 with активный  cell: "), // use utf-8
                OPER(true) // A1 style instead of R1C1
        OPER(2), // general information
    return TRUE;

Excel(xlfFunction, args, ...) calls the Excel function =FUNCTION(args, ...).

Excel(xlcMacro, args, ...) executes the macro MACRO(args, ...). This can only be used from macros, not functions. Consult the Excel4Macros documentation to discern the appropriate arguments.


An OPER is a class that corresponds to an Excel cell. It can be a number, string, error, boolean, ..., or a 2-dimensional range of cells.

It is a variant that satisfies the std::regular concept. OPER o(1.23) is the number 1.23. Assigning a string, o = "foo", or boolean, o = true, turns it into a string or boolean. The xltype member of OPER indicates the type defined in Microsoft Excel SDK header file as xltypeNum, xltypeStr, xltypeErr, xltypeBool, ..., xltypeMulti.

Excel is Postel in what arguments it accepts from functions. Any XLL_TYPE can be used to leverage Excel type checking. If there is an argument type mismatch #VALUE! will be returned by Excel before the function is called.

!!! link to XLL_TYPE


A xll::handle<T> has a pointer to an object of type T and behaves like std::unique_ptr<T>. The constructor xll::handle<T> h(new T(args...)) stores the pointer returned by new. It refers to exactly one object and calls delete on the object when it goes out of scope. Its ptr() and arrow operator->() member functions return the pointer to the object. Use the get() member function to return a HANDLEX value that can be used in Excel.


A HANDLEX is a 64-bit IEEE double. Its bits are the same bits as the pointer. Converting a HANDLEX to a pointer and back is a cast that only takes a few machine instructions instead of a lookup in an associative array. On 64-bit Windows 10 the first 16-bits of a pointer are zero so we only need the remaining 48-bits. Doubles can exactly represent integers less than 253 so there is plenty of room to spare.

The constructor xll::handle<T>(HANDLEX) converts a HANDLEX to a pointer. If the HANDLEX was not created by a prior call to xll::handle<T>(T*) a null pointer is returned. Use explicit xll::handle<T>::operator bool() const to detect that.


Generic C++ class holding a regular type.

// base.h
#include <concepts>

template<std::regular T>
class base {
	T t;
	{ }
	base(const T& t) 
		: t(t) 
	{ }
	virtual ~base() 
	{ }
	T get() const
		return t; 

Embed base<OPER> in Excel.

// xll_base.cpp
#include "base.h"
#include "xll/xll.h"

using namespace xll;

AddIn xai_base(
	Function(XLL_HANDLEX, "xll_base", "\\XLL.BASE")
		Arg(XLL_LPOPER, "cell", "is a cell."))
	.Uncalced() // \XLL.BASE has a side effect
	handle<base<OPER>> h(new base(*po));
	return h.get();

A LPOPER is a pointer to an OPER.

Call a member function.

AddIn xai_base_get(
	Function(XLL_LPOPER, "xll_base_get", "XLL.BASE.GET")
		Arg(XLL_HANDLEX, "handle", "is a handle to a base<OPER> object."))
	handle<base<OPER>> h_(h);
	return h_ ? &h_->get() : (LPOPER)ErrValue; 

Arguments and return values using OPERs are passed as pointers. Note h.get() returns the HANDLEX that h_->get() uses to call the member function. If the handle did not come from a previous call to \XLL.BASE then #VALUE! is returned. Returning the address of h_->get() assumes the handle lives beyond the function return.

Single inheritence

When creating a handle to an object U that is derived from T use xll::handle<T> h(new U(args...)) and return the HANDLEX with h.get(). The handle can be used to call any member function of T. To call member functions of U use dynamic_cast. The convenience function xll::handle<T>::as<U>() does the dynamic cast for you.

// derived.h
#include "base.h"

template<std::regular T>
class derived : public base<T> {
	T t2;
	{ }
	derived(const T& t, const T& t2) 
		: base<T>(t), t2(t2)
	{ }
	{ }
	T get2() const
		return t2; 
// xll_derived.cpp
#include "derived.h"
#include "xll/xll.h"

using namespace xll;

AddIn xai_derived(
	Function(XLL_HANDLEX, "xll_derived", "\\XLL.DERIVED")
		Arg(XLL_LPOPER, "cell", "is a cell passed to base<OPER>. ))
		Arg(XLL_LPOPER, "cell2", "is a cell passed to derived<OPER>."))
	.Uncalced() // \XLL.DERIVED has a side effect
	handle<base<OPER>> h(new derived<OPER>(*po, *po2));
	return h.get();

AddIn xai_derived_get2(
	Function(XLL_LPOPER, "xll_derived_get2, "XLL.DERIVED.GET2")
		Arg(XLL_HANDLEX, "handle", "is a handle to a derived<OPER> object."))
LPOPER WINAPI xll_derived_get2(HANDLEX h)
	handle<base<OPER>> h_(h);
	if (!h_) {
		return (LPOPER)ErrNA; // #N/A

	auto h2 =<derived<OPER>>();
	return h2 ? h2->get2() : (LPOPER)ErrValue;

Now you know how to embed C++ in Excel and use single inheritance.

Calling delete

Excel add-ins dealing with C++ objects typically have an "object manager" that implements a garbage collector. The xll::handle class uses the cell containing the handle to do garbage collection.

The xll::handle class will call delete on objects created by xll::handle<T>(T*) when called from a cell containing a HANDLEX from a previous call. The constructor is being provided with new arguments so the old object is no longer required.

Moving, copying, and pasting cells containing handles will not leak. If you are dead set on leaking memory then create a handle in a cell and delete it.

If a function that creates a handle is used as an argument to another function then there is no cell containing a handle that can be used to call delete. The xll::handle(T*) constructor keeps track of these temporary handles. The outer calling function can use them, and make a copy if necessary, but they are deleted when the outer function exits.

Exercise. Figure out how XLL.BASE.GET can leak.

Hint. See handle.cpp.

Calling new

The flip side is when you save a spreadsheet with handles. When opened in a new Excel session the handles need to be refreshed. Use Ctrl-Alt-F9 to call new on all the handles. This can also be used for garbage collection in case you deleted a cell immediately after creating a handle.


It only takes a couple of lines of code to call functions or embed C++ objects in Excel using the xll add-in library. Tell Excel what to return, the C++ function to call, and the name you want Excel to use. Specify the arguments the function takes and how you want them to show up in the Function Wizard.

The WINAPI function called by Excel should be a thin wrapper that massages the Excel data type arguments to what you need to pass to the platform-independent code, then fluff return values back to what Excel wants. Specifying .Category, .FunctionHelp, and .HelpTopic are optional.

Once you do this all of the functionality of Excel is available to you. You can copy and paste to your heart's content and insert graphs to break things get a better picture of data returned by your code.

The latest version of Excel has dynamic arrays. No more selecting a guess at the output range, F2 and Ctrl-Shift-Enter, then Ctrl-Z to back off. The entire array is plopped into Excel as the return value. Use A1# to refer to it in function calls, where A1 is the upper left corner of the array. Excel will pass the current size of the dynamic array to your function.

As Bjarne said, "There are two kinds of languages..." Complaining about Excel does not change the number of people who use that as a tool to get their work done. The xll library makes it easy to deliver a self contained add-in to anyone using Excel on Windows. If you have the quality problem of people actually using the code you write it is possible to provide more detailed documentation. Spend your precious time explaining it once in a form you can point your customers to, then get back to writing cool stuff that even more people might want to use.