User should be able to add an existing trip information manually
User should be able to modify an existing trip information manually
User should be able to view an existing trip information manually
User should be able to delete an existing trip information manually
User should be able to add individual hotel to a trip
User should be able to add individual car rental to a trip
User should be able to add individual air ticket to a trip
User should be able to get latest updates on the schedule for the associated booking
User should be able to share the trip details to targeted user.
User should be able to share the trip details on social media.
User should be able to view the trip status (Not started, Ongoing, Completed and dashboard)
User should have an option to automatically archive the trip information once it completes
User should be able to share the trip details in associated social media platform
User should be able to create a report from all the trip by selecting a time period
User should be able to choose the set of available metrics that can be used for generating the report
User should be able to automatically add trip information from emails without additional user intervention
User should get car rental information (car location, registration number, driver details) as soon as the flight lands?
To be clarified: User should be able to filter and whitelist emails from specific travel agency
To be clarified: User gets notifications on whitelisted emails and has an option to add it to the trip
To be clarified: Various purpose?
To be clarified: Summary reports with wide range of metrics? What all needs to be considered?
Dashboard should be language agnostic. Internalization should be supported?
As a user, I want to be able to raise problems/issues and get issue resolution updates
- When the air travel gets delayed the dashboard shall update within 5 mins
- Should be able to automatically update app without additional user intervention
- Should be able to handle sudden spike in peak days
- Application should be available all the time ( availability)
- Application should have active users backup in time of downtime ( availability)
- Auditing functionality to track the activity of user(delete /modify)
- Load Handling -should be able to handle 2million concurrent request and response with out significant delay
- Horizontal scaling
- Should have rich UI for the dashboard/summary report(Usability)
- Travel reservation notification/updates should be quick (Performance)
- Is it going to have any influence on underlying mobile/web platform Ex: Android/ios/windows or support different web browser (Compatibility & Portable)?
- Should be able to have access to mails to filter out travel reservation information(Security)