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How To Trigger A Form

Note: This is an advanced section. It's expected that you have an understanding of the app outlined in the basic sections of these docs before reading this page.

The introduction docs assumed that new forms would be triggered through slash commands, but that's only one way to trigger forms in django-slack-forms. The five ways to trigger a form are:

*Manual form triggers must be the result of a user action on Slack (i.e. one of the other four types of triggers). See The Slack trigger_id for more.

Triggers From Slack

django-slack-forms comes with a number of ways to trigger forms from user actions on Slack. When a form is triggered it can either start with empty data or with data from an API (for more on setting up that API see Integrating A REST API).

However in order to start with data from your API, django-slack-forms needs an ID for the record being edited. And each method passes that ID differently. You can see each of those way in the table below:

Method Location Example
Slash Commands The text after the command /my-command [ID]
Message Actions The text of the message [ID]
Message Buttons The stringified value of the button {"name": "name", "text": "My Button", "type": "button", "value": "{\"method\": \"PUT\", \"data_id\": \"[ID]\", \"form\": \"ticket\"}"
Message Menus The stringified value of the option {"text": "My Option", "value": "{\"method\": \"PUT\", \"data_id\": \"[ID]\", \"form\": \"ticket\"}"}

Slash Commands

For help setting up slash commands see Setting Up Your Slack App step #4.

Message Actions

Create a new message action by going to Interactive Components in the Slack API Dashboard for your app. Click Create New Action. Give the action a name and set the Callback ID to the unique name of the form you want to trigger.

If you don't see the action appear in your message's context menu, try reinstalling the Slack app by going to Outh & Permissions and clicking Reinstall App.

Message Buttons & Message Menus

Using the tokens of the same Slack App as django-slack-forms, you can create messages using the chat.postMessage method. Check out the Slack API GitHub page for more on using the API to post messages.

For help creating a Slack button see the official docs. The value of the button or option must be a stringified dictionary (such as with json.dumps()) which contains the following properties:

Property Description Required
method POST to trigger a new form or PUT to trigger an edit. Yes
form The unique name of the form you want to trigger. Yes
data_id The ID of the record to edit. If method is PUT

In order to trigger forms, buttons and menus must come from the same Slack App that is processing forms. Read more about using this app to create custom messages with buttons in Posting Feedback In Slack.

Manual Triggers

Manual triggers exist in django-slack-forms as a catch-all system for custom behavior. Maybe you want to intercept a slash command and run some code before triggering the form. If you're familiar with Slack and want to handle triggering on your own, there's a couple ways to do that.

The Slack trigger_id

First, a quick word about the trigger_id.

In order to know which user to serve a form to, Slack requires a special ID known as a trigger_id which the API provides as the result of certain user actions (e.g. slash commands, button clicks, etc.). django-slack-forms handles passing this trigger_id along from its list of available form triggers, but in order to manually trigger one you'll need to acquire one and pass it through the request.

For more on trigger_ids and where to get them, check out the official docs.

Trigger Via Webook

The first way to manually trigger a form is to send a POST request to the root of django-slack-forms (whatever you set SLACKFORMS_ROOT_URL to in your Django settings). The request data MUST have a single key named payload which is a stringified JSON object. That payload should have the following properties:

Property Description Required
type Must be set to manual Yes
form The unique name of the form to trigger Yes
token The token registered in the Django admin Yes
trigger_id The trigger_id created by a user action in Slack Yes
data A dictionary with overriding data values No
data_id The Id of the data to be retrieved form the form's data_source No

In the end, the payload should look like this with those options inside:

  "payload": "{ ... }"

Trigger Via Python

If django-slack-forms is installed in the app you're trying to trigger the form from, you have access to its Form model. You can trigger a form with a Form object's trigger function and pass the trigger_id as the first argument as well as optionally some kwargs:

Property Description Default
method POST to trigger a new form or PUT to trigger an edit "POST"
data A dictionary with overriding data values {}
data_id The Id of the data to be retrieved form the form's data_source ""

It would look something like this:

from slackforms.models import Form

f = Form.objects.get(name="NAME_OF_FORM")
  data={"prop": "value"}

One Final Note About Overriding Data

Both methods of manual form triggers come with a way to supply data and data_id arguments. If both are provided the two data sources will be merged. Data properties provided explicitly through the data argument will override source data retrieved from the data_source endpoint designated with data_id if that particular property exists in both.