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JS general Usage

could just run by html,
not NodeJS...


1. <script> label
2.  <script src=""></script>
       alter()//Warning box pops up
// ''--for String
    console.log()//Console output
    prompt() //insert the content
3. Parameter(char for all)
// (1)number
    let a = 5;
    3e8; pow(10,8)*3
    3e-8; 3*pow(10,-8)
    binary //2b01010

// (2)String
    'abc'+'def' == "abcdef"
    ''  // a null string
// (3)boolean
// (4)undefined
// (5)null

// (6)changing
// others to Numbers   
Number();   parseInt();   paresFloat();
// others to String     
String();   toString();
4. Expressions & Operators
   (1)cal : + - * /
   (2) IEEE754 (toFixed(2))
   (3) pow , sqrt
   (4) Math.ceil()  Math.floor()   nearest int
   (5)==(type check) ,=(give value) ,===(types and value )

5. if /else   switch
6.  Ternary operator   (for two)
    a>b ? ture: false
    if    return  or return

7. loop:  for   /while    /do while    /nest loop
   break (out fo the nearest)  continue(go to the out of the nearest)

8. array
   let Arr =[1,2,3,4,5];
   push   pop    unshift     shift
   let matrix = [[1,2,3],[3,4,5]];
   push(); pop();  shift();  unshift();
   slide();  splice();
   arrey and string change: join('-');    split();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
        //alert('Hello World');
         let a = 5;
        let year = 2023;
        let name="terry";
        let b = Number(prompt("your first Int"));
        let c = Number(prompt("your second Int"));
        let sum = b+c;


Copyright notice:

Copyright © 2023, Tanxiaoxu Unauthorized copying or usage of the contents of this article is prohibited.