The File model is a simple model that represents a file in your Laravel application.
This is the defualt model used with the FileUploadTrait
Publish the migration
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Teners\LaravelExtras\LaravelExtrasServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
and run php artisan migrate
The File model has the following attributes:
- id : The primary key of the model.
- path : The path to the file in your storage disk.
- name : The name of the file.
- size : The size of the file in bytes.
- disk : The name of the storage disk where the file is located.
The model has two accessor attributes:
- real_size : Returns the file size in a human-readable format.
- url : Returns the URL to the file.
// Upload file using the FileUploadTrait in your controller
$upload_result = $this->uploadFile(
true, // saves to database
// Retrive the file
$file = File::find(1);
$url = $file->url;
// {app_url}/public/storage/file_name.png
$size = $file->real_size;
// 2MB