Releases: TencentCloud/TIMSDK
Releases · TencentCloud/TIMSDK
5.9.1886 @2021.12.31 - Enhanced Edition - 增强版
- Fixed the issue of incomplete unread messages in the callback after a user logged in and synchronized C2C unread messages.
- Fixed the issue of incomplete returned messages after a user pulled local messages.
- Fixed the issue where no friend information update callback was available on terminals with this account logged in after the friend remarks were modified.
- Fixed HTTPS request errors on the Linux platform.
- Fixed the issue where no result was returned for querying the custom fields of friends in the C interface version.
- Optimized the error code description of the network layer.
TUIKit and demo
- Added support for displaying and viewing image and video messages by sliding to left or right.
- Added support for re-editing recalled messages.
- Added the feature of click to call back for signaling messages of audio and video calls.
- Added the feature of displaying the sending status of the last message in the conversation list.
- Added the "Confirm" pop-up window for deleting messages.
- For the Android demo, fixed the issue where offline push was unavailable on Honor phones.
- For Android, fixed the issue where the read status of messages in the current conversation was mistakenly updated after the messages of the conversation were forwarded to a third person and read.
- For Android, fixed the crash that occurred when the number of audio and video call members exceeded 9.
- Unified minSdkVersion of the Android TUI component to 16.
- For iOS, improved the transmission speed of videos after recording.
- For iOS, fixed the black frame of the video cover.
- 修复登录同步 C2C 未读消息后回调的未读消息不全的问题
- 修复拉取本地消息返回不全的问题
- Linux 平台,解决 https 请求报错的问题
- C 接口版本,解决查询不到好友自定义字段的问题
- 优化网络层的错误码描述
TUIKit & Demo
- 图片视频消息展示支持左右滑动查看
- 撤回消息支持重新编辑
- 音视频通话的信令消息,支持点击回拔
- 会话列表显示最后一条消息的发送状态
- 删除消息增加“确认删除”的弹窗提示
- Android Demo 修复荣耀手机没有离线推送问题
- Android 修复当前会话的消息转发给第三人并被已读后,误更新当前会话消息的已读状态问题
- Android 修复音视频通话成员数超过9个时的崩溃问题。
- Android TUI 组件 minSdkVersion 统一为 16
- iOS 优化视频录制后发送的速度
- iOS 优化视频封面黑帧的问题
5.9.1872 @2021.12.20 - Enhanced Edition - 增强版
- Added support for sending targeted group messages.
- Added support for COS download authentication.
- Added support for AES encryption channels of persistent connections.
- Added support for access point anti-islanding for the connection logic.
- Added support for backend configuration of COS file upload and download concurrence.
- Added the option of giving priority to IPv6 in a dual-stack network.
- Added the feature of displaying the 20 historical messages before a user joins an audio-video group (AVChatRoom). Users must activate the Flagship Edition package before they can use the feature.
- Added support for backend configuration of the maximum number of roaming messages when a user gets historical group messages.
- Optimized the description of some error codes.
- Fixed the issue where the backend returned Failed for quickly clearing unread messages if there were deleted group conversations in the local storage.
- Fixed the issue where when a user sent through RESTful API messages excluded from the unread count, the SDK occasionally failed to clear the unread count when issuing a read report.
- Fixed the issue where when a user logged in again after quickly entering or leaving a group through RESTful API during offline, an error occurred occasionally when the user got the joined group list.
- Fixed the issue where when a user sent messages excluded from unread count when the recipient is offline, the unread count was occasionally inaccurate after the recipient was online again.
TUIKit and demo
- Added support for selecting a country/region on the login page.
- Added the feature of clearing initialization operations performed before a user accepts the privacy agreement.
- 支持发送群内定向消息
- 支持 cos 下载鉴权
- 长连接加密通道增加 AES 支持
- 连网逻辑增加接入点防孤岛的支持
- cos 文件上传下载并发数支持后台配置
- 双栈网络可以配置优先使用 IPV6
- 支持印度国际站
- 优化部分错误码描述
- 修复一键清未读时,如果本地包含解散的群会话,后台会返回失败的问题
- 加入 AVChatRoom 直播群时,支持返回进群前 20 条消息;需开通旗舰版套餐包
- 拉取群历史消息时,漫游消息的最大拉取次数支持后台配置
- 修复通过 restapi 发送不计未读的消息,SDK 做已读上报偶现清不掉未读数的问题
- 修复离线期间通过 restapi 快速进退群,被操作用户重新登录后,获取加入的群列表偶现错误的问题
- 修复离线期间发送不计入未读的消息,消息接收者重新上线后,偶现未读数不准确的问题
TUIKit & Demo
- 登录界面支持国家地区的选择
- 清理用户在同意接受隐私协议之前做的初始化操作
5.8.1696 @2021.12.10 - Enhanced Version - 增强版
- Fixed the failure to quickly clearing the unread message count of conversations including disbanded or left group conversations.
- Added the message reply feature.
- Changed the default skin and optimized the UI logic.
- iOS: fixed the occasional failure to load resource files.
- 修复本地包含解散的群会话或退出的群会话未读数时,一键清空未读消息出现失败的问题
- 新增消息回复功能的支持
- 更换默认皮肤,优化界面逻辑
- iOS 修复资源文件偶现加载失败的问题
5.8.1672 @2021.11.30 - Enhanced Version - 增强版
- Optimized the device information getting logic to meet compliance requirements.
- Fixed the crashes in quickly clearing the unread message count under certain conditions.
- 优化设备信息获取逻辑,满足合规要求
- 修复一键清空未读数功能在某些条件下的崩溃问题
5.8.1668 @2021.11.19 - Enhanced Version - 增强版
- Added the feature of quickly clearing the total unread message count of all conversations.
- Added support for the community group (Community) feature. A community group supports up to 100,000 members. Users must activate the Flagship Edition package before they can use the feature.
- Added the feature of automatically excluding conversions whose message receiving option is "Receive but not notify" or "Not receive" when getting the total unread message count of all conversations.
- Added support for Chinese SM algorithms for encrypted tunnels of persistent connections.
- Fixed the issue where, when historical messages were pulled, the end tag was incorrectly determined occasionally.
- Fixed the issue where, when the SDK was upgraded from the Basic Edition to Enhanced Edition in overriding mode, audio-video groups that users previously joined had unread message count.
- Fixed the failure to setting auto read reporting for accounts in special formats.
- Fixed the occasional error of connecting to incorrect servers during frequent network reconnections in private environments.
- Fixed the issue where, in multi-client sync scenario, when a user received a group message sent by the user, the SDK automatically clears the unread message count of the group conversation.
- Fixed the issue where there is occasionally no callback when users log in again after going offline and being kicked off.
- Cross-platform SDK for C: added support for supplementing offline push fields when receiving a new message.
- Optimized the notification muting logic.
- Optimized the logic for displaying a red dot for unread messages in the conversation list.
- Added support for allowing users to trigger group @ messages by tapping and holding the group profile photo.
- Added support for allowing users to tap a button to stop voice message playback.
- Added the feature of quickly clearing the total unread message count of all conversations.
- Added support for the community group feature.
- 新增一键清空所有会话未读消息的能力
- 新增 Community 社群的支持,社群最多支持 10万人;需开通旗舰版套餐包
- 获取会话未读总数自动剔除掉消息接收选项为“接收不提醒”和“不接收消息”的会话
- 长连接加密通道新增国密的支持
- 修复拉取群历史消息时,偶现结束标记判断错误的问题
- 修复从基础版覆盖升级到增强版时,之前加入的直播群会有未读数的问题
- 修复对特殊格式账号设置已读上报出现失败的问题
- 修复私有化环境下频繁断网重连时,偶现连接的服务器不正确的问题
- 多端同步场景下,接收到自己发送的群消息,清空对应群会话的未读数
- 修复离线期间被踢下线后,再次登录偶现没有回调的问题
- 跨平台 C 版本 SDK,接收到新消息时补齐离线推送字段
- 消息免打扰逻辑优化
- 会话列表未读消息小红点逻辑优化
- 群聊界面支持长按群头像触发群 @ 消息
- 语音消息播放过程中,支持点击停止播放
- 新增一键清空所有会话未读数的能力
- 新增社群的支持
5.7.1435 @2021.09.30 - Enhanced Version - 增强版
- Fixed the issue where local data was not updated in time after group profile custom fields were modified.
- Fixed the issue of synchronizing a large number of conversations to be pinned on top.
- Fixed the issue where Android device timeout signaling did not contain the custom data entered during invitation.
- Fixed the issue where empty profiles overwrote local profiles due to network request failures during non-friend profile pulling.
- Fixed the issue where historical group messages could be pulled after a user left the group and then joined the group again.
- Fixed the issue where the callback function
was called twice after a friend was deleted. - Fixed the issue where the friend remarks of the last message of a conversation were empty.
- Fixed the issue where, after the IM SDK was initialized, there was no callback for a
API call by a user who has not logged in. - Fixed the issue where, if failed messages were sent in a group conversation after the network was disconnected, there was no unread message count displayed when the first message was received in the conversation after the network connection was restored.
- Fixed the issue where the unread message count could not be obtained in the first conversation with a stranger.
- Fixed the issue where the Mute Notifications option for group messages was not updated in certain conditions.
- Fixed the issue where incomplete content was called back after group attribute update.
- Added the listener addition and deletion APIs for SDKs, groups, relationships, and conversations.
- iOS: fixed the issue where audio-video group (AVChatRoom) creation failed when the group joining mode was not set.
- 修复群资料自定义字段修改后本地数据未及时更新问题
- 修复置顶会话过多时的同步问题
- 修复 Android 端超时的信令没有带邀请时填写的自定义数据问题
- 修复拉取非好友资料时,由于网络请求失败导致使用空资料覆盖本地资料问题
- 修复退群之后,重新加群,会拉到之前的消息历史记录问题
- 修复删除好友后 onFriendListDeleted 回调二次的问题
- 修复会话最后一条消息好友备注为空的问题
- 修复 IM SDK 初始化后,未登录时,调用 getConversationList 无回调问题
- 修复断网后在群会话发送失败消息,恢复网络后该会话接收首条消息没有未读数问题
- 修复陌生人的第一次会话获取不到未读数问题
- 修复群会话消息免打扰状态在某些条件下未更新问题
- 修复群属性更新后回调内容不全的问题
- SDK、群组、关系链、会话补充添加监听器和移除监听器接口
- iOS 修复创建 AVChatRoom 时 没有设置加群方式导致失败的问题
5.6.1202 @2021.09.10 - Enhanced Version - 增强版
- Fixed the issue where, after a user left a group and then joined the same group again, the system included the messages that were not received during this period into the unread message count of the conversation.
- Fixed the failure to delete group messages that failed to be sent by muted users.
- Fixed the issue where, when historical messages were pulled, the nicknames and profile photos of message senders were occasionally restored to previous ones.
- Added support for setting whether to support unread message count in meeting groups.
- Added support for the international websites of Singapore, South Korea, and Germany, supporting acceleration domain names.
- Fixed the issue where received image messages occasionally had incorrect image formats.
- Fixed the issue where, when video messages were sent in Windows, thumbnail sending occasionally failed.
- Optimized the report of the success rate of receiving common group messages.
- Fixed the issue where, after group members are muted in an audio-video group, the muting period obtained through getting the group member profile is 0.
- 修复退群再加入同一个群后,会把退群期间没有接收到的消息也计入会话未读数的问题
- 修复无法删除由于被禁言导致发送失败的群消息问题
- 修复拉取历史消息时偶现把消息发送者的昵称和头像恢复为旧数据的问题
- 会议群可以配置是否支持未读数
- 新加坡、韩国、德国三地国际站支持接入加速
- 修复接收到的图片消息偶现图片格式错误的问题
- 修复 Windows 平台发送视频消息时偶现缩略图发送失败的问题
- 优化普通群消息接收成功率数据上报
- 修复直播群设置群成员禁言后,获取群成员资料拿到的禁言时间为 0 的问题
5.6.1200 @2021.08.31 - Enhanced Version - 增强版
Common changes
- Improved the login speed.
- Added support for the international websites of Singapore, South Korea, and Germany.
- Added support for commercial HTTP DNS.
- Optimized the group attribute logic to solve the concurrency problem when group attributes are modified on multiple devices at the same time.
- Improved the message database query speed.
- Improved the network connection policy.
- Optimized the search of image, video, and voice messages.
- Reduced the time for getting the conversation list (
). - Optimized the third-party callback logic for server-side status change: when login on a device causes logout on another device, the server-side logout callback is no longer triggered.
- Removed the feature of read reporting for audio-video groups.
- Unified login error codes.
- Changed the friend search callback parameter
so that the friend relationship can be determined based onrelationType
. - Added the API for getting offline push configuration for the message object.
- Fixed the occasional database crash during the update of user profiles.
- Fixed the database query and operation failures before SDK initialization is completed.
- Fixed the issue where read receipts became invalid after an app is uninstalled and then reinstalled.
- Fixed the issue where
was occasionally called twice. - Fixed the failure to delete messages that are inserted locally.
- Fixed the issue where group profile custom fields were not saved when group notifications are saved to the database.
- iOS: removed the
prefix when getting custom user fields and removed theTag_SNS_Custom_
prefix when getting custom friend fields. - Android: removed the carrier name and Wi-Fi information getting features and AndroidX dependency.
- Android: fixed crashes caused by non-UTF-8 encoding.
TUIKit and demo
- Added the pulling-by-page logic for group member list related pages.
- Android: optimized the issue where the entire conversation list was loaded each time a message was deleted or recalled.
- Android: optimized the issue where the group profile photo was loaded each time when the conversation list was loaded.
- iOS: fixed the issue where the displayed number of records was incorrect when a user clears the original keyword and enters a new one to search for messages.
- iOS: fixed the issue where searched custom messages were not displayed on the chat screen.
- 优化登录耗时
- 支持新加坡、韩国、德国国际站
- 支持商业化 Http DNS
- 优化群属性逻辑,解决多端同时修改群属性时的并发问题
- 优化消息数据库查询速度
- 优化连网策略
- 优化图片、视频、语音消息搜索
- 优化获取会话列表 getConversationList 耗时长的问题
- 优化了服务端的状态变更的第三方回调逻辑:新设备登录把旧设备踢下线时,不再触发服务端的logout回调
- 直播群不做已读上报
- 统一登录错误码
- 好友搜索回调参数由 V2TIMFriendInfo 修改为 V2TIMFriendInfoResult,方便根据 relationType 判断好友关系
- 消息对象增加获取离线推送配置的接口
- 修复更新个人资料偶现的数据库崩溃问题
- 修复 SDK 初始化完成前,查询和操作数据库失败的问题
- 修复卸载重装后单聊已读回执失效问题
- 修复 onFriendListAdded 偶现回调两次问题
- 修复无法删除本地插入的消息问题
- 修复群 tips 消息存入数据库时没有保存群资料自定义字段问题
- iOS 获取用户自定义字段时去掉 Tag_Profile_Custom_ 前缀,获取好友自定义字段时去掉 Tag_SNS_Custom_ 前缀
- Android 去掉运营商名称的获取,去掉 wifi 信息的获取,去掉 androidx 的依赖
- Android 解决非 utf-8 编码导致的崩溃问题
TUIKit & Demo
- 群成员列表相关界面增加分页拉取逻辑
- Android 优化每次删除或者撤回消息都会全部加载会话列表问题
- Android 优化每次加载会话列表都重复加载群头像问题
- iOS 清空关键词再次输入新关键词搜索消息时,显示的记录条数不准确问题
- iOS 修复搜索到的自定义消息在聊天界面不会展示的问题
5.5.897 @2021.07.29 - Enhanced Version - 增强版
- Fixed occasional crashes when data was reported.
- Removed the calling of
for getting the carrier name.
- 修复数据上报偶现崩溃问题
Android 平台
- 去掉获取运营商名称的调用 getSimOperatorName()
5.5.892 @2021.07.14 - Enhanced Version - 增强版
- Added support for message search by multiple keywords combined with AND or OR.
- Added support for message search by a specified message sender account.
- Added support for historical message pulling by a specified time range.
- Added support for historical group message pulling by a specified sequence.
- Added notifications for message modifications by a third-party callback.
- Added the API for getting the maximum number of group members that can be added to a group.
- Added the
field for sorting conversation objects to facilitate sorting conversations without the last message at the app layer. - Optimized the audio-video group message receiving latency by making the backend complete account conversation in advance.
- Upgraded the network connection scheduling protocol to reduce the network connection time outside the Chinese mainland.
- Optimized the conversation list pulling logic.
- Optimized the group member pulling logic and enabled local cache.
- Fixed the issue where log callback was not triggered when the log level was lower than Debug.
- Fixed the issue where group member profiles obtained did not include friend remarks.
- Fixed the issue where the obtained list of groups the user has joined contained groups to be approved by the group owner.
- Fixed the stability issue reported online.
- 消息搜索支持多个关键字按照“与”或者“或”的关系进行搜索
- 消息搜索支持设定消息发送者账号进行搜索
- 拉取历史消息支持设定时间范围
- 拉取群的历史消息支持按照 sequence 进行拉取
- 新增消息被第三方回调修改后的通知
- 群资料新增获取最多允许加入的群成员数量的接口
- 会话对象新增 orderKey 排序字段,方便 App 层对没有最后一条消息的会话进行排序
- 优化直播群消息接收时延,后台预先完成账号转换
- 升级连网调度协议,优化海外连网耗时
- 优化会话列表拉取逻辑
- 优化群成员列表拉取逻辑,开启本地缓存
- 修复“日志级别低于 Debug 时不触发日志回调”的问题
- 修复“获取群成员资料时没有好友备注”的问题
- 修复“获取加入的群列表中包含待群主审批的群”的问题
- 修复线上反馈的稳定性问题