released this
12 Dec 13:28
Added better time control for Arbiter
Added more UCI options
Added Tuner project
Added insufficient material detection
Added executable hash generator
Added abort when search lasts too long
Added legality checking of the hash table moves
Added SEE pruning in the quiescence search
Added fianchetto evaluation
Added internal iterative deepening
Added a lot of UCI options, allowing for full engine customization
Added multi-stage move ordering
Added multi-stage move generating
Fixed FEN parser when input didn't have halfmove clock and moves count
Fixed crash when the engine was receiving invalid position in UCI mode
Fixed UCI statistics
Improved time scheduler when incrementation time is present
Improved mobility calculation by rewarding for center control
Improved late move reduction conditions
Improved SEE accuracy (now includes x-ray attacks)
Improved king safety evaluation
Changed maximal moves count from 128 to 218 (according to Internet sources)
Reduced size of transposition table entry (from 12 bytes to 8 bytes)
Disabled most of the evaluation functions when the game is near to end
Disabled returning of exact transposition table entries in the PV nodes
Adjusted evaluation scores
Optimized king safety evaluation
Updated .NET Core runtime version to 5.0.100
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