👉 https://github.com/TeamOpencampus/opencampus
By contributing to this repository, you adhere to the rules in our Code of Conduct. Here are a few general instructions for people willing to develop onto the codebase.
- Prerequiste: Node 14.xx or later, Yarn package manager
- Fork the repository
- Clone the repository to your local machine -
git clone https://github.com/your_github_username/opencampus-website.git
- Install dependencies -
yarn install
- Create new branch -
git checkout -b awesome-feature
- Make appropriate changes
- View changes with live server -
yarn dev
- Add changes to git -
git add changed_file_or_folder
- Commit the changes -
git commit -m "Add this awesome feature"
- Push the branch -
git push origin awesome-feature
- Make a pull request
Creating issues before starting to work on your pull request helps you stay on the right track. Discuss your proposal well with the current maintainers.
Follow the code formatting standards of the repository by referring to existing source files.
Make it clear what hacks you've used to keep this website afloat. Your work needs to be understood first, before getting appreciated.
To display your contributions to visitors and future contributors.
Repository designed for beginner to contribute to open-source
This project is made possible by our valuable contributors. Thanks to all the People Who Contribute.