05-08 23:35:05.649 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:35:05.673 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- expire 20 lines 05-08 23:35:08.527 5144 5225 D PowerKeeper.AppBgIdle: setUidState, uid = 10346 allow = true 05-08 23:35:08.530 662 20292 I netd : firewallSetUidRule(2, 10346, 2) <0.22ms> 05-08 23:35:08.532 1623 2048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) MiuiNetworkPoli expire 8 lines 05-08 23:35:08.953 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:35:13.965 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:35:15.720 1623 1681 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 05-08 23:35:15.723 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:35:15.992 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:35:15.995 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:35:15.996 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:35:15.999 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:35:16.739 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:35:25.886 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:35:26.810 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- expire 4 lines 05-08 23:35:33.779 1623 2034 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:224 down:true eventTime:46665588 downTime:46665588 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:7 isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0 05-08 23:35:33.781 1623 1682 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 1 line 05-08 23:35:33.782 1623 2034 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Dozing (uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_WAKE_KEY, details=android.policy:KEY)... 05-08 23:35:33.782 790 790 I sensors-hal: batch:180, android.sensor.proximity/17, period=1000000, max_latency=0 05-08 23:35:33.783 790 790 I sensors-hal: batch:189, android.sensor.proximity/17, period=1000000, max_latency=0 request completed 05-08 23:35:33.783 2117 2876 D KeyguardViewMediator: onStartedWakingUp, reason = android.policy:KEY 05-08 23:35:33.783 790 790 I sensors-hal: activate:147, android.sensor.proximity/17 en=1 05-08 23:35:33.784 790 790 I sensors-hal: get_qmi_debug_flag:230, support_qmi_debug : false 05-08 23:35:33.784 1623 1623 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name, eventType:15 05-08 23:35:33.784 1623 1623 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name, eventType:15 05-08 23:35:33.786 1623 1722 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 05-08 23:35:33.786 1623 1722 I WindowManager: Screen turning on... 05-08 23:35:33.790 1623 1623 I set_top_app: success /proc/2117/top_app:1 05-08 23:35:33.790 1623 2034 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:224 down:false eventTime:46665588 downTime:46665588 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:7 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0 05-08 23:35:33.791 2117 2876 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn 05-08 23:35:33.791 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:35:33.791 2117 2117 W KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyScreenTurningOn 05-08 23:35:33.791 2117 2117 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn 05-08 23:35:33.791 1623 1623 I set_top_app: success /proc/2517/top_app:2 05-08 23:35:33.792 1623 3066 I WindowManager: mKeyguardDelegate.ShowListener.onDrawn. 05-08 23:35:33.793 1623 1623 I WindowManager: Started waking up... (why=ON_BECAUSE_OF_USER) 05-08 23:35:33.793 2117 2876 D KeyguardViewMediator: onStartedWakingUp, seq = 158 05-08 23:35:33.793 1623 1623 D MiuiScreenOnProximityLock: aquire 05-08 23:35:33.794 2117 2876 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyStartedWakingUp 05-08 23:35:33.794 2117 2117 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyWakingUp 05-08 23:35:33.798 790 790 I sensors-hal: activate:158, android.sensor.proximity/17 en=1 completed 05-08 23:35:33.799 1623 1682 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete 05-08 23:35:33.799 1623 1623 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 05-08 23:35:33.799 1623 1682 I WindowManager: All windows ready for display! 05-08 23:35:33.800 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.804 1623 4043 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_13 identical 95 lines 05-08 23:35:33.804 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.804 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: android, tag: *walarm*:*job.delay*, whenElapsed: 338334005, now: 79114897 05-08 23:35:33.804 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: android, tag: *walarm*:*job.deadline*, whenElapsed: 339234524, now: 79114897 05-08 23:35:33.804 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.google.android.calendar, tag: *alarm*:com.google.android.calendar.intent.action.MIDNIGHT, whenElapsed: 340364442, now: 79114897 05-08 23:35:33.804 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.alibaba.aliexpresshd, tag: *walarm*:com.alibaba.aliexpresshd.intent.action.COCKROACH, whenElapsed: 340784165, now: 79114897 05-08 23:35:33.804 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.android.providers.calendar, tag: *walarm*:com.android.providers.calendar.intent.CalendarProvider2, whenElapsed: 345600000, now: 79114897 05-08 23:35:33.804 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: org.mozilla.firefox, tag: *alarm*:update-addons, whenElapsed: 345600000, now: 79114897 05-08 23:35:33.804 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.bv.wifisync, tag: *walarm*:com.bv.wifisync/.AutoStart, whenElapsed: 370745858, now: 79114897 05-08 23:35:33.804 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.android.vending, tag: *walarm*:com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.FALLBACK3, whenElapsed: 402834135, now: 79114898 05-08 23:35:33.804 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.google.android.apps.messaging, tag: *walarm*:com.google.android.apps.messaging/.shared.analytics.recurringmetrics.AnalyticsAlarmReceiver, whenElapsed: 404182076, now: 79114898 05-08 23:35:33.804 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.cxinventor.file.explorer, tag: *alarm*:filemanager.intent.action.STORAGE_CHECK, whenElapsed: 415381094, now: 79114898 05-08 23:35:33.804 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.facebook.appmanager, tag: *alarm*:check, whenElapsed: 420225126, now: 79114898 05-08 23:35:33.804 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.facebook.appmanager, tag: *alarm*:com.facebook.oxygen.appmanager.periodicwork.GUARD_CONNECTIVITY_CALLBACK, whenElapsed: 561648924, now: 79114898 05-08 23:35:33.804 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.facebook.appmanager, tag: *alarm*:com.facebook.oxygen.appmanager.periodicwork.GUARD_BATTERY_CALLBACK, whenElapsed: 577664126, now: 79114898 05-08 23:35:33.804 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.810 1056 2820 W NuPlayer: instantiateDecoder: getFormat called when source is gone or not set 05-08 23:35:33.811 2117 2627 W MediaPlayerNative: info/warning (3, 0) 05-08 23:35:33.811 1623 3066 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_B expire 8 lines 05-08 23:35:33.812 2117 2876 D EventBus: [2117, u0] post(ScreenOnEvent) 05-08 23:35:33.814 790 12920 I sensors-hal: handle_indication_realtime:477, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk 05-08 23:35:33.815 2942 2971 W MiuiAodService: stopDozing: 05-08 23:35:33.815 2117 2117 I StatusBar: updateDozing: mDozing:true 05-08 23:35:33.816 2117 22246 I StatusBar: onDozingRequested: false 05-08 23:35:33.816 2117 2117 I KeyguardViewMediator: setAodShowing: false 05-08 23:35:33.806 1623 4043 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_13 identical 44 lines 05-08 23:35:33.806 1623 4043 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.817 1623 1682 W WindowManager: Setting mWindowManagerDrawComplete 05-08 23:35:33.817 1623 1682 D WindowManager: finishScreenTurningOn: mAwake=true, mScreenOnEarly=true, mScreenOnFully=false, mKeyguardDrawComplete=true, mWindowManagerDrawComplete=true 05-08 23:35:33.817 1623 1682 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on... 05-08 23:35:33.818 2942 2942 I NotificationAnimationView: stopAnimation: release 05-08 23:35:33.818 2942 2942 I NotificationAnimationView: stopAnimation: release 05-08 23:35:33.819 2117 2117 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing true mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication null 05-08 23:35:33.820 2117 2117 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ALL] nowR:ES 05-08 23:35:33.827 2117 2117 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode security=0 05-08 23:35:33.828 2117 2117 D StatusBar: updatePublicMode() showingKeyguard=true,devicePublic=false 05-08 23:35:33.828 2117 2117 D StatusBar: updateStackScrollerState() publicMode=false,isKeyguardShowing=true 05-08 23:35:33.831 1623 1722 V DisplayPowerController: Brightness [246] reason changing to: 'manual', previous reason: 'screen_off'. 05-08 23:35:33.831 1623 1701 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids 90000-90000 05-08 23:35:33.831 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:35:33.831 1623 1722 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 45 ms 05-08 23:35:33.831 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:35:33.832 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:35:33.832 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.832 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=false 05-08 23:35:33.832 789 789 I QTI PowerHAL: Got set_interactive hint on= 1, count= 385 05-08 23:35:33.833 1623 2110 D LocalDisplayAdapter: setDisplayState(id=19260674575326081, state=ON) 05-08 23:35:33.833 2117 2117 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ALL] nowR:ES 05-08 23:35:33.833 1623 1684 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Pantalla integrada", ON 05-08 23:35:33.833 2117 2117 I KeyguardViewMediator: getBouncerPromptReason trust = false fingerprint = false faceUnlock = false bleUnlock = false strongAuth = 0 05-08 23:35:33.834 2117 2117 D face_unlock: start faceunlock when stop doze 05-08 23:35:33.834 2117 2117 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ALL] nowR:ES 05-08 23:35:33.834 2117 2117 I StatusBar: updateDozing: mDozing:false 05-08 23:35:33.834 2117 2117 I KeyguardViewMediator: setAodShowing: false 05-08 23:35:33.835 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.836 2117 2117 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication null 05-08 23:35:33.837 1623 4550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_16 identical 95 lines 05-08 23:35:33.837 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.837 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: android, tag: *walarm*:*job.delay*, whenElapsed: 338334005, now: 79114931 05-08 23:35:33.837 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: android, tag: *walarm*:*job.deadline*, whenElapsed: 339234524, now: 79114931 05-08 23:35:33.837 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.google.android.calendar, tag: *alarm*:com.google.android.calendar.intent.action.MIDNIGHT, whenElapsed: 340364443, now: 79114931 05-08 23:35:33.837 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.alibaba.aliexpresshd, tag: *walarm*:com.alibaba.aliexpresshd.intent.action.COCKROACH, whenElapsed: 340784165, now: 79114931 05-08 23:35:33.837 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: org.mozilla.firefox, tag: *alarm*:update-addons, whenElapsed: 345600000, now: 79114931 05-08 23:35:33.837 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.android.providers.calendar, tag: *walarm*:com.android.providers.calendar.intent.CalendarProvider2, whenElapsed: 345600000, now: 79114931 05-08 23:35:33.837 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.bv.wifisync, tag: *walarm*:com.bv.wifisync/.AutoStart, whenElapsed: 370745859, now: 79114931 05-08 23:35:33.838 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.android.vending, tag: *walarm*:com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.FALLBACK3, whenElapsed: 402834135, now: 79114931 05-08 23:35:33.838 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.google.android.apps.messaging, tag: *walarm*:com.google.android.apps.messaging/.shared.analytics.recurringmetrics.AnalyticsAlarmReceiver, whenElapsed: 404182075, now: 79114931 05-08 23:35:33.838 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.cxinventor.file.explorer, tag: *alarm*:filemanager.intent.action.STORAGE_CHECK, whenElapsed: 415381093, now: 79114931 05-08 23:35:33.838 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.facebook.appmanager, tag: *alarm*:check, whenElapsed: 420225125, now: 79114931 05-08 23:35:33.838 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.facebook.appmanager, tag: *alarm*:com.facebook.oxygen.appmanager.periodicwork.GUARD_CONNECTIVITY_CALLBACK, whenElapsed: 561648924, now: 79114931 05-08 23:35:33.838 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.facebook.appmanager, tag: *alarm*:com.facebook.oxygen.appmanager.periodicwork.GUARD_BATTERY_CALLBACK, whenElapsed: 577664126, now: 79114931 05-08 23:35:33.838 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.840 782 782 I SDM : DisplayBase::SetDisplayState: Set state = 1, display 26-0 05-08 23:35:33.841 2997 3093 I octvm_power: power mode [keyguard] start 1588973733 05-08 23:35:33.841 2997 3093 I octvm_power: Action: set_thermal_config(restore) for [foreground_change] 05-08 23:35:33.842 2997 3093 I octvm_drv: platform_set_thermal_mode cur_global_config:[], target mode:[restore], profile=0, ret=0 05-08 23:35:33.842 2997 3093 I octvm_power: onPowerModeChanged[keyguard] called 05-08 23:35:33.851 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:33.851 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:33.851 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:33.851 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:33.851 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:33.851 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:33.851 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:33.839 1623 4550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_16 identical 44 lines 05-08 23:35:33.839 1623 4550 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.853 1623 1623 D StorageManagerService: Get the action of screen on 05-08 23:35:33.855 558 12923 D vold : The trim thread is not running 05-08 23:35:33.855 558 12923 D vold : idle maintenance stopped 05-08 23:35:33.855 2117 2117 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ALL] nowR:ES 05-08 23:35:33.855 2117 2117 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: startListeningForFingerprint() 05-08 23:35:33.857 2117 2117 I MiuiGxzwManager: stopDozing 05-08 23:35:33.858 2117 2117 D MiuiGxzwOverlayView: stopDozing 05-08 23:35:33.858 2117 2117 D MiuiGxzwViewIcon: stopDozing 05-08 23:35:33.858 2117 2117 I MiuiGxzwAnimManager: getFingerIconResource: mKeyguardAuthen = false, mLightWallpaperGxzw = false, mEnrolling = false, mLightIcon = false 05-08 23:35:33.858 2117 2117 I MiuiGxzwFrameAnimation: draw: res = 2131231618, anim = false, scale = 1.0 05-08 23:35:33.859 768 1460 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: screen_state=on 05-08 23:35:33.860 768 1460 D audio_hw_hfp: hfp_set_parameters: enter 05-08 23:35:33.860 2117 2117 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Desliza hacia arriba para desbloquear 05-08 23:35:33.860 768 1460 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back event 19 rx_concurrency_active 0, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 0, music on 0 05-08 23:35:33.860 768 1460 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back rx_concurrency_active 0, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 1, music on 0 05-08 23:35:33.860 768 1460 D audio_hw_hfp: hfp_set_parameters: enter 05-08 23:35:33.860 768 1460 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter 05-08 23:35:33.860 768 1460 D audio_hw_hfp: hfp_set_parameters: enter 05-08 23:35:33.860 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> PowerUI [0xf916628, P1] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) 05-08 23:35:33.860 2117 2117 D PowerUI : onBusEvent ScreenOnEvent 05-08 23:35:33.860 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) duration: 61 microseconds, avg: 357 05-08 23:35:33.860 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> StatusBar [0x79ce162, P1] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) 05-08 23:35:33.861 2117 2448 I MiuiGxzwFrameAnimation: drawBitmap: bitmap or canvas is null 05-08 23:35:33.861 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) duration: 130 microseconds, avg: 357 05-08 23:35:33.861 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> MiuiChargeController [0x931e8ed, P1] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) 05-08 23:35:33.861 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(ScreenOnEvent) duration: 414 microseconds, avg: 357 05-08 23:35:33.863 2117 2117 D MiuiGxzwAnimView: onDisplayChanged: oldState = 1, newState = 2 05-08 23:35:33.867 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.869 1623 1623 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server identical 94 lines 05-08 23:35:33.869 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.869 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: android, tag: *walarm*:*job.delay*, whenElapsed: 338334005, now: 79114963 05-08 23:35:33.869 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: android, tag: *walarm*:*job.deadline*, whenElapsed: 339234524, now: 79114963 05-08 23:35:33.869 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.google.android.calendar, tag: *alarm*:com.google.android.calendar.intent.action.MIDNIGHT, whenElapsed: 340364443, now: 79114963 05-08 23:35:33.869 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.alibaba.aliexpresshd, tag: *walarm*:com.alibaba.aliexpresshd.intent.action.COCKROACH, whenElapsed: 340784165, now: 79114963 05-08 23:35:33.869 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.android.providers.calendar, tag: *walarm*:com.android.providers.calendar.intent.CalendarProvider2, whenElapsed: 345600000, now: 79114963 05-08 23:35:33.869 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: org.mozilla.firefox, tag: *alarm*:update-addons, whenElapsed: 345600000, now: 79114963 05-08 23:35:33.870 2332 2470 I QcrilOemhookMsgTunnel: [0]processOemHookIndication length=22 05-08 23:35:33.870 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.bv.wifisync, tag: *walarm*:com.bv.wifisync/.AutoStart, whenElapsed: 370745859, now: 79114964 05-08 23:35:33.870 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.android.vending, tag: *walarm*:com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.FALLBACK3, whenElapsed: 402834135, now: 79114964 05-08 23:35:33.870 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.google.android.apps.messaging, tag: *walarm*:com.google.android.apps.messaging/.shared.analytics.recurringmetrics.AnalyticsAlarmReceiver, whenElapsed: 404182076, now: 79114964 05-08 23:35:33.870 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.cxinventor.file.explorer, tag: *alarm*:filemanager.intent.action.STORAGE_CHECK, whenElapsed: 415381094, now: 79114964 05-08 23:35:33.870 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.facebook.appmanager, tag: *alarm*:check, whenElapsed: 420225126, now: 79114964 05-08 23:35:33.870 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.facebook.appmanager, tag: *alarm*:com.facebook.oxygen.appmanager.periodicwork.GUARD_CONNECTIVITY_CALLBACK, whenElapsed: 561648924, now: 79114964 05-08 23:35:33.870 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, is pending alarm: com.facebook.appmanager, tag: *alarm*:com.facebook.oxygen.appmanager.periodicwork.GUARD_BATTERY_CALLBACK, whenElapsed: 577664126, now: 79114964 05-08 23:35:33.871 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.872 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 05-08 23:35:33.872 2117 2117 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Desliza hacia arriba para desbloquear 05-08 23:35:33.872 1623 1623 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server identical 44 lines 05-08 23:35:33.872 1623 1623 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.872 1623 2050 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.873 2117 2117 D BluetoothController: fireStateChange 05-08 23:35:33.873 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 05-08 23:35:33.873 2117 2117 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Desliza hacia arriba para desbloquear 05-08 23:35:33.877 1623 1623 D ProximitySensorWrapper: proximity distance: 5.0 05-08 23:35:33.877 1623 1623 D ProximitySensorWrapper: proximity distance: 5.0 05-08 23:35:33.883 1623 1623 V LocationPolicy: Screen state changed 05-08 23:35:33.888 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:35:33.895 2294 4787 D QCNEJ/WlanStaInfoRelay: Received action: android.net.wifi.RSSI_CHANGED 05-08 23:35:33.896 1623 2053 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.903 2358 2358 D DynamicSarService: PhoneStateListener.onDataActivity: direction=0 05-08 23:35:33.903 2358 2358 D DynamicSarService: modem state change, messageType: 128 state: 0 05-08 23:35:33.903 2358 2358 D DynamicSarService: PhoneStateListener.onDataActivity: direction=0 05-08 23:35:33.903 2358 2358 D DynamicSarService: modem state change, messageType: 128 state: 0 05-08 23:35:33.903 1623 1664 D PerfShielderService: com.android.systemui|StatusBar|406|46495996180647|130|0|8 05-08 23:35:33.907 5977 6066 I CarrierServices: [418] dji.a: FiST: Wifi connectivity status true 05-08 23:35:33.907 2117 2117 I LollipopRapidChargeView: removeFromWindow: onStartedWakingUp 05-08 23:35:33.911 5977 6124 I CarrierServices: [441] drv.a: (PEv2-SM): WaitingForGoogleTosState: event Connectivity event 05-08 23:35:33.912 5977 6124 I CarrierServices: [441] drv.a: (PEv2-SM): EnabledState: event Connectivity event 05-08 23:35:33.914 5977 6066 I CarrierServices: [418] djm.d: Connected state: [1], networkType: [WIFI] 05-08 23:35:33.936 886 969 W EventThreadInspector: slow VSync-sf on display(19260674575326081), count=1, avg=30 ms, max=30 ms. 05-08 23:35:33.937 2853 4841 I NearbyDiscovery: FastPairHandler: Received action android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] 05-08 23:35:33.940 2853 4841 W NearbyDiscovery: FastPairScanner2: No bluetooth adapter available to start scanning in LOW_LATENCY_SCANNING [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] 05-08 23:35:33.949 4386 4386 D PowerNoticeUI: ScreenOnEvent 05-08 23:35:33.955 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.18ms> 05-08 23:35:33.956 1623 7731 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.958 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: foreground, uid = 1000, app = com.android.systemui 05-08 23:35:33.973 782 782 I SDM : HWCSession::HandleConcurrency: sec_builtin_active 0 05-08 23:35:33.973 832 905 D DisplayFeatureHal: HandleDisplayState enter state 1, last state 0 05-08 23:35:33.973 832 905 D DisplayFeatureHal: onResume enter, mFodScreenOn=0 05-08 23:35:33.974 832 905 D DisplayFeatureHal: Query DisplayPostproc service 05-08 23:35:33.977 1623 2110 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PhotonicModulat expire 1 line 05-08 23:35:33.960 1623 7731 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_1A identical 141 lines 05-08 23:35:33.960 1623 7731 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:33.978 1623 2085 D DisplayFeatureManager: setScreenEffect mode=0 value=2 05-08 23:35:33.978 832 832 D DisplayFeatureHal: setFeatureEnable(displayId=0 caseId=0 modeId=2 cookie=255) 05-08 23:35:33.979 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:35:33.979 1623 1722 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 203 ms 05-08 23:35:33.979 2117 5829 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenTurnedOn 05-08 23:35:33.980 1623 1722 I DreamManagerService: Gently waking up from dream. 05-08 23:35:33.980 1623 1681 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 05-08 23:35:33.980 1623 1623 I WindowManager: Finished waking up... (why=ON_BECAUSE_OF_USER) 05-08 23:35:33.980 1623 2085 D DisplayFeatureManager: setScreenEffect mode=3 value=0 05-08 23:35:33.980 992 992 I Dpps : AddNewDppsClient():452 New DPPS client accepted, client fd = 23, poll idx 2 05-08 23:35:33.980 2942 2942 V DreamService[DozeService]: wakeUp(): fromSystem=true, mWaking=false, mFinished=false 05-08 23:35:33.980 2942 2942 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=false 05-08 23:35:33.980 992 992 I Dpps : HandleDppsClientEvent():924 Incoming message on client fd 23: 'ad:on;1' 05-08 23:35:33.980 1623 8975 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland. 05-08 23:35:33.981 832 832 D DisplayFeatureHal: setFeatureEnable(displayId=0 caseId=3 modeId=0 cookie=255) 05-08 23:35:33.981 1623 1681 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 05-08 23:35:33.981 1623 1681 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 05-08 23:35:33.982 782 5681 I SDM : DisplayPrimary::ControlPartialUpdate: partial update is not applicable for display id = 26 05-08 23:35:33.984 790 790 I sensors-hal: batch:180, android.sensor.light/24, period=500000000, max_latency=0 05-08 23:35:33.984 790 790 I sensors-hal: batch:189, android.sensor.light/24, period=500000000, max_latency=0 request completed 05-08 23:35:33.984 790 790 I sensors-hal: activate:147, android.sensor.light/24 en=1 05-08 23:35:33.984 790 790 I sensors-hal: get_qmi_debug_flag:230, support_qmi_debug : false 05-08 23:35:33.987 790 790 I sensors-hal: activate:158, android.sensor.light/24 en=1 completed 05-08 23:35:33.988 992 2037 I Dpps : ParseFile():82 Loading AD calib file /vendor/etc/sdr_config.cfg 05-08 23:35:33.988 992 2037 I Dpps : ParseFile():92 Config File Version: 1.0 05-08 23:35:33.988 992 2037 I Dpps : ParseFile():131 Parsing Init parameters 05-08 23:35:33.988 1623 1623 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line 05-08 23:35:33.989 2117 2117 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleNotifyScreenTurnedOn 05-08 23:35:33.989 2117 2117 D MiuiGxzwManager: onScreenTurnedOn 05-08 23:35:33.989 2117 2117 D MiuiGxzwOverlayView: onScreenTurnedOn 05-08 23:35:33.989 2117 2117 D MiuiGxzwViewIcon: onScreenTurnedOn 05-08 23:35:33.989 832 906 I DisplayFeatureHal: threadFuncBacklight: set brightness to 246 05-08 23:35:33.989 886 1339 I chatty : uid=1000(system) SurfaceFlinger: expire 4 lines 05-08 23:35:33.989 2942 2942 V DreamService[DozeService]: detach(): Calling onDreamingStopped() 05-08 23:35:33.989 2942 2942 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDreamingStopped() 05-08 23:35:33.989 790 12935 I sensors-hal: handle_indication_realtime:477, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk 05-08 23:35:33.989 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:33.990 2942 2942 E DozeMachine: request: current=DOZE req=FINISH 05-08 23:35:33.990 2942 2942 E DozeMachine: java.lang.Throwable: here 05-08 23:35:33.990 2942 2942 E DozeMachine: at com.miui.aod.doze.DozeMachine.requestState(DozeMachine.java:165) 05-08 23:35:33.990 2942 2942 E DozeMachine: at com.miui.aod.doze.DozeMachine.requestState(DozeMachine.java:141) 05-08 23:35:33.990 2942 2942 E DozeMachine: at com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService.onDreamingStopped(DozeService.java:133) 05-08 23:35:33.990 2942 2942 E DozeMachine: at android.service.dreams.DreamService.detach(DreamService.java:977) 05-08 23:35:33.990 2942 2942 E DozeMachine: at android.service.dreams.DreamService.access$800(DreamService.java:155) 05-08 23:35:33.990 2942 2942 E DozeMachine: at android.service.dreams.DreamService$DreamServiceWrapper$2.run(DreamService.java:1178) 05-08 23:35:33.990 2942 2942 E DozeMachine: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:883) 05-08 23:35:33.990 2942 2942 E DozeMachine: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100) 05-08 23:35:33.990 2942 2942 E DozeMachine: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:224) 05-08 23:35:33.990 2942 2942 E DozeMachine: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7520) 05-08 23:35:33.990 2942 2942 E DozeMachine: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:33.990 2942 2942 E DozeMachine: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:539) 05-08 23:35:33.990 2942 2942 E DozeMachine: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:950) 05-08 23:35:33.991 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:33.991 2942 2942 I DozeMachine: transition: old=DOZE req=FINISH new=FINISH 05-08 23:35:33.992 992 2037 I Dpps : ParseFile():205 Parsing Cfg parameters 05-08 23:35:33.993 3704 3704 D MiShare:MiShareService: onReceive action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 05-08 23:35:33.994 992 2037 I Dpps : ParseFile():82 Loading AD calib file /vendor/etc/hdr_config.cfg 05-08 23:35:33.995 992 2037 I Dpps : ParseFile():92 Config File Version: 1.0 05-08 23:35:33.995 992 2037 I Dpps : ParseFile():131 Parsing Init parameters 05-08 23:35:33.997 7705 12462 D IdProviderImpl: getOAID 05-08 23:35:33.998 992 2037 I Dpps : ParseFile():205 Parsing Cfg parameters 05-08 23:35:33.999 1190 2021 D libsensor-B2SNotifier: Backlight2SlpiNotifier brightness = 246 05-08 23:35:34.000 1190 2021 I libsensor_ssccalapi: send_phycial_sensor_config_msg for sensor: ambient_light 05-08 23:35:34.000 1623 3066 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:34.002 7705 12462 D IdProviderImpl: getVAID 05-08 23:35:34.003 832 905 D DisplayFeatureHal: HandleDisplayState exit 05-08 23:35:34.003 832 905 D DisplayFeatureHal: HandleACNormal enter 05-08 23:35:34.003 832 905 D DisplayFeatureHal: Query DisplayPostproc service 05-08 23:35:34.003 992 992 I Dpps : HandleDppsClientEvent():911 Client connection 23 has closed 05-08 23:35:34.003 992 992 I Dpps : RemoveServerClient():318 closed fd 23 poll_idx 2 05-08 23:35:34.003 5344 9002 I NearbyDiscovery: FastPairHandler: Received action android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] 05-08 23:35:34.004 2942 2942 D AlarmTimeout: AlarmTimeout cancel SunImageTimeout 05-08 23:35:34.003 1623 3066 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_B identical 140 lines 05-08 23:35:34.003 1623 3066 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:34.004 2942 2942 V DreamService[DozeService]: finish(): mFinished=true 05-08 23:35:34.004 2942 2942 V DreamService[DozeService]: onDestroy() 05-08 23:35:34.006 992 992 I Dpps : AddNewDppsClient():452 New DPPS client accepted, client fd = 23, poll idx 2 05-08 23:35:34.006 992 992 I Dpps : HandleDppsClientEvent():924 Incoming message on client fd 23: 'ad:on;1' 05-08 23:35:34.006 992 2037 I Dpps : Register():75 client already registered AdAlsObserver notifier 0x0 05-08 23:35:34.006 992 2037 I Dpps : AdOn():591 AD already in ON state 1 split display bit 0 05-08 23:35:34.006 992 992 I Dpps : HandleDppsClientEvent():911 Client connection 23 has closed 05-08 23:35:34.006 7705 12462 D IdProviderImpl: getUDID 05-08 23:35:34.006 992 992 I Dpps : RemoveServerClient():318 closed fd 23 poll_idx 2 05-08 23:35:34.007 832 905 D DisplayFeatureHal: HandleACNormal exit ret -1 05-08 23:35:34.007 832 905 D DisplayFeatureHal: HandleACNormal enter 05-08 23:35:34.007 5344 9002 W NearbyDiscovery: FastPairScanner2: No bluetooth adapter available to start scanning in LOW_LATENCY_SCANNING [CONTEXT service_id=49 ] 05-08 23:35:34.008 832 905 D DisplayFeatureHal: HandleACNormal exit ret -1 05-08 23:35:34.008 832 905 I DisplayFeatureHal: HandleEyeCare enter modeId 0 05-08 23:35:34.008 832 905 I DisplayFeatureHal: HandleEyeCare exit ret -1 05-08 23:35:34.008 832 905 D DisplayFeatureHal: isStartSensorControl ret 1 05-08 23:35:34.009 832 905 D DisplayFeatureHal: isStartSensorControl ret 1 05-08 23:35:34.009 1190 12938 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:35:34.014 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.017 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.020 1623 7731 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_1A expire 9 lines 05-08 23:35:34.022 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.042 886 969 W EventThreadInspector: slow VSync-sf on display(19260674575326081), count=1, avg=32 ms, max=32 ms. 05-08 23:35:34.039 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.074 31781 32043 D IdProviderImpl: getOAID 05-08 23:35:34.084 31781 32043 D IdProviderImpl: getVAID 05-08 23:35:34.094 31781 32043 D IdProviderImpl: getUDID 05-08 23:35:34.179 790 816 I sensors-hal: batch:180, android.sensor.proximity/17, period=1000000, max_latency=0 05-08 23:35:34.179 790 816 I sensors-hal: batch:189, android.sensor.proximity/17, period=1000000, max_latency=0 request completed 05-08 23:35:34.181 1623 1682 D MiuiScreenOnProximityLock: far from the screen for a certain time, release proximity sensor... 05-08 23:35:34.181 1623 1682 D MiuiScreenOnProximityLock: release 05-08 23:35:34.181 790 816 I sensors-hal: activate:147, android.sensor.proximity/17 en=0 05-08 23:35:34.182 790 816 E sensors-hal: ~ssc_qmi_connection:318, ~ssc_qmi_connection. 05-08 23:35:34.182 790 816 I sensors-hal: activate:158, android.sensor.proximity/17 en=0 completed 05-08 23:35:34.209 886 968 W EventThreadInspector: slow VSync-app on display(19260674575326081), count=12, avg=31 ms, max=32 ms. 05-08 23:35:34.344 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: invalid request, no optimizations performed 05-08 23:35:34.345 2117 2117 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Desliza hacia arriba para desbloquear 05-08 23:35:34.382 1623 7731 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use startActivityAsCaller() instead 05-08 23:35:34.387 2117 2532 D BrightnessController: BrightnessObserver: startObserving. 05-08 23:35:34.391 2117 2532 D BrightnessController: UpdateSliderRunnable: value: 246 05-08 23:35:34.418 1190 12938 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:35:34.449 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: invalid request, no optimizations performed 05-08 23:35:34.449 2117 2117 D KeyguardSecurityView: showNextSecurityScreenOrFinish(false) 05-08 23:35:34.451 2117 2117 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode security=0 05-08 23:35:34.451 2117 2117 D KeyguardViewMediator: tryKeyguardDone mKeyguardDonePending = false mHideAnimationRun = false mHideAnimationRunning = false 05-08 23:35:34.451 2117 2117 D KeyguardViewMediator: tryKeyguardDone mKeyguardDonePending = false mHideAnimationRun = true mHideAnimationRunning = false 05-08 23:35:34.452 2117 2117 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleKeyguardDone 05-08 23:35:34.452 2117 2117 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleHide 05-08 23:35:34.452 2117 2117 D KeyguardViewMediator: keyguardGoingAway 05-08 23:35:34.454 1623 7731 D ActivityTaskManager: Top Process State changed to PROCESS_STATE_TOP 05-08 23:35:34.471 1623 7731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666283 05-08 23:35:34.472 2117 2117 D KeyguardViewMediator: call fw keyguardGoingAway: flags = 8 05-08 23:35:34.472 2117 2117 D MiuiGxzwManager: onKeyguardHide 05-08 23:35:34.472 2117 2117 I MiuiGxzwManager: dismissGxzwView: mShowed = false 05-08 23:35:34.472 2117 2117 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ALL] nowR:ES 05-08 23:35:34.472 2117 2117 I face_unlock: keyguard dismiss time=1588973734472 05-08 23:35:34.472 2117 2117 I face_unlock: face unlock time=1588973734472 05-08 23:35:34.473 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666285 05-08 23:35:34.473 2117 2365 W miui_keyguard: unlock keyguard by none 05-08 23:35:34.475 2117 2117 D MiuiGxzwAnimView: onDisplayChanged: oldState = 2, newState = 2 05-08 23:35:34.479 886 2815 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_5 expire 1 line 05-08 23:35:34.479 1623 4549 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666291 05-08 23:35:34.481 886 2788 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_4 expire 2 lines 05-08 23:35:34.481 1623 8975 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666293 05-08 23:35:34.485 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onStart:UserHandle{0},7755e38,false 05-08 23:35:34.486 886 965 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_2 expire 5 lines 05-08 23:35:34.486 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666298 05-08 23:35:34.486 2117 2117 D BluetoothController: fireStateChange 05-08 23:35:34.493 1623 2048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) MiuiNetworkPoli expire 5 lines 05-08 23:35:34.494 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread resumed 05-08 23:35:34.494 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 05-08 23:35:34.494 662 20292 D OemNetd : updateWmm: uid=10057, wmm=1 05-08 23:35:34.498 1623 2042 V UiModeManager: switch night mode to 2 05-08 23:35:34.501 886 964 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_1 expire 7 lines 05-08 23:35:34.501 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666313 05-08 23:35:34.505 886 2788 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_4 expire 18 lines 05-08 23:35:34.505 1623 2069 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666317 05-08 23:35:34.506 1623 2069 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666318 05-08 23:35:34.511 1623 4549 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666323 05-08 23:35:34.512 886 965 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_2 expire 13 lines 05-08 23:35:34.515 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666327 05-08 23:35:34.516 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666328 05-08 23:35:34.520 1623 4549 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666332 05-08 23:35:34.523 1623 4549 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666335 05-08 23:35:34.530 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666342 05-08 23:35:34.533 2117 2117 D StatusBar: recevie broadbcast ACTION_APPLICATION_MESSAGE_QUERY, requestFirstTime=false 05-08 23:35:34.534 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666346 05-08 23:35:34.536 1623 2069 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666348 05-08 23:35:34.540 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onRegister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:35:34.541 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 05-08 23:35:34.553 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46666365 05-08 23:35:34.574 2117 2117 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=46666365 fadeoutDuration=400 05-08 23:35:34.575 1623 1684 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name, eventType:18 05-08 23:35:34.576 2117 2117 D StatusBar: give up recomputeDisableFlags 05-08 23:35:34.577 2117 2117 D KeyguardViewMediator: adjustStatusBarLocked: mShowing=false mOccluded=false force=false --> flags=0x0 05-08 23:35:34.577 2117 2117 D StatusBar: give up recomputeDisableFlags 05-08 23:35:34.577 879 1214 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: startOutput portId 327 05-08 23:35:34.578 879 1214 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevices selected devices {type:0x2,@:} 05-08 23:35:34.579 879 12957 E AudioFlinger: open /proc/2117/cmdline error 05-08 23:35:34.579 879 12957 I AudioFlinger: setAppName(), name=[], active=[1] 05-08 23:35:34.581 768 12601 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xec3fa000)usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2) is_haptic_usecase(0) 05-08 23:35:34.581 768 12601 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices for use case (low-latency-playback) 05-08 23:35:34.581 768 12601 V tas_spk_prot: set_sa_profile: Set Profile 1 05-08 23:35:34.581 768 12601 I msm8974_platform: platform_check_and_set_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: bitwidth 24, samplerate 48000 channels 2, backend_idx 4 usecase = 1 device (speaker) 05-08 23:35:34.581 768 12601 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:35:34.581 768 12601 I msm8974_platform: platform_check_and_set_codec_backend_cfg: new_snd_devices[0] is 2 05-08 23:35:34.581 768 12601 I msm8974_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: bitwidth 24, samplerate 48000 channels 2, backend_idx 4 usecase = 1 device (speaker) 05-08 23:35:34.581 768 12601 D msm8974_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: playback on codec device not supporting native playback set default Sample Rate(48k) 05-08 23:35:34.581 768 12601 I msm8974_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: Codec selected backend: 4 updated bit width: 24 and sample rate: 48000 05-08 23:35:34.581 768 12601 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: force routing 0 05-08 23:35:34.581 768 12601 E msm8974_platform: platform_check_backends_match: Invalid snd_device = 05-08 23:35:34.581 768 12601 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: (92) check_usecases curr device: speaker, usecase device: backends match 0 05-08 23:35:34.581 768 12601 E audio_hw_primary: @@: usecase[0xee9a4860]=low-latency-playback, devices=0x2, uc_info[0xee9a4860]=low-latency-playback 05-08 23:35:34.581 768 12601 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: check_usecases num.of Usecases to switch 0 05-08 23:35:34.581 768 12601 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker 05-08 23:35:34.582 2117 2117 I StatusBar: updateDozing: mDozing:false 05-08 23:35:34.582 2117 2117 I KeyguardViewMediator: setAodShowing: false 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 E libc : Access denied finding property "tas.smartamp.disable" 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 V tas_spk_prot: Enabling SND_DEVICE_IN_CAPTURE_VI_FEEDBACK 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 E libc : Access denied finding property "tas.smartamp.disable" 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(195) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(195: vi-feedback) 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0xc3 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=0 05-08 23:35:34.582 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: onKeyguardVisibilityChanged(false) 05-08 23:35:34.572 768 768 W writer : type=1400 audit(0.0:8866): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=19790 scontext=u:r:hal_audio_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 D audio_route: Apply path: vi-feedback 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 V tas_spk_prot: Enabling USECASE_AUDIO_SPKR_CALIB_TX 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg: usecase->in_snd_device vi-feedback 05-08 23:35:34.572 768 768 W writer : type=1400 audit(0.0:8867): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=19790 scontext=u:r:hal_audio_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 E voice : voice_is_in_call_rec_stream: input stream is NULL 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(195) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 E audio_hw_utils: send_app_type_cfg_for_device: Could not get ctl for mixer cmd - Audio Stream Capture 40 App Type Cfg 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(195) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:35:34.582 2117 2117 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ALL] nowR:ES 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 102, path = 1, app id = 0x11132, sample rate = 8000 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_VOL_STEP_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 0 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000066 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audstrmtable 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_V2 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.cal_size = 16 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_topology 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id 102, Topology Id 1000b909 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 102 path = 1 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: spkr-vi-record 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 D audio_route: Apply path: spkr-vi-record 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 E libc : Access denied finding property "audio.speaker.id" 05-08 23:35:34.583 768 12601 V tas_spk_prot: boot_id = Default 05-08 23:35:34.572 768 768 W writer : type=1400 audit(0.0:8868): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=19790 scontext=u:r:hal_audio_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.583 2117 2117 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Desliza hacia arriba para desbloquear 05-08 23:35:34.585 768 12601 V tas_spk_prot: TAS2562_SET_SPKID_LEFT: 0 05-08 23:35:34.588 768 12601 V tas_spk_prot: TAS2562_ALGO_PROFILE: MUSIC 0 05-08 23:35:34.588 768 12601 E tas_spk_prot: TAS2562_ALGO:get_calibrated_re_tv file open failed 05-08 23:35:34.588 768 12601 E tas_spk_prot: Failed to read Re/Tv vaue from bin file 05-08 23:35:34.582 768 768 W writer : type=1400 audit(0.0:8869): avc: denied { read } for name="tas2562_cal.bin" dev="sdf7" ino=203 scontext=u:r:hal_audio_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:mnt_vendor_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.589 2117 2117 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ALL] nowR:ES 05-08 23:35:34.589 1056 2402 D NuPlayerDriver: pause(0xe4fb5100) 05-08 23:35:34.590 2117 2117 D StatusBar: updatePublicMode() showingKeyguard=false,devicePublic=false 05-08 23:35:34.591 2117 2117 D StatusBar: updateStackScrollerState() publicMode=false,isKeyguardShowing=false 05-08 23:35:34.575 1623 1684 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name, eventType:18 05-08 23:35:34.593 2117 2117 V KeyguardDisplayManager: hide 05-08 23:35:34.593 2117 2117 D KeyguardViewMediator: adjustStatusBarLocked: mShowing=false mOccluded=false force=false --> flags=0x0 05-08 23:35:34.594 2117 2117 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true supportR:[ALL] nowR:ES 05-08 23:35:34.594 2117 2117 I face_unlock: keyguard exit time=1588973734594 05-08 23:35:34.596 2117 22246 E DatabaseUtils: Writing exception to parcel 05-08 23:35:34.596 2117 22246 E DatabaseUtils: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String android.os.Bundle.getString(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference 05-08 23:35:34.596 2117 22246 E DatabaseUtils: at com.android.systemui.statusbar.NotificationProvider.call(NotificationProvider.java:161) 05-08 23:35:34.596 2117 22246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider.call(ContentProvider.java:2161) 05-08 23:35:34.596 2117 22246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.call(ContentProvider.java:477) 05-08 23:35:34.596 2117 22246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:277) 05-08 23:35:34.596 2117 22246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1021) 05-08 23:35:34.596 2117 22246 E DatabaseUtils: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:994) 05-08 23:35:34.597 2942 7070 I NotificationController: getSortedKey: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String android.os.Bundle.getString(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference 05-08 23:35:34.597 2942 7070 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String android.os.Bundle.getString(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference 05-08 23:35:34.597 2942 7070 W System.err: at android.os.Parcel.createException(Parcel.java:2080) 05-08 23:35:34.597 2942 7070 W System.err: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:2042) 05-08 23:35:34.597 2942 7070 W System.err: at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(DatabaseUtils.java:188) 05-08 23:35:34.597 2942 7070 W System.err: at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(DatabaseUtils.java:140) 05-08 23:35:34.597 2942 7070 W System.err: at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.call(ContentProviderNative.java:658) 05-08 23:35:34.597 2942 7070 W System.err: at android.content.ContentResolver.call(ContentResolver.java:2058) 05-08 23:35:34.597 2942 7070 W System.err: at android.content.ContentResolver.call(ContentResolver.java:2038) 05-08 23:35:34.597 2942 7070 W System.err: at com.miui.aod.util.NotificationController.getSortedKey(NotificationController.java:490) 05-08 23:35:34.597 2942 7070 W System.err: at com.miui.aod.util.NotificationController.access$500(NotificationController.java:42) 05-08 23:35:34.599 3509 3509 D miui.face.FaceService: lock screen passed 05-08 23:35:34.599 1623 1694 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.sharing.click_to_call.ClickToCallMessageHandler$PhoneUnlockedReceiver 05-08 23:35:34.599 1623 1694 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.google.android.gms/.auth.setup.devicesignals.LockScreenReceiver 05-08 23:35:34.599 1623 1694 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.google.android.gms/.trustagent.UserPresentBroadcastReceiver 05-08 23:35:34.600 1623 1694 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 05-08 23:35:34.600 4386 4386 D home_receiver: receive broadcast 05-08 23:35:34.600 1623 1694 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.alibaba.aliexpresshd/com.taobao.accs.EventReceiver 05-08 23:35:34.600 1623 1694 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to org.chromium.chrome/.browser.sharing.click_to_call.ClickToCallMessageHandler$PhoneUnlockedReceiver 05-08 23:35:34.600 2997 3093 I octvm_power: power mode [normal] start 1588973734 05-08 23:35:34.600 3266 3266 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: O received Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } 05-08 23:35:34.601 2997 3093 I octvm_power: Action: set_lcd_mode(default) for [foreground_change] 05-08 23:35:34.602 4386 4386 I c : cm need send notification = true 05-08 23:35:34.602 2942 7070 W System.err: at com.miui.aod.util.NotificationController$QueryTask.doInBackground(NotificationController.java:200) 05-08 23:35:34.602 2942 7070 W System.err: at com.miui.aod.util.NotificationController$QueryTask.doInBackground(NotificationController.java:192) 05-08 23:35:34.602 2942 7070 W System.err: at android.os.AsyncTask$3.call(AsyncTask.java:378) 05-08 23:35:34.602 2942 7070 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 05-08 23:35:34.602 2942 7070 W System.err: at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$1.run(AsyncTask.java:289) 05-08 23:35:34.602 2942 7070 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 05-08 23:35:34.602 2942 7070 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 05-08 23:35:34.602 2942 7070 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:34.602 2942 7070 I NotificationController: getSortedKey: result null 05-08 23:35:34.602 2942 7070 I NotificationController: QueryTask doInBackground: sortKeyList == null 05-08 23:35:34.603 5144 5225 D PowerKeeper.AppStandby: disable standby chain 05-08 23:35:34.604 832 832 D DisplayFeatureHal: setFeatureEnable(displayId=0 caseId=7 modeId=1 cookie=0) 05-08 23:35:34.604 832 905 D DisplayFeatureHal: HandleCabcModeCustom enter 1 0 05-08 23:35:34.604 832 905 W DisplayFeatureHal: ---skip setting acl feature currently, return! 05-08 23:35:34.604 832 905 D DisplayFeatureHal: HandleCabcModeCustom exit 0x1000 05-08 23:35:34.604 2997 3093 I octvm_drv_xm: platform_set_lcd_mode default(1) success 05-08 23:35:34.604 3488 3488 E SUI_svcsock: svc_sock_send_message(suisvc): invalid remote socket suilst 05-08 23:35:34.604 2997 3093 I octvm_power: Action: set_thermal_config(restore) for [foreground_change] 05-08 23:35:34.604 2387 2387 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: onUserPresent:PREPARE 05-08 23:35:34.604 2387 2387 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: showAnimation:onUserPresent 05-08 23:35:34.605 4386 4386 I NotificationHelper: onReceive: wechatNeed = false wechatSize = 0 05-08 23:35:34.605 2997 3093 I octvm_drv: platform_set_thermal_mode cur_global_config:[], target mode:[restore], profile=0, ret=0 05-08 23:35:34.605 2997 3093 I octvm_power: onPowerModeChanged[normal] called 05-08 23:35:34.608 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: showUserPresentAnimation:UserHandle{0},7755e38,false 05-08 23:35:34.608 2387 2387 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: setState:IDLE 05-08 23:35:34.609 4386 4386 I NotificationHelper: onReceive: generalNeed = false generalSize = 0 05-08 23:35:34.610 4386 3852 E PackageUtils: isInstalledPackage 05-08 23:35:34.610 4386 3852 E PackageUtils: android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.xiaomi.smarthome 05-08 23:35:34.610 4386 3852 E PackageUtils: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfoAsUser(ApplicationPackageManager.java:194) 05-08 23:35:34.610 4386 3852 E PackageUtils: at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:161) 05-08 23:35:34.610 4386 3852 E PackageUtils: at com.miui.common.j.s.e(Unknown Source:5) 05-08 23:35:34.610 4386 3852 E PackageUtils: at com.miui.appmanager.c.b$1.a(Unknown Source:4) 05-08 23:35:34.610 4386 3852 E PackageUtils: at com.miui.appmanager.c.b$1.doInBackground(Unknown Source:2) 05-08 23:35:34.610 4386 3852 E PackageUtils: at android.os.AsyncTask$3.call(AsyncTask.java:378) 05-08 23:35:34.610 4386 3852 E PackageUtils: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 05-08 23:35:34.610 4386 3852 E PackageUtils: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 05-08 23:35:34.610 4386 3852 E PackageUtils: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 05-08 23:35:34.610 4386 3852 E PackageUtils: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:34.613 4386 4386 I NotificationHelper: onReceive: whatsappNeed = false whatsAppSize = 0 05-08 23:35:34.615 768 12601 V tas_spk_prot: TAS2562_SMARTPA_ENABLE: ENABLE 0 05-08 23:35:34.615 768 12601 V tas_spk_prot: Using PCM device 40 05-08 23:35:34.615 768 12601 E tas_spk_prot: Using 24 bit playback 05-08 23:35:34.617 1623 8975 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_1C expire 3 lines 05-08 23:35:34.617 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.619 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.621 1623 4045 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_14 expire 3 lines 05-08 23:35:34.621 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.623 1190 12938 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:35:34.631 886 1365 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_3 expire 2 lines 05-08 23:35:34.633 768 12601 V tas_spk_prot: Feedback Enabled Successfully 05-08 23:35:34.633 768 12601 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:35:34.634 768 12601 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker) 05-08 23:35:34.634 768 12601 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0 05-08 23:35:34.634 768 12601 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker 05-08 23:35:34.634 768 12601 I audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_update_stream_output_app_type_cfg Allowing 24 and above bits playback on speaker ONLY at default sampling rate 05-08 23:35:34.634 768 12601 E soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: invalid input device 0x0, for event 3 05-08 23:35:34.634 768 12601 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_info->id 1 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=0 05-08 23:35:34.634 768 12601 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg: usecase->out_snd_device speaker 05-08 23:35:34.634 768 12601 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:35:34.634 768 12601 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_btsco_get_sample_rate:Not a BT SCO device, need not update sampling rate 05-08 23:35:34.634 768 12601 I audio_hw_utils: send_app_type_cfg_for_device PLAYBACK app_type 69937, acdb_dev_id 10011, sample_rate 48000, snd_device_be_idx 43 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_btsco_get_sample_rate:Not a BT SCO device, need not update sampling rate 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 10011, path = 0, app id = 0x11131, sample rate = 48000 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_VOL_STEP_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 0 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audstrmtable 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_V2 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.cal_size = 16 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_topology 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id 10011, Topology Id 112fc 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000271B 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE Returned = -19 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000271B 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 10011 path = 0 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 I msm8974_platform: platform_get_custom_mtmx_params: no matching param with id 0 ip_ch 2 op_ch 2 uc_id 1 snd_dev 2 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: low-latency-playback speaker 05-08 23:35:34.635 768 12601 D audio_route: Apply path: low-latency-playback speaker 05-08 23:35:34.637 768 12601 D send_data_to_xlog: send_misound_data_to_xlog: enter: usecase(1) 05-08 23:35:34.637 768 12601 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: done 05-08 23:35:34.640 2387 2635 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.thememanager.theme_lock_video_wallpaper 05-08 23:35:34.640 2117 2117 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: onDraw 05-08 23:35:34.645 2942 7070 I NotificationController: doInBackground: cursor count0 05-08 23:35:34.646 1623 1623 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0: content://settings/system/is_fingerprint_unlock 05-08 23:35:34.650 1623 4549 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_15 expire 3 lines 05-08 23:35:34.651 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.653 2942 7070 I NotificationController: printNotificationData: notificationDataList 0 05-08 23:35:34.654 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:35:34.657 2117 2117 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: setDisabledFlags back:false home:false recent:false 05-08 23:35:34.659 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:35:34.661 1623 8975 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_1C expire 6 lines 05-08 23:35:34.662 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:35:34.662 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:35:34.663 2117 2117 I MiuiChargeController: dismissRapidChargeAnimation: USER_PRESENT 05-08 23:35:34.663 2117 2117 I MiuiChargeController: dismissWirelessRapidChargeAnimation: USER_PRESENT 05-08 23:35:34.663 2117 2532 D BrightnessController: BrightnessObserver: stopObserving. 05-08 23:35:34.668 1623 1694 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.android.chrome/org.chromium.chrome.browser.sharing.click_to_call.ClickToCallMessageHandler$PhoneUnlockedReceiver 05-08 23:35:34.671 1623 1694 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 3 lines 05-08 23:35:34.671 1623 2048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) MiuiNetworkPoli expire 2 lines 05-08 23:35:34.676 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.679 1623 3559 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_10 expire 3 lines 05-08 23:35:34.680 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.683 886 2788 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_4 expire 2 lines 05-08 23:35:34.685 1623 3309 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_C expire 3 lines 05-08 23:35:34.686 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.687 1623 7731 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:34.689 768 12601 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map13 05-08 23:35:34.689 768 12601 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2 05-08 23:35:34.689 768 12601 E msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map: Could not set ctl, error:-22 ch_count:2 05-08 23:35:34.689 768 12601 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: exit 05-08 23:35:34.690 768 12601 D audio_hw_primary: check_and_set_karaok_parameters: is karaok rx device 0, is karaok tx device 0 05-08 23:35:34.690 768 12601 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:35:34.690 768 12601 I msm8974_platform: platform_get_custom_mtmx_params: no matching param with id 0 ip_ch 2 op_ch 2 uc_id 1 snd_dev 2 05-08 23:35:34.697 1623 1664 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_2 expire 3 lines 05-08 23:35:34.701 886 2815 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_5 expire 1 line 05-08 23:35:34.705 2117 2117 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: onDraw 05-08 23:35:34.707 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: set_lock_wallpaper_result:false 05-08 23:35:34.712 1623 8975 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_1C expire 3 lines 05-08 23:35:34.713 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.715 9197 9240 I MicroDataManager: isInitializing-false locale not changed-true model not changed-true 05-08 23:35:34.717 1623 7731 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_1A expire 3 lines 05-08 23:35:34.720 1623 4549 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:34.724 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.727 1623 8975 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_1C expire 3 lines 05-08 23:35:34.728 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.731 5404 11653 I CastDatabase: Opening the database 05-08 23:35:34.735 9197 9240 I MicroDetectionState: Should stop hotword detection immediately - false 05-08 23:35:34.738 886 964 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_1 expire 12 lines 05-08 23:35:34.739 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.747 1623 4045 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.alibaba.aliexpresshd/com.taobao.accs.EventReceiver 05-08 23:35:34.742 548 548 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwservicemanage identical 1 line 05-08 23:35:34.744 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:34.748 5404 11653 I SQLiteCastStore: 0 CastNetworkInfo instances loaded, 0 CastDeviceInfo instances loaded, 0 paired guest mode devices loaded. 05-08 23:35:34.753 1623 1664 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_2 expire 2 lines 05-08 23:35:34.753 1623 1664 E WifiService: Permission violation - startScan not allowed for uid=99910036, packageName=com.google.android.gms, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: Location mode is disabled for the device 05-08 23:35:34.755 5404 5404 I DiscoveryManager: WifiGuestModeDeviceScanner enabled. 05-08 23:35:34.763 1623 4045 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:34.770 886 1365 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_3 expire 15 lines 05-08 23:35:34.826 1190 12938 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:35:34.850 886 2788 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_4 expire 10 lines 05-08 23:35:34.851 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:34.851 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:34.851 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:34.851 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:34.851 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:34.851 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:34.851 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:34.885 886 965 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_2 expire 33 lines 05-08 23:35:34.923 2117 2374 D AudioTrack: stop(327): prior state:STATE_ACTIVE 05-08 23:35:34.923 879 12957 E AudioFlinger: open /proc/2117/cmdline error 05-08 23:35:34.923 879 12957 I AudioFlinger: setAppName(), name=[], active=[0] 05-08 23:35:34.954 879 1214 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: stopOutput portId 327 05-08 23:35:34.954 879 1214 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevices selected devices AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE 05-08 23:35:34.954 879 1214 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: XXX -4: getDeviceForStrategyInt() STRATEGY_SONIFICATION_RESPECTFUL :Use STRATEGY_SONIFICATION to getDevice 05-08 23:35:34.767 1623 4045 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_14 identical 142 lines 05-08 23:35:34.767 1623 4045 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:34.959 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{8be2f9 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:46666771 05-08 23:35:34.960 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{743c8a2 u0 com.android.systemui/.usb.UsbDebuggingActivity t384} time:46666772 05-08 23:35:34.961 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:35:34.962 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:35:34.962 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 20 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:35:34.962 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:35:34.962 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:35:34.962 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 9 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:35:34.964 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:46666776 05-08 23:35:34.992 2117 2117 I StatusBar: updateDozing: mDozing:false 05-08 23:35:34.992 2117 2117 I KeyguardViewMediator: setAodShowing: false 05-08 23:35:35.031 1190 12938 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:35:35.084 4386 16677 I PowerCenterProvider: call METHOD_GET_BATTERY_INFO 05-08 23:35:35.085 4386 16677 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo begin 05-08 23:35:35.111 1623 1701 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 05-08 23:35:35.142 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <0.33ms> 05-08 23:35:35.144 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <1.03ms> 05-08 23:35:35.147 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <0.24ms> 05-08 23:35:35.149 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <0.87ms> 05-08 23:35:35.203 4386 16677 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo end 05-08 23:35:35.205 4386 16677 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 05-08 23:35:35.206 4386 16677 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 05-08 23:35:35.206 4386 16677 I BatteryChargeTimeHelper: Use default time, 0.64 4h28m56s532ms 05-08 23:35:35.207 4386 16677 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 05-08 23:35:35.295 1623 1682 D MiuiScreenOnProximityLock: far from the screen for a certain time, release proximity sensor... 05-08 23:35:35.846 1190 12938 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:35:35.852 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:35.852 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:35.852 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:35.852 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:35.852 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:35.852 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:35.852 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:36.052 1190 12938 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:35:36.255 1190 12938 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:35:36.854 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:36.854 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:36.854 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:36.854 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:36.854 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:36.854 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:36.854 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:37.551 1623 1681 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 05-08 23:35:37.553 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:35:37.855 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:37.855 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:37.855 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:37.855 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:37.855 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:37.855 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:37.855 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:37.944 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xec3fa000) usecase(1: low-latency-playback) 05-08 23:35:37.983 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: stop_output_stream: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) 05-08 23:35:37.983 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker 05-08 23:35:37.986 768 861 E soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: invalid input device 0x0, for event 2 05-08 23:35:37.986 768 861 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_info->id 1 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=0 05-08 23:35:37.986 768 861 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:35:37.987 768 861 I msm8974_platform: platform_get_custom_mtmx_params: no matching param with id 0 ip_ch 2 op_ch 2 uc_id 1 snd_dev 2 05-08 23:35:37.987 768 861 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker 05-08 23:35:37.987 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker) 05-08 23:35:37.988 768 861 E libc : Access denied finding property "tas.smartamp.disable" 05-08 23:35:37.988 768 861 V tas_spk_prot: Feedback Disabled 05-08 23:35:37.972 768 768 W HwBinder:768_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:8870): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=19790 scontext=u:r:hal_audio_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:35:38.022 768 768 W HwBinder:768_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:8871): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=19790 scontext=u:r:hal_audio_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:35:38.032 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_oem_config_req waiting for resp msg not received 05-08 23:35:38.032 768 861 V tas_spk_prot: TAS2562_SMARTPA_ENABLE: DISABLE 0 05-08 23:35:38.032 768 861 V tas_spk_prot: Disabling SND_DEVICE_IN_CAPTURE_VI_FEEDBACK 05-08 23:35:38.032 768 861 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback 05-08 23:35:38.032 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(195: vi-feedback) 05-08 23:35:38.032 768 861 E libc : Access denied finding property "tas.smartamp.disable" 05-08 23:35:38.032 768 861 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(195) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:35:38.033 768 861 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0xc3 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=0 05-08 23:35:38.033 768 861 V tas_spk_prot: Disabling USECASE_AUDIO_SPKR_CALIB_TX 05-08 23:35:38.033 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 05-08 23:35:38.033 768 861 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:35:38.033 768 861 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0 05-08 23:35:38.033 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: stop_output_stream: exit: status(0) 05-08 23:35:38.033 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: exit 05-08 23:35:38.033 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_backlight_notify_msg failed!: -1 05-08 23:35:38.033 1190 2021 E libsensor-B2SNotifier: transfer_ssc_oem_test_msg failed: -1 05-08 23:35:38.258 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:35:38.261 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:35:38.263 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:35:38.264 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:35:38.340 2117 2117 D miui_anim: onEventDown, touchDown 05-08 23:35:38.341 2117 2117 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 05-08 23:35:38.341 2117 2117 D miui_anim: to end 05-08 23:35:38.342 2117 2117 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='to', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 335544320, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 3, target = com.miui.internal.widget.GroupButton{5eb91a8 VFED..C.. ........ 560,0-1000,140 #1020019 android:id/button1} 05-08 23:35:38.342 2117 2117 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 05-08 23:35:38.342 2117 2117 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 05-08 23:35:38.342 2117 2117 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 05-08 23:35:38.342 2117 2117 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 05-08 23:35:38.342 2117 2117 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 0, toValue = 335544320 05-08 23:35:38.342 2117 2117 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 05-08 23:35:38.342 2117 2117 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 05-08 23:35:38.342 2117 2117 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 05-08 23:35:38.417 2117 2117 D miui_anim: onEventUp, touchUp 05-08 23:35:38.418 2117 2117 W StyleComposer: failed to invoke public abstract void miui.animation.ICancelableStyle.cancel() for null 05-08 23:35:38.418 2117 2117 D miui_anim: DOWN end 05-08 23:35:38.419 2117 2117 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='DOWN', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 100663296, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='UP', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}=StateValue{value=0.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 5, target = com.miui.internal.widget.GroupButton{5eb91a8 VFED..C.. ...P..I. 560,0-1000,140 #1020019 android:id/button1} 05-08 23:35:38.419 2117 2117 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 05-08 23:35:38.419 2117 2117 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 05-08 23:35:38.419 2117 2117 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleY for setValue failed 05-08 23:35:38.419 2117 2117 D miui_anim: prepare, property = alpha, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='alpha'}} 05-08 23:35:38.419 2117 2117 D miui_anim: alpha, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 05-08 23:35:38.419 2117 2117 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon alpha for setValue failed 05-08 23:35:38.420 2117 2117 D miui_anim: prepare, property = foreground, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=500, factors=[0.9, 0.8]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=ViewProperty{mPropertyName='foreground'}} 05-08 23:35:38.420 2117 2117 D miui_anim: foreground, fromValue = 100663296, toValue = 0 05-08 23:35:38.420 2117 2117 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=450, factors=[0.99, 0.67]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 05-08 23:35:38.420 2117 2117 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0, toValue = 1.0, same value 05-08 23:35:38.420 2117 2117 D miui_anim: prepare, abandon scaleX for setValue failed 05-08 23:35:38.454 12814 12814 I adbd : adb client authorized 05-08 23:35:38.456 1623 1681 D AdbDebuggingManager: Logging key 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 @unknown, state = 2, alwaysAllow = true, lastConnectionTime = 1588973738453, authWindow = 604800000 05-08 23:35:38.458 2387 20577 D Launcher: get showing item successnull 05-08 23:35:38.458 1623 4045 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_14 expire 1 line 05-08 23:35:38.464 2117 2117 D miui_anim: UP end 05-08 23:35:38.467 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onWindowFocusChanged:true,UserHandle{0},7755e38,false 05-08 23:35:38.467 2387 2387 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: onWindowFocus:IDLE 05-08 23:35:38.488 4386 29123 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mForegroundUid=10057, mForegroundPid=2387, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.android.systemui', mLastForegroundUid=1000, mLastForegroundPid=2117, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0} 05-08 23:35:38.488 4386 29123 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Cur=com.miui.home last=com.android.systemui 05-08 23:35:38.490 4386 29123 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mForegroundUid=10057, mForegroundPid=2387, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.android.systemui', mLastForegroundUid=1000, mLastForegroundPid=2117, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0} 05-08 23:35:38.490 4386 29123 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Exit 05-08 23:35:38.502 1623 7731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46670314 05-08 23:35:38.505 1623 4045 W ActivityTaskManager: Finishing task with all activities already finished 05-08 23:35:38.505 1623 4045 W ActivityTaskManager: Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{743c8a2 u0 com.android.systemui/.usb.UsbDebuggingActivity t384 f} 05-08 23:35:38.509 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2387/top_app:1 05-08 23:35:38.510 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2600/top_app:2 05-08 23:35:38.511 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2117/top_app:0 05-08 23:35:38.511 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onResume:UserHandle{0},7755e38,true 05-08 23:35:38.511 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2517/top_app:0 05-08 23:35:38.512 2387 2545 D Launcher: disableStatusBarClock:true 05-08 23:35:38.513 2387 2387 D Launcher.RecommendController: folder display but only request when folder open 05-08 23:35:38.514 2387 2387 I chatty : uid=10057(com.miui.home) identical 3 lines 05-08 23:35:38.514 2387 2387 D Launcher.RecommendController: folder display but only request when folder open 05-08 23:35:38.515 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:35:38.516 1623 2042 V UiModeManager: switch night mode to 2 05-08 23:35:38.517 1623 2145 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AsyncTask #1 expire 1 line 05-08 23:35:38.519 11029 11477 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 05-08 23:35:38.522 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:35:38.522 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:35:38.522 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 13 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:35:38.522 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:35:38.522 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=false 05-08 23:35:38.523 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(TaskSnapshotChangedEvent) 05-08 23:35:38.533 11029 11477 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 05-08 23:35:38.535 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:38.540 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:35:38.541 662 12968 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:35:38.578 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:35:38.578 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:35:38.578 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 25 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:35:38.579 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:46670391 05-08 23:35:38.595 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:35:38.595 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:35:38.595 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 27 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:35:38.595 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:35:38.595 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:35:38.595 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 14 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:35:38.612 1623 2053 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:38.618 3933 4138 W WifiMonitor: no need getAvailableWifis 05-08 23:35:38.619 3933 4138 W WifiMonitor: getScanResults has none 05-08 23:35:38.619 1623 2102 I chatty : uid=1000(system) MiuiWifiService expire 1 line 05-08 23:35:38.615 1623 2053 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiScanningSer identical 141 lines 05-08 23:35:38.615 1623 2053 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:38.620 1623 4045 E WifiService: Permission violation - getScanResults not allowed for uid=10036, packageName=com.google.android.gms, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: Location mode is disabled for the device 05-08 23:35:38.621 1623 4045 E WifiService: Permission violation - getScanResults not allowed for uid=99910036, packageName=com.google.android.gms, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: Location mode is disabled for the device 05-08 23:35:38.630 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:35:38.630 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:35:38.630 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 27 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:35:38.767 2387 2387 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=FitSystemWindowView, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0 05-08 23:35:38.767 2387 2387 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=ShortcutMenuLayer, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0 05-08 23:35:38.856 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:38.856 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:38.856 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:38.856 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:38.856 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:38.856 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:38.856 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:39.858 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:39.858 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:39.858 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:39.858 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:39.858 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:39.858 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:39.858 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:40.162 3974 15538 D com.xiaomi.common.Network: Http POST Response Code: 200 05-08 23:35:40.166 2117 12967 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 1630ms, interface=com.xiaomi.xmsf.push.service.IHttpService, code=2 oneway=false 05-08 23:35:40.170 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:40.864 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:40.864 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:40.864 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:40.864 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:40.864 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:40.864 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:40.864 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:40.932 2117 2117 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible false mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Desliza hacia arriba para desbloquear 05-08 23:35:40.933 2117 2117 D PanelView: onTouchEvent action=0 x=266,0 y=0,0 05-08 23:35:40.944 1623 7731 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_1A expire 8 lines 05-08 23:35:40.946 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:35:40.946 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=false 05-08 23:35:40.971 1623 7731 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use startActivityAsCaller() instead 05-08 23:35:40.971 2117 2117 W HeadsUpManager: removeHeadsUpNotification() no heads up notification on show 05-08 23:35:40.979 2117 2532 D BrightnessController: BrightnessObserver: startObserving. 05-08 23:35:40.983 2117 2532 D BrightnessController: UpdateSliderRunnable: value: 246 05-08 23:35:40.985 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onWindowFocusChanged:false,UserHandle{0},7755e38,true 05-08 23:35:40.993 886 886 E Layer : setupBlurSurface setupBlurSurface StatusBar#0 05-08 23:35:41.010 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: invalid request, no optimizations performed 05-08 23:35:41.102 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: invalid request, no optimizations performed 05-08 23:35:41.115 2117 2117 D PanelView: onTouchEvent action=1 x=268,0 y=744,0 05-08 23:35:41.115 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: No valid timer value for perflock request 05-08 23:35:41.415 2117 2117 V StackScroller: on pop animation requested 05-08 23:35:41.719 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:41.728 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:41.734 1623 2048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) MiuiNetworkPoli expire 4 lines 05-08 23:35:41.776 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:41.785 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:41.865 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:41.865 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:41.865 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:41.865 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:41.865 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:41.865 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:41.865 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:42.865 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:35:43.868 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:43.868 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:43.868 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:43.868 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:43.868 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:43.868 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:43.868 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:43.931 2117 2117 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible false mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Desliza hacia arriba para desbloquear 05-08 23:35:43.932 2117 2117 D PanelView: onTouchEvent action=0 x=349,0 y=1914,0 05-08 23:35:43.947 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: invalid request, no optimizations performed 05-08 23:35:43.962 2117 2117 V StackScroller: on dismiss animation requested 05-08 23:35:43.963 1623 1664 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use startActivityAsCaller() instead 05-08 23:35:44.011 2117 2117 D PanelView: onTouchEvent action=1 x=322,0 y=1491,0 05-08 23:35:44.011 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: invalid request, no optimizations performed 05-08 23:35:44.012 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: No valid timer value for perflock request 05-08 23:35:44.203 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onWindowFocusChanged:true,UserHandle{0},7755e38,false 05-08 23:35:44.203 2387 2387 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: onWindowFocus:IDLE 05-08 23:35:44.213 1623 1664 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_2 expire 6 lines 05-08 23:35:44.215 1623 1664 I set_top_app: success /proc/2117/top_app:0 05-08 23:35:44.216 1623 1664 I set_top_app: success /proc/2517/top_app:0 05-08 23:35:44.216 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:35:44.217 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=false 05-08 23:35:44.217 2117 2532 D BrightnessController: BrightnessObserver: stopObserving. 05-08 23:35:44.504 2387 2387 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=FitSystemWindowView, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0 05-08 23:35:44.504 2387 2387 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=ShortcutMenuLayer, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0 05-08 23:35:44.869 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:44.869 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:44.869 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:44.869 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:44.869 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:44.869 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:44.869 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:44.971 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:35:45.879 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:45.879 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:45.879 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:45.879 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:45.879 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:45.879 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:45.879 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:46.351 2387 2387 D FeedSwipeController: touchState : 0 scrolling : false normalEditing : false WidgetThumbnailViewShowing : false UninstallDialogShowing : false 05-08 23:35:46.352 2387 2387 D FeedSwipeController: can not use 05-08 23:35:46.353 2387 2387 D Launcher.Workspace: Workspace touch down 05-08 23:35:46.354 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: pause 05-08 23:35:46.354 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: pause 05-08 23:35:46.355 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onUnregister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:35:46.356 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread paused, waiting for signal 05-08 23:35:46.364 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.393 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: invalid request, no optimizations performed 05-08 23:35:46.439 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.450 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.458 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: invalid request, no optimizations performed 05-08 23:35:46.459 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.461 2387 2387 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent: [motionEvent action:(rawX,rawY)] 35:46.350[0(691,0,1201,0)] 35:46.385[2(679,0,1191,0)] 35:46.413[2(606,7,1164,5)] 35:46.429[2(500,3,1172,7)] 35:46.448[2(321,3,1236,0)] 35:46.457[2(243,0,1283,0)] 35:46.460[1(243,0,1283,0)] 05-08 23:35:46.461 2387 2387 D Launcher_Scrollto: [(rawX,rawY)|scrollX] 35:46.414[(606,7,1164,5)|x:84] 35:46.430[(500,3,1172,7)|x:191] 35:46.449[(321,3,1236,0)|x:370] 35:46.459[(243,0,1283,0)|x:448] 05-08 23:35:46.461 2387 2387 D Launcher.Workspace: Workspace touch up or cancel 05-08 23:35:46.461 2387 2545 D Launcher: disableStatusBarClock:false 05-08 23:35:46.463 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:35:46.463 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:35:46.464 2387 2387 D Launcher_WallpaperUtils: changeStatusBarMode:false 05-08 23:35:46.466 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.478 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.496 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.511 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.529 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.545 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.562 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.578 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.595 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.611 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.628 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.645 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.661 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:35:46.680 886 964 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_1 identical 3 lines 05-08 23:35:46.712 886 2815 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_5 expire 1 line 05-08 23:35:46.728 886 964 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_1 expire 2 lines 05-08 23:35:46.759 1623 7731 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:46.827 886 2788 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_4 expire 1 line 05-08 23:35:46.843 886 2815 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_5 expire 5 lines 05-08 23:35:46.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:46.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:46.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:46.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:46.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:46.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:46.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:46.891 2387 2387 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class com.miui.home.launcher.common.messages.CurrentScreenIdMessage 05-08 23:35:46.891 2387 2387 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent 05-08 23:35:46.891 2387 2545 D Launcher: disableStatusBarClock:false 05-08 23:35:46.892 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread resumed 05-08 23:35:46.892 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 05-08 23:35:46.894 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onRegister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:35:46.909 2387 2387 D Launcher_WallpaperUtils: changeStatusBarMode:false 05-08 23:35:46.911 886 2788 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_4 expire 2 lines 05-08 23:35:46.927 886 964 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_1 expire 3 lines 05-08 23:35:47.010 886 2788 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_4 expire 3 lines 05-08 23:35:47.027 886 2815 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_5 expire 1 line 05-08 23:35:47.824 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:35:47.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:47.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:47.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:47.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:47.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:47.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:47.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:48.883 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:48.883 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:48.883 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:48.883 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:48.883 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:48.883 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:48.883 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:48.984 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:49.866 548 548 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwservicemanage identical 11 lines 05-08 23:35:49.882 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:49.886 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:49.886 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:49.886 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:49.886 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:49.886 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:49.886 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:49.886 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:49.895 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:49.900 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:50.892 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:50.892 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:50.892 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:50.892 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:50.892 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:50.892 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:50.892 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:52.897 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:52.897 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:52.897 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:52.897 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:52.897 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:52.897 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:52.897 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:53.890 1623 1983 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AlarmManager expire 6 lines 05-08 23:35:53.896 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:53.899 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:53.899 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:53.899 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:53.899 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:53.899 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:53.899 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:53.899 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:53.916 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:46.769 1623 7731 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:53.921 1623 2050 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:53.921 1623 2053 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:53.931 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:53.932 3768 12992 I Authzen : [DeviceStateSyncManager] The server is in sync with current state. Nothing to do 05-08 23:35:53.934 5404 12994 I Authzen : [DeviceStateSyncManager] The server is in sync with current state. Nothing to do 05-08 23:35:53.935 1623 2075 I chatty : uid=1000(system) miui.fg expire 3 lines 05-08 23:35:53.937 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:53.947 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:53.952 9197 9197 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting PERIODIC background task MDH_FORCED_SYNC. 05-08 23:35:53.954 9197 9197 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting PERIODIC background task CONTACT_AFFINITY_MODEL_CONTACTS_CHANGE_REFRESH. 05-08 23:35:53.955 9197 9197 I BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting PERIODIC background task REFRESH_SEARCH_HISTORY. 05-08 23:35:53.973 9197 12996 W LocationOracle: getBestLocation(): no location is available 05-08 23:35:53.977 1623 2048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) MiuiNetworkPoli expire 17 lines 05-08 23:35:53.981 31208 4266 E DatabaseUtils: Writing exception to parcel 05-08 23:35:53.981 31208 4266 E DatabaseUtils: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: reading com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 uri content://com.android.contacts/data from pid=9197, uid=10034 requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS, or grantUriPermission() 05-08 23:35:53.981 31208 4266 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider.enforceReadPermissionInner(ContentProvider.java:738) 05-08 23:35:53.981 31208 4266 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.enforceReadPermission(ContentProvider.java:602) 05-08 23:35:53.981 31208 4266 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.query(ContentProvider.java:231) 05-08 23:35:53.981 31208 4266 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:104) 05-08 23:35:53.981 31208 4266 E DatabaseUtils: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1021) 05-08 23:35:53.981 31208 4266 E DatabaseUtils: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:994) 05-08 23:35:53.983 9197 9240 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached. 05-08 23:35:53.983 9197 9240 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached. 05-08 23:35:53.984 9197 12995 V MDH : Opening MDH wipeout table. 05-08 23:35:53.986 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.004 9197 9240 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached. 05-08 23:35:54.015 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.240 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.246 1623 1664 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_2 expire 6 lines 05-08 23:35:54.247 1623 4045 E WifiService: Permission violation - getScanResults not allowed for uid=10036, packageName=com.google.android.gms, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: Location mode is disabled for the device 05-08 23:35:54.248 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.258 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.265 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.269 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.274 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.282 1623 3309 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_C expire 6 lines 05-08 23:35:54.283 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.289 3768 5056 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gms componentName=null serviceId=36 05-08 23:35:54.302 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.304 3768 5056 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox componentName=null serviceId=36 05-08 23:35:54.306 1623 7731 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_1A expire 4 lines 05-08 23:35:54.308 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.321 3768 11681 I GmsCoreXrpcWrapper: Returning a channel provider with trafficStatsTag=12803 05-08 23:35:54.323 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.333 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.336 1623 4045 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_14 expire 3 lines 05-08 23:35:54.338 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.367 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.376 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.385 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.390 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.398 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.414 3768 5150 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gms componentName=null serviceId=30 05-08 23:35:54.433 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.623 3768 11681 I Icing : Usage reports ok 4, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0 05-08 23:35:54.629 3768 11681 I GmsCoreXrpcWrapper: Returning a channel provider with trafficStatsTag=12803 05-08 23:35:54.649 3768 11681 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0 05-08 23:35:54.663 3768 11681 I GmsCoreXrpcWrapper: Returning a channel provider with trafficStatsTag=12803 05-08 23:35:54.684 3768 11681 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0 05-08 23:35:54.692 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:35:54.900 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:54.900 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:54.900 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:54.900 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:54.900 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:54.900 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:54.900 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:55.901 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:55.901 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:55.901 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:55.901 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:55.901 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:55.901 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:55.901 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:57.909 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 4 lines 05-08 23:35:58.914 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:58.914 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:58.914 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:58.914 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:58.914 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:58.914 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:58.914 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:35:59.342 1623 2053 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:59.363 1623 2053 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiScanningSer expire 1 line 05-08 23:35:59.376 3933 4138 W WifiMonitor: no need getAvailableWifis 05-08 23:35:59.376 3933 4138 W WifiMonitor: getScanResults has none 05-08 23:35:59.356 1623 2053 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiScanningSer identical 139 lines 05-08 23:35:59.356 1623 2053 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:35:59.380 1623 4045 E WifiService: Permission violation - getScanResults not allowed for uid=10036, packageName=com.google.android.gms, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: Location mode is disabled for the device 05-08 23:35:59.380 1623 7731 E WifiService: Permission violation - getScanResults not allowed for uid=99910036, packageName=com.google.android.gms, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: Location mode is disabled for the device 05-08 23:35:59.382 1623 2102 I chatty : uid=1000(system) MiuiWifiService expire 1 line 05-08 23:35:59.916 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:35:59.916 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:35:59.916 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:35:59.916 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:35:59.916 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:35:59.916 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:35:59.916 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:00.008 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:36:00.015 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 05-08 23:36:00.287 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:36:00.920 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:00.920 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:00.920 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:00.920 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:00.920 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:00.920 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:00.920 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:00.952 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:00.964 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:01.929 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:01.929 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:01.929 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:01.929 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:01.929 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:01.929 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:01.929 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:02.932 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:02.932 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:02.932 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:02.932 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:02.932 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:02.932 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:02.932 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:03.550 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:36:03.937 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:03.937 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:03.937 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:03.937 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:03.937 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:03.937 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:03.937 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:07.467 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:36:07.471 1623 1722 V DisplayPowerController: Brightness [13] reason changing to: 'manual [ dim ]', previous reason: 'manual'. 05-08 23:36:06.955 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:06.955 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:06.955 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:06.955 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:06.955 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:06.955 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:06.955 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:07.502 886 1339 I chatty : uid=1000(system) SurfaceFlinger: expire 1 line 05-08 23:36:07.502 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.692426 mBrightnessBackup=214, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=214, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:07.502 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:07.503 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 176 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:07.512 1190 2021 D libsensor-B2SNotifier: Backlight2SlpiNotifier brightness = 214 05-08 23:36:07.512 1190 2021 I libsensor_ssccalapi: send_phycial_sensor_config_msg for sensor: ambient_light 05-08 23:36:07.521 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=173, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:07.522 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.720796 mBrightnessBackup=173, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=173, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:07.522 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:07.522 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 183 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:07.526 1190 13001 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:36:07.542 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=90, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:07.542 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:36:07.542 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.735963 mBrightnessBackup=90, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=90, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:07.542 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:07.542 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 187 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:07.553 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=49, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:07.553 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:36:07.553 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.799773 mBrightnessBackup=49, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=49, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:07.553 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:07.553 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 203 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:07.566 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:36:07.571 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=13, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:07.571 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:36:07.571 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.890522 mBrightnessBackup=13, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=13, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:07.571 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:07.571 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 227 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:07.910 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:36:07.962 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:07.962 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:07.962 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:07.962 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:07.962 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:07.962 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:07.962 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:08.563 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:36:08.963 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:08.963 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:08.963 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:08.963 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:08.963 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:08.963 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:08.963 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:09.324 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:09.467 548 548 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwservicemanage identical 14 lines 05-08 23:36:09.471 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:09.714 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:09.734 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:09.965 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:09.965 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:09.965 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:09.965 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:09.965 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:09.965 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:09.965 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:10.792 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:36:10.967 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:10.967 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:10.967 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:10.967 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:10.967 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:10.967 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:10.967 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:11.566 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_oem_config_req waiting for resp msg not received 05-08 23:36:11.571 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_backlight_notify_msg failed!: -1 05-08 23:36:11.571 1190 2021 E libsensor-B2SNotifier: transfer_ssc_oem_test_msg failed: -1 05-08 23:36:11.571 1190 2021 D libsensor-B2SNotifier: Backlight2SlpiNotifier brightness = 13 05-08 23:36:11.571 1190 2021 I libsensor_ssccalapi: send_phycial_sensor_config_msg for sensor: ambient_light 05-08 23:36:11.580 1190 13002 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:36:11.666 2387 2387 D FeedSwipeController: touchState : 0 scrolling : false normalEditing : false WidgetThumbnailViewShowing : false UninstallDialogShowing : false 05-08 23:36:11.665 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:36:11.666 1623 1722 V DisplayPowerController: Brightness [246] reason changing to: 'manual', previous reason: 'manual [ dim ]'. 05-08 23:36:11.667 2387 2387 D FeedSwipeController: can not use 05-08 23:36:11.669 2387 2387 D Launcher.Workspace: Workspace touch down 05-08 23:36:11.670 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: pause 05-08 23:36:11.671 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onUnregister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:36:11.671 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread paused, waiting for signal 05-08 23:36:11.681 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:36:11.688 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=45, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:11.688 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:36:11.689 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.807382 mBrightnessBackup=45, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=45, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:11.689 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:11.689 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 205 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:11.701 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=87, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:11.701 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:36:11.701 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.740005 mBrightnessBackup=87, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=87, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:11.703 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:11.703 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 188 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:11.717 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=128, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:11.717 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.756560 mBrightnessBackup=128, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=128, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:11.717 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:11.717 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 192 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:11.734 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=169, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:11.735 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.723752 mBrightnessBackup=169, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=169, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:11.735 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:11.735 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 184 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:11.752 2387 2387 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent: [motionEvent action:(rawX,rawY)] 36:11.665[0(323,0,1111,0)] 36:11.752[1(323,0,1111,0)] 05-08 23:36:11.752 2387 2387 D Launcher_Scrollto: [(rawX,rawY)|scrollX] 05-08 23:36:11.753 2387 2387 D Launcher.Workspace: Workspace touch up or cancel 05-08 23:36:11.753 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread resumed 05-08 23:36:11.753 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 05-08 23:36:11.756 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onRegister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:36:11.758 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=210, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:11.758 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.695056 mBrightnessBackup=210, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=210, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:11.758 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:11.758 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 177 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:11.764 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:36:11.771 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=246, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:11.771 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.672293 mBrightnessBackup=246, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=246, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:11.771 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:11.771 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 171 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:11.969 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:11.969 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:11.969 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:11.969 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:11.969 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:11.969 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:11.969 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:12.531 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:12.585 663 663 D Zygote : Forked child process 13003 05-08 23:36:12.589 1623 1695 D Boost : hostingType=service, hostingName={com.google.android.youtube/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService}, callerPackage=android, isSystem=true, isBoostNeeded=false. 05-08 23:36:12.590 662 20292 D OemNetd : setPidForPackage: packageName=com.google.android.youtube, pid=13003, pid=10109 05-08 23:36:12.590 1623 1695 I ActivityManager: Start proc 13003:com.google.android.youtube/u0a109 for service {com.google.android.youtube/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService} caller=android 05-08 23:36:12.609 13003 13003 E android.youtub: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 05-08 23:36:12.626 1623 4045 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_14 expire 6 lines 05-08 23:36:12.635 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:12.637 1623 2048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) MiuiNetworkPoli expire 4 lines 05-08 23:36:12.728 13003 13003 W android.youtub: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exits. 05-08 23:36:12.728 13003 13003 I chatty : uid=10109(com.google.android.youtube) identical 1 line 05-08 23:36:12.728 13003 13003 W android.youtub: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exits. 05-08 23:36:12.734 13003 13003 I Perf : Connecting to perf service. 05-08 23:36:12.750 13003 13003 I FeatureParser: can't find pyxis.xml in assets/device_features/,it may be in /system/etc/device_features 05-08 23:36:12.751 13003 13003 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.df.effect.conflict" 05-08 23:36:12.742 13003 13003 W android.youtube: type=1400 audit(0.0:8872): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=19913 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c109,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:36:12.772 13003 13003 E YouTube : flushBinderConnectionCallbacks is unverified on SDK 29 05-08 23:36:12.784 13003 13031 W YouTube : Fetching the Gservices key 'failsafe_clear_cache_release_13_02' before the end of the bulk initialization 05-08 23:36:12.855 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:12.858 1623 4045 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10109/13003 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=702, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10109] ] 05-08 23:36:12.859 1623 2050 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ClientModeImpl expire 1 line 05-08 23:36:12.860 1623 2103 I chatty : uid=1000(system) EthernetService expire 1 line 05-08 23:36:12.860 1623 2050 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ClientModeImpl expire 1 line 05-08 23:36:12.861 1623 3309 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_C expire 3 lines 05-08 23:36:12.861 2358 2358 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=702, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10109] ] with score 60 and serial -1 05-08 23:36:12.862 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:12.866 662 13049 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:36:12.874 13003 13028 I android.youtub: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 05-08 23:36:12.884 13003 13029 E GEL_DELAYED_EVENT_DEBUG: Failed delayed event dispatch, no dispatchers. 05-08 23:36:12.909 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:12.912 662 13058 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:36:12.912 1623 1664 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_2 expire 3 lines 05-08 23:36:12.913 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:12.931 2853 2853 W ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context 05-08 23:36:12.931 2853 2853 W ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context 05-08 23:36:12.932 13003 13028 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.ads.dynamite:0 and remote module com.google.android.gms.ads.dynamite:21400 05-08 23:36:12.933 13003 13028 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.ads.dynamite, version >= 21400 05-08 23:36:12.932 13003 13003 W yt-init5-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:8873): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=19753 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c109,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:camera_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:36:12.939 13003 13052 E libc : Access denied finding property "camera.aux.packagelist" 05-08 23:36:12.940 13003 13052 E libc : Access denied finding property "camera.aux.packagelist" 05-08 23:36:12.932 13003 13003 W yt-init5-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:8874): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=19753 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c109,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:camera_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:36:12.932 13003 13003 W yt-init5-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:8875): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=19753 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c109,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:camera_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:36:12.941 13003 13052 E libc : Access denied finding property "camera.aux.packagelist" 05-08 23:36:12.961 13003 13003 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Teléfono, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Sistema types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 05-08 23:36:12.968 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:36:12.970 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:12.970 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:12.970 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:12.970 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:12.970 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:12.970 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:12.970 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:12.973 13003 13028 I DynamiteLoaderV2: [71] AdsFdrDynamite.integ 05-08 23:36:12.982 13003 13003 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Teléfono, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Sistema types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 05-08 23:36:12.993 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:12.994 13003 13110 E Perf : Fail to get file list com.google.android.youtube 05-08 23:36:12.995 13003 13070 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 05-08 23:36:13.000 13003 13110 E Perf : getFolderSize() : Exception_1 = java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to get length of null array 05-08 23:36:13.002 13003 13110 E Perf : Fail to get file list oat 05-08 23:36:13.002 13003 13110 E Perf : getFolderSize() : Exception_1 = java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to get length of null array 05-08 23:36:13.005 13003 13028 W android.youtub: ClassLoaderContext type mismatch. expected=PCL, found=DLC (PCL[] | DLC[];PCL[/data/app/com.google.android.youtube-o5ywTWl1_KRluMkY391REQ==/base.apk*1102843826:/data/app/com.google.android.youtube-o5ywTWl1_KRluMkY391REQ==/base.apk!classes2.dex*812664873:/data/app/com.google.android.youtube-o5ywTWl1_KRluMkY391REQ==/base.apk!classes3.dex*1596126234:/data/app/com.google.android.youtube-o5ywTWl1_KRluMkY391REQ==/base.apk!classes4.dex*3290699516]{PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2820881278]}) 05-08 23:36:13.007 13003 13028 W android.youtub: Found duplicate classes, falling back to extracting from APK : /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000056/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21460000000.apk 05-08 23:36:13.007 13003 13028 W android.youtub: NOTE: This wastes RAM and hurts startup performance. 05-08 23:36:13.007 13003 13028 W android.youtub: Found duplicated class when checking oat files: 'La;' in /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000056/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21460000000.apk and /data/app/com.google.android.youtube-o5ywTWl1_KRluMkY391REQ==/base.apk 05-08 23:36:13.007 13003 13028 W android.youtub: 05-08 23:36:13.015 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:36:13.028 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:13.046 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:13.056 1623 7731 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_1A expire 3 lines 05-08 23:36:13.058 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:13.062 1623 2048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) MiuiNetworkPoli expire 6 lines 05-08 23:36:13.072 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:13.074 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:13.095 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:13.105 1623 3309 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10109/13003 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=704, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10109] ] 05-08 23:36:13.106 1623 2103 I chatty : uid=1000(system) EthernetService expire 1 line 05-08 23:36:13.107 2358 2358 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=704, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10109] ] with score 60 and serial -1 05-08 23:36:13.107 1623 2050 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ClientModeImpl expire 2 lines 05-08 23:36:13.141 13003 13095 I FA : App measurement initialized, version: 26017 05-08 23:36:13.141 13003 13095 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 05-08 23:36:13.141 13003 13095 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 05-08 23:36:13.141 13003 13095 I FA : adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.google.android.youtube 05-08 23:36:13.144 13003 13028 D DynamitePackage: Instantiated singleton DynamitePackage. 05-08 23:36:13.144 13003 13028 D DynamitePackage: Instantiating com.google.android.gms.ads.adshield.ChimeraAdShieldCreatorImpl 05-08 23:36:13.163 13003 13047 W YT.MDX.aeto: CastAppId for type 0 not found. Defaulting to mainCastAppId. 05-08 23:36:13.181 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:13.187 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:13.190 1623 3309 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_C expire 3 lines 05-08 23:36:13.197 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:13.201 1623 2048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) MiuiNetworkPoli expire 1 line 05-08 23:36:13.202 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:14,new:9 05-08 23:36:13.206 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:13.210 1623 4045 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:36:13.210 1623 4045 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:36:13.210 1623 4045 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:36:13.216 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:13.238 548 548 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwservicemanage identical 1 line 05-08 23:36:13.242 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:13.245 13003 13135 I android.youtub: Waiting for a blocking GC ClassLinker 05-08 23:36:13.274 13003 13047 W YT.MDX.aeto: CastAppId for type 0 not found. Defaulting to mainCastAppId. 05-08 23:36:13.296 13003 13047 E YouTube : Failed to read the clientConfig 05-08 23:36:13.296 13003 13047 E YouTube : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Future was expected to be done: apmu@ec5bccc[status=PENDING, info=[inputFuture=[apmu@b7fbb15[status=PENDING, info=[inputFuture=[apmt@7a13e2a[status=PENDING, info=[inputFuture=[aotf@f14741b[status=PENDING, info=[callable=[vsg@ef7d9b8], trial=[aotg@2df391[status=PENDING, setFuture=[apqj@6ed12f6[status=PENDING, setFuture=[apnw@efc36f7[status=PENDING, info=[futures=[aotf@42cd964[status=SUCCESS, result=[null]], apmt@8ad37cd[status=PENDING, info=[inputFuture=[apmt@e4f6882[status=PENDING, setFuture=[apow@334b93[status=PENDING, info=[delegate=[apqj@d9027d0[status=PENDING, info=[task=[running=[NOT STARTED YET], propagating=[vrn@d6283c9]]]]]]]]]], function=[propagating=[vqr@bbd0def]]]]]]]]]]]]]]], function=[propagating=[vsc@f97f0fc]]]]], function=[afbx@e069385]]]], function=[afcc@79d85da]]] 05-08 23:36:13.296 13003 13047 E YouTube : at aoxj.b(PG:28) 05-08 23:36:13.296 13003 13047 E YouTube : at apox.a(PG:3) 05-08 23:36:13.296 13003 13047 E YouTube : at aerx.a(PG:9) 05-08 23:36:13.296 13003 13047 E YouTube : at aerx.a(PG:23) 05-08 23:36:13.296 13003 13047 E YouTube : at yzy.a(PG:5) 05-08 23:36:13.296 13003 13047 E YouTube : at com.google.android.libraries.youtube.common.backgroundtask.workmanager.BackgroundTaskWorker.h(PG:8) 05-08 23:36:13.296 13003 13047 E YouTube : at bfd.run(PG:2) 05-08 23:36:13.296 13003 13047 E YouTube : at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:462) 05-08 23:36:13.296 13003 13047 E YouTube : at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 05-08 23:36:13.296 13003 13047 E YouTube : at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:301) 05-08 23:36:13.296 13003 13047 E YouTube : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 05-08 23:36:13.296 13003 13047 E YouTube : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 05-08 23:36:13.296 13003 13047 E YouTube : at zdm.run(PG:13) 05-08 23:36:13.296 13003 13047 E YouTube : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:13.310 13003 13003 W YT.MDX.aeto: CastAppId for type 0 not found. Defaulting to mainCastAppId. 05-08 23:36:13.323 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:13.326 1623 4045 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:36:13.326 1623 4045 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:36:13.326 1623 4045 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:36:13.327 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:13.336 1623 4045 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: Accessing service com.google.android.music/.dial.DialMediaRouteProviderService from pid=13003, uid=10109 that is not exported from uid 10160 05-08 23:36:13.339 1623 2054 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=704, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10109] ] (release request) 05-08 23:36:13.340 548 548 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwservicemanage identical 1 line 05-08 23:36:13.342 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:13.348 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 11 05-08 23:36:13.348 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:9,new:11 05-08 23:36:13.348 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10109, uidState = 11 05-08 23:36:13.348 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10109,old:9,new:11 05-08 23:36:13.348 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:9,uid:10109,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:36:13.348 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:11,uid:10109,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:36:13.356 1623 4045 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:36:13.368 3768 3768 W CastMediaRouteProvider: Not a Cast compatible category: MDX_MEDIA_ROUTE_CONTROL_CATEGORY 05-08 23:36:13.368 3768 3768 W CastMediaRouteProvider: Not a Cast compatible category: android.media.intent.category.LIVE_AUDIO 05-08 23:36:13.372 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 14 05-08 23:36:13.372 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:11,new:14 05-08 23:36:13.372 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10109, uidState = 20 05-08 23:36:13.372 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10109,old:11,new:20 05-08 23:36:13.372 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:11,uid:10109,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:36:13.372 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10109,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:36:13.373 3768 11681 I DiscoveryManager: Filter criteria(233637DE) scannerFlags(2) 05-08 23:36:13.376 3768 11681 W GuestModeDeviceProber: setFilterCriteria 05-08 23:36:13.385 1623 4045 I WifiService: startScan uid=10036 05-08 23:36:13.360 1623 4045 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_14 identical 139 lines 05-08 23:36:13.360 1623 4045 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:36:13.386 1623 4045 E WifiService: Permission violation - startScan not allowed for uid=10036, packageName=com.google.android.gms, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: Location mode is disabled for the device 05-08 23:36:13.386 3768 11681 E DeviceScanner: [BLE] Failed to start scan because the Bluetooth is disabled. 05-08 23:36:13.386 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:13.388 3768 11681 W DatabaseProcessor: processLocalDevices: failed to get the network info with non-null bssid. 05-08 23:36:13.394 1623 4045 E WifiService: Permission violation - getScanResults not allowed for uid=10036, packageName=com.google.android.gms, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: Location mode is disabled for the device 05-08 23:36:13.391 3768 11681 W DatabaseProcessor: processLocalDevices: failed to get the network info with non-null bssid. 05-08 23:36:13.394 3768 11681 E DeviceScanner: [BLE] Failed to start scan because the Bluetooth is disabled. 05-08 23:36:13.395 3768 11681 W DatabaseProcessor: processLocalDevices: failed to get the network info with non-null bssid. 05-08 23:36:13.398 3768 11681 W DatabaseProcessor: processLocalDevices: failed to get the network info with non-null bssid. 05-08 23:36:13.401 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 11 05-08 23:36:13.401 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:14,new:11 05-08 23:36:13.427 1623 4045 I WifiService: acquireMulticastLock uid=10036 05-08 23:36:13.842 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 14 05-08 23:36:13.843 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:11,new:14 05-08 23:36:13.972 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:13.972 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:13.972 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:13.972 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:13.972 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:13.972 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:13.972 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:14.982 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:14.982 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:14.982 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:14.982 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:14.982 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:14.982 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:14.982 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:15.618 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_oem_config_req waiting for resp msg not received 05-08 23:36:15.620 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_backlight_notify_msg failed!: -1 05-08 23:36:15.620 1190 2021 E libsensor-B2SNotifier: transfer_ssc_oem_test_msg failed: -1 05-08 23:36:15.620 1190 2021 D libsensor-B2SNotifier: Backlight2SlpiNotifier brightness = 246 05-08 23:36:15.620 1190 2021 I libsensor_ssccalapi: send_phycial_sensor_config_msg for sensor: ambient_light 05-08 23:36:15.627 1190 13164 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:36:15.984 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:15.984 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:15.984 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:15.984 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:15.984 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:15.984 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:15.984 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:15.985 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:36:15.986 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:36:15.987 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:36:15.989 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:36:16.410 3768 11681 W AdaptiveDiscoveryWorker: Exiting Adaptive Discovery. Current NetworkInfo is NULL. 05-08 23:36:16.986 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:16.986 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:16.986 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:16.986 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:16.986 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:16.986 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:16.986 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:17.772 13003 13022 I android.youtub: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 05-08 23:36:17.813 13003 13022 I android.youtub: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on ClassLinker for 40.819ms 05-08 23:36:17.988 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:17.988 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:17.988 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:17.988 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:17.988 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:17.988 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:17.988 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:18.025 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:18.029 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:18.049 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10024, uidState = 20 05-08 23:36:18.049 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10024,old:16,new:20 05-08 23:36:18.049 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:16,uid:10024,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:36:18.049 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10024,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:36:18.280 13003 13095 W ConnectionTracker: Exception thrown while unbinding 05-08 23:36:18.280 13003 13095 W ConnectionTracker: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered: tel@e9a5b6 05-08 23:36:18.280 13003 13095 W ConnectionTracker: at android.app.LoadedApk.forgetServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1759) 05-08 23:36:18.280 13003 13095 W ConnectionTracker: at android.app.ContextImpl.unbindService(ContextImpl.java:1786) 05-08 23:36:18.280 13003 13095 W ConnectionTracker: at android.content.ContextWrapper.unbindService(ContextWrapper.java:751) 05-08 23:36:18.280 13003 13095 W ConnectionTracker: at sib.b(PG:29) 05-08 23:36:18.280 13003 13095 W ConnectionTracker: at sib.a(PG:25) 05-08 23:36:18.280 13003 13095 W ConnectionTracker: at tem.q(PG:48) 05-08 23:36:18.280 13003 13095 W ConnectionTracker: at tdx.a(PG:5) 05-08 23:36:18.280 13003 13095 W ConnectionTracker: at svs.run(PG:5) 05-08 23:36:18.280 13003 13095 W ConnectionTracker: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:462) 05-08 23:36:18.280 13003 13095 W ConnectionTracker: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 05-08 23:36:18.280 13003 13095 W ConnectionTracker: at tbd.run(PG:36) 05-08 23:36:18.357 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:18.380 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:18.391 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 11 05-08 23:36:18.391 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:14,new:11 05-08 23:36:18.402 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 14 05-08 23:36:18.402 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:11,new:14 05-08 23:36:18.557 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:36:18.994 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:18.994 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:18.994 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:18.994 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:18.994 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:18.994 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:18.994 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:19.663 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_oem_config_req waiting for resp msg not received 05-08 23:36:19.665 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_backlight_notify_msg failed!: -1 05-08 23:36:19.665 1190 2021 E libsensor-B2SNotifier: transfer_ssc_oem_test_msg failed: -1 05-08 23:36:19.997 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:19.997 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:19.997 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:19.997 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:19.997 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:19.997 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:19.997 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:20.827 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:36:21.000 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:21.000 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:21.000 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:21.000 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:21.000 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:21.000 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:21.000 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:21.332 13003 13003 W YT.MDX.DiscoveryControl: cancelDiscoveryRequest ignored requester aerx@336f632 05-08 23:36:21.339 3768 3768 W DiscoveryManager: BroadcastReceiver is already registered 05-08 23:36:21.340 3768 11681 I DiscoveryManager: Filter criteria(233637DE) scannerFlags(2) 05-08 23:36:21.340 1623 4549 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: Accessing service com.google.android.music/.dial.DialMediaRouteProviderService from pid=13003, uid=10109 that is not exported from uid 10160 05-08 23:36:21.360 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 11 05-08 23:36:21.360 1623 4045 E WifiService: Permission violation - getScanResults not allowed for uid=10036, packageName=com.google.android.gms, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: Location mode is disabled for the device 05-08 23:36:21.360 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:14,new:11 05-08 23:36:21.362 3768 11681 E DeviceScanner: [BLE] Failed to start scan because the Bluetooth is disabled. 05-08 23:36:21.367 3768 11681 W DatabaseProcessor: processLocalDevices: failed to get the network info with non-null bssid. 05-08 23:36:21.373 1623 4549 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:36:21.371 3768 11681 W DatabaseProcessor: processLocalDevices: failed to get the network info with non-null bssid. 05-08 23:36:21.647 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:21.654 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:21.665 13003 13003 W MediaRouter: Ignoring invalid provider descriptor: null 05-08 23:36:21.670 3768 11681 I DiscoveryManager: Filter criteria(null) scannerFlags(0) 05-08 23:36:21.675 3768 11681 W GuestModeDeviceProber: setFilterCriteria 05-08 23:36:21.680 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 14 05-08 23:36:21.680 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:11,new:14 05-08 23:36:21.697 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 11 05-08 23:36:21.697 1623 4045 I WifiService: releaseMulticastLock uid=10036 05-08 23:36:21.697 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:14,new:11 05-08 23:36:22.005 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:22.005 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:22.005 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:22.005 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:22.005 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:22.005 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:22.005 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:22.395 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:36:23.008 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:23.008 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:23.008 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:23.008 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:23.008 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:23.008 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:23.008 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:23.320 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:23.328 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 14 05-08 23:36:23.328 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:11,new:14 05-08 23:36:24.010 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:24.010 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:24.010 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:24.010 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:24.010 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:24.010 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:24.010 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:27.018 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 3 lines 05-08 23:36:28.024 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:28.024 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:28.024 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:28.024 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:28.024 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:28.024 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:28.024 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:28.078 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:28.107 548 548 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwservicemanage identical 3 lines 05-08 23:36:28.194 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:28.481 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:36:29.028 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:29.028 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:29.028 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:29.028 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:29.028 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:29.028 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:29.028 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:30.031 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:30.031 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:30.031 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:30.031 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:30.031 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:30.031 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:30.031 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:30.962 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:36:31.037 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:31.037 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:31.037 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:31.037 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:31.037 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:31.037 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:31.037 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:21.381 1623 4549 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_15 identical 139 lines 05-08 23:36:21.381 1623 4549 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:36:32.669 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:36:32.670 1623 1722 V DisplayPowerController: Brightness [13] reason changing to: 'manual [ dim ]', previous reason: 'manual'. 05-08 23:36:32.040 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:32.040 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:32.040 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:32.040 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:32.040 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:32.040 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:32.040 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:32.697 1190 2021 D libsensor-B2SNotifier: Backlight2SlpiNotifier brightness = 215 05-08 23:36:32.697 1190 2021 I libsensor_ssccalapi: send_phycial_sensor_config_msg for sensor: ambient_light 05-08 23:36:32.698 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=215, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:32.698 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.691773 mBrightnessBackup=215, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=215, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:32.698 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:32.698 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 176 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:32.704 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=174, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:32.705 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.720063 mBrightnessBackup=174, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=174, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:32.705 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:32.705 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 183 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:32.705 1190 13165 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:36:32.719 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=133, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:32.720 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.752279 mBrightnessBackup=133, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=133, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:32.720 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:32.720 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 191 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:32.739 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=92, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:32.739 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:36:32.739 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.733309 mBrightnessBackup=92, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=92, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:32.739 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:32.739 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 186 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:32.753 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=51, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:32.753 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:36:32.753 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.796095 mBrightnessBackup=51, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=51, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:32.753 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:32.753 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 203 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:32.766 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:36:32.770 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=13, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:32.771 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:36:32.771 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.890522 mBrightnessBackup=13, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=13, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:32.771 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:32.771 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 227 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:33.042 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:33.042 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:33.042 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:33.042 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:33.042 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:33.042 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:33.042 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:33.325 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:36:33.580 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:36:34.044 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:34.044 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:34.044 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:34.044 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:34.044 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:34.044 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:34.044 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:34.254 2387 2387 D FeedSwipeController: touchState : 0 scrolling : false normalEditing : false WidgetThumbnailViewShowing : false UninstallDialogShowing : false 05-08 23:36:34.254 2387 2387 D FeedSwipeController: can not use 05-08 23:36:34.255 2387 2387 D Launcher.Workspace: Workspace touch down 05-08 23:36:34.256 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: pause 05-08 23:36:34.255 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:36:34.256 1623 1722 V DisplayPowerController: Brightness [246] reason changing to: 'manual', previous reason: 'manual [ dim ]'. 05-08 23:36:34.257 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onUnregister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:36:34.257 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread paused, waiting for signal 05-08 23:36:34.266 886 2788 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:36:34.278 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=37, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:34.278 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:36:34.278 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.823796 mBrightnessBackup=37, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=37, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:34.278 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:34.278 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 210 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:34.286 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=78, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:34.288 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:36:34.288 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.752607 mBrightnessBackup=78, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=78, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:34.288 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:34.288 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 191 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:34.303 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=119, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:34.303 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.764503 mBrightnessBackup=119, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=119, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:34.303 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:34.303 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 194 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:34.318 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=154, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:34.318 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.735191 mBrightnessBackup=154, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=154, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:34.318 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:34.319 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 187 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:34.336 2387 2387 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent: [motionEvent action:(rawX,rawY)] 36:34.253[0(652,0,1429,0)] 36:34.336[1(652,0,1429,0)] 05-08 23:36:34.336 2387 2387 D Launcher_Scrollto: [(rawX,rawY)|scrollX] 05-08 23:36:34.336 2387 2387 D Launcher.Workspace: Workspace touch up or cancel 05-08 23:36:34.337 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread resumed 05-08 23:36:34.337 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 05-08 23:36:34.341 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onRegister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:36:34.345 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=195, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:34.345 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.705167 mBrightnessBackup=195, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=195, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:34.345 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:34.345 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 179 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:34.352 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=236, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:34.352 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.678422 mBrightnessBackup=236, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=236, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:34.352 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:34.353 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 172 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:34.364 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:36:34.368 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=246, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:34.368 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.672293 mBrightnessBackup=246, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=246, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:34.368 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:34.368 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 171 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:35.047 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:35.047 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:35.047 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:35.047 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:35.047 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:35.047 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:35.047 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:35.611 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:36:35.668 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:36.050 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:36.050 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:36.050 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:36.050 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:36.050 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:36.050 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:36.050 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:36.743 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_oem_config_req waiting for resp msg not received 05-08 23:36:36.745 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_backlight_notify_msg failed!: -1 05-08 23:36:36.745 1190 2021 E libsensor-B2SNotifier: transfer_ssc_oem_test_msg failed: -1 05-08 23:36:36.745 1190 2021 D libsensor-B2SNotifier: Backlight2SlpiNotifier brightness = 246 05-08 23:36:36.745 1190 2021 I libsensor_ssccalapi: send_phycial_sensor_config_msg for sensor: ambient_light 05-08 23:36:36.756 1190 13166 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:36:36.767 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:37.052 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:37.052 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:37.052 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:37.052 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:37.052 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:37.052 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:37.052 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:38.055 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:38.055 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:38.055 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:38.055 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:38.055 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:38.055 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:38.055 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:38.589 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:36:38.721 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:36:39.058 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:39.058 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:39.058 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:39.058 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:39.058 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:39.058 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:39.058 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:40.060 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:40.060 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:40.060 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:40.060 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:40.060 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:40.060 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:40.060 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:40.795 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_oem_config_req waiting for resp msg not received 05-08 23:36:40.797 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_backlight_notify_msg failed!: -1 05-08 23:36:40.797 1190 2021 E libsensor-B2SNotifier: transfer_ssc_oem_test_msg failed: -1 05-08 23:36:41.063 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:41.063 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:41.063 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:41.063 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:41.063 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:41.063 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:41.063 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:42.067 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:42.067 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:42.067 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:42.067 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:42.067 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:42.067 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:42.067 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:42.924 13003 13084 W FirebaseInstanceId: Token retrieval failed: SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE. Will retry token retrieval 05-08 23:36:42.926 13003 13085 E FirebaseMessaging: Topic operation failed: SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE. Will retry Topic operation. 05-08 23:36:43.070 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:43.070 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:43.070 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:43.070 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:43.070 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:43.070 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:43.070 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:43.249 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:36:43.323 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:43.341 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:43.350 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 11 05-08 23:36:43.350 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:14,new:11 05-08 23:36:43.356 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 14 05-08 23:36:43.356 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:11,new:14 05-08 23:36:43.374 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:36:43.376 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:36:43.376 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:36:43.378 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:36:43.389 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:36:43.389 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid -1, active false, tsNanos 79172402962431 05-08 23:36:43.390 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:36:44.076 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:44.076 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:44.076 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:44.076 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:44.076 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:44.076 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:44.076 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:44.364 1623 2050 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:36:44.376 1623 2053 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:36:44.398 1623 2075 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:36:44.410 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:44.416 1623 2075 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:36:44.416 1623 2075 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:36:44.416 1623 2075 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:36:44.418 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:44.424 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99120, uidState = 9 05-08 23:36:44.424 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99120,old:20,new:9 05-08 23:36:44.424 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 9 05-08 23:36:44.424 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:14,new:9 05-08 23:36:44.424 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10162, uidState = 9 05-08 23:36:44.424 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10162,old:20,new:9 05-08 23:36:44.424 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10162,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:36:44.424 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:9,uid:10162,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:36:44.431 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:44.445 662 13167 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:36:44.449 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:36:44.449 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid 10162, active true, tsNanos 79185542164717 05-08 23:36:44.450 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:36:45.079 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:45.079 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:45.079 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:45.079 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:45.079 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:45.079 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:45.079 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:45.156 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:45.201 548 548 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwservicemanage identical 1 line 05-08 23:36:45.211 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:45.487 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:36:45.500 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:45.521 548 548 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwservicemanage identical 2 lines 05-08 23:36:45.523 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:45.530 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99120, uidState = 11 05-08 23:36:45.530 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99120,old:9,new:11 05-08 23:36:45.531 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 11 05-08 23:36:45.531 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:9,new:11 05-08 23:36:45.531 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10162, uidState = 11 05-08 23:36:45.531 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10162,old:9,new:11 05-08 23:36:45.531 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:9,uid:10162,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:36:45.531 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:11,uid:10162,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:36:45.538 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99120, uidState = 20 05-08 23:36:45.538 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99120,old:11,new:20 05-08 23:36:45.538 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 14 05-08 23:36:45.538 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:11,new:14 05-08 23:36:45.538 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10162, uidState = 20 05-08 23:36:45.538 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10162,old:11,new:20 05-08 23:36:45.538 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:11,uid:10162,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:36:45.538 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10162,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:36:46.081 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:46.081 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:46.081 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:46.081 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:46.081 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:46.081 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:46.081 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:47.083 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:36:48.084 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:48.084 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:48.084 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:48.084 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:48.084 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:48.084 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:48.084 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:48.199 1623 1657 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 323536(16MB) AllocSpace objects, 84(7264KB) LOS objects, 38% free, 37MB/61MB, paused 173us total 249.027ms 05-08 23:36:49.086 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:49.086 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:49.086 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:49.086 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:49.086 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:49.086 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:49.086 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:49.936 1623 4045 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 05-08 23:36:45.195 1623 2075 I chatty : uid=1000(system) miui.fg identical 282 lines 05-08 23:36:45.195 1623 2075 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:36:49.938 1623 2053 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:36:49.946 5404 11525 I CastDatabase: Saving the database 05-08 23:36:49.963 5404 11525 I SQLiteCastStore: [CastNetworkInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0, [CastDeviceInfo]: saved 0, skipped 0, [Paired Guest Mode DeviceInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0. [ProbedNetworks]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [ProbedSocketAddress]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [Network-Device pairs]: saved: 0 05-08 23:36:49.972 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:36:49.973 1623 2102 E AppScanObserverService: Result available, null observers for user: 0 05-08 23:36:49.976 3933 4138 W WifiMonitor: no need getAvailableWifis 05-08 23:36:49.976 3933 4138 W WifiMonitor: getScanResults has none 05-08 23:36:49.951 1623 2053 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiScanningSer identical 139 lines 05-08 23:36:49.951 1623 2053 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:36:49.979 1623 4549 E WifiService: Permission violation - getScanResults not allowed for uid=99910036, packageName=com.google.android.gms, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: Location mode is disabled for the device 05-08 23:36:49.983 1623 4549 E WifiService: Permission violation - getScanResults not allowed for uid=10036, packageName=com.google.android.gms, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: Location mode is disabled for the device 05-08 23:36:50.089 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:50.089 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:50.089 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:50.089 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:50.089 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:50.089 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:50.089 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:50.761 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:51.091 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:51.091 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:51.091 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:51.091 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:51.091 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:51.091 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:51.091 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:53.106 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:36:54.107 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:54.107 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:54.107 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:54.107 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:54.107 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:54.107 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:54.107 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:54.258 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:36:55.110 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:55.110 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:55.110 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:55.110 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:55.110 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:55.110 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:55.110 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:55.262 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:36:55.264 1623 1722 V DisplayPowerController: Brightness [13] reason changing to: 'manual [ dim ]', previous reason: 'manual'. 05-08 23:36:55.278 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=239, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:55.279 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.676569 mBrightnessBackup=239, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=239, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:55.279 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:55.279 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 172 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:55.299 1190 2021 D libsensor-B2SNotifier: Backlight2SlpiNotifier brightness = 239 05-08 23:36:55.300 1190 2021 I libsensor_ssccalapi: send_phycial_sensor_config_msg for sensor: ambient_light 05-08 23:36:55.303 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=198, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:55.304 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.703112 mBrightnessBackup=198, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=198, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:55.304 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:55.304 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 179 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:55.306 1190 13177 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:36:55.316 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=157, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:55.316 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.732856 mBrightnessBackup=157, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=157, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:55.316 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:55.316 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 186 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:55.331 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=116, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:55.332 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.767224 mBrightnessBackup=116, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=116, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:55.332 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:55.332 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 195 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:55.349 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=83, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:55.349 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:36:55.349 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.745513 mBrightnessBackup=83, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=83, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:55.349 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:55.349 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 190 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:55.364 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:36:55.366 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=43, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:55.366 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:36:55.366 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.811326 mBrightnessBackup=43, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=43, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:55.366 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:55.367 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 206 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:55.383 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=13, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:55.383 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:36:55.383 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.890522 mBrightnessBackup=13, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=13, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:55.383 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:55.383 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 227 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:55.436 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:36:56.116 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:56.116 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:56.116 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:56.116 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:56.116 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:56.116 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:56.116 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:57.382 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:36:57.383 1623 1722 V DisplayPowerController: Brightness [246] reason changing to: 'manual', previous reason: 'manual [ dim ]'. 05-08 23:36:57.123 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:57.123 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:57.123 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:57.123 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:57.123 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:57.123 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:57.123 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:57.385 2387 2387 D FeedSwipeController: touchState : 0 scrolling : false normalEditing : false WidgetThumbnailViewShowing : false UninstallDialogShowing : false 05-08 23:36:57.386 2387 2387 D FeedSwipeController: can not use 05-08 23:36:57.387 2387 2387 D Launcher.Workspace: Workspace touch down 05-08 23:36:57.387 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: pause 05-08 23:36:57.389 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onUnregister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:36:57.389 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread paused, waiting for signal 05-08 23:36:57.399 886 2788 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:36:57.406 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: invalid request, no optimizations performed 05-08 23:36:57.408 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=44, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:57.408 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:36:57.408 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.809342 mBrightnessBackup=44, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=44, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:57.408 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:57.409 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 206 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:57.419 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=85, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:57.419 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:36:57.419 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.742741 mBrightnessBackup=85, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=85, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:57.419 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:57.420 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 189 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:57.425 2387 2387 D Launcher.Workspace: Workspace touch up or cancel 05-08 23:36:57.427 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread resumed 05-08 23:36:57.427 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 05-08 23:36:57.429 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onRegister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:36:57.437 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=126, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:57.437 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.758299 mBrightnessBackup=126, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=126, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:57.437 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:57.437 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 193 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:57.445 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: invalid request, no optimizations performed 05-08 23:36:57.450 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=167, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:57.450 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.725244 mBrightnessBackup=167, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=167, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:57.450 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:57.450 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 184 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:57.457 2387 2387 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent: [motionEvent action:(rawX,rawY)] 36:57.384[0(378,0,1162,0)] 36:57.413[2(381,5,1124,3)] 36:57.456[2(379,0,1117,0)] 36:57.457[1(379,0,1117,0)] 05-08 23:36:57.457 2387 2387 D Launcher_Scrollto: [(rawX,rawY)|scrollX] 05-08 23:36:57.465 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=208, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:57.465 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.696381 mBrightnessBackup=208, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=208, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:57.465 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:57.465 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 177 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:57.470 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:36:57.479 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:36:57.478 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:36:57.481 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=246, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:36:57.481 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.672293 mBrightnessBackup=246, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=246, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:36:57.481 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:36:57.481 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 171 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:36:57.507 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:36:57.567 886 1365 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_3 identical 4 lines 05-08 23:36:57.584 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:36:57.591 2387 2545 D Launcher: disableStatusBarClock:false 05-08 23:36:57.601 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:36:57.618 2387 2387 D Launcher_WallpaperUtils: changeStatusBarMode:false 05-08 23:36:57.620 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:36:57.685 886 1365 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_3 identical 4 lines 05-08 23:36:57.707 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:36:58.127 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:58.127 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:58.127 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:58.127 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:58.127 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:58.127 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:58.127 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:58.247 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:36:58.918 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:36:58.918 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:36:58.918 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:36:58.930 3974 4310 W PushService: 2020-05-08 23:36:58,930 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:276] JOB: Handle intent action = com.xiaomi.push.timer 05-08 23:36:58.931 3974 4310 W PushService: 2020-05-08 23:36:58,931 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:276] Service called on timer 05-08 23:36:58.937 1623 4045 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:36:58.942 3974 4310 W PushService: 2020-05-08 23:36:58,942 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:276] [Slim] SND ping id=0 05-08 23:36:59.001 3974 8157 W PushService: 2020-05-08 23:36:59,001 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:319] [Slim] RCV ping id=0 05-08 23:36:59.006 3974 4310 W PushService: 2020-05-08 23:36:59,005 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:276] TinyData TinyDataCacheProcessor.pingFollowUpAction ts:1588973819005 05-08 23:36:59.009 3974 4310 W PushService: 2020-05-08 23:36:59,009 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:276] TinyData TinyDataCacheProcessor.pingFollowUpAction !canUpload(uploader) ts:1588973819009 05-08 23:36:59.129 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:36:59.129 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:36:59.129 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:36:59.129 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:36:59.129 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:36:59.129 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:36:59.129 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:36:59.338 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_oem_config_req waiting for resp msg not received 05-08 23:36:59.339 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_backlight_notify_msg failed!: -1 05-08 23:36:59.339 1190 2021 E libsensor-B2SNotifier: transfer_ssc_oem_test_msg failed: -1 05-08 23:36:59.339 1190 2021 D libsensor-B2SNotifier: Backlight2SlpiNotifier brightness = 246 05-08 23:36:59.339 1190 2021 I libsensor_ssccalapi: send_phycial_sensor_config_msg for sensor: ambient_light 05-08 23:36:59.347 1190 13180 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:37:00.008 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:37:00.013 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 05-08 23:37:00.132 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:00.132 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:00.132 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:00.132 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:00.132 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:00.132 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:00.132 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:00.797 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:37:01.137 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:01.137 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:01.137 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:01.137 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:01.137 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:01.137 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:01.137 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:02.140 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:37:03.141 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:03.141 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:03.141 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:03.141 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:03.141 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:03.141 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:03.141 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:03.351 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_oem_config_req waiting for resp msg not received 05-08 23:37:03.353 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_backlight_notify_msg failed!: -1 05-08 23:37:03.353 1190 2021 E libsensor-B2SNotifier: transfer_ssc_oem_test_msg failed: -1 05-08 23:37:04.143 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:04.143 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:04.143 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:04.143 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:04.143 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:04.143 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:04.143 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:04.550 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:37:04.558 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10086, uidState = 4 05-08 23:37:04.558 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10086,old:5,new:4 05-08 23:37:04.558 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:5,uid:10086,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:37:04.558 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:4,uid:10086,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:37:04.573 662 13182 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:37:05.147 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:05.147 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:05.147 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:05.147 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:05.147 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:05.147 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:05.147 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:06.155 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:06.155 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:06.155 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:06.155 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:06.155 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:06.155 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:06.155 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:06.179 3974 15538 D com.xiaomi.common.Network: Http POST Response Code: 200 05-08 23:37:06.184 2387 13181 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 1623ms, interface=com.xiaomi.xmsf.push.service.IHttpService, code=2 oneway=false 05-08 23:37:06.187 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:37:06.197 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10086, uidState = 5 05-08 23:37:06.197 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10086,old:4,new:5 05-08 23:37:06.197 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:4,uid:10086,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:37:06.197 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:5,uid:10086,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:37:07.157 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:07.157 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:07.157 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:07.157 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:07.157 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:07.157 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:07.157 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:07.673 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.45ms> 05-08 23:37:07.683 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <4.25ms> 05-08 23:37:07.702 1623 1664 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:37:08.166 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:08.166 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:08.166 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:08.166 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:08.166 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:08.166 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:08.166 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:08.951 3974 4310 W PushService: 2020-05-08 23:37:08,951 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:276] JOB: check the ping-pong.1588973818941 05-08 23:37:09.168 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:09.168 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:09.168 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:09.168 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:09.168 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:09.168 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:09.168 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:09.345 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:37:09.456 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:37:09.492 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 14 05-08 23:37:10.170 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:10.170 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:10.170 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:10.170 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:10.170 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:10.170 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:10.170 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:11.046 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:37:11.173 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:11.173 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:11.173 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:11.173 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:11.173 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:11.173 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:11.173 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:12.176 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:37:13.179 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:13.179 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:13.179 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:13.179 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:13.179 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:13.179 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:13.179 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:13.470 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:37:14.181 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:14.181 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:14.181 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:14.181 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:14.181 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:14.181 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:14.181 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:14.464 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:37:15.187 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:15.187 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:15.187 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:15.187 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:15.187 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:15.187 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:15.187 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:15.797 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:37:15.997 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:37:15.998 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:37:15.999 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:37:16.002 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:37:16.195 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:16.195 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:16.195 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:16.195 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:16.195 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:16.195 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:16.195 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:18.389 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:37:18.390 1623 1722 V DisplayPowerController: Brightness [13] reason changing to: 'manual [ dim ]', previous reason: 'manual'. 05-08 23:37:17.199 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:37:18.202 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:18.202 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:18.202 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:18.202 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:18.202 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:18.202 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:18.202 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:18.416 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=217, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:37:18.416 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.690472 mBrightnessBackup=217, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=217, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:37:18.416 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:37:18.416 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 176 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:37:18.426 1190 2021 D libsensor-B2SNotifier: Backlight2SlpiNotifier brightness = 217 05-08 23:37:18.426 1190 2021 I libsensor_ssccalapi: send_phycial_sensor_config_msg for sensor: ambient_light 05-08 23:37:18.432 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=176, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:37:18.433 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.718603 mBrightnessBackup=176, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=176, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:37:18.433 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:37:18.433 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 183 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:37:18.433 1190 13186 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:37:18.447 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=134, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:37:18.447 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.751433 mBrightnessBackup=134, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=134, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:37:18.447 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:37:18.448 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 191 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:37:18.458 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=93, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:37:18.458 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:37:18.458 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.731994 mBrightnessBackup=93, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=93, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:37:18.458 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:37:18.459 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 186 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:37:18.474 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=52, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:37:18.474 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:37:18.474 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.794285 mBrightnessBackup=52, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=52, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:37:18.474 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:37:18.474 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 202 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:37:18.486 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=20, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:37:18.486 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:37:18.486 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.866816 mBrightnessBackup=20, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=20, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:37:18.486 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:37:18.486 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 221 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:37:18.499 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:37:18.503 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=13, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:37:18.503 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:37:18.503 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.890522 mBrightnessBackup=13, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=13, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:37:18.503 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:37:18.503 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 227 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:37:19.210 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:19.210 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:19.210 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:19.210 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:19.210 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:19.210 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:19.210 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:20.217 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:20.217 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:20.217 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:20.217 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:20.217 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:20.217 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:20.217 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:21.144 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:37:21.221 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:21.221 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:21.221 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:21.221 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:21.221 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:21.221 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:21.221 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:22.213 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:37:22.223 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:22.223 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:22.223 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:22.223 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:22.223 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:22.223 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:22.223 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:22.453 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_oem_config_req waiting for resp msg not received 05-08 23:37:22.455 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_backlight_notify_msg failed!: -1 05-08 23:37:22.456 1190 2021 E libsensor-B2SNotifier: transfer_ssc_oem_test_msg failed: -1 05-08 23:37:22.456 1190 2021 D libsensor-B2SNotifier: Backlight2SlpiNotifier brightness = 13 05-08 23:37:22.456 1190 2021 I libsensor_ssccalapi: send_phycial_sensor_config_msg for sensor: ambient_light 05-08 23:37:22.465 1190 13188 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:37:23.226 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:23.226 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:23.226 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:23.226 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:23.226 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:23.226 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:23.226 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:23.704 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:37:24.228 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:24.228 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:24.228 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:24.228 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:24.228 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:24.228 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:24.228 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:25.230 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:25.230 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:25.230 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:25.230 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:25.230 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:25.230 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:25.230 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:26.210 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:37:26.233 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:26.233 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:26.233 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:26.233 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:26.233 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:26.233 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:26.233 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:26.507 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_oem_config_req waiting for resp msg not received 05-08 23:37:26.510 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_backlight_notify_msg failed!: -1 05-08 23:37:26.510 1190 2021 E libsensor-B2SNotifier: transfer_ssc_oem_test_msg failed: -1 05-08 23:37:26.764 2387 2387 D FeedSwipeController: touchState : 0 scrolling : false normalEditing : false WidgetThumbnailViewShowing : false UninstallDialogShowing : false 05-08 23:37:26.764 2387 2387 D FeedSwipeController: can not use 05-08 23:37:26.766 2387 2387 D Launcher.Workspace: Workspace touch down 05-08 23:37:26.766 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:37:26.766 1623 1722 V DisplayPowerController: Brightness [246] reason changing to: 'manual', previous reason: 'manual [ dim ]'. 05-08 23:37:26.768 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: pause 05-08 23:37:26.769 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onUnregister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:37:26.769 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread paused, waiting for signal 05-08 23:37:26.776 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:26.799 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=49, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:37:26.799 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:37:26.799 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.799773 mBrightnessBackup=49, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=49, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:37:26.799 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:37:26.798 1190 2021 D libsensor-B2SNotifier: Backlight2SlpiNotifier brightness = 49 05-08 23:37:26.799 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 203 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:37:26.799 1190 2021 I libsensor_ssccalapi: send_phycial_sensor_config_msg for sensor: ambient_light 05-08 23:37:26.802 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=90, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:37:26.802 886 1339 E SurfaceFlinger: getHBMOverlayAlpha:invalid panel state! 05-08 23:37:26.802 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.735963 mBrightnessBackup=90, mTargetBrightness=4, backlight=90, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:37:26.802 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:37:26.803 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 187 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:37:26.805 1190 13189 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:37:26.819 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=131, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:37:26.820 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.753981 mBrightnessBackup=131, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=131, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:37:26.820 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:37:26.820 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 192 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:37:26.836 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=172, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:37:26.837 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.721531 mBrightnessBackup=172, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=172, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:37:26.837 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:37:26.837 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 183 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:37:26.853 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=213, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:37:26.853 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.693081 mBrightnessBackup=213, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=213, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:37:26.853 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:37:26.853 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 176 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:37:26.865 1623 1722 D DisplayPowerController: reset default autobrightness! 05-08 23:37:26.869 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: updateHBMOverlayTarget brightness=246, mSupportMulExpo=1 05-08 23:37:26.869 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: Alpha=0.672293 mBrightnessBackup=246, mTargetBrightness=1, backlight=246, Doze_backlight=1 05-08 23:37:26.869 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: enter 05-08 23:37:26.869 886 1339 D SurfaceFlinger: successfully write 171 into /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1/dim_alpha 05-08 23:37:26.871 2387 2387 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent: [motionEvent action:(rawX,rawY)] 37:26.763[0(346,0,1357,0)] 37:26.871[1(346,0,1357,0)] 05-08 23:37:26.871 2387 2387 D Launcher_Scrollto: [(rawX,rawY)|scrollX] 05-08 23:37:26.872 2387 2387 D Launcher.Workspace: Workspace touch up or cancel 05-08 23:37:26.873 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread resumed 05-08 23:37:26.873 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 05-08 23:37:26.875 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onRegister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:37:27.235 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:27.235 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:27.235 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:27.235 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:27.235 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:27.235 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:27.235 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:27.923 31781 32043 D IdProviderImpl: getOAID 05-08 23:37:27.993 31781 32043 D IdProviderImpl: getOAID 05-08 23:37:28.004 31781 32043 D IdProviderImpl: getVAID 05-08 23:37:28.017 31781 32043 D IdProviderImpl: getUDID 05-08 23:37:28.218 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:37:28.236 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:28.236 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:28.236 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:28.236 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:28.236 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:28.236 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:28.236 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:29.245 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:37:30.253 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:30.253 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:30.253 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:30.253 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:30.253 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:30.253 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:30.253 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:30.849 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_oem_config_req waiting for resp msg not received 05-08 23:37:30.851 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_backlight_notify_msg failed!: -1 05-08 23:37:30.852 1190 2021 E libsensor-B2SNotifier: transfer_ssc_oem_test_msg failed: -1 05-08 23:37:30.852 1190 2021 D libsensor-B2SNotifier: Backlight2SlpiNotifier brightness = 246 05-08 23:37:30.852 1190 2021 I libsensor_ssccalapi: send_phycial_sensor_config_msg for sensor: ambient_light 05-08 23:37:30.863 1190 13190 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:37:31.175 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:37:31.255 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:31.255 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:31.255 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:31.255 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:31.255 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:31.255 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:31.255 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:31.276 1190 13190 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:37:31.480 1190 13190 E libsensor_ssccalapi: decode_events, Error decoding Event: callback failed 05-08 23:37:32.258 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:32.258 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:32.258 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:32.258 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:32.258 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:32.258 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:32.258 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:33.260 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:33.260 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:33.260 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:33.260 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:33.260 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:33.260 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:33.260 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:33.938 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:37:34.263 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:34.263 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:34.263 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:34.263 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:34.263 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:34.263 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:34.263 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:34.870 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_oem_config_req waiting for resp msg not received 05-08 23:37:34.871 1190 2021 E libsensor_ssccalapi: send_backlight_notify_msg failed!: -1 05-08 23:37:34.871 1190 2021 E libsensor-B2SNotifier: transfer_ssc_oem_test_msg failed: -1 05-08 23:37:35.266 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:35.266 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:35.266 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:35.266 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:35.266 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:35.266 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:35.266 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:36.269 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:36.269 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:36.269 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:36.269 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:36.269 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:36.269 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:36.269 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:36.512 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:37:36.513 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid -1, active false, tsNanos 79225262195588 05-08 23:37:36.514 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:37:37.271 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:37.271 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:37.271 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:37.271 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:37.271 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:37.271 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:37.271 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:39.279 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:37:40.281 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:40.281 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:40.281 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:40.281 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:40.281 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:40.281 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:40.281 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:41.113 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:37:41.287 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:41.287 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:41.287 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:41.287 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:41.287 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:41.287 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:41.287 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:42.295 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:42.295 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:42.295 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:42.295 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:42.295 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:42.295 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:42.295 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:43.006 13003 13084 W FirebaseInstanceId: Token retrieval failed: SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE. Will retry token retrieval 05-08 23:37:43.010 13003 13085 E FirebaseMessaging: Topic operation failed: SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE. Will retry Topic operation. 05-08 23:37:43.297 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:43.297 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:43.297 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:43.297 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:43.297 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:43.297 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:43.297 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:43.562 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:37:44.299 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:44.299 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:44.299 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:44.299 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:44.299 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:44.299 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:44.299 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:45.091 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:37:45.092 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid 10162, active true, tsNanos 79246183105787 05-08 23:37:45.092 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:37:45.300 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:45.300 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:45.300 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:45.300 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:45.300 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:45.300 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:45.300 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:46.301 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:46.301 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:46.301 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:46.301 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:46.301 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:46.301 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:46.301 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:46.630 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:37:47.303 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:47.303 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:47.303 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:47.303 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:47.303 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:47.303 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:47.303 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:47.487 2387 2387 D FeedSwipeController: touchState : 0 scrolling : false normalEditing : false WidgetThumbnailViewShowing : false UninstallDialogShowing : false 05-08 23:37:47.487 2387 2387 D FeedSwipeController: can not use 05-08 23:37:47.489 2387 2387 D Launcher.Workspace: Workspace touch down 05-08 23:37:47.489 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: pause 05-08 23:37:47.490 2387 2387 D Launcher.CellLayout: touch item:ShortcutInfo, id=95, itemType=0, user=UserHandle{0}, mIconType=0, mTitle=NewPipe release_0.19.3, mLabel=NewPipe release_0.19.3, pkgName=org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release, className=org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity, screenId=2, container=-100, cellX=0, cellY=0, spanX=1, spanY=1, isLandscapePos=false 05-08 23:37:47.490 2387 2387 D Launcher.itemIcon: folmeDown 05-08 23:37:47.491 2387 2387 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='myUp', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0001535, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0001535, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='myDown', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=0.8, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=0.8, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 1, target = com.miui.home.launcher.ShortcutIcon{e4bb210 VFE...CL. ........ 33,84-236,373}(NewPipe release_0.19.3) 05-08 23:37:47.491 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onUnregister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:37:47.491 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread paused, waiting for signal 05-08 23:37:47.491 2387 2387 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 05-08 23:37:47.491 2387 2387 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 1.0001535, toValue = 0.8 05-08 23:37:47.491 2387 2387 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 05-08 23:37:47.491 2387 2387 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 1.0001535, toValue = 0.8 05-08 23:37:47.505 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.515 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.531 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.546 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.553 2387 2387 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent: [motionEvent action:(rawX,rawY)] 37:47.486[0(146,0,282,0)] 37:47.553[1(146,0,282,0)] 05-08 23:37:47.554 2387 2387 D Launcher_Scrollto: [(rawX,rawY)|scrollX] 05-08 23:37:47.554 2387 2387 D Launcher.Workspace: Workspace touch up or cancel 05-08 23:37:47.555 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread resumed 05-08 23:37:47.555 2387 2387 D Launcher.itemIcon: folmeUp 05-08 23:37:47.555 2387 2387 D miui_anim: myDown end 05-08 23:37:47.555 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 05-08 23:37:47.556 2387 2387 D miui_anim: prepare, from AnimState{mTag='myDown', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=0.9494812, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=0.9494812, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, to AnimState{mTag='myUp', mMaps=[0.{}, 1.{ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleX'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}, ViewProperty{mPropertyName='scaleY'}=StateValue{value=1.0, intValue = 0, enable=true}}, 2.{}]}, oneTimeConfigs.length = 1, target = com.miui.home.launcher.ShortcutIcon{e4bb210 VFE...CL. ...P.... 33,84-236,373}(NewPipe release_0.19.3) 05-08 23:37:47.556 2387 2387 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleX, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 05-08 23:37:47.556 2387 2387 D miui_anim: scaleX, fromValue = 0.9494812, toValue = 1.0 05-08 23:37:47.556 2387 2387 D miui_anim: prepare, property = scaleY, global delay = 0, config = AnimConfig{, delay=0, ease=InterpolateEaseStyle{style=0, duration=350, factors=[0.9, 0.86]}, tintMethod = 0, relatedProperty=null} 05-08 23:37:47.556 2387 2387 D miui_anim: scaleY, fromValue = 0.9494812, toValue = 1.0 05-08 23:37:47.557 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onRegister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:37:47.560 2387 2387 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:46799372 05-08 23:37:47.561 1623 4549 W XSpaceManagerService: checkXSpaceControl, from:com.miui.home, to:org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release, with act:android.intent.action.MAIN, callingUserId:0, toUserId:0 05-08 23:37:47.562 1623 4549 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity bnds=[63,186][214,337] (has extras)} from uid 10057 05-08 23:37:47.566 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:37:47.571 808 842 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,llccbw/min_freq not supported 05-08 23:37:47.571 808 842 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [12, 0] 05-08 23:37:47.573 808 842 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Failed to read /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu6/core_ctl/min_cpus 05-08 23:37:47.573 808 842 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [4, 0] 05-08 23:37:47.573 808 842 E ANDR-PERF-UTIL: Failed to read /sys/module/lpm_levels/parameters/ref_stddev 05-08 23:37:47.573 808 842 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Failed to read /sys/module/lpm_levels/parameters/ref_stddev 05-08 23:37:47.573 808 842 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [1, 3] 05-08 23:37:47.573 808 842 E ANDR-PERF-UTIL: Failed to read /sys/module/lpm_levels/parameters/tmr_add 05-08 23:37:47.573 808 842 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Failed to read /sys/module/lpm_levels/parameters/tmr_add 05-08 23:37:47.573 808 842 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [1, 4] 05-08 23:37:47.574 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:37:47.574 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:37:47.574 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:37:47.575 1623 4549 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 05-08 23:37:47.585 1623 1685 E system_server: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 05-08 23:37:47.587 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onPause:UserHandle{0},7755e38,true 05-08 23:37:47.587 2387 2387 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: setState:PAUSE_WAIT 05-08 23:37:47.588 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: pause 05-08 23:37:47.595 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onUnregister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:37:47.595 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread paused, waiting for signal 05-08 23:37:47.596 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2387/top_app:0 05-08 23:37:47.596 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2600/top_app:0 05-08 23:37:47.597 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10346, uidState = 20 05-08 23:37:47.597 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10346,old:21,new:20 05-08 23:37:47.597 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:21,uid:10346,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:37:47.597 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10346,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:37:47.610 2387 2545 D Launcher: disableStatusBarClock:false 05-08 23:37:47.611 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.612 2387 2387 D Launcher_WallpaperUtils: changeStatusBarMode:false 05-08 23:37:47.612 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onWindowFocusChanged:false,UserHandle{0},7755e38,true 05-08 23:37:47.623 663 663 D Zygote : Forked child process 13200 05-08 23:37:47.626 1623 1695 D Boost : hostingType=activity, hostingName={org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity}, callerPackage=com.miui.home, isSystem=true, isBoostNeeded=false. 05-08 23:37:47.626 662 20292 D OemNetd : setPidForPackage: packageName=org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release, pid=13200, pid=10346 05-08 23:37:47.627 1623 1695 I ActivityManager: Start proc 13200:org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/u0a346 for activity {org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity} caller=com.miui.home 05-08 23:37:47.630 13200 13200 I e.debug.releas: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni 05-08 23:37:47.631 886 2788 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.642 886 2788 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.658 13200 13200 E e.debug.releas: Unknown bits set in runtime_flags: 0x8000 05-08 23:37:47.658 886 2788 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.673 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:37:47.673 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:37:47.673 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:37:47.675 886 2788 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.676 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:37:47.676 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:37:47.676 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:37:47.677 4386 19081 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release', mForegroundUid=10346, mForegroundPid=13200, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=10057, mLastForegroundPid=2387, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=1} 05-08 23:37:47.677 1623 4549 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task ignored for non-existent task 384 05-08 23:37:47.677 4386 19081 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Cur=org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release last=com.miui.home 05-08 23:37:47.678 4386 19081 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release', mForegroundUid=10346, mForegroundPid=13200, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=10057, mLastForegroundPid=2387, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=1} 05-08 23:37:47.678 4386 19081 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Exit 05-08 23:37:47.679 5144 5225 D PowerKeeper.AppBgIdle: setUidState, uid = 10346 allow = false 05-08 23:37:47.680 1623 3309 V LocationPolicy: writePolicyLocked() 05-08 23:37:47.680 1623 4549 I qspmsvc-client: inside perf_hint_qspm 05-08 23:37:47.685 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46799497 05-08 23:37:47.690 662 20292 I netd : firewallSetUidRule(2, 10346, 1) <0.04ms> 05-08 23:37:47.693 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.694 11029 11477 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 05-08 23:37:47.694 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/13200/top_app:1 05-08 23:37:47.696 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10346, uidState = 2 05-08 23:37:47.696 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateWmmForUidState uid: 10346 state: 2 wmm: 1 05-08 23:37:47.696 662 20292 D OemNetd : updateWmm: uid=10346, wmm=1 05-08 23:37:47.699 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10346,old:20,new:2 05-08 23:37:47.699 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10346,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:37:47.699 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:2,uid:10346,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:37:47.699 11029 11477 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 05-08 23:37:47.709 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.725 886 2788 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.759 886 2788 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_4 identical 2 lines 05-08 23:37:47.775 886 2788 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.778 13200 13200 I Perf : Connecting to perf service. 05-08 23:37:47.791 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.795 13200 13200 I ACRA : ACRA is enabled for org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release, initializing... 05-08 23:37:47.800 13200 13200 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 05-08 23:37:47.800 13200 13200 I MultiDex: Installing application 05-08 23:37:47.800 13200 13200 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 05-08 23:37:47.808 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.809 13200 13200 I FeatureParser: can't find pyxis.xml in assets/device_features/,it may be in /system/etc/device_features 05-08 23:37:47.812 13200 13200 W e.debug.release: type=1400 audit(0.0:8876): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=19913 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c90,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:37:47.820 13200 13200 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.df.effect.conflict" 05-08 23:37:47.825 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.842 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.858 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.861 13200 13200 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 05-08 23:37:47.863 13200 13200 W e.debug.releas: Accessing hidden method Ldalvik/system/CloseGuard;->get()Ldalvik/system/CloseGuard; (greylist,core-platform-api, reflection, allowed) 05-08 23:37:47.863 13200 13200 W e.debug.releas: Accessing hidden method Ldalvik/system/CloseGuard;->open(Ljava/lang/String;)V (greylist,core-platform-api, reflection, allowed) 05-08 23:37:47.863 13200 13200 W e.debug.releas: Accessing hidden method Ldalvik/system/CloseGuard;->warnIfOpen()V (greylist,core-platform-api, reflection, allowed) 05-08 23:37:47.875 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.887 2387 2387 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: mResetIdleStateRunnable 05-08 23:37:47.890 13200 13227 I stetho : Listening on @stetho_org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release_devtools_remote 05-08 23:37:47.891 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:37:47.893 886 2788 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.895 13200 13228 E Perf : Fail to get file list org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release 05-08 23:37:47.896 13200 13228 E Perf : getFolderSize() : Exception_1 = java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to get length of null array 05-08 23:37:47.896 13200 13228 E Perf : Fail to get file list oat 05-08 23:37:47.896 13200 13228 E Perf : getFolderSize() : Exception_1 = java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to get length of null array 05-08 23:37:47.908 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.912 13200 13200 D MainActivity: onCreate() called with: savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:47.921 2387 2387 D miui_anim: myUp, property scaleX end 05-08 23:37:47.921 2387 2387 D miui_anim: myUp, property scaleY end 05-08 23:37:47.921 2387 2387 D miui_anim: myUp end 05-08 23:37:47.925 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:37:47.943 13200 13200 W e.debug.releas: Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/View;->computeFitSystemWindows(Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Rect;)Z (greylist, reflection, allowed) 05-08 23:37:47.944 13200 13200 W e.debug.releas: Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/ViewGroup;->makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows()V (greylist, reflection, allowed) 05-08 23:37:47.990 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:46799802 05-08 23:37:47.991 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:37:47.991 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:37:47.991 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 20 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:37:47.991 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:37:47.991 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:37:47.991 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 10 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:37:48.021 13200 13200 W e.debug.releas: Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/FontFamily;->()V (greylist, reflection, allowed) 05-08 23:37:48.021 13200 13200 W e.debug.releas: Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/FontFamily;->addFontFromAssetManager(Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;Ljava/lang/String;IZIII[Landroid/graphics/fonts/FontVariationAxis;)Z (greylist, reflection, allowed) 05-08 23:37:48.021 13200 13200 W e.debug.releas: Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/FontFamily;->addFontFromBuffer(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;I[Landroid/graphics/fonts/FontVariationAxis;II)Z (greylist, reflection, allowed) 05-08 23:37:48.021 13200 13200 W e.debug.releas: Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/FontFamily;->freeze()Z (greylist, reflection, allowed) 05-08 23:37:48.021 13200 13200 W e.debug.releas: Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/FontFamily;->abortCreation()V (greylist, reflection, allowed) 05-08 23:37:48.021 13200 13200 W e.debug.releas: Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/Typeface;->createFromFamiliesWithDefault([Landroid/graphics/FontFamily;Ljava/lang/String;II)Landroid/graphics/Typeface; (greylist, reflection, allowed) 05-08 23:37:48.037 13200 13200 D MainActivity: initFragments() called 05-08 23:37:48.037 13200 13200 D StateSaver: clearStateFiles() called 05-08 23:37:48.038 13200 13200 D InfoCache: trimCache() called 05-08 23:37:48.058 13200 13200 D MainFragment@291f704: onCreate() called with: savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:48.069 13200 13200 D MainFragment@291f704: onViewCreated() called with: rootView = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{3fe935d V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}], savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:48.089 13200 13200 D MainFragment@291f704: onTabSelected() called with: selectedTab = [com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout$Tab@2a3a4a0] 05-08 23:37:48.089 13200 13200 D MainFragment@291f704: setTitle() called with: title = [Tendencias] 05-08 23:37:48.122 1623 2042 V UiModeManager: switch night mode to 2 05-08 23:37:48.122 13200 13200 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity is 357ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[android.app.servertransaction.TopResumedActivityChangeItem] }) because of 2 msg, msg 1 took 201ms (seq=2 running=175ms runnable=8ms late=1ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=110), msg 2 took 231ms (seq=3 running=205ms runnable=11ms late=127ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159) 05-08 23:37:48.096 13200 13200 D MainFragment@291f704: setTitle() called with: title = [Tendencias] 05-08 23:37:48.138 13200 13200 D KioskFragment@c0db1e7: onCreate() called with: savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:48.141 13200 13200 D SubscriptionFragment@4ad043d: onCreate() called with: savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:48.143 13200 13200 D FeedFragment@bf98583: onCreate() called with: savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:48.144 13200 13200 D BookmarkFragment@a6aa739: onCreate() called with: savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:48.174 13200 13200 D KioskFragment@c0db1e7: onViewCreated() called with: rootView = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{395341c V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}], savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:48.177 13200 13200 D KioskFragment@c0db1e7: setTitle() called with: title = [Tendencias] 05-08 23:37:48.182 13200 13200 D KioskFragment@c0db1e7: doInitialLoadLogic() called 05-08 23:37:48.182 13200 13200 D KioskFragment@c0db1e7: startLoading() called with: forceLoad = [false] 05-08 23:37:48.183 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.183 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{31bdc4c G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:37:48.184 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [ProgressBar:loading_progress_bar] [ALPHA 400:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.185 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.186 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{ce729aa G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:37:48.186 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [NewPipeRecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 100:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.189 13200 13235 D InfoCache: getFromKey() called with: serviceId = [0], url = [https://www.youtube.com/feed/trending] 05-08 23:37:48.189 13200 13235 D ExtractorHelper: loadFromCache() called, info > null 05-08 23:37:48.201 13200 13200 D SubscriptionFragment@4ad043d: onViewCreated() called with: rootView = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{3272926 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}], savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:48.230 662 13236 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:37:48.238 13200 13200 D FeedFragment@bf98583: onViewCreated() called with: rootView = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{3ae9a96 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}], savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:48.258 13200 13200 D BookmarkFragment@a6aa739: onViewCreated() called with: rootView = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{27e8091 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}], savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:48.265 13200 13235 W e.debug.releas: Accessing hidden method Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket;->setUseSessionTickets(Z)V (greylist,core-platform-api, reflection, allowed) 05-08 23:37:48.265 13200 13235 W e.debug.releas: Accessing hidden method Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket;->setHostname(Ljava/lang/String;)V (greylist,core-platform-api, reflection, allowed) 05-08 23:37:48.265 13200 13235 W e.debug.releas: Accessing hidden method Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->setAlpnProtocols([B)V (greylist,core-platform-api, reflection, allowed) 05-08 23:37:48.274 13200 13200 D BookmarkFragment@a6aa739: startLoading() called with: forceLoad = [true] 05-08 23:37:48.275 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.276 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{c777093 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:37:48.277 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.277 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{7d9e8d0 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:37:48.277 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.279 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.279 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{c777093 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:37:48.279 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.279 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{7d9e8d0 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:37:48.280 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.302 13200 13229 I AdrenoGLES: QUALCOMM build : 3ff889c, I72742cdabd 05-08 23:37:48.302 13200 13229 I AdrenoGLES: Build Date : 03/27/20 05-08 23:37:48.302 13200 13229 I AdrenoGLES: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.27.05.01 05-08 23:37:48.302 13200 13229 I AdrenoGLES: Local Branch : 05-08 23:37:48.302 13200 13229 I AdrenoGLES: Remote Branch : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM.8.8.R1. 05-08 23:37:48.302 13200 13229 I AdrenoGLES: Remote Branch : NONE 05-08 23:37:48.302 13200 13229 I AdrenoGLES: Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING 05-08 23:37:48.302 13200 13229 I AdrenoGLES: Build Config : S P 8.0.11 AArch64 05-08 23:37:48.304 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:48.304 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:48.304 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:48.304 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:48.304 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:48.304 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:48.304 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:48.305 13200 13229 I AdrenoGLES: PFP: 0x016ee187, ME: 0x00000000 05-08 23:37:48.306 13200 13229 W AdrenoUtils: : Failed to open /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/gpu_model 05-08 23:37:48.306 13200 13229 W AdrenoUtils: : Failed to read chip ID from gpu_model. Fallback to use the GSL path 05-08 23:37:48.292 13200 13200 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:8877): avc: denied { search } for name="kgsl-3d0" dev="sysfs" ino=44948 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c90,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_kgsl:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 05-08 23:37:48.369 13200 13235 W e.debug.releas: Accessing hidden method Lcom/android/org/conscrypt/OpenSSLSocketImpl;->getAlpnSelectedProtocol()[B (greylist,core-platform-api, reflection, allowed) 05-08 23:37:48.394 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0::IMapper/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:37:48.394 13200 13229 W Gralloc3: mapper 3.x is not supported 05-08 23:37:48.401 13200 13229 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 05-08 23:37:48.405 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{55d61c0 u0 org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity t385} time:46800217 05-08 23:37:48.411 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:37:48.412 1623 1693 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity: +844ms 05-08 23:37:48.412 13200 13200 D MainActivity: onCreateOptionsMenu() called with: menu = [androidx.appcompat.view.menu.MenuBuilder@55bbddd] 05-08 23:37:48.412 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:37:48.413 13200 13200 D MainFragment@291f704: onCreateOptionsMenu() called with: menu = [androidx.appcompat.view.menu.MenuBuilder@55bbddd], inflater = [androidx.appcompat.view.SupportMenuInflater@1d75d52] 05-08 23:37:48.414 13200 13200 D KioskFragment@c0db1e7: onCreateOptionsMenu() called with: menu = [androidx.appcompat.view.menu.MenuBuilder@55bbddd], inflater = [androidx.appcompat.view.SupportMenuInflater@1d75d52] 05-08 23:37:48.434 13200 13200 D SubscriptionFragment@4ad043d: handleResult() called with: result = [LoadedState(subscriptions=[org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@5c7bf4c, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@31dcb95, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@1f544aa, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@5d6389b, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@4578438, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@edc8c11, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@cbb0176, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@d55c377, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@41cabe4, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@2ecd84d, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@14dbf02])] 05-08 23:37:48.435 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.435 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{bd92013 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:37:48.435 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.436 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{4eaa250 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:37:48.436 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.439 13200 13200 D BookmarkFragment@a6aa739: handleResult() called with: result = [[org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.model.PlaylistRemoteEntity@45cc94e, org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.model.PlaylistRemoteEntity@12baa6f, org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.model.PlaylistRemoteEntity@e5f937c]] 05-08 23:37:48.440 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.440 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{c777093 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:37:48.440 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.440 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{7d9e8d0 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:37:48.441 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.441 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView{b89c405 VFED.V... ........ 0,0-1080,1849 #7f090154 app:id/items_list}] 05-08 23:37:48.441 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.442 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{c777093 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:37:48.442 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.442 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{7d9e8d0 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:37:48.442 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.442 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView{b89c405 VFED.V... ......I. 0,0-1080,1849 #7f090154 app:id/items_list}] 05-08 23:37:48.476 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:37:48.477 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:37:48.478 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:37:48.478 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:37:48.529 13200 13200 D CollapsibleView: ready() called → readyToChangeState = [false], currentState = [0], targetHeight = [-1], mW x mH = [0x0], W x H = [0x0] 05-08 23:37:48.539 13200 13200 D CollapsibleView: ready() *after* measuring → readyToChangeState = [true], currentState = [0], targetHeight = [680], mW x mH = [0x680], W x H = [0x0] 05-08 23:37:48.565 13200 13200 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 05-08 23:37:48.679 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:refresh_root_view] [ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.680 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.681 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [ProgressBar:loading_progress_bar] [ALPHA 0:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.681 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.ProgressBar{56563e2 G.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f090169 app:id/loading_progress_bar}] 05-08 23:37:48.681 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatTextView:loading_progress_text] [ALPHA 0:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.681 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView{3669373 G.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f09016a app:id/loading_progress_text}] 05-08 23:37:48.682 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 0:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.682 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{18c0230 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:37:48.682 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 0:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:48.682 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{267bea9 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:37:48.794 662 13264 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:37:48.794 662 13268 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:37:48.812 662 13266 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:37:49.305 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:49.305 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:49.305 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:49.305 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:49.305 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:49.305 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:49.305 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:49.377 1623 7731 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger 05-08 23:37:49.380 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onStop:UserHandle{0},7755e38,false 05-08 23:37:49.384 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10057, uidState = 15 05-08 23:37:49.384 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateWmmForUidState uid: 10057 state: 15 wmm: 0 05-08 23:37:49.384 662 20292 D OemNetd : updateWmm: uid=10057, wmm=0 05-08 23:37:49.387 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10057,old:2,new:15 05-08 23:37:49.387 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:2,uid:10057,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:37:49.387 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:15,uid:10057,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:37:49.400 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:37:49.414 662 13273 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:37:49.441 1623 1701 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 05-08 23:37:49.471 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <0.39ms> 05-08 23:37:49.473 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <0.60ms> 05-08 23:37:49.474 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <0.17ms> 05-08 23:37:49.476 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <0.53ms> 05-08 23:37:49.604 13200 13235 D InfoCache: putInfo() called with: info = [KioskInfo[url="https://www.youtube.com/feed/trending", name="Trending"]] 05-08 23:37:49.604 13200 13200 D KioskFragment@c0db1e7: handleResult() called with: result = [KioskInfo[url="https://www.youtube.com/feed/trending", name="Trending"]] 05-08 23:37:49.605 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:49.605 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{31bdc4c G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:37:49.606 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [ProgressBar:loading_progress_bar] [ALPHA 0:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:49.607 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:49.607 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{ce729aa G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:37:49.607 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [NewPipeRecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:49.607 13200 13200 D KioskFragment@c0db1e7: setTitle() called with: title = [Trending] 05-08 23:37:49.608 13200 13200 D KioskFragment@c0db1e7: setTitle() called with: title = [Tendencias] 05-08 23:37:49.934 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:37:49.935 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.12ms> 05-08 23:37:49.941 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <4.51ms> 05-08 23:37:49.964 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:37:49.966 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.26ms> 05-08 23:37:49.967 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:37:49.970 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:37:50.190 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:37:50.307 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:50.307 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:50.307 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:50.307 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:50.307 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:50.307 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:50.307 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:50.929 3974 4610 D com.xiaomi.common.Network: Http POST Response Code: 200 05-08 23:37:50.934 2387 13181 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 1525ms, interface=com.xiaomi.xmsf.push.service.IHttpService, code=2 oneway=false 05-08 23:37:50.937 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:37:51.309 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:51.309 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:51.309 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:51.309 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:51.309 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:51.309 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:51.309 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:51.565 808 843 W ANDR-PERF-LM: FeatureState: readState() 149: warning: appName is NULL, returning default State 05-08 23:37:51.565 808 843 W ANDR-PERF-LM: FeatureState: readState() 149: warning: appName is NULL, returning default State 05-08 23:37:51.565 808 843 W ANDR-PERF-LM: MetaMeter: handleSecondaryAsync() 149: AdaptLaunch MetaMeterThread start(). No MeterMgr Available to handle this Secondary/Data Async. !!!! 05-08 23:37:51.694 13200 13200 D MainFragment@291f704: onTabSelected() called with: selectedTab = [com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout$Tab@6471cb5] 05-08 23:37:51.695 13200 13200 D MainFragment@291f704: setTitle() called with: title = [Qué hay de nuevo] 05-08 23:37:51.703 13200 13200 D MainActivity: onCreateOptionsMenu() called with: menu = [androidx.appcompat.view.menu.MenuBuilder@55bbddd] 05-08 23:37:51.705 13200 13200 D MainFragment@291f704: onCreateOptionsMenu() called with: menu = [androidx.appcompat.view.menu.MenuBuilder@55bbddd], inflater = [androidx.appcompat.view.SupportMenuInflater@1d75d52] 05-08 23:37:51.708 13200 13200 D FeedFragment@bf98583: onCreateOptionsMenu() called with: menu = [androidx.appcompat.view.menu.MenuBuilder@55bbddd], inflater = [androidx.appcompat.view.SupportMenuInflater@1d75d52] 05-08 23:37:52.312 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:52.312 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:52.312 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:52.312 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:52.312 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:52.312 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:52.312 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:53.314 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:37:54.318 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:54.318 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:54.318 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:54.318 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:54.318 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:54.318 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:54.318 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:54.873 13200 13200 D FeedFragment@bf98583: onItemSelected() called with: selectedItem = [StreamInfoItem{streamType=VIDEO_STREAM, uploaderName='Eponine Plays', textualUploadDate='2 hours ago', viewCount=60, duration=2088, uploaderUrl='null', infoType=STREAM, serviceId=0, url='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw', name='HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito', thumbnailUrl='https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8tkQBi-jcHw/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEYCKgBEF5IVfKriqkDCwgBFQAAiEIYAXAB&rs=AOn4CLAaVrCEFWQ00zIoYHd7QsX9EgoYOA'}] 05-08 23:37:54.882 13200 13200 D VideoDetailFragment@149a580: onCreate() called with: savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:55.011 13200 13200 D VideoDetailFragment@149a580: onViewCreated() called with: rootView = [android.widget.FrameLayout{d1eb035 VFE...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0902b8 app:id/video_item_detail}], savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:55.013 13200 13200 D VideoDetailFragment@149a580: pushToStack() called with: serviceId = [0], videoUrl = [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw], title = [HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito] 05-08 23:37:55.013 13200 13200 D VideoDetailFragment@149a580: pushToStack() wasn't equal 05-08 23:37:55.013 13200 13200 D VideoDetailFragment@149a580: startLoading() called with: forceLoad = [false] 05-08 23:37:55.014 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [ProgressBar:loading_progress_bar] [ALPHA 400:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:55.015 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:55.015 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{6fc3e3b G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:37:55.015 13200 13200 D InfoCache: getFromKey() called with: serviceId = [0], url = [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw] 05-08 23:37:55.015 13200 13200 D ExtractorHelper: loadFromCache() called, info > null 05-08 23:37:55.016 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatSpinner:toolbar_spinner] [ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:55.016 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatSpinner{fea958 G.ED..CL. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0902a1 app:id/toolbar_spinner}] 05-08 23:37:55.016 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatImageView:detail_thumbnail_play_button] [ALPHA 50:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:55.017 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView{6171ab1 I.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900af app:id/detail_thumbnail_play_button}] 05-08 23:37:55.017 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatTextView:detail_duration_view] [ALPHA 100:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:55.017 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView{7de7b96 G.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f0900aa app:id/detail_duration_view}] 05-08 23:37:55.017 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatTextView:detail_position_view] [ALPHA 100:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:55.017 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView{f668317 G.ED..... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ac app:id/detail_position_view}] 05-08 23:37:55.018 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AnimatedProgressBar:position_view] [ALPHA 50:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:55.018 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [org.schabi.newpipe.views.AnimatedProgressBar{5610304 I.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0901ed app:id/position_view}] 05-08 23:37:55.018 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [AppCompatTextView:detail_video_title_view] [ALPHA 0:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:55.019 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView{251b0ed V.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900bc app:id/detail_video_title_view}] 05-08 23:37:55.034 13200 13262 D InfoCache: getFromKey() called with: serviceId = [0], url = [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw] 05-08 23:37:55.034 13200 13262 D ExtractorHelper: loadFromCache() called, info > null 05-08 23:37:55.037 13200 13200 D MainActivity: onCreateOptionsMenu() called with: menu = [androidx.appcompat.view.menu.MenuBuilder@55bbddd] 05-08 23:37:55.060 13200 13200 D CommentsFragment@256ee9: onCreate() called with: savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:55.076 13200 13200 D CommentsFragment@256ee9: onViewCreated() called with: rootView = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{4f559e2 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}], savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:55.079 13200 13200 D CommentsFragment@256ee9: doInitialLoadLogic() called 05-08 23:37:55.079 13200 13200 D CommentsFragment@256ee9: startLoading() called with: forceLoad = [false] 05-08 23:37:55.079 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:55.080 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{993e830 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:37:55.080 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [ProgressBar:loading_progress_bar] [ALPHA 400:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:55.081 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:37:55.081 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:55.081 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{993322e G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:37:55.082 13200 13235 D InfoCache: getFromKey() called with: serviceId = [0], url = [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw] 05-08 23:37:55.082 13200 13235 D ExtractorHelper: loadFromCache() called, info > null 05-08 23:37:55.099 13200 13200 D MainActivity: onCreateOptionsMenu() called with: menu = [androidx.appcompat.view.menu.MenuBuilder@55bbddd] 05-08 23:37:55.133 662 13274 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:37:55.320 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:55.320 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:55.320 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:55.320 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:55.320 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:55.320 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:55.320 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:55.867 662 13277 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:37:56.249 13200 13262 D InfoCache: putInfo() called with: info = [StreamInfo[url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw", name="HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito"]] 05-08 23:37:56.250 13200 13200 D VideoDetailFragment@149a580: handleResult() called with: result = [StreamInfo[url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw", name="HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito"]] 05-08 23:37:56.250 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [ProgressBar:loading_progress_bar] [ALPHA 0:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:56.251 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:56.251 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{6fc3e3b G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:37:56.254 13200 13200 D RelatedVideosFragment@85f6bc0: onCreate() called with: savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:56.267 13200 13200 D RelatedVideosFragment@85f6bc0: onViewCreated() called with: rootView = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{a093da1 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}], savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:56.297 13200 13200 D RelatedVideosFragment@85f6bc0: doInitialLoadLogic() called 05-08 23:37:56.297 13200 13200 D RelatedVideosFragment@85f6bc0: startLoading() called with: forceLoad = [false] 05-08 23:37:56.297 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:56.298 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{c289103 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:37:56.298 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [ProgressBar:loading_progress_bar] [ALPHA 400:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:56.299 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:56.299 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{1a15eb9 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:37:56.307 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [AppCompatImageView:detail_thumbnail_play_button] [ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:56.313 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [AppCompatTextView:detail_duration_view] [ALPHA 100:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:56.318 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [AppCompatSpinner:toolbar_spinner] [ALPHA 500:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:56.319 13200 13200 D VideoDetailFragment@149a580: setupActionBarHandler() called with: info = [StreamInfo[url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw", name="HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito"]] 05-08 23:37:56.321 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:56.321 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:56.321 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:56.321 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:56.321 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:56.321 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:56.321 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:56.373 13200 13200 D RelatedVideosFragment@85f6bc0: handleResult() called with: result = [RelatedStreamInfo[url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw", name="HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito"]] 05-08 23:37:56.373 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:56.374 13200 13235 D InfoCache: putInfo() called with: info = [CommentsInfo[url="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw" (originalUrl="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw"), name="HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito"]] 05-08 23:37:56.374 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{c289103 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:37:56.375 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [ProgressBar:loading_progress_bar] [ALPHA 0:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:56.376 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:56.376 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{1a15eb9 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:37:56.376 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:56.376 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView{fffaec2 VFED.V... ........ 0,0-1080,1981 #7f090154 app:id/items_list}] 05-08 23:37:56.383 662 13281 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:37:56.662 13200 13200 D CommentsFragment@256ee9: handleResult() called with: result = [CommentsInfo[url="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw" (originalUrl="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw"), name="HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito"]] 05-08 23:37:56.663 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:56.663 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{993e830 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:37:56.663 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [ProgressBar:loading_progress_bar] [ALPHA 0:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:56.664 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:56.664 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{993322e G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:37:56.664 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [NewPipeRecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:56.664 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [org.schabi.newpipe.views.NewPipeRecyclerView{4ca659f VFED.V... ........ 0,0-1080,1981 #7f090154 app:id/items_list}] 05-08 23:37:56.769 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:37:56.770 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <0.43ms> 05-08 23:37:56.771 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <0.60ms> 05-08 23:37:56.793 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:37:56.794 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:37:56.795 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.20ms> 05-08 23:37:56.796 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:37:57.322 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:57.322 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:57.322 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:57.322 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:57.322 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:57.322 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:57.322 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:58.236 13200 13200 D SerializedCache: put() called with: key = [ae96ca22-7bcf-4216-abda-89fa5e9fab1e], item = [org.schabi.newpipe.player.playqueue.SinglePlayQueue@fcf3170] 05-08 23:37:58.281 13200 13200 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:46810093 05-08 23:37:58.284 1623 7731 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {cmp=org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.player.MainVideoPlayer (has extras)} from uid 10346 05-08 23:37:58.293 1623 7731 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:37:58.293 1623 7731 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:37:58.293 1623 7731 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:37:58.294 1623 7731 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 05-08 23:37:58.303 1623 7731 I ActivityTaskManager: The Process org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release Already Exists in BG. So sending its PID: 13200 05-08 23:37:58.305 1623 7731 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:37:58.305 1623 7731 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:37:58.305 1623 7731 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:37:58.309 1623 7731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810121 05-08 23:37:58.312 13200 13200 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@e069385 05-08 23:37:58.325 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:58.325 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:58.325 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:58.325 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:58.325 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:58.325 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:58.325 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:58.333 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onCreate() called with: savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:37:58.336 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: hideSystemUi() called 05-08 23:37:58.427 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: initPlayer() called with: context = [org.schabi.newpipe.player.MainVideoPlayer@321e301] 05-08 23:37:58.434 13200 13200 W e.debug.releas: Accessing hidden method Landroid/media/AudioTrack;->getLatency()I (greylist, reflection, allowed) 05-08 23:37:58.435 13200 13200 I ExoPlayerImpl: Init 824c705 [ExoPlayerLib/2.10.8] [pyxis, Mi 9 Lite, Xiaomi, 29] 05-08 23:37:58.438 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onPlayerStateChanged() called with: playWhenReady = [true], playbackState = [1] 05-08 23:37:58.442 1623 4045 D MediaSessionService: Media button session is changed to org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/MediaSessionManager (userId=0) 05-08 23:37:58.444 1623 1623 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0: content://settings/secure/media_button_receiver 05-08 23:37:58.448 1623 4045 D AudioManager: getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0 05-08 23:37:58.450 13200 13200 W BasePlayer: Broadcast receiver already unregistered (Receiver not registered: org.schabi.newpipe.player.BasePlayer$1@89d8a68) 05-08 23:37:58.457 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: handleIntent() called with: intent = [Intent { flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.player.MainVideoPlayer (has extras) }] 05-08 23:37:58.457 13200 13200 D SerializedCache: take() called with: key = [ae96ca22-7bcf-4216-abda-89fa5e9fab1e] 05-08 23:37:58.457 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: destroyPlayer() called 05-08 23:37:58.458 13200 13200 I ExoPlayerImpl: Release 824c705 [ExoPlayerLib/2.10.8] [pyxis, Mi 9 Lite, Xiaomi, 29] [goog.exo.core, goog.exo.mediasession] 05-08 23:37:58.460 1623 7731 I MediaFocusControl: abandonAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10346/13200 clientId=android.media.AudioManager@fafce81org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.AudioReactor@78c6b26 05-08 23:37:58.462 1623 7731 D MediaSessionService: Media button session is changed to null 05-08 23:37:58.462 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: initPlayer() called with: context = [org.schabi.newpipe.player.MainVideoPlayer@321e301] 05-08 23:37:58.463 13200 13200 I ExoPlayerImpl: Init 4d36367 [ExoPlayerLib/2.10.8] [pyxis, Mi 9 Lite, Xiaomi, 29] 05-08 23:37:58.464 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onPlayerStateChanged() called with: playWhenReady = [true], playbackState = [1] 05-08 23:37:58.466 1623 7731 D MediaSessionService: Media button session is changed to org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/MediaSessionManager (userId=0) 05-08 23:37:58.470 1623 7731 D AudioManager: getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0 05-08 23:37:58.472 13200 13200 D PlayQueue@fcf3170: Received broadcast: INIT. Current index: 0, play queue length: 1. 05-08 23:37:58.481 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onResume() called 05-08 23:37:58.485 1623 7731 I SensorService: check list, getPackageName com.android.server.policy.WindowOrientationListener 05-08 23:37:58.485 790 790 I sensors-hal: batch:180, android.sensor.device_orientation/34, period=66667000, max_latency=0 05-08 23:37:58.485 790 790 I sensors-hal: batch:189, android.sensor.device_orientation/34, period=66667000, max_latency=0 request completed 05-08 23:37:58.485 790 790 I sensors-hal: activate:147, android.sensor.device_orientation/34 en=1 05-08 23:37:58.486 790 790 I sensors-hal: get_qmi_debug_flag:230, support_qmi_debug : false 05-08 23:37:58.488 790 790 I sensors-hal: activate:158, android.sensor.device_orientation/34 en=1 completed 05-08 23:37:58.489 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:37:58.489 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:37:58.489 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 21 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:37:58.467 1623 1623 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server identical 2 lines 05-08 23:37:58.469 1623 1623 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0: content://settings/secure/media_button_receiver 05-08 23:37:58.517 1623 7731 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480 {0.86 214mcc4mnc [es_ES] ldltr sw392dp w776dp h365dp 440dpi nrml long hdr widecg land uimode=12 night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 2340, 1080) mAppBounds=Rect(75, 0 - 2210, 1080) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.6433 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0} 05-08 23:37:58.542 12627 12627 W ocessService0:0: type=1400 audit(0.0:8878): avc: denied { search } for name="theme" dev="sda31" ino=786444 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c161,c291,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:theme_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 05-08 23:37:58.563 7153 7153 I Application: onConfigurationChanged: 05-08 23:37:58.572 12487 12487 W ocessService0:0: type=1400 audit(0.0:8880): avc: denied { search } for name="theme" dev="sda31" ino=786444 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c160,c291,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:theme_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 05-08 23:37:58.571 1623 7731 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config changes=20000480 {0.86 214mcc4mnc [es_ES] ldltr sw392dp w776dp h365dp 440dpi nrml long hdr widecg land uimode=12 night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 2340, 1080) mAppBounds=Rect(75, 0 - 2210, 1080) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.6433 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0} for displayId=0 05-08 23:37:58.583 1623 7731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810395 05-08 23:37:58.591 1623 7731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810403 05-08 23:37:58.594 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810406 05-08 23:37:58.597 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810409 05-08 23:37:58.600 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810412 05-08 23:37:58.572 12487 12487 W ocessService0:0: type=1400 audit(0.0:8881): avc: denied { search } for name="theme" dev="sda31" ino=786444 scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c160,c291,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:theme_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 05-08 23:37:58.603 1623 1684 I InputManager-JNI: Viewport [0] to add: local:19260674575326081 05-08 23:37:58.608 1623 2034 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 05-08 23:37:58.608 1623 2034 I InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=7, name='fts_ts', size 1080x2340, orientation 1, mode 1, display id 0 05-08 23:37:58.614 13200 13200 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.player.MainVideoPlayer onResume took 132ms 05-08 23:37:58.623 2117 2117 I vol.MiuiVolumeDialogImp: onConfigChanged sensitive config changed 05-08 23:37:58.623 2117 2117 I vol.MiuiVolumeDialogImp: dismissH mShowing:false dialog showing:false reason:8 05-08 23:37:58.627 2387 2387 D Launcher.ShortcutMenu: calculateScale, heightScale=1.0, widthScale=0.97833335 05-08 23:37:58.629 1623 2042 V UiModeManager: switch night mode to 2 05-08 23:37:58.630 13200 13200 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.player.MainVideoPlayer is 321ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[android.app.servertransaction.TopResumedActivityChangeItem] }) because of 5 msg, msg 5 took 317ms (seq=569 running=143ms runnable=30ms late=4ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159) 05-08 23:37:58.638 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:37:58.640 1623 4549 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810452 05-08 23:37:58.647 1623 4549 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810459 05-08 23:37:58.650 2117 2117 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: setDisabledFlags back:false home:false recent:false 05-08 23:37:58.652 2117 2532 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): getDataNetTypeFromServiceState slotId=0 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false 05-08 23:37:58.652 2117 2532 D NetworkTypeUtils: getDataNetTypeFromServiceState:srcDataNetType = 13, destDataNetType 13 05-08 23:37:58.653 2117 2532 D MobileSignalController: updateDataType mSelectedDataTypeIcon[0]=2131233070, mSelectedDataActivityIndex=6 05-08 23:37:58.653 2117 2532 D TelephonyIcons: getSignalStrengthIcon: slot=0, inetCondition=1, level=3, roaming=false, signalstrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-81 rsrp=-109 rsrq=-14 rssnr=16 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 miuiLevel=3 level=2,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiSinr = 2147483647 ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 level = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte} 05-08 23:37:58.656 2117 2532 D TelephonyIcons: null signal icon name: drawable/stat_sys_signal_null 05-08 23:37:58.658 1623 3309 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810470 05-08 23:37:58.659 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:37:58.661 1623 3309 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810473 05-08 23:37:58.662 2117 2532 D TelephonyIcons: getDataTypeIcon sub=0 05-08 23:37:58.664 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:37:58.665 1623 3559 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810477 05-08 23:37:58.669 1623 12508 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:37:58.669 2117 2117 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: scaleType CENTER 05-08 23:37:58.669 1623 12508 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:37:58.669 1623 12508 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:37:58.669 2117 2532 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): getDataNetTypeFromServiceState slotId=0 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false 05-08 23:37:58.669 2117 2532 D NetworkTypeUtils: getDataNetTypeFromServiceState:srcDataNetType = 13, destDataNetType 13 05-08 23:37:58.671 2117 2532 D MobileSignalController: updateDataType mSelectedDataTypeIcon[0]=2131233070, mSelectedDataActivityIndex=6 05-08 23:37:58.671 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:37:58.671 2117 2532 D TelephonyIcons: getSignalStrengthIcon: slot=0, inetCondition=1, level=3, roaming=false, signalstrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-81 rsrp=-109 rsrq=-14 rssnr=16 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 miuiLevel=3 level=2,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiSinr = 2147483647 ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 level = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte} 05-08 23:37:58.672 2117 2532 D TelephonyIcons: null signal icon name: drawable/stat_sys_signal_null 05-08 23:37:58.673 2117 2532 D TelephonyIcons: getDataTypeIcon sub=0 05-08 23:37:58.675 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810487 05-08 23:37:58.678 1623 3312 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810490 05-08 23:37:58.681 1623 3312 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810493 05-08 23:37:58.685 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 11 05-08 23:37:58.685 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:14,new:11 05-08 23:37:58.685 2117 2117 D MiuiGxzwAnimView: onDisplayChanged: oldState = 2, newState = 2 05-08 23:37:58.687 13200 13200 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 05-08 23:37:58.688 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: maxGestureLength = 810 05-08 23:37:58.691 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 14 05-08 23:37:58.691 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:11,new:14 05-08 23:37:58.692 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:37:58.693 13200 13200 D AudioManager: getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0 05-08 23:37:58.695 1623 4549 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810507 05-08 23:37:58.697 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: setInitialGestureValues: volumeProgressBar.getProgress() [540] brightnessProgressBar.getProgress() [781] 05-08 23:37:58.699 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810511 05-08 23:37:58.700 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(RotationChangedEvent) 05-08 23:37:58.700 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(RotationChangedEvent) 05-08 23:37:58.700 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RotationChangedEvent) duration: 26 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:37:58.700 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsImpl [0x66baf9f, P1] onBusEvent(RotationChangedEvent) 05-08 23:37:58.700 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RotationChangedEvent) duration: 7 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:37:58.706 1623 4549 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810518 05-08 23:37:58.710 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:37:58.714 1623 3309 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810526 05-08 23:37:58.717 1623 3312 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810529 05-08 23:37:58.721 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 11 05-08 23:37:58.721 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:14,new:11 05-08 23:37:58.724 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 14 05-08 23:37:58.724 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:11,new:14 05-08 23:37:58.732 13200 13200 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 318ms late because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 317ms (seq=569 running=143ms runnable=30ms late=4ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159) 05-08 23:37:58.738 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{9526dae u0 org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.player.MainVideoPlayer t385} time:46810550 05-08 23:37:58.739 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - playbackParameters(), speed: 1.0026791, pitch: 1.0026791 05-08 23:37:58.739 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:46810551 05-08 23:37:58.740 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:46810552 05-08 23:37:58.740 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@250930452: maybeBlock() called. 05-08 23:37:58.741 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Playback - onPlaybackBlock() called 05-08 23:37:58.741 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: changeState() called with: state = [123] 05-08 23:37:58.741 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: onBlocked() called 05-08 23:37:58.742 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:58.742 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{c4f2edc G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0901d9 app:id/playbackControlRoot}] 05-08 23:37:58.743 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:37:58.743 1623 1693 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.player.MainVideoPlayer: +454ms 05-08 23:37:58.743 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:37:58.744 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:loading_panel] [ALPHA 0:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:58.744 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{8262be5 V.E...... ........ 0,0-2340,1080 #7f090167 app:id/loading_panel}] 05-08 23:37:58.745 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [View:surfaceForeground] [ALPHA 100:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:58.745 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [android.view.View{1bea6ba V.ED..... ........ 0,0-2340,1080 #7f090263 app:id/surfaceForeground}] 05-08 23:37:58.749 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatImageButton:playPauseButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 100:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:58.751 1623 3559 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +263ms due to Window{a8617f8 u0 org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.player.MainVideoPlayer} 05-08 23:37:58.751 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatImageButton:playPreviousButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 100:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:58.753 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatImageButton:playNextButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 100:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:58.754 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatButton:closeButton] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:58.754 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatButton{ff6a147 IFED..C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f090080 app:id/closeButton}] 05-08 23:37:58.755 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@250930452: resetSources() called. 05-08 23:37:58.755 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@250930452: populateSources() called. 05-08 23:37:58.756 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@250930452: MediaSource - loadImmediate() called 05-08 23:37:58.757 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@250930452: MediaSource - maybeClearLoaders() called. 05-08 23:37:58.757 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@250930452: maybeLoadItem() called. 05-08 23:37:58.757 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@250930452: MediaSource - Loading=[HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito] with url=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw] 05-08 23:37:58.759 13200 13247 D InfoCache: getFromKey() called with: serviceId = [0], url = [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw] 05-08 23:37:58.759 13200 13247 D ExtractorHelper: loadFromCache() called, info > StreamInfo[url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw", name="HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito"] 05-08 23:37:58.775 2117 2117 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: setDisabledFlags back:false home:false recent:false 05-08 23:37:58.783 2117 2117 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: onDraw 05-08 23:37:58.790 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.790 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 5 lines 05-08 23:37:58.790 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.791 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:37:58.791 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:37:58.804 13200 13200 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 05-08 23:37:58.805 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.805 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 5 lines 05-08 23:37:58.805 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.814 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@250930452: MediaSource - Loaded=[HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito] with url=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw] 05-08 23:37:58.814 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@250930452: MediaSource - Updating index=[0] with title=[HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito] at url=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw] 05-08 23:37:58.815 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@250930452: maybeUnblock() called. 05-08 23:37:58.816 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Playback - onPlaybackUnblock() called 05-08 23:37:58.816 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: changeState() called with: state = [125] 05-08 23:37:58.816 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: onBuffering() called 05-08 23:37:58.816 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onPlayerStateChanged() called with: playWhenReady = [true], playbackState = [2] 05-08 23:37:58.817 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:37:58.819 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@250930452: maybeSync() called. 05-08 23:37:58.819 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Playback - onPlaybackSynchronize() called with item=[HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito], url=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw] 05-08 23:37:58.819 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Playback - Rewinding to correct index=[0], from=[0], size=[0]. 05-08 23:37:58.820 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onPositionDiscontinuity() called with reason = [1] 05-08 23:37:58.821 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.821 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 5 lines 05-08 23:37:58.821 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.822 13200 13295 D CacheFactory: initExoPlayerCache: cacheDir = /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/cache/exoplayer 05-08 23:37:58.824 13200 13295 W CacheDataSink: fragmentSize is below the minimum recommended value of 2097152. This may cause poor cache performance. 05-08 23:37:58.826 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onTimelineChanged() called with no manifest, timeline size = [1], reason = [0] 05-08 23:37:58.827 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Playback - onMetadataChanged() called, playing: HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito 05-08 23:37:58.827 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Thumbnail - initThumbnail() called 05-08 23:37:58.828 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Thumbnail - onLoadingStarted() called on: imageUri = [https://i.ytimg.com/vi_webp/8tkQBi-jcHw/maxresdefault.webp], view = [null] 05-08 23:37:58.833 13200 13295 D CacheFactory: initExoPlayerCache: cacheDir = /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/cache/exoplayer 05-08 23:37:58.833 13200 13295 W CacheDataSink: fragmentSize is below the minimum recommended value of 2097152. This may cause poor cache performance. 05-08 23:37:58.835 2117 2117 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: onDraw 05-08 23:37:58.837 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.837 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 5 lines 05-08 23:37:58.837 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.840 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onSeekProcessed() called 05-08 23:37:58.841 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:37:58.842 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:37:58.842 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:37:58.842 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 22 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:37:58.842 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:37:58.842 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:37:58.842 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 5 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:37:58.842 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:37:58.842 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:37:58.842 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 8 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:37:58.845 1623 12508 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger 05-08 23:37:58.854 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.854 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 5 lines 05-08 23:37:58.854 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.855 13200 13200 D StateSaver: tryToSave() called with: isChangingConfig = [false], prefixFileName = [46810526631118], suffixFileName = [.20.list], writeRead = [RelatedVideosFragment{85f6bc0 (4c34fbda-0bc4-4db9-bc1c-cc81fe35912b) id=0x7f0902ba android:switcher:2131296954:1}] 05-08 23:37:58.871 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.871 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 5 lines 05-08 23:37:58.871 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.885 13200 13200 D StateSaver: tryToSave() called with: isChangingConfig = [false], prefixFileName = [46810694586208], suffixFileName = [.20.list], writeRead = [CommentsFragment{256ee9 (1ac2acf3-d171-47a6-aecd-5088a8f5a7e1) id=0x7f0902ba android:switcher:2131296954:0}] 05-08 23:37:58.887 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.887 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 5 lines 05-08 23:37:58.887 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.897 2117 2117 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** unregister callback for com.android.systemui.BatteryMeterView$1@b871ee3 05-08 23:37:58.903 13200 13200 D StateSaver: tryToSave() called with: isChangingConfig = [false], prefixFileName = [46810512722882], suffixFileName = [.83.list], writeRead = [KioskFragment{c0db1e7 (dfb9b35e-0c1d-4abe-86c6-1b42b79ba455) id=0x7f0901bd}] 05-08 23:37:58.904 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.905 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 5 lines 05-08 23:37:58.905 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.906 662 13308 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:37:58.908 662 13307 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:37:58.921 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.921 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 5 lines 05-08 23:37:58.921 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.931 2117 2117 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): getDataNetTypeFromServiceState slotId=0 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false 05-08 23:37:58.931 2117 2117 D NetworkTypeUtils: getDataNetTypeFromServiceState:srcDataNetType = 13, destDataNetType 13 05-08 23:37:58.932 2117 2117 D MobileSignalController: updateDataType mSelectedDataTypeIcon[0]=2131233070, mSelectedDataActivityIndex=6 05-08 23:37:58.932 2117 2117 D TelephonyIcons: getSignalStrengthIcon: slot=0, inetCondition=1, level=3, roaming=false, signalstrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-81 rsrp=-109 rsrq=-14 rssnr=16 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 miuiLevel=3 level=2,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiSinr = 2147483647 ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 level = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte} 05-08 23:37:58.934 2117 2117 D TelephonyIcons: null signal icon name: drawable/stat_sys_signal_null 05-08 23:37:58.934 2117 2117 D TelephonyIcons: getDataTypeIcon sub=0 05-08 23:37:58.937 2117 2117 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** register callback for com.android.systemui.BatteryMeterView$1@4244bc9 05-08 23:37:58.937 2117 2117 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** unregister callback for null 05-08 23:37:58.937 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.937 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 5 lines 05-08 23:37:58.937 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:58.948 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Thumbnail - onLoadingComplete() called with: imageUri = [https://i.ytimg.com/vi_webp/8tkQBi-jcHw/maxresdefault.webp], view = [null], loadedImage = [android.graphics.Bitmap@76d8e22] 05-08 23:37:58.955 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:59.105 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 68 lines 05-08 23:37:59.105 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:37:59.115 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onTimelineChanged() called with no manifest, timeline size = [1], reason = [2] 05-08 23:37:59.159 13200 13295 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/divx 05-08 23:37:59.159 13200 13295 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/divx4 05-08 23:37:59.162 13200 13295 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2 05-08 23:37:59.163 13200 13295 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2 05-08 23:37:59.164 13200 13295 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv 05-08 23:37:59.195 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onTracksChanged(), track group size = 3 05-08 23:37:59.199 13200 13312 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 05-08 23:37:59.199 1083 2668 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc) in android.hardwar process 05-08 23:37:59.213 1083 2668 E : Service not available yet 05-08 23:37:59.215 1083 2668 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter 05-08 23:37:59.215 1083 2668 D PlatformConfig: getConfigStoreBool: vpp/enable=false, returning false 05-08 23:37:59.216 1083 2668 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter 05-08 23:37:59.217 1083 2668 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_dec_log_in value: 0 05-08 23:37:59.217 1083 2668 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter 05-08 23:37:59.217 1083 2668 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_dec_log_out value: 0 05-08 23:37:59.217 1083 2668 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter 05-08 23:37:59.217 1083 2668 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_dec_hfr_fps value: 0 05-08 23:37:59.217 1083 2668 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter 05-08 23:37:59.217 1083 2668 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_dec_arb_mode_override value: 4 05-08 23:37:59.217 1083 2668 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Video slvp perflock released 05-08 23:37:59.218 1083 2668 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: component_init: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc : fd=10 05-08 23:37:59.218 1083 2668 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Unsupported output color format for c2d (2141391876) 05-08 23:37:59.218 1083 2668 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Setting color format failed 05-08 23:37:59.223 1083 2668 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter 05-08 23:37:59.223 1083 2668 D PlatformConfig: getInt32: Returning default 05-08 23:37:59.223 1083 2668 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter 05-08 23:37:59.223 1083 2668 D PlatformConfig: getInt32: Returning default 05-08 23:37:59.224 1083 2668 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_init() success : fd=10 05-08 23:37:59.227 13200 13311 D SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0x7218641010, reason connectToSurface 05-08 23:37:59.228 13200 13311 I MediaCodec: [OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc] setting surface generation to 13516801 05-08 23:37:59.228 13200 13311 D SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0x7218641010, reason connectToSurface(reconnect) 05-08 23:37:59.228 13200 13311 D SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0x7218641010, reason connectToSurface(reconnect) 05-08 23:37:59.229 1083 2668 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeANWBufferInMetadata not implemented 05-08 23:37:59.229 1083 2668 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: OMX.google.android.index.configureVideoTunnelMode not implemented 05-08 23:37:59.229 1083 2668 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: OMX.google.android.index.useAndroidNativeBuffer is supported 05-08 23:37:59.229 1083 2668 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: get_parameter: unknown param 7f000046 05-08 23:37:59.229 1083 2668 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(0xe3c28144:qcom.decoder.avc, ??(0x7f000046)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a) 05-08 23:37:59.231 1083 2668 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Enable/Disable allocate-native-handle allowed only on input port! 05-08 23:37:59.231 1083 2668 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: set_parameter: Error: 0x80001019, setting param 0x7f00005d 05-08 23:37:59.231 1083 2668 E OMXNodeInstance: setParameter(0xe3c28144:qcom.decoder.avc, OMX.google.android.index.allocateNativeHandle(0x7f00005d): Output:1 en=0) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019) 05-08 23:37:59.231 1083 2668 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeANWBufferInMetadata not implemented 05-08 23:37:59.231 13200 13312 I ExtendedACodec: setupVideoDecoder() 05-08 23:37:59.233 1083 1083 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeHDR10PlusInfo not implemented 05-08 23:37:59.233 13200 13312 I ExtendedACodec: Decoder will be in frame by frame mode 05-08 23:37:59.236 1083 3055 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Does not handle dataspace request 05-08 23:37:59.236 1083 3055 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xe3c28144:qcom.decoder.avc, ??(0x7f000062)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019) 05-08 23:37:59.262 1083 2668 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: OMX.google.android.index.AndroidNativeBufferConsumerUsage not implemented 05-08 23:37:59.262 13200 13312 D SurfaceUtils: set up nativeWindow 0x7218641010 for 1920x1080, color 0x7fa30c06, rotation 0, usage 0x20002900 05-08 23:37:59.276 13200 13317 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 05-08 23:37:59.276 1083 2668 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.aac.decoder) in android.hardwar process 05-08 23:37:59.280 1083 2668 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(0xf08a94a0:google.aac.decoder, ConfigPriority(0x6f800002)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001) 05-08 23:37:59.280 13200 13317 I ACodec : codec does not support config priority (err -2147483648) 05-08 23:37:59.281 1083 2668 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(0xf08a94a0:google.aac.decoder, ConfigPriority(0x6f800002)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001) 05-08 23:37:59.281 13200 13317 I ACodec : codec does not support config priority (err -2147483648) 05-08 23:37:59.281 1083 2668 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(0xf08a94a0:google.aac.decoder, ConfigOperatingRate(0x6f800003)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001) 05-08 23:37:59.281 13200 13317 I ACodec : codec does not support config operating rate (err -2147483648) 05-08 23:37:59.282 1083 2668 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xf08a94a0:google.aac.decoder, ConfigAndroidVendorExtension(0x6f100004)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001) 05-08 23:37:59.282 13200 13317 W ExtendedACodec: Failed to get extension for extradata parameter 05-08 23:37:59.296 1083 13318 I SoftAAC2: Reconfiguring decoder: 0->44100 Hz, 0->2 channels 05-08 23:37:59.317 13200 13295 D AudioTrack: set(sessionID=0) 05-08 23:37:59.317 13200 13295 D AudioTrack: set(): streamType -1, sampleRate 44100, format 0x1, channelMask 0x3, frameCount 14144, flags #0, notificationFrames 0, sessionId 0, transferType 3, uid -1, pid -1 05-08 23:37:59.318 1083 3068 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Does not handle dataspace request 05-08 23:37:59.318 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: adev_get_parameters:audio_game_sound_volume_gap_switch 05-08 23:37:59.318 1083 3068 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xe3c28144:qcom.decoder.avc, ??(0x7f000062)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019) 05-08 23:37:59.318 768 861 D audio_hw_spkr_prot: fbsp_get_parameters: Speaker protection disabled 05-08 23:37:59.318 768 861 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_get_parameters input string 05-08 23:37:59.318 768 861 D soundtrigger: extract_sm_handle input string param string 05-08 23:37:59.318 768 861 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_get_parameters: Enter 05-08 23:37:59.318 768 861 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_get_parameters: returns 05-08 23:37:59.318 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: adev_get_parameters: exit: returns - audio_game_sound_volume_gap_switch=off 05-08 23:37:59.318 879 20278 I hash_map_utils: key: 'audio_game_sound_volume_gap_switch' value: '' 05-08 23:37:59.322 879 20278 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForAttrInt() device {type:0x2,@:}, sampling rate 44100, format 0x1, channel mask 0x3, flags 0x8 stream AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC 05-08 23:37:59.322 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: adev_get_parameters:vr_audio_mode_on 05-08 23:37:59.322 768 861 I audio_hw_primary: getting vr mode to 0 05-08 23:37:59.322 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: adev_get_parameters: exit: returns - vr_audio_mode_on=false 05-08 23:37:59.322 879 20278 I hash_map_utils: key: 'vr_audio_mode_on' value: '' 05-08 23:37:59.323 879 20278 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: VR mode is 0, switch to primary output if request is for fast|raw 05-08 23:37:59.323 879 20278 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForAttrInt returns output 29 selectedDeviceId 3 05-08 23:37:59.323 879 20278 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForAttr() returns output 29 requestedPortId 0 selectedDeviceId 3 for port ID 328 05-08 23:37:59.325 879 20278 I AudioFlinger: create audiotrack for org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release uid 10346 05-08 23:37:59.325 879 20278 D AudioFlinger: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 7072 for frameCount 14144 05-08 23:37:59.326 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:37:59.326 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:37:59.326 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:37:59.326 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:37:59.326 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:37:59.326 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:37:59.326 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:37:59.326 879 20278 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:332 usage:1 not muted 05-08 23:37:59.354 1083 2291 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: OMX.QTI.index.config.video.getdsmode not implemented 05-08 23:37:59.354 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: onVideoSizeChanged() called with: width / height = [1920 / 1080 = 1.7777778], unappliedRotationDegrees = [0], pixelWidthHeightRatio = [1.0] 05-08 23:37:59.375 663 663 D Zygote : Forked child process 13321 05-08 23:37:59.380 1623 1695 D Boost : hostingType=broadcast, hostingName={com.miui.audioeffect/com.android.musicfx.ControlPanelReceiver}, callerPackage=org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release, isSystem=false, isBoostNeeded=false. 05-08 23:37:59.381 662 20292 D OemNetd : setPidForPackage: packageName=com.miui.audioeffect, pid=13321, pid=10030 05-08 23:37:59.381 1623 1695 I ActivityManager: Start proc 13321:com.miui.audioeffect/u0a30 for broadcast {com.miui.audioeffect/com.android.musicfx.ControlPanelReceiver} caller=org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release 05-08 23:37:59.383 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [View:surfaceForeground] [ALPHA 100:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:59.388 879 1214 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: startOutput portId 328 05-08 23:37:59.389 879 1214 W AudioFlinger: moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session 0 not on source thread 0x7348f8c100 05-08 23:37:59.389 879 1214 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevices selected devices {type:0x2,@:} 05-08 23:37:59.391 879 12957 E AudioFlinger: open /proc/13200/cmdline error 05-08 23:37:59.391 879 12957 I AudioFlinger: setAppName(), name=[], active=[1] 05-08 23:37:59.392 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onPlayerStateChanged() called with: playWhenReady = [true], playbackState = [3] 05-08 23:37:59.392 5144 5236 I PowerCheckerService: uid:10346 change to active 05-08 23:37:59.392 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: onPrepared() called with: playWhenReady = [true] 05-08 23:37:59.392 5144 5225 I AppActiveChecker: uid:10346 change to active 05-08 23:37:59.393 1623 1693 D ProcessManager: add audio active uid : 10346 05-08 23:37:59.393 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: onPrepared() called with: playWhenReady = [true] 05-08 23:37:59.394 768 861 E volume_listener: check_and_set_gain_dep_cal: Failed to set gain dep cal level 05-08 23:37:59.395 768 1460 E volume_listener: check_and_set_gain_dep_cal: Failed to set gain dep cal level 05-08 23:37:59.395 1623 12508 I MediaFocusControl: requestAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10346/13200 clientId=android.media.AudioManager@fafce81org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.AudioReactor@1c0033 callingPack=org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release req=1 flags=0x3 sdk=28 05-08 23:37:59.395 768 13345 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xeba9f000)usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) devices(0x2) is_haptic_usecase(0) 05-08 23:37:59.382 768 768 W writer : type=1400 audit(0.0:8882): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=19790 scontext=u:r:hal_audio_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:37:59.395 768 13345 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices for use case (deep-buffer-playback) 05-08 23:37:59.395 768 13345 V tas_spk_prot: set_sa_profile: Set Profile 1 05-08 23:37:59.395 768 13345 I msm8974_platform: platform_check_and_set_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: bitwidth 24, samplerate 48000 channels 2, backend_idx 4 usecase = 0 device (speaker) 05-08 23:37:59.395 768 13345 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:37:59.395 768 13345 I msm8974_platform: platform_check_and_set_codec_backend_cfg: new_snd_devices[0] is 2 05-08 23:37:59.395 768 13345 I msm8974_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: bitwidth 24, samplerate 48000 channels 2, backend_idx 4 usecase = 0 device (speaker) 05-08 23:37:59.395 768 13345 D msm8974_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: playback on codec device not supporting native playback set default Sample Rate(48k) 05-08 23:37:59.395 768 13345 I msm8974_platform: platform_check_codec_backend_cfg:becf: afe: Codec selected backend: 4 updated bit width: 24 and sample rate: 48000 05-08 23:37:59.395 768 13345 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: force routing 0 05-08 23:37:59.395 768 13345 E msm8974_platform: platform_check_backends_match: Invalid snd_device = 05-08 23:37:59.395 768 13345 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: (92) check_usecases curr device: speaker, usecase device: backends match 0 05-08 23:37:59.396 768 13345 E audio_hw_primary: @@: usecase[0xee656050]=deep-buffer-playback, devices=0x2, uc_info[0xee656050]=deep-buffer-playback 05-08 23:37:59.396 768 13345 D audio_hw_primary: check_usecases_codec_backend:becf: check_usecases num.of Usecases to switch 0 05-08 23:37:59.396 768 13345 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker 05-08 23:37:59.396 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: changeState() called with: state = [124] 05-08 23:37:59.396 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: onPlaying() called 05-08 23:37:59.396 768 13345 E libc : Access denied finding property "tas.smartamp.disable" 05-08 23:37:59.396 768 13345 V tas_spk_prot: Enabling SND_DEVICE_IN_CAPTURE_VI_FEEDBACK 05-08 23:37:59.396 768 13345 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback 05-08 23:37:59.396 768 13345 E libc : Access denied finding property "tas.smartamp.disable" 05-08 23:37:59.396 768 13345 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(195) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:37:59.396 768 13345 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(195: vi-feedback) 05-08 23:37:59.396 768 13345 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0xc3 of type 1 for Event 1, with Raise=0 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D audio_route: Apply path: vi-feedback 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 V tas_spk_prot: Enabling USECASE_AUDIO_SPKR_CALIB_TX 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg: usecase->in_snd_device vi-feedback 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 E voice : voice_is_in_call_rec_stream: input stream is NULL 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(195) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 E audio_hw_utils: send_app_type_cfg_for_device: Could not get ctl for mixer cmd - Audio Stream Capture 40 App Type Cfg 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(195) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 102, path = 1, app id = 0x11132, sample rate = 8000 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology 05-08 23:37:59.397 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showAndAnimateControl() called with: drawableId = [-1], goneOnEnd = [true] 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_VOL_STEP_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 0 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 00000066 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audstrmtable 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_V2 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.cal_size = 16 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_topology 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id 102, Topology Id 1000b909 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 102 path = 1 05-08 23:37:59.397 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY 05-08 23:37:59.398 768 13345 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: spkr-vi-record 05-08 23:37:59.398 768 13345 D audio_route: Apply path: spkr-vi-record 05-08 23:37:59.398 768 13345 E libc : Access denied finding property "audio.speaker.id" 05-08 23:37:59.398 768 13345 V tas_spk_prot: boot_id = Default 05-08 23:37:59.399 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatTextView:currentDisplaySeek] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:59.399 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView{e6dcff0 G.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f090093 app:id/currentDisplaySeek}] 05-08 23:37:59.399 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatImageButton:playPauseButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 80:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$kSp-MYcecQHMgsn1OFnEOzIeQD4@dbcd969 05-08 23:37:59.399 13321 13321 E iui.audioeffec: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 05-08 23:37:59.399 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageButton{3dcbfee GFED..C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0901d2 app:id/playPauseButton}] 05-08 23:37:59.400 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [AppCompatImageButton:playPauseButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:59.400 768 13345 V tas_spk_prot: TAS2562_SET_SPKID_LEFT: 0 05-08 23:37:59.402 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [AppCompatImageButton:playPreviousButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:59.402 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [AppCompatImageButton:playNextButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:59.403 768 13345 V tas_spk_prot: TAS2562_ALGO_PROFILE: MUSIC 0 05-08 23:37:59.403 768 13345 E tas_spk_prot: TAS2562_ALGO:get_calibrated_re_tv file open failed 05-08 23:37:59.403 768 13345 E tas_spk_prot: Failed to read Re/Tv vaue from bin file 05-08 23:37:59.404 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatButton:closeButton] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:37:59.404 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatButton{ff6a147 GFED..C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f090080 app:id/closeButton}] 05-08 23:37:59.415 1623 12508 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:37:59.416 1623 12508 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:37:59.416 1623 12508 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:37:59.421 1623 12508 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:37:59.421 1623 12508 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:37:59.421 1623 12508 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:37:59.421 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10030, uidState = 12 05-08 23:37:59.422 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10030,old:20,new:12 05-08 23:37:59.422 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10030,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:37:59.422 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:12,uid:10030,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:37:59.450 768 13345 V tas_spk_prot: TAS2562_SMARTPA_ENABLE: ENABLE 0 05-08 23:37:59.450 768 13345 V tas_spk_prot: Using PCM device 40 05-08 23:37:59.450 768 13345 E tas_spk_prot: Using 24 bit playback 05-08 23:37:59.470 768 13345 V tas_spk_prot: Feedback Enabled Successfully 05-08 23:37:59.470 768 13345 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:37:59.470 768 13345 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker) 05-08 23:37:59.470 768 13345 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 1, with Raise=0 05-08 23:37:59.470 768 13345 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker 05-08 23:37:59.470 768 13345 I audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_update_stream_output_app_type_cfg Allowing 24 and above bits playback on speaker ONLY at default sampling rate 05-08 23:37:59.470 768 13345 E soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: invalid input device 0x0, for event 3 05-08 23:37:59.470 768 13345 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_info->id 0 of type 0 for Event 3, with Raise=1 05-08 23:37:59.470 768 13345 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back event 3 rx_concurrency_active 0, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 1, music on 0 05-08 23:37:59.470 768 13345 D sound_trigger_hal: pcm_transfer_to_barge_in barge in 0, state 0, force idle 0 05-08 23:37:59.470 768 13345 D sound_trigger_hal: pcm_transfer_to_barge_in exit barge in 1, state 0, force idle 0 05-08 23:37:59.470 768 13345 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back rx_concurrency_active 1, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 1, music on 1 05-08 23:37:59.470 768 13345 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg: usecase->out_snd_device speaker 05-08 23:37:59.470 768 13345 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:37:59.471 768 13345 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_btsco_get_sample_rate:Not a BT SCO device, need not update sampling rate 05-08 23:37:59.471 768 13345 I audio_hw_utils: send_app_type_cfg_for_device PLAYBACK app_type 69940, acdb_dev_id 10011, sample_rate 48000, snd_device_be_idx 43 05-08 23:37:59.471 768 13345 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:37:59.471 768 13345 D audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_btsco_get_sample_rate:Not a BT SCO device, need not update sampling rate 05-08 23:37:59.471 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 10011, path = 0, app id = 0x11134, sample rate = 48000 05-08 23:37:59.471 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology 05-08 23:37:59.471 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID 05-08 23:37:59.471 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology 05-08 23:37:59.471 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID 05-08 23:37:59.471 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable 05-08 23:37:59.471 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:37:59.471 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE 05-08 23:37:59.471 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL 05-08 23:37:59.471 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable 05-08 23:37:59.471 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_VOL_STEP_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 0 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000271B 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 12 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audstrmtable 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TABLE_V2 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> audstrm_cal->cal_type.cal_data.cal_size = 16 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_topology 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> GET_AFE_TOPOLOGY_ID for adcd_id 10011, Topology Id 112fc 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000271B 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE_SIZE Returned = -19 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000271B 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -19 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 10011 path = 0 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 I msm8974_platform: platform_get_custom_mtmx_params: no matching param with id 0 ip_ch 2 op_ch 2 uc_id 0 snd_dev 2 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback speaker 05-08 23:37:59.472 768 13345 D audio_route: Apply path: deep-buffer-playback speaker 05-08 23:37:59.473 768 13345 D send_data_to_xlog: send_misound_data_to_xlog: enter: usecase(0) 05-08 23:37:59.473 768 13345 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: done 05-08 23:37:59.481 13321 13321 I Perf : Connecting to perf service. 05-08 23:37:59.497 13321 13321 I FeatureParser: can't find pyxis.xml in assets/device_features/,it may be in /system/etc/device_features 05-08 23:37:59.500 13321 13321 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.df.effect.conflict" 05-08 23:37:59.503 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:37:59.505 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: onReceive 05-08 23:37:59.505 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Action: android.media.action.OPEN_AUDIO_EFFECT_CONTROL_SESSION 05-08 23:37:59.505 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Package name: org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release 05-08 23:37:59.505 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Audio session: 2113 05-08 23:37:59.506 13321 13347 E Perf : Fail to get file list com.miui.audioeffect 05-08 23:37:59.507 13321 13347 E Perf : getFolderSize() : Exception_1 = java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to get length of null array 05-08 23:37:59.507 13321 13347 E Perf : Fail to get file list com.miui.audioeffect 05-08 23:37:59.508 13321 13347 E Perf : getFolderSize() : Exception_1 = java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to get length of null array 05-08 23:37:59.508 768 13345 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map mixer_ctl_name:Playback Channel Map0 05-08 23:37:59.508 768 13345 D msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map: set mapping(1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0) for channel:2 05-08 23:37:59.508 768 13345 E msm8974_platform: platform_set_channel_map: Could not set ctl, error:-22 ch_count:2 05-08 23:37:59.508 768 13345 D audio_hw_primary: check_and_set_karaok_parameters: is karaok rx device 0, is karaok tx device 0 05-08 23:37:59.508 768 13345 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: exit 05-08 23:37:59.509 768 13345 D audio_hw_primary: check_and_set_karaok_parameters: is karaok rx device 0, is karaok tx device 0 05-08 23:37:59.509 768 13345 D audio_hw_primary: out_write: retry previous failed cal level set 05-08 23:37:59.509 768 13345 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:37:59.509 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable 05-08 23:37:59.509 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_VOL_STEP_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:37:59.509 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 5 05-08 23:37:59.509 768 13345 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000271B 05-08 23:37:59.509 768 13345 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19 05-08 23:37:59.509 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelEffect: openSession(android.app.ReceiverRestrictedContext@f4f84bc, org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release, 2113) 05-08 23:37:59.509 768 13345 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 40 05-08 23:37:59.509 768 13345 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 05-08 23:37:59.509 768 13345 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:37:59.509 768 13345 I msm8974_platform: platform_get_custom_mtmx_params: no matching param with id 0 ip_ch 2 op_ch 2 uc_id 0 snd_dev 2 05-08 23:37:59.510 1623 12508 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:37:59.510 1623 12508 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:37:59.510 1623 12508 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:37:59.511 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: onReceive 05-08 23:37:59.512 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Action: android.media.action.OPEN_AUDIO_EFFECT_CONTROL_SESSION 05-08 23:37:59.512 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Package name: org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release 05-08 23:37:59.512 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Audio session: 2113 05-08 23:37:59.512 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelEffect: openSession(android.app.ReceiverRestrictedContext@f4f84bc, org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release, 2113) 05-08 23:37:59.515 13200 13295 D AudioTrack: getTimestamp_l(328): device stall time corrected using current time 46811327388600 05-08 23:37:59.516 1623 12508 I ActivityManager: Killing 8263:com.google.android.permissioncontroller/u0a317 (adj 999): empty #31 05-08 23:37:59.518 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:37:59.522 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10030, uidState = 20 05-08 23:37:59.522 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10030,old:12,new:20 05-08 23:37:59.522 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:12,uid:10030,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:37:59.522 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10030,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:37:59.536 13200 13295 W AudioTrack: getTimestamp_l(328): retrograde timestamp time corrected, 46811328951725 < 46811338179589 05-08 23:37:59.559 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:37:59.560 663 663 I Zygote : Process 8263 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 05-08 23:37:59.561 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:37:59.562 1623 1696 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10317 pid 8263 in 44ms 05-08 23:37:59.566 1623 1684 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 8263 05-08 23:37:59.566 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: removeUidState uid = 10317 05-08 23:37:59.597 879 1447 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0x734085ef00) throttle end: throttle time(53) 05-08 23:37:59.747 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: updateProgress() called with: isVisible = false, currentProgress = [236], duration = [2087952], bufferPercent = [0] 05-08 23:38:00.000 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:38:00.007 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 05-08 23:38:00.033 1623 3309 D PerfShielderService: com.android.systemui|StatusBar|206|46810652284590|132|0|2 05-08 23:38:00.035 3295 5830 W MiuiPerfServiceClient: interceptAndQueuing:2117|com.android.systemui|206|132|unknown|null|StatusBar|46810652284590|Slow main thread|2 05-08 23:38:00.127 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:00.130 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.02ms> 05-08 23:38:00.135 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.55ms> 05-08 23:38:00.179 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:00.184 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:38:00.184 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.70ms> 05-08 23:38:00.186 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:38:00.246 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: updateProgress() called with: isVisible = false, currentProgress = [731], duration = [2087952], bufferPercent = [0] 05-08 23:38:00.327 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:00.327 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:00.327 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:00.327 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:00.327 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:00.327 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:00.327 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:00.507 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1016.0, y[0]=246.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=46812306, downTime=46812306, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:38:00.747 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: updateProgress() called with: isVisible = false, currentProgress = [1242], duration = [2087952], bufferPercent = [0] 05-08 23:38:00.807 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1016.0, y[0]=246.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=46812306, downTime=46812306, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:38:00.808 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControlsThenHide() called 05-08 23:38:00.810 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$VideoPlayer$idNm3WgGoh2a7qLtpQkChoykaww@ed8ecfa 05-08 23:38:00.813 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: showSystemUi() called 05-08 23:38:00.854 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:38:00.854 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:38:01.046 1623 1684 I system_server: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 138749(7727KB) AllocSpace objects, 26(1476KB) LOS objects, 39% free, 37MB/61MB, paused 728us total 288.344ms 05-08 23:38:01.118 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [2000] 05-08 23:38:01.246 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: updateProgress() called with: isVisible = true, currentProgress = [1741], duration = [2087952], bufferPercent = [0] 05-08 23:38:01.329 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:01.329 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:01.329 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:01.329 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:01.329 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:01.329 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:01.329 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:01.749 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: updateProgress() called with: isVisible = true, currentProgress = [2242], duration = [2087952], bufferPercent = [0] 05-08 23:38:01.802 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:38:02.247 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: updateProgress() called with: isVisible = true, currentProgress = [2738], duration = [2087952], bufferPercent = [0] 05-08 23:38:02.330 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:02.330 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:02.330 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:02.330 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:02.330 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:02.330 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:02.330 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:02.429 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: onClick() called with: v = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView{70f2c4d VFED..C.. ...P.... 1666,28-1804,124 #7f0901f4 app:id/qualityTextView}] 05-08 23:38:02.430 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: onQualitySelectorClicked() called 05-08 23:38:02.520 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControls() called 05-08 23:38:02.520 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:02.520 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{c4f2edc V.E...... ........ 0,0-2340,1080 #7f0901d9 app:id/playbackControlRoot}] 05-08 23:38:02.522 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$eCIZF2nq3h5dn5dxXelgzHD1NXk@18b25fe 05-08 23:38:02.522 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{c4f2edc V.E...... ......ID 0,0-2340,1080 #7f0901d9 app:id/playbackControlRoot}] 05-08 23:38:02.746 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: updateProgress() called with: isVisible = true, currentProgress = [3243], duration = [2087952], bufferPercent = [0] 05-08 23:38:03.249 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: updateProgress() called with: isVisible = true, currentProgress = [3747], duration = [2087952], bufferPercent = [0] 05-08 23:38:03.334 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:03.334 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:03.334 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:03.334 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:03.334 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:03.334 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:03.334 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:03.600 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: onDismiss() called with: menu = [android.widget.PopupMenu@d4123ba] 05-08 23:38:03.602 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [0] 05-08 23:38:03.603 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: hideSystemUi() called 05-08 23:38:03.657 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$jCHp9ApB3JtV_0qS3NgJQCjOVHc@e210261 05-08 23:38:03.750 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: updateProgress() called with: isVisible = true, currentProgress = [4248], duration = [2087952], bufferPercent = [0] 05-08 23:38:03.964 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:38:03.965 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:38:03.972 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: hideSystemUi() called 05-08 23:38:04.246 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: updateProgress() called with: isVisible = false, currentProgress = [4743], duration = [2087952], bufferPercent = [0] 05-08 23:38:04.335 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:04.335 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:04.335 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:04.335 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:04.335 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:04.335 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:04.335 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:04.747 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: updateProgress() called with: isVisible = false, currentProgress = [5245], duration = [2087952], bufferPercent = [0] 05-08 23:38:04.772 13200 13295 D AudioTrack: pause(sessionID=2113) 05-08 23:38:04.772 879 12957 E AudioFlinger: open /proc/13200/cmdline error 05-08 23:38:04.772 879 12957 I AudioFlinger: setAppName(), name=[], active=[0] 05-08 23:38:04.775 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onPlayerStateChanged() called with: playWhenReady = [true], playbackState = [2] 05-08 23:38:04.775 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: changeState() called with: state = [125] 05-08 23:38:04.775 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: onBuffering() called 05-08 23:38:04.799 768 1460 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:38:04.799 768 1460 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 05-08 23:38:04.971 768 1460 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:38:04.971 768 1460 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable 05-08 23:38:04.972 768 1460 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_VOL_STEP_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:38:04.972 768 1460 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 0 05-08 23:38:04.972 768 1460 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000271B 05-08 23:38:04.972 768 1460 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19 05-08 23:38:04.972 768 1460 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 40 05-08 23:38:04.972 768 1460 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 05-08 23:38:04.973 5144 5236 I PowerCheckerService: uid:10346change to inactive 05-08 23:38:04.973 5144 5225 I AppActiveChecker: uid:10346change to inactive 05-08 23:38:04.974 879 1214 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: stopOutput portId 328 05-08 23:38:04.974 879 1214 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevices selected devices AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE 05-08 23:38:04.977 879 1214 W AudioFlinger: moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session 0 not on source thread 0x734085ef00 05-08 23:38:04.977 1623 1693 D ProcessManager: add temp remove audio inactive uid : 10346 05-08 23:38:04.978 768 861 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:38:04.978 768 861 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 05-08 23:38:05.247 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: updateProgress() called with: isVisible = false, currentProgress = [5280], duration = [2087952], bufferPercent = [0] 05-08 23:38:05.337 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:05.337 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:05.337 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:05.337 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:05.337 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:05.337 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:05.337 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:05.573 1623 2083 D ProcessManager: real remove inactive uid : 10346 flag : 1 05-08 23:38:05.748 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: updateProgress() called with: isVisible = false, currentProgress = [5280], duration = [2087952], bufferPercent = [0] 05-08 23:38:06.247 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: updateProgress() called with: isVisible = false, currentProgress = [5280], duration = [2087952], bufferPercent = [0] 05-08 23:38:06.338 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:06.338 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:06.338 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:06.338 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:06.338 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:06.338 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:06.338 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:06.405 879 1214 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: startOutput portId 328 05-08 23:38:06.405 879 1214 W AudioFlinger: moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session 0 not on source thread 0x7348f8c100 05-08 23:38:06.405 879 1214 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevices selected devices {type:0x2,@:} 05-08 23:38:06.408 879 12957 E AudioFlinger: open /proc/13200/cmdline error 05-08 23:38:06.408 879 12957 I AudioFlinger: setAppName(), name=[], active=[1] 05-08 23:38:06.409 13200 13295 D AudioTrack: getTimestamp_l(328): device stall time corrected using current time 46818221333962 05-08 23:38:06.409 5144 5236 I PowerCheckerService: uid:10346 change to active 05-08 23:38:06.410 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onPlayerStateChanged() called with: playWhenReady = [true], playbackState = [3] 05-08 23:38:06.410 1623 1693 D ProcessManager: add audio active uid : 10346 05-08 23:38:06.410 5144 5225 I AppActiveChecker: uid:10346 change to active 05-08 23:38:06.410 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: changeState() called with: state = [124] 05-08 23:38:06.410 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: onPlaying() called 05-08 23:38:06.411 768 857 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:38:06.412 768 857 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable 05-08 23:38:06.412 768 857 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_VOL_STEP_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:38:06.412 768 857 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 5 05-08 23:38:06.412 768 857 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000271B 05-08 23:38:06.412 768 857 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19 05-08 23:38:06.412 768 857 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 40 05-08 23:38:06.412 768 857 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 05-08 23:38:06.415 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showAndAnimateControl() called with: drawableId = [-1], goneOnEnd = [true] 05-08 23:38:06.416 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatTextView:currentDisplaySeek] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:06.416 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView{e6dcff0 G.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f090093 app:id/currentDisplaySeek}] 05-08 23:38:06.417 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatImageButton:playPauseButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 80:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$kSp-MYcecQHMgsn1OFnEOzIeQD4@30a639d 05-08 23:38:06.498 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [AppCompatImageButton:playPauseButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:06.499 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [AppCompatImageButton:playPreviousButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:06.499 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageButton{aae3c0c VFED..C.. ......ID 811,471-949,609 #7f0901d3 app:id/playPreviousButton}] 05-08 23:38:06.499 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [AppCompatImageButton:playNextButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:06.499 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageButton{fc36955 VFED..C.. ......ID 1390,471-1528,609 #7f0901d1 app:id/playNextButton}] 05-08 23:38:06.501 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatButton:closeButton] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:06.502 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatButton{ff6a147 GFED..C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f090080 app:id/closeButton}] 05-08 23:38:06.697 790 13298 I sensors-hal: handle_indication_realtime:477, SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk 05-08 23:38:06.747 1623 1684 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000000 {0.86 214mcc4mnc [es_ES] ldltr sw392dp w776dp h365dp 440dpi nrml long hdr widecg land uimode=12 night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 2340, 1080) mAppBounds=Rect(130, 0 - 2265, 1080) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_270} s.6514 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0} 05-08 23:38:06.776 1623 1684 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config changes=20000000 {0.86 214mcc4mnc [es_ES] ldltr sw392dp w776dp h365dp 440dpi nrml long hdr widecg land uimode=12 night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 2340, 1080) mAppBounds=Rect(130, 0 - 2265, 1080) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_270} s.6514 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0} for displayId=0 05-08 23:38:06.796 1623 1684 I InputManager-JNI: Viewport [0] to add: local:19260674575326081 05-08 23:38:06.797 1623 1664 E Region : Region::unflatten() failed, invalid region 05-08 23:38:06.800 1623 1664 E Region : Region::unflatten() failed, invalid region 05-08 23:38:06.803 2117 2117 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: scaleType CENTER 05-08 23:38:06.803 1623 2034 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 05-08 23:38:06.803 1623 2034 I InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=7, name='fts_ts', size 1080x2340, orientation 3, mode 1, display id 0 05-08 23:38:06.812 13200 13200 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 05-08 23:38:06.813 1623 4549 E Region : Region::unflatten() failed, invalid region 05-08 23:38:06.824 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{9526dae u0 org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.player.MainVideoPlayer t385} time:46818636 05-08 23:38:06.813 1623 4549 E Region : Region::unflatten() failed, invalid region 05-08 23:38:06.827 2117 2117 D MiuiGxzwAnimView: onDisplayChanged: oldState = 2, newState = 2 05-08 23:38:06.830 1623 1663 E Region : Region::unflatten() failed, invalid region 05-08 23:38:06.838 1623 1685 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +137ms due to Window{a8617f8 u0 org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.player.MainVideoPlayer} 05-08 23:38:06.831 1623 1663 E Region : Region::unflatten() failed, invalid region 05-08 23:38:06.844 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(RotationChangedEvent) 05-08 23:38:06.844 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(RotationChangedEvent) 05-08 23:38:06.844 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RotationChangedEvent) duration: 30 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:38:06.844 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsImpl [0x66baf9f, P1] onBusEvent(RotationChangedEvent) 05-08 23:38:06.844 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RotationChangedEvent) duration: 7 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:38:06.848 1623 1663 E Region : Region::unflatten() failed, invalid region 05-08 23:38:06.864 2117 2117 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: onDraw 05-08 23:38:06.865 1623 3559 E Region : Region::unflatten() failed, invalid region 05-08 23:38:06.881 1623 3559 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_10 identical 4 lines 05-08 23:38:06.881 1623 3559 E Region : Region::unflatten() failed, invalid region 05-08 23:38:06.884 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:38:06.885 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 6 lines 05-08 23:38:06.885 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:38:06.897 1623 3559 E Region : Region::unflatten() failed, invalid region 05-08 23:38:06.897 1623 3559 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_10 identical 1 line 05-08 23:38:06.897 1623 3559 E Region : Region::unflatten() failed, invalid region 05-08 23:38:06.899 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:38:06.900 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 6 lines 05-08 23:38:06.900 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:38:06.915 1623 3559 E Region : Region::unflatten() failed, invalid region 05-08 23:38:06.915 1623 3559 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_10 identical 1 line 05-08 23:38:06.915 1623 3559 E Region : Region::unflatten() failed, invalid region 05-08 23:38:06.917 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:38:06.917 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 4 lines 05-08 23:38:06.917 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:38:06.931 1623 3559 E Region : Region::unflatten() failed, invalid region 05-08 23:38:06.931 1623 3559 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_10 identical 1 line 05-08 23:38:06.931 1623 3559 E Region : Region::unflatten() failed, invalid region 05-08 23:38:06.933 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:38:07.199 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 126 lines 05-08 23:38:07.199 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:38:07.308 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:07.310 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.35ms> 05-08 23:38:07.313 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <0.94ms> 05-08 23:38:07.336 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:07.339 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:07.339 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:07.339 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:07.339 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:07.339 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:07.339 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:07.339 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:07.339 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.51ms> 05-08 23:38:07.340 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:38:07.342 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:38:07.506 13321 13342 I iui.audioeffec: ProcessProfilingInfo new_methods=0 is saved saved_to_disk=0 resolve_classes_delay=8000 05-08 23:38:08.340 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:08.340 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:08.340 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:08.340 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:08.340 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:08.340 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:08.340 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:08.359 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:08.361 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.04ms> 05-08 23:38:08.365 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.05ms> 05-08 23:38:08.404 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:08.409 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.49ms> 05-08 23:38:08.411 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:38:08.413 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:38:08.694 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:09.140 1623 1684 I system_server: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 25162(1901KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(208KB) LOS objects, 39% free, 36MB/60MB, paused 768us total 294.512ms 05-08 23:38:09.267 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1894.0, y[0]=610.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=46821070, downTime=46821070, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:38:09.341 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:09.341 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:09.341 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:09.341 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:09.341 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:09.341 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:09.341 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:09.567 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1894.0, y[0]=610.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=46821070, downTime=46821070, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:38:09.568 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControlsThenHide() called 05-08 23:38:09.569 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$VideoPlayer$idNm3WgGoh2a7qLtpQkChoykaww@455a428 05-08 23:38:09.573 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: showSystemUi() called 05-08 23:38:09.605 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:38:09.605 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:38:09.890 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [2000] 05-08 23:38:10.104 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:38:10.285 1623 3559 D PerfShielderService: org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release|org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.player.MainVideoPlayer|190|46821779937346|51|5|7 05-08 23:38:10.286 3295 5830 W MiuiPerfServiceClient: interceptAndQueuing:13200|org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release|190|51|unknown|null|org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.player.MainVideoPlayer|46821779937346|Slow issue draw commands|7 05-08 23:38:10.343 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:10.343 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:10.343 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:10.343 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:10.343 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:10.343 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:10.343 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:10.508 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: onClick() called with: v = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView{70f2c4d VFED..C.. ...P.... 1666,28-1804,124 #7f0901f4 app:id/qualityTextView}] 05-08 23:38:10.508 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: onQualitySelectorClicked() called 05-08 23:38:10.576 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControls() called 05-08 23:38:10.577 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:10.577 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{c4f2edc V.E...... ........ 0,0-2340,1080 #7f0901d9 app:id/playbackControlRoot}] 05-08 23:38:10.578 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$eCIZF2nq3h5dn5dxXelgzHD1NXk@ad016a5 05-08 23:38:10.578 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{c4f2edc V.E...... ......ID 0,0-2340,1080 #7f0901d9 app:id/playbackControlRoot}] 05-08 23:38:11.198 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:38:11.344 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:11.344 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:11.344 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:11.344 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:11.344 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:11.344 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:11.344 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:11.523 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: onMenuItemClick() called with: menuItem = [MPEG-4 720p], menuItem.getItemId = [1] 05-08 23:38:11.523 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Setting recovery, queue: 0, pos: 10478 05-08 23:38:11.524 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@250930452: close() called. 05-08 23:38:11.534 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: onDismiss() called with: menu = [android.widget.PopupMenu@d4123ba] 05-08 23:38:11.534 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [0] 05-08 23:38:11.534 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: hideSystemUi() called 05-08 23:38:11.573 13200 13200 D PlayQueue@fcf3170: Received broadcast: RECOVERY. Current index: 0, play queue length: 1. 05-08 23:38:11.574 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@217279222: maybeBlock() called. 05-08 23:38:11.574 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Playback - onPlaybackBlock() called 05-08 23:38:11.574 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:38:11.575 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Playback - onMetadataChanged() called, playing: HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito 05-08 23:38:11.575 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Thumbnail - initThumbnail() called 05-08 23:38:11.575 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Thumbnail - onLoadingStarted() called on: imageUri = [https://i.ytimg.com/vi_webp/8tkQBi-jcHw/maxresdefault.webp], view = [null] 05-08 23:38:11.575 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Thumbnail - onLoadingComplete() called with: imageUri = [https://i.ytimg.com/vi_webp/8tkQBi-jcHw/maxresdefault.webp], view = [null], loadedImage = [android.graphics.Bitmap@76d8e22] 05-08 23:38:11.579 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onPlayerStateChanged() called with: playWhenReady = [true], playbackState = [1] 05-08 23:38:11.581 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: changeState() called with: state = [123] 05-08 23:38:11.581 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: onBlocked() called 05-08 23:38:11.582 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:11.583 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:loading_panel] [ALPHA 0:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:11.584 13200 13295 D AudioTrack: pause(sessionID=2113) 05-08 23:38:11.585 879 20278 E AudioFlinger: open /proc/13200/cmdline error 05-08 23:38:11.585 879 20278 I AudioFlinger: setAppName(), name=[], active=[0] 05-08 23:38:11.586 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [View:surfaceForeground] [ALPHA 100:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:11.587 13200 13354 D AudioTrack: stop(328): prior state:STATE_FLUSHED 05-08 23:38:11.589 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatImageButton:playPauseButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 100:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:11.589 13200 13354 D AudioTrack: ~AudioTrack(sessionID=2113) 05-08 23:38:11.590 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatImageButton:playPreviousButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 100:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:11.591 13200 13354 D AudioTrack: stop(328): prior state:STATE_FLUSHED 05-08 23:38:11.591 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatImageButton:playNextButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 100:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:11.591 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatButton:closeButton] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:11.591 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatButton{ff6a147 GFED..C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f090080 app:id/closeButton}] 05-08 23:38:11.591 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@217279222: resetSources() called. 05-08 23:38:11.591 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@217279222: populateSources() called. 05-08 23:38:11.592 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@217279222: MediaSource - loadImmediate() called 05-08 23:38:11.592 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@217279222: MediaSource - maybeClearLoaders() called. 05-08 23:38:11.592 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@217279222: maybeLoadItem() called. 05-08 23:38:11.592 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@217279222: MediaSource - Loading=[HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito] with url=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw] 05-08 23:38:11.592 13200 13262 D InfoCache: getFromKey() called with: serviceId = [0], url = [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw] 05-08 23:38:11.593 13200 13262 D ExtractorHelper: loadFromCache() called, info > StreamInfo[url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw", name="HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito"] 05-08 23:38:11.600 13200 13311 D SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0x7218641010, reason disconnectFromSurface 05-08 23:38:11.602 1083 17596 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_deinit() complete 05-08 23:38:11.605 1083 17596 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Exit OMX vdec Destructor: fd=10 05-08 23:38:11.605 1083 17596 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Video slvp perflock acquired 05-08 23:38:11.612 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@217279222: MediaSource - Loaded=[HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito] with url=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw] 05-08 23:38:11.612 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@217279222: MediaSource - Updating index=[0] with title=[HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito] at url=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw] 05-08 23:38:11.623 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@217279222: maybeUnblock() called. 05-08 23:38:11.623 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Playback - onPlaybackUnblock() called 05-08 23:38:11.623 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: changeState() called with: state = [125] 05-08 23:38:11.623 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: onBuffering() called 05-08 23:38:11.624 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onTimelineChanged() called with no manifest, timeline size = [0], reason = [1] 05-08 23:38:11.624 13200 13295 D CacheFactory: initExoPlayerCache: cacheDir = /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/cache/exoplayer 05-08 23:38:11.624 13200 13295 W CacheDataSink: fragmentSize is below the minimum recommended value of 2097152. This may cause poor cache performance. 05-08 23:38:11.626 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onTracksChanged(), track group size = 0 05-08 23:38:11.626 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onPlayerStateChanged() called with: playWhenReady = [true], playbackState = [2] 05-08 23:38:11.627 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@217279222: maybeSync() called. 05-08 23:38:11.627 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Playback - onPlaybackSynchronize() called with item=[HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito], url=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tkQBi-jcHw] 05-08 23:38:11.627 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Playback - Rewinding to correct index=[0], from=[0], size=[0]. 05-08 23:38:11.627 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onPositionDiscontinuity() called with reason = [1] 05-08 23:38:11.628 13200 13295 D CacheFactory: initExoPlayerCache: cacheDir = /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/cache/exoplayer 05-08 23:38:11.629 13200 13295 W CacheDataSink: fragmentSize is below the minimum recommended value of 2097152. This may cause poor cache performance. 05-08 23:38:11.634 662 13358 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:38:11.636 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onTimelineChanged() called with no manifest, timeline size = [1], reason = [0] 05-08 23:38:11.636 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Playback - onMetadataChanged() called, playing: HALF LIFE - Cap 1 - La lío parda empujando un carrito 05-08 23:38:11.636 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Thumbnail - initThumbnail() called 05-08 23:38:11.637 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Thumbnail - onLoadingStarted() called on: imageUri = [https://i.ytimg.com/vi_webp/8tkQBi-jcHw/maxresdefault.webp], view = [null] 05-08 23:38:11.637 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: Thumbnail - onLoadingComplete() called with: imageUri = [https://i.ytimg.com/vi_webp/8tkQBi-jcHw/maxresdefault.webp], view = [null], loadedImage = [android.graphics.Bitmap@76d8e22] 05-08 23:38:11.642 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:38:11.642 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onSeekProcessed() called 05-08 23:38:11.642 13200 13200 D PlayQueue@fcf3170: Received broadcast: RECOVERY. Current index: 0, play queue length: 1. 05-08 23:38:11.721 5144 5236 I PowerCheckerService: uid:10346change to inactive 05-08 23:38:11.721 5144 5225 I AppActiveChecker: uid:10346change to inactive 05-08 23:38:11.722 768 861 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:38:11.722 768 861 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable 05-08 23:38:11.722 768 861 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_VOL_STEP_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:38:11.722 768 861 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 0 05-08 23:38:11.722 768 861 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000271B 05-08 23:38:11.722 768 861 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19 05-08 23:38:11.722 768 861 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 40 05-08 23:38:11.722 768 861 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 05-08 23:38:11.722 1623 1693 D ProcessManager: add temp remove audio inactive uid : 10346 05-08 23:38:11.723 879 1214 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: stopOutput portId 328 05-08 23:38:11.724 879 1214 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevices selected devices AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE 05-08 23:38:11.725 879 1214 W AudioFlinger: moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session 0 not on source thread 0x734085ef00 05-08 23:38:11.726 768 861 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:38:11.726 768 861 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 05-08 23:38:11.885 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:38:11.885 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:38:11.894 13200 13229 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x728922c400 (MenuPopupWindow$MenuDropDownListView) with handle 0x72299479c0 05-08 23:38:11.915 13200 13200 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 05-08 23:38:12.053 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@217279222: MediaSource - loadImmediate() called 05-08 23:38:12.053 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@217279222: MediaSource - maybeClearLoaders() called. 05-08 23:38:12.053 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@217279222: maybeLoadItem() called. 05-08 23:38:12.094 13200 13357 D MetadataUtil: Skipped unknown metadata entry: gsst 05-08 23:38:12.094 13200 13357 D MetadataUtil: Skipped unknown metadata entry: gstd 05-08 23:38:12.322 1623 2083 D ProcessManager: real remove inactive uid : 10346 flag : 1 05-08 23:38:12.324 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onTracksChanged(), track group size = 3 05-08 23:38:12.329 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onTimelineChanged() called with no manifest, timeline size = [1], reason = [2] 05-08 23:38:12.345 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:12.345 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:12.345 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:12.345 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:12.345 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:12.345 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:12.345 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:12.441 13200 13360 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 05-08 23:38:12.441 1083 2291 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc) in android.hardwar process 05-08 23:38:12.447 1083 2291 E : Service not available yet 05-08 23:38:12.449 1083 2291 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter 05-08 23:38:12.450 1083 2291 D PlatformConfig: getConfigStoreBool: vpp/enable=false, returning false 05-08 23:38:12.451 1083 2291 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter 05-08 23:38:12.451 1083 2291 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_dec_log_in value: 0 05-08 23:38:12.451 1083 2291 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter 05-08 23:38:12.451 1083 2291 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_dec_log_out value: 0 05-08 23:38:12.451 1083 2291 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter 05-08 23:38:12.451 1083 2291 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_dec_hfr_fps value: 0 05-08 23:38:12.451 1083 2291 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter 05-08 23:38:12.451 1083 2291 D PlatformConfig: getInt32 Config name: vidc_dec_arb_mode_override value: 4 05-08 23:38:12.452 1083 2291 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Video slvp perflock released 05-08 23:38:12.453 1083 2291 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: component_init: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc : fd=10 05-08 23:38:12.453 1083 2291 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Unsupported output color format for c2d (2141391876) 05-08 23:38:12.453 1083 2291 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Setting color format failed 05-08 23:38:12.456 1083 2291 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter 05-08 23:38:12.456 1083 2291 D PlatformConfig: getInt32: Returning default 05-08 23:38:12.456 1083 2291 D PlatformConfig: getInstance: Enter 05-08 23:38:12.456 1083 2291 D PlatformConfig: getInt32: Returning default 05-08 23:38:12.457 1083 2291 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_init() success : fd=10 05-08 23:38:12.461 13200 13359 D SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0x7229525010, reason connectToSurface 05-08 23:38:12.462 13200 13359 I MediaCodec: [OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc] setting surface generation to 13516802 05-08 23:38:12.462 13200 13359 D SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0x7229525010, reason connectToSurface(reconnect) 05-08 23:38:12.462 13200 13359 D SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0x7229525010, reason connectToSurface(reconnect) 05-08 23:38:12.462 1083 2291 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeANWBufferInMetadata not implemented 05-08 23:38:12.462 1083 2291 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: OMX.google.android.index.configureVideoTunnelMode not implemented 05-08 23:38:12.462 1083 2291 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: OMX.google.android.index.useAndroidNativeBuffer is supported 05-08 23:38:12.462 1083 2291 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: get_parameter: unknown param 7f000046 05-08 23:38:12.462 1083 2291 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(0xedb2f784:qcom.decoder.avc, ??(0x7f000046)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a) 05-08 23:38:12.463 1083 2291 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Enable/Disable allocate-native-handle allowed only on input port! 05-08 23:38:12.463 1083 2291 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: set_parameter: Error: 0x80001019, setting param 0x7f00005d 05-08 23:38:12.463 1083 2291 E OMXNodeInstance: setParameter(0xedb2f784:qcom.decoder.avc, OMX.google.android.index.allocateNativeHandle(0x7f00005d): Output:1 en=0) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019) 05-08 23:38:12.463 1083 2291 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: OMX.google.android.index.storeANWBufferInMetadata not implemented 05-08 23:38:12.463 13200 13360 I ExtendedACodec: setupVideoDecoder() 05-08 23:38:12.465 1083 2668 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: OMX.google.android.index.describeHDR10PlusInfo not implemented 05-08 23:38:12.466 13200 13360 I ExtendedACodec: Decoder will be in frame by frame mode 05-08 23:38:12.467 1083 2668 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Does not handle dataspace request 05-08 23:38:12.467 1083 2668 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xedb2f784:qcom.decoder.avc, ??(0x7f000062)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019) 05-08 23:38:12.487 1083 2668 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: OMX.google.android.index.AndroidNativeBufferConsumerUsage not implemented 05-08 23:38:12.487 13200 13360 D SurfaceUtils: set up nativeWindow 0x7229525010 for 1280x720, color 0x7fa30c06, rotation 0, usage 0x20002900 05-08 23:38:12.502 13200 13365 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 05-08 23:38:12.503 1083 2668 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.aac.decoder) in android.hardwar process 05-08 23:38:12.506 1083 2668 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(0xf08a96e0:google.aac.decoder, ConfigPriority(0x6f800002)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001) 05-08 23:38:12.506 13200 13365 I ACodec : codec does not support config priority (err -2147483648) 05-08 23:38:12.508 1083 2668 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(0xf08a96e0:google.aac.decoder, ConfigPriority(0x6f800002)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001) 05-08 23:38:12.508 13200 13365 I ACodec : codec does not support config priority (err -2147483648) 05-08 23:38:12.509 1083 2668 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(0xf08a96e0:google.aac.decoder, ConfigOperatingRate(0x6f800003)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001) 05-08 23:38:12.509 13200 13365 I ACodec : codec does not support config operating rate (err -2147483648) 05-08 23:38:12.509 1083 2668 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xf08a96e0:google.aac.decoder, ConfigAndroidVendorExtension(0x6f100004)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001) 05-08 23:38:12.510 13200 13365 W ExtendedACodec: Failed to get extension for extradata parameter 05-08 23:38:12.670 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:12.672 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <0.73ms> 05-08 23:38:12.676 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <1.86ms> 05-08 23:38:12.701 1083 13366 I SoftAAC2: Reconfiguring decoder: 0->44100 Hz, 0->2 channels 05-08 23:38:12.721 1083 3068 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Does not handle dataspace request 05-08 23:38:12.721 1083 3068 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xedb2f784:qcom.decoder.avc, ??(0x7f000062)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019) 05-08 23:38:12.727 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:12.728 13200 13295 D AudioTrack: set(sessionID=0) 05-08 23:38:12.728 13200 13295 D AudioTrack: set(): streamType -1, sampleRate 44100, format 0x1, channelMask 0x3, frameCount 14144, flags #0, notificationFrames 0, sessionId 0, transferType 3, uid -1, pid -1 05-08 23:38:12.729 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: adev_get_parameters:audio_game_sound_volume_gap_switch 05-08 23:38:12.729 768 861 D audio_hw_spkr_prot: fbsp_get_parameters: Speaker protection disabled 05-08 23:38:12.729 768 861 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_get_parameters input string 05-08 23:38:12.729 768 861 D soundtrigger: extract_sm_handle input string param string 05-08 23:38:12.729 768 861 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_get_parameters: Enter 05-08 23:38:12.729 768 861 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_get_parameters: returns 05-08 23:38:12.729 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: adev_get_parameters: exit: returns - audio_game_sound_volume_gap_switch=off 05-08 23:38:12.729 879 7273 I hash_map_utils: key: 'audio_game_sound_volume_gap_switch' value: '' 05-08 23:38:12.731 879 7273 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForAttrInt() device {type:0x2,@:}, sampling rate 44100, format 0x1, channel mask 0x3, flags 0x8 stream AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC 05-08 23:38:12.731 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: adev_get_parameters:vr_audio_mode_on 05-08 23:38:12.731 768 861 I audio_hw_primary: getting vr mode to 0 05-08 23:38:12.731 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: adev_get_parameters: exit: returns - vr_audio_mode_on=false 05-08 23:38:12.731 879 7273 I hash_map_utils: key: 'vr_audio_mode_on' value: '' 05-08 23:38:12.732 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:38:12.732 879 7273 I AudioPolicyManagerCustom: VR mode is 0, switch to primary output if request is for fast|raw 05-08 23:38:12.732 879 7273 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForAttrInt returns output 29 selectedDeviceId 3 05-08 23:38:12.732 879 7273 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForAttr() returns output 29 requestedPortId 0 selectedDeviceId 3 for port ID 329 05-08 23:38:12.733 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.28ms> 05-08 23:38:12.734 879 7273 I AudioFlinger: create audiotrack for org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release uid 10346 05-08 23:38:12.734 879 7273 D AudioFlinger: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 7072 for frameCount 14144 05-08 23:38:12.734 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:38:12.735 879 7273 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:333 usage:1 not muted 05-08 23:38:12.745 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:38:12.745 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:38:12.745 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:38:12.749 1083 17596 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: OMX.QTI.index.config.video.getdsmode not implemented 05-08 23:38:12.751 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: onReceive 05-08 23:38:12.751 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Action: android.media.action.OPEN_AUDIO_EFFECT_CONTROL_SESSION 05-08 23:38:12.751 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Package name: org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release 05-08 23:38:12.751 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Audio session: 2121 05-08 23:38:12.751 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10030, uidState = 12 05-08 23:38:12.751 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelEffect: openSession(android.app.ReceiverRestrictedContext@f4f84bc, org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release, 2121) 05-08 23:38:12.752 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10030,old:20,new:12 05-08 23:38:12.752 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10030,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:38:12.752 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:12,uid:10030,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:38:12.752 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:38:12.752 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:38:12.752 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:38:12.754 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: onReceive 05-08 23:38:12.754 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Action: android.media.action.OPEN_AUDIO_EFFECT_CONTROL_SESSION 05-08 23:38:12.754 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Package name: org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release 05-08 23:38:12.754 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelReceiver: Audio session: 2121 05-08 23:38:12.754 13321 13321 V MusicFXControlPanelEffect: openSession(android.app.ReceiverRestrictedContext@f4f84bc, org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release, 2121) 05-08 23:38:12.765 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10030, uidState = 20 05-08 23:38:12.765 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10030,old:12,new:20 05-08 23:38:12.765 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:12,uid:10030,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:38:12.765 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10030,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:38:12.793 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: onVideoSizeChanged() called with: width / height = [1280 / 720 = 1.7777778], unappliedRotationDegrees = [0], pixelWidthHeightRatio = [1.0] 05-08 23:38:12.794 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [View:surfaceForeground] [ALPHA 100:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:12.801 879 1214 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: startOutput portId 329 05-08 23:38:12.801 879 1214 W AudioFlinger: moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session 0 not on source thread 0x7348f8c100 05-08 23:38:12.801 879 1214 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevices selected devices {type:0x2,@:} 05-08 23:38:12.804 879 7273 E AudioFlinger: open /proc/13200/cmdline error 05-08 23:38:12.804 879 7273 I AudioFlinger: setAppName(), name=[], active=[1] 05-08 23:38:12.805 1623 1693 D ProcessManager: add audio active uid : 10346 05-08 23:38:12.805 5144 5236 I PowerCheckerService: uid:10346 change to active 05-08 23:38:12.806 5144 5225 I AppActiveChecker: uid:10346 change to active 05-08 23:38:12.807 768 1460 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:38:12.807 768 1460 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable 05-08 23:38:12.807 768 1460 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_VOL_STEP_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:38:12.807 768 1460 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 5 05-08 23:38:12.807 768 1460 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000271B 05-08 23:38:12.807 768 1460 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19 05-08 23:38:12.807 768 1460 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 40 05-08 23:38:12.807 768 1460 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 05-08 23:38:12.811 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onPlayerStateChanged() called with: playWhenReady = [true], playbackState = [3] 05-08 23:38:12.812 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: onPrepared() called with: playWhenReady = [true] 05-08 23:38:12.813 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: onPrepared() called with: playWhenReady = [true] 05-08 23:38:12.813 1623 4549 I MediaFocusControl: requestAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10346/13200 clientId=android.media.AudioManager@fafce81org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.AudioReactor@1c0033 callingPack=org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release req=1 flags=0x3 sdk=28 05-08 23:38:12.814 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: changeState() called with: state = [124] 05-08 23:38:12.814 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: onPlaying() called 05-08 23:38:12.815 13200 13295 D AudioTrack: getTimestamp_l(329): device stall time corrected using current time 46824627082032 05-08 23:38:12.819 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showAndAnimateControl() called with: drawableId = [-1], goneOnEnd = [true] 05-08 23:38:12.822 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatTextView:currentDisplaySeek] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:12.822 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView{e6dcff0 G.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f090093 app:id/currentDisplaySeek}] 05-08 23:38:12.823 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatImageButton:playPauseButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 80:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$kSp-MYcecQHMgsn1OFnEOzIeQD4@99cbb60 05-08 23:38:12.823 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageButton{3dcbfee GFED..C.. ......I. 1032,402-1307,677 #7f0901d2 app:id/playPauseButton}] 05-08 23:38:12.824 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [AppCompatImageButton:playPauseButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:12.826 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [AppCompatImageButton:playPreviousButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:12.828 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [AppCompatImageButton:playNextButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:12.829 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatButton:closeButton] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:38:12.829 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatButton{ff6a147 GFED..C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f090080 app:id/closeButton}] 05-08 23:38:13.102 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1914.0, y[0]=555.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=46824908, downTime=46824908, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:38:13.131 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControlsThenHide() called 05-08 23:38:13.131 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$VideoPlayer$idNm3WgGoh2a7qLtpQkChoykaww@78aab7 05-08 23:38:13.346 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:13.346 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:13.346 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:13.346 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:13.346 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:13.346 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:13.346 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:13.402 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1914.0, y[0]=555.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=46824908, downTime=46824908, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:38:13.402 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [0] 05-08 23:38:13.403 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$jCHp9ApB3JtV_0qS3NgJQCjOVHc@25c39af 05-08 23:38:13.422 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:38:13.560 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: hideSystemUi() called 05-08 23:38:13.651 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:38:13.743 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:13.745 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.42ms> 05-08 23:38:13.749 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <1.42ms> 05-08 23:38:13.780 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:13.784 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.70ms> 05-08 23:38:13.784 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:38:13.786 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:38:13.936 1013 1013 I CNSS : failed to rename /data/vendor/wlan_logs/cnss_fw_logs_current.txt with /data/vendor/wlan_logs/cnss_fw_logs_002.txt 05-08 23:38:13.936 3067 3067 I CNSS : cnss_open_log_file: directory /data/vendor/wlan_logs/ created 05-08 23:38:13.959 1013 1013 I CNSS : cnss_open_log_file: directory /data/vendor/wlan_logs/ created 05-08 23:38:14.348 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:14.348 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:14.348 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:14.348 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:14.348 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:14.348 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:14.348 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:14.808 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:14.814 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <4.72ms> 05-08 23:38:14.821 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <3.19ms> 05-08 23:38:14.858 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:14.862 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.45ms> 05-08 23:38:14.862 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:38:14.864 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:38:15.109 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:38:15.350 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:15.350 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:15.350 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:15.350 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:15.350 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:15.350 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:15.350 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:15.983 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:38:15.983 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:38:15.983 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:38:15.989 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:38:16.352 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:16.352 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:16.352 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:16.352 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:16.352 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:16.352 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:16.352 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:18.354 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:38:19.357 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:19.357 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:19.357 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:19.357 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:19.357 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:19.357 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:19.357 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:19.460 2117 2532 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): getDataNetTypeFromServiceState slotId=0 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false 05-08 23:38:19.460 2117 2532 D NetworkTypeUtils: getDataNetTypeFromServiceState:srcDataNetType = 13, destDataNetType 13 05-08 23:38:19.464 2117 2532 D MobileSignalController: updateDataType mSelectedDataTypeIcon[0]=2131233070, mSelectedDataActivityIndex=6 05-08 23:38:19.464 2117 2532 D TelephonyIcons: getSignalStrengthIcon: slot=0, inetCondition=1, level=3, roaming=false, signalstrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-83 rsrp=-110 rsrq=-11 rssnr=14 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 miuiLevel=3 level=2,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiSinr = 2147483647 ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 level = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte} 05-08 23:38:19.467 2117 2532 D TelephonyIcons: null signal icon name: drawable/stat_sys_signal_null 05-08 23:38:19.468 2117 2532 D TelephonyIcons: getDataTypeIcon sub=0 05-08 23:38:19.511 2117 2117 D BluetoothController: fireStateChange 05-08 23:38:19.819 2117 2532 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): getDataNetTypeFromServiceState slotId=0 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false 05-08 23:38:19.820 2117 2532 D NetworkTypeUtils: getDataNetTypeFromServiceState:srcDataNetType = 13, destDataNetType 13 05-08 23:38:19.822 2117 2532 D MobileSignalController: updateDataType mSelectedDataTypeIcon[0]=2131233070, mSelectedDataActivityIndex=6 05-08 23:38:19.822 2117 2532 D TelephonyIcons: getSignalStrengthIcon: slot=0, inetCondition=1, level=3, roaming=false, signalstrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-83 rsrp=-110 rsrq=-11 rssnr=14 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 miuiLevel=3 level=2,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiSinr = 2147483647 ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 level = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte} 05-08 23:38:19.824 2117 2532 D TelephonyIcons: null signal icon name: drawable/stat_sys_signal_null 05-08 23:38:19.824 2117 2532 D TelephonyIcons: getDataTypeIcon sub=0 05-08 23:38:20.358 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:20.358 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:20.358 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:20.358 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:20.358 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:20.358 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:20.358 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:33.385 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 13 lines 05-08 23:38:34.387 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:34.387 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:34.387 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:34.387 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:34.387 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:34.387 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:34.387 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:34.760 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:38:35.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:35.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:35.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:35.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:35.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:35.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:35.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:35.669 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:35.826 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:38:35.841 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:35.844 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.66ms> 05-08 23:38:35.851 5144 5144 I PowerKeeperBackgroundService: onStartCommand() 05-08 23:38:35.851 5144 5144 I PowerKeeperService: onAlarm 05-08 23:38:35.854 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <6.94ms> 05-08 23:38:35.862 1623 1983 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:38:35.862 1623 1983 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:38:35.863 1623 1983 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:38:35.865 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:35.833 1623 1983 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AlarmManager identical 2 lines 05-08 23:38:35.833 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:38:35.868 1623 2050 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:38:35.869 1623 2053 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:38:35.884 1623 2075 I AutoStartManagerService: MIUILOG- Reject service :Intent { cmp=com.spanishcoders.pepephone/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService } userId : 0 uid : 10215 05-08 23:38:35.889 1623 2075 I JobServiceContext: MIUILOG- Reject Start Job, cancelJob uid : 10215 jobId :45011 05-08 23:38:35.889 1623 2075 D JobScheduler: Error executing JobStatus{3ca416a #u0a215/45011 com.spanishcoders.pepephone/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService u=0 s=10215 TIME=-64ms:+14m59s936ms PERIODIC READY} 05-08 23:38:35.879 548 548 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwservicemanage identical 1 line 05-08 23:38:35.908 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:35.913 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:38:35.913 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:38:35.913 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:38:35.916 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:35.919 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:35.922 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.26ms> 05-08 23:38:35.923 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:38:35.928 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:38:35.931 1623 2397 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:38:35.938 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10215, uidState = 20 05-08 23:38:35.955 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:35.962 1623 2397 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:38:35.962 1623 2397 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:38:35.962 1623 2397 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:38:35.964 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:35.972 663 663 D Zygote : Forked child process 13372 05-08 23:38:35.975 1623 1695 D Boost : hostingType=broadcast, hostingName={com.spanishcoders.pepephone/com.spanishcoders.pepephone.widget.PepephoneWidget}, callerPackage=android, isSystem=true, isBoostNeeded=false. 05-08 23:38:35.976 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:35.979 662 20292 D OemNetd : setPidForPackage: packageName=com.spanishcoders.pepephone, pid=13372, pid=10215 05-08 23:38:35.979 1623 1695 I ActivityManager: Start proc 13372:com.spanishcoders.pepephone/u0a215 for broadcast {com.spanishcoders.pepephone/com.spanishcoders.pepephone.widget.PepephoneWidget} caller=android 05-08 23:38:35.985 13372 13372 E oders.pepephon: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 05-08 23:38:35.994 1623 2397 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:38:36.003 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:38:36.003 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:38:36.003 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:38:36.008 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:38:36.008 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:38:36.008 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:38:36.010 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10215, uidState = 12 05-08 23:38:36.010 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10215,old:20,new:12 05-08 23:38:36.010 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:38:36.010 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:12,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:38:36.035 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.053 13372 13372 W oders.pepephon: Insufficient pre-allocated space to mmap vdex. 05-08 23:38:36.085 13372 13372 I Perf : Connecting to perf service. 05-08 23:38:35.998 1623 2397 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_6 identical 140 lines 05-08 23:38:35.998 1623 2397 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:38:36.097 1623 1663 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:38:36.102 1623 1663 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1623_1 identical 139 lines 05-08 23:38:36.102 1623 1663 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:38:36.105 1623 4549 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:38:36.159 13372 13372 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 05-08 23:38:36.160 13372 13372 D ReactNativeFirebaseApp: received application context. 05-08 23:38:36.223 13372 13372 D libcrashlytics: Initializing libcrashlytics version 2.0.5 05-08 23:38:36.224 13372 13372 D libcrashlytics: Initializing native crash handling successful. 05-08 23:38:36.225 13372 13394 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version: 19000 05-08 23:38:36.225 13372 13394 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 05-08 23:38:36.225 13372 13394 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 05-08 23:38:36.225 13372 13394 I FA : adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.spanishcoders.pepephone 05-08 23:38:36.227 13372 13372 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics Core 05-08 23:38:36.240 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.241 13372 13372 I RNFBCrashlyticsInit: initialization successful 05-08 23:38:36.243 13372 13372 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping initialization 05-08 23:38:36.246 1623 1663 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:38:36.246 1623 1663 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:38:36.246 1623 1663 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:38:36.247 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.253 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 11 05-08 23:38:36.253 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:14,new:11 05-08 23:38:36.276 13372 13372 I FeatureParser: can't find pyxis.xml in assets/device_features/,it may be in /system/etc/device_features 05-08 23:38:36.272 13372 13372 W oders.pepephone: type=1400 audit(0.0:8887): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=19913 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c215,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.279 13372 13372 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.df.effect.conflict" 05-08 23:38:36.281 13372 13372 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 05-08 23:38:36.281 13372 13372 I MultiDex: Installing application 05-08 23:38:36.281 13372 13372 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 05-08 23:38:36.282 13372 13372 D SoLoader: init start 05-08 23:38:36.282 13372 13372 D SoLoader: adding system library source: /vendor/lib 05-08 23:38:36.282 13372 13372 D SoLoader: adding system library source: /system/lib 05-08 23:38:36.283 13372 13372 D SoLoader: adding application source: com.facebook.soloader.DirectorySoSource[root = /data/app/com.spanishcoders.pepephone-cer4p4VukWTbUpqktxUpGg==/lib/arm64 flags = 0] 05-08 23:38:36.283 13372 13372 D SoLoader: adding backup source from : com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/com.spanishcoders.pepephone/lib-main flags = 1] 05-08 23:38:36.284 13372 13372 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: com.facebook.soloader.DirectorySoSource[root = /system/lib flags = 2] 05-08 23:38:36.284 13372 13372 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: com.facebook.soloader.DirectorySoSource[root = /vendor/lib flags = 2] 05-08 23:38:36.284 13372 13372 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: com.facebook.soloader.DirectorySoSource[root = /data/app/com.spanishcoders.pepephone-cer4p4VukWTbUpqktxUpGg==/lib/arm64 flags = 0] 05-08 23:38:36.284 13372 13372 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/com.spanishcoders.pepephone/lib-main flags = 1] 05-08 23:38:36.285 13372 13372 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store /data/user/0/com.spanishcoders.pepephone/lib-main 05-08 23:38:36.286 13372 13416 W CrashlyticsCore: No minidump data found in directory /data/user/0/com.spanishcoders.pepephone/files/.Fabric/com.crashlytics.sdk.android.crashlytics-ndk/native/1588957805337 05-08 23:38:36.290 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.291 13372 13372 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date: /data/user/0/com.spanishcoders.pepephone/lib-main 05-08 23:38:36.291 13372 13372 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for /data/user/0/com.spanishcoders.pepephone/lib-main 05-08 23:38:36.291 13372 13372 D SoLoader: init finish: 4 SO sources prepared 05-08 23:38:36.291 13372 13372 D SoLoader: init exiting 05-08 23:38:36.293 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:38:36.294 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 12 05-08 23:38:36.294 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:11,new:12 05-08 23:38:36.297 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: onReceive action: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE 05-08 23:38:36.297 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: onReceive action: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE 05-08 23:38:36.298 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: update 05-08 23:38:36.298 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: update 05-08 23:38:36.298 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: updating widget 9 05-08 23:38:36.298 13372 13372 D com.spanishcoders.pepephone.widget.PepephoneWidget: updateAppWidget 9 05-08 23:38:36.306 13372 13372 D com.spanishcoders.pepephone.widget.PepephoneWidget: active line 665011237 05-08 23:38:36.306 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.311 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:38:36.311 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:38:36.311 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:38:36.312 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.312 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: updating widget 17 05-08 23:38:36.312 13372 13372 D com.spanishcoders.pepephone.widget.PepephoneWidget: updateAppWidget 17 05-08 23:38:36.315 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 9 05-08 23:38:36.315 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:12,new:9 05-08 23:38:36.315 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10215, uidState = 9 05-08 23:38:36.315 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10215,old:12,new:9 05-08 23:38:36.316 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:12,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:38:36.316 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:9,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:38:36.316 13372 13419 E Perf : Fail to get file list com.spanishcoders.pepephone 05-08 23:38:36.316 13372 13419 E Perf : getFolderSize() : Exception_1 = java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to get length of null array 05-08 23:38:36.317 13372 13419 E Perf : Fail to get file list oat 05-08 23:38:36.317 13372 13419 E Perf : getFolderSize() : Exception_1 = java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to get length of null array 05-08 23:38:36.349 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.351 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.356 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 12 05-08 23:38:36.356 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:9,new:12 05-08 23:38:36.356 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10215, uidState = 12 05-08 23:38:36.356 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10215,old:9,new:12 05-08 23:38:36.356 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:9,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:38:36.356 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:12,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:38:36.356 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.358 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.368 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 11 05-08 23:38:36.368 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:12,new:11 05-08 23:38:36.368 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10215, uidState = 11 05-08 23:38:36.368 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10215,old:12,new:11 05-08 23:38:36.368 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:12,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:38:36.368 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:11,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:38:36.372 1623 3559 I ActivityManager: Killing 11684:com.google.android.gms.unstable/u999a36 (adj 995): empty #31 05-08 23:38:36.374 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:38:36.380 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.383 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:38:36.383 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:38:36.383 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:38:36.384 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.387 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:36.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:36.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:36.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:36.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:36.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:36.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:36.394 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10215, uidState = 20 05-08 23:38:36.394 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10215,old:11,new:20 05-08 23:38:36.394 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:11,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:38:36.394 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:38:36.394 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 14 05-08 23:38:36.394 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:11,new:14 05-08 23:38:36.395 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.399 548 548 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwservicemanage identical 1 line 05-08 23:38:36.403 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.406 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 11 05-08 23:38:36.406 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:14,new:11 05-08 23:38:36.410 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 14 05-08 23:38:36.410 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:11,new:14 05-08 23:38:36.423 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:38:36.423 663 663 I Zygote : Process 11684 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 05-08 23:38:36.424 1623 3559 D ProcessRecordInjector: Begin to report kill process events... 05-08 23:38:36.425 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:36.427 1623 1696 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 99910036 pid 11684 in 53ms 05-08 23:38:36.435 1623 2075 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:38:37.391 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:37.391 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:37.391 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:37.391 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:37.391 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:37.391 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:37.391 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:38.393 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:38:39.394 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:39.394 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:39.394 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:39.394 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:39.394 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:39.394 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:39.394 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:40.115 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:38:40.396 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:40.396 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:40.396 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:40.396 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:40.396 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:40.396 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:40.396 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:41.398 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:41.398 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:41.398 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:41.398 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:41.398 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:41.398 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:41.398 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:41.475 1623 1663 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 05-08 23:38:36.442 1623 2075 I chatty : uid=1000(system) miui.fg identical 140 lines 05-08 23:38:36.442 1623 2075 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:38:41.476 1623 2053 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:38:41.511 1623 2102 E AppScanObserverService: Result available, null observers for user: 0 05-08 23:38:41.511 3933 4138 W WifiMonitor: no need getAvailableWifis 05-08 23:38:41.511 3933 4138 W WifiMonitor: getScanResults has none 05-08 23:38:41.493 1623 2053 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiScanningSer identical 139 lines 05-08 23:38:41.493 1623 2053 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:38:41.511 1623 3559 E WifiService: Permission violation - getScanResults not allowed for uid=10036, packageName=com.google.android.gms, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: Location mode is disabled for the device 05-08 23:38:41.513 1623 1663 E WifiService: Permission violation - getScanResults not allowed for uid=99910036, packageName=com.google.android.gms, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: Location mode is disabled for the device 05-08 23:38:41.630 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:38:42.400 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:42.400 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:42.400 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:42.400 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:42.400 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:42.400 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:42.400 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:43.006 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:43.403 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:43.403 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:43.403 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:43.403 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:43.403 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:43.403 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:43.403 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:44.391 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:38:44.405 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:44.405 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:44.405 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:44.405 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:44.405 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:44.405 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:44.405 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:45.119 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:38:45.408 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:45.408 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:45.408 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:45.408 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:45.408 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:45.408 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:45.408 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:46.411 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:46.411 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:46.411 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:46.411 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:46.411 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:46.411 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:46.411 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:46.435 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:46.941 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:38:46.942 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:38:46.944 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:38:46.947 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:38:47.413 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:47.413 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:47.413 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:47.413 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:47.413 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:47.413 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:47.413 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:48.414 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:48.414 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:48.414 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:48.414 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:48.414 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:48.414 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:48.414 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:48.858 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:38:49.387 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10057, uidState = 15 05-08 23:38:49.416 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:49.416 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:49.416 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:49.416 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:49.416 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:49.416 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:49.416 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:49.619 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:38:49.921 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:49.926 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <3.04ms> 05-08 23:38:49.933 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <4.98ms> 05-08 23:38:49.970 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:49.975 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.66ms> 05-08 23:38:49.975 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:38:49.978 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:38:50.417 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:50.417 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:50.417 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:50.417 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:50.417 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:50.417 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:50.417 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:50.724 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:50.991 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:50.997 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:50.999 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.28ms> 05-08 23:38:51.001 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:51.008 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <3.45ms> 05-08 23:38:51.044 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:51.054 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:38:51.058 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.35ms> 05-08 23:38:51.058 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:38:51.061 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:38:51.083 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:51.092 548 548 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwservicemanage identical 2 lines 05-08 23:38:51.126 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:38:51.419 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:51.419 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:51.419 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:51.419 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:51.419 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:51.419 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:51.419 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:52.420 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:38:53.422 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:53.422 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:53.422 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:53.422 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:53.422 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:53.422 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:53.422 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:53.643 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:38:53.643 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:38:53.645 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:38:53.646 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:38:54.423 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:54.423 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:54.423 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:54.423 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:54.423 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:54.423 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:54.423 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:38:55.084 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:38:55.425 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:55.425 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:55.425 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:55.425 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:55.425 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:55.425 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:55.425 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:00.001 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:38:58.430 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 3 lines 05-08 23:38:59.432 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:38:59.432 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:38:59.432 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:38:59.432 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:38:59.432 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:38:59.432 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:38:59.432 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:00.011 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 05-08 23:39:00.434 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:00.434 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:00.434 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:00.434 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:00.434 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:00.434 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:00.434 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:04.447 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 4 lines 05-08 23:39:05.448 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:05.448 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:05.448 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:05.448 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:05.448 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:05.448 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:05.448 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:06.102 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:39:06.381 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:39:06.390 1623 2075 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:39:06.390 1623 2075 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:39:06.390 1623 2075 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:39:06.391 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:39:06.396 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10215, uidState = 9 05-08 23:39:06.396 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10215,old:20,new:9 05-08 23:39:06.396 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:39:06.396 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:9,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:39:06.420 13372 13432 D RNWorker: doWork ACTION_APPWIDGET_FETCH_DATA 05-08 23:39:06.420 13372 13432 D RNWorker: doWork ACTION_APPWIDGET_FETCH_DATA 05-08 23:39:06.426 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:39:06.426 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:39:06.426 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:39:06.428 13372 13372 D WIDGET_RECEIVER: onReceive action: ACTION_APPWIDGET_FETCH_DATA 05-08 23:39:06.429 13372 13372 D WIDGET_RECEIVER: onReceive action: ACTION_APPWIDGET_FETCH_DATA 05-08 23:39:06.429 13372 13372 D WIDGET_RECEIVER: fetchData 05-08 23:39:06.429 13372 13372 D WIDGET_RECEIVER: fetchData 05-08 23:39:06.429 13372 13372 D WIDGET_RECEIVER: authToken prefs: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.GgAHlbGUocwGRfl6OLNdQNU_v27JW1yOSfUhp65xfK4 05-08 23:39:06.429 13372 13372 I chatty : uid=10215(com.spanishcoders.pepephone) identical 2 lines 05-08 23:39:06.430 13372 13372 D WIDGET_RECEIVER: authToken prefs: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.GgAHlbGUocwGRfl6OLNdQNU_v27JW1yOSfUhp65xfK4 05-08 23:39:06.431 13372 13417 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=3a5cf360-d188-4dc9-8ba7-e690cb78c554, tags={ com.spanishcoders.pepephone.bridge.RNWorker, WIDGET_REFRESH_WORK_TAG } ] 05-08 23:39:06.434 13372 13372 D WIDGET_RECEIVER: fetchData services 05-08 23:39:06.434 13372 13372 D WIDGET_RECEIVER: fetchData services 05-08 23:39:06.438 13372 13372 D WIDGET_RECEIVER: fetchData consumption 665011237 05-08 23:39:06.438 13372 13372 D WIDGET_RECEIVER: fetchData consumption 665011237 05-08 23:39:06.449 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:39:06.449 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:06.449 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:06.449 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:06.449 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:06.449 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:06.449 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:06.449 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:06.451 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:39:06.455 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10215, uidState = 11 05-08 23:39:06.456 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10215,old:9,new:11 05-08 23:39:06.456 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:9,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:39:06.456 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:11,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:39:06.462 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10215, uidState = 20 05-08 23:39:06.462 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10215,old:11,new:20 05-08 23:39:06.462 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:11,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:39:06.462 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:39:06.484 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:39:06.493 1623 1664 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:39:06.493 1623 1664 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:39:06.493 1623 1664 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:39:06.495 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:39:06.501 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10215, uidState = 9 05-08 23:39:06.502 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10215,old:20,new:9 05-08 23:39:06.502 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:39:06.502 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:9,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:39:06.533 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:39:06.581 548 548 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwservicemanage identical 1 line 05-08 23:39:06.623 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:39:06.649 13372 13434 D ClientdataWorker: doWork 05-08 23:39:06.650 13372 13434 D ClientdataWorker: doWork 05-08 23:39:06.662 13372 13435 D ServiceWorker: doWork 05-08 23:39:06.662 13372 13435 D ServiceWorker: doWork 05-08 23:39:06.675 13372 13436 D ConsumptionWorker: doWork 05-08 23:39:06.676 13372 13436 D ConsumptionWorker: doWork 05-08 23:39:06.681 13372 13435 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 05-08 23:39:06.689 13372 13432 D WidgetWorker: doWork 05-08 23:39:06.689 13372 13432 D WidgetWorker: doWork 05-08 23:39:06.730 13372 13432 D FetchService: request: Request{method=GET, url=https://services.pepephone.com/v1/consumption/665011237/widget, tags={}} 05-08 23:39:06.730 13372 13434 D FetchService: request: Request{method=GET, url=https://services.pepephone.com/v1/clientdata, tags={}} 05-08 23:39:06.735 13372 13436 D FetchService: request: Request{method=GET, url=https://services.pepephone.com/v1/consumption/665011237, tags={}} 05-08 23:39:06.737 662 13437 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:39:06.737 662 13438 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:39:06.752 13372 13435 D FetchService: request: Request{method=GET, url=https://services.pepephone.com/v1/service/all, tags={}} 05-08 23:39:07.136 13372 13434 D class com.spanishcoders.pepephone.api.entities.profile.ClientdataWorker: success 200 : com.spanishcoders.pepephone.model.profile.ClientData@6683d4f 05-08 23:39:07.136 13372 13434 D class com.spanishcoders.pepephone.api.entities.profile.ClientdataWorker: sendBroadcastResult: clientdata {"address":{"door":"C","floor":"1","locality":"MOTRIL","number":"1","province":"18","street":"ALONSO TERRÓN","streetType":"C","zip":"18600"},"birthdate":"22\/12\/1983","comercialInfo":false,"email":"paredes.antoniojose@gmail.com","firstLineActivation":"1475087922","gender":"H","idNumber":"48940793J","idType":"N","name":"ANTONIO JOSÉ","nationality":"ES","phone":"665011237","phone2":"","representative":{"email":"","idNumber":"","idType":"","name":"","surname1":"","surname2":""},"seniority":3.6,"seniorityDate":"1475433522","surname1":"PAREDES","surname2":"IBÁñEZ","xSellingCampaign":{"campaign":"SENIORITY_DISCOUNT","discount":0,"id":8,"price":29,"url":"\/internet-en-casa\/solo-fibra"}} 05-08 23:39:07.147 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:39:07.149 13372 13417 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=d442128b-e295-4d61-af89-906178cbb0d9, tags={ WORK_TAGclientdatanull, com.spanishcoders.pepephone.api.entities.profile.ClientdataWorker } ] 05-08 23:39:07.151 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:39:07.151 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:39:07.154 13372 13372 D WIDGET_RECEIVER: onReceive action: ACTION_APPWIDGET_REFRESH 05-08 23:39:07.154 13372 13372 D WIDGET_RECEIVER: onReceive action: ACTION_APPWIDGET_REFRESH 05-08 23:39:07.156 13372 13372 D WIDGET_RECEIVER: refresh 05-08 23:39:07.157 13372 13372 D WIDGET_RECEIVER: refresh widget_params_clientdata {"address":{"door":"C","floor":"1","locality":"MOTRIL","number":"1","province":"18","street":"ALONSO TERRÓN","streetType":"C","zip":"18600"},"birthdate":"22\/12\/1983","comercialInfo":false,"email":"paredes.antoniojose@gmail.com","firstLineActivation":"1475087922","gender":"H","idNumber":"48940793J","idType":"N","name":"ANTONIO JOSÉ","nationality":"ES","phone":"665011237","phone2":"","representative":{"email":"","idNumber":"","idType":"","name":"","surname1":"","surname2":""},"seniority":3.6,"seniorityDate":"1475433522","surname1":"PAREDES","surname2":"IBÁñEZ","xSellingCampaign":{"campaign":"SENIORITY_DISCOUNT","discount":0,"id":8,"price":29,"url":"\/internet-en-casa\/solo-fibra"}} 05-08 23:39:07.157 13372 13372 D WIDGET_RECEIVER: refresh widget_params_clientdata {"address":{"door":"C","floor":"1","locality":"MOTRIL","number":"1","province":"18","street":"ALONSO TERRÓN","streetType":"C","zip":"18600"},"birthdate":"22\/12\/1983","comercialInfo":false,"email":"paredes.antoniojose@gmail.com","firstLineActivation":"1475087922","gender":"H","idNumber":"48940793J","idType":"N","name":"ANTONIO JOSÉ","nationality":"ES","phone":"665011237","phone2":"","representative":{"email":"","idNumber":"","idType":"","name":"","surname1":"","surname2":""},"seniority":3.6,"seniorityDate":"1475433522","surname1":"PAREDES","surname2":"IBÁñEZ","xSellingCampaign":{"campaign":"SENIORITY_DISCOUNT","discount":0,"id":8,"price":29,"url":"\/internet-en-casa\/solo-fibra"}} 05-08 23:39:07.162 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:39:07.162 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:39:07.163 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:39:07.167 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:39:07.172 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: onReceive action: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE 05-08 23:39:07.172 13372 13372 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min","salePointCode":"","sharedFlatRate":{"master":"","slave":""},"signUpDate":1475098748,"signupChannel":"","simReplacement":{"icc":"","simType":"","status":""},"status":"A","subStatus":"A","tariffChange":{},"viewType":1}]} 05-08 23:39:07.489 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:39:07.489 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:39:07.489 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:39:07.491 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: onReceive action: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE 05-08 23:39:07.491 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: onReceive action: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE 05-08 23:39:07.493 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: update 05-08 23:39:07.493 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: update 05-08 23:39:07.494 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:39:07.494 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:39:07.494 1623 3559 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:39:07.496 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: onReceive action: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE 05-08 23:39:07.496 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: onReceive action: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE 05-08 23:39:07.498 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: update 05-08 23:39:07.498 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: update 05-08 23:39:07.498 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: updating widget 9 05-08 23:39:07.498 13372 13372 D com.spanishcoders.pepephone.widget.PepephoneWidget: updateAppWidget 9 05-08 23:39:07.500 13372 13372 D com.spanishcoders.pepephone.widget.PepephoneWidget: active line 665011237 05-08 23:39:07.503 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: updating widget 17 05-08 23:39:07.503 13372 13372 D com.spanishcoders.pepephone.widget.PepephoneWidget: updateAppWidget 17 05-08 23:39:07.530 1623 1664 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:39:07.530 1623 1664 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:39:07.530 1623 1664 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:39:07.535 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: onReceive action: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE 05-08 23:39:07.535 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: onReceive action: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE 05-08 23:39:07.537 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: update 05-08 23:39:07.537 13372 13372 D WIDGET_PROVIDER: update 05-08 23:39:07.548 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10215, uidState = 20 05-08 23:39:07.548 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10215,old:12,new:20 05-08 23:39:07.548 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:12,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:39:07.548 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10215,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:39:08.340 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:39:08.452 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:08.452 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:08.452 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:08.452 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:08.452 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:08.452 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:08.452 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:09.453 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:09.453 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:09.453 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:09.453 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:09.453 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:09.453 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:09.453 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:10.123 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:39:10.455 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:10.455 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:10.455 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:10.455 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:10.455 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:10.455 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:10.455 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:10.816 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:39:11.457 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:11.457 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:11.457 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:11.457 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:11.457 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:11.457 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:11.457 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:12.459 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:12.459 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:12.459 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:12.459 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:12.459 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:12.459 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:12.459 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:12.672 21289 21301 W connect_servic: Reducing the number of considered missed Gc histogram windows from 1532 to 100 05-08 23:39:13.070 13003 13084 W FirebaseInstanceId: Token retrieval failed: SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE. Will retry token retrieval 05-08 23:39:13.073 13003 13085 E FirebaseMessaging: Topic operation failed: SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE. Will retry Topic operation. 05-08 23:39:13.460 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:13.460 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:13.460 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:13.460 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:13.460 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:13.460 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:13.460 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:14.462 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:14.462 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:14.462 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:14.462 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:14.462 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:14.462 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:14.462 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:15.131 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:39:15.464 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:15.464 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:15.464 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:15.464 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:15.464 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:15.464 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:15.464 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:15.985 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:39:15.989 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:39:15.991 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:39:15.994 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:39:16.139 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:39:16.466 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:16.466 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:16.466 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:16.466 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:16.466 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:16.466 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:16.466 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:20.474 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 4 lines 05-08 23:39:21.476 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:21.476 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:21.476 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:21.476 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:21.476 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:21.476 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:21.476 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:21.564 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:39:22.481 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:22.481 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:22.481 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:22.481 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:22.481 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:22.481 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:22.481 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:23.394 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:39:23.394 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid -1, active false, tsNanos 79332232976537 05-08 23:39:23.397 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:39:23.487 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:23.487 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:23.487 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:23.487 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:23.487 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:23.487 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:23.487 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:23.808 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:39:24.363 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:39:24.364 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid 10204, active true, tsNanos 79345454236947 05-08 23:39:24.364 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:39:24.490 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:24.490 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:24.490 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:24.490 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:24.490 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:24.490 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:24.490 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:24.542 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:39:24.567 1623 1664 I ActivityManager: Killing 5287:com.whatsapp/u0a204 (adj 999): empty #31 05-08 23:39:24.572 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:39:24.576 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10204, uidState = 20 05-08 23:39:24.577 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10204,old:11,new:20 05-08 23:39:24.577 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:11,uid:10204,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:39:24.577 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10204,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:39:24.653 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:39:24.654 663 663 I Zygote : Process 5287 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 05-08 23:39:24.657 1623 1696 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10204 pid 5287 in 86ms 05-08 23:39:24.657 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:39:24.663 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: removeUidState uid = 10204 05-08 23:39:25.492 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:25.492 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:25.492 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:25.492 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:25.492 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:25.492 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:25.492 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:26.134 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:39:26.184 662 13455 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:39:26.497 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:26.497 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:26.497 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:26.497 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:26.497 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:26.497 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:26.497 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:26.840 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:39:27.408 3974 4610 D com.xiaomi.common.Network: Http POST Response Code: 200 05-08 23:39:27.413 2117 13454 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 1267ms, interface=com.xiaomi.xmsf.push.service.IHttpService, code=2 oneway=false 05-08 23:39:27.415 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:39:27.498 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:27.498 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:27.498 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:27.498 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:27.498 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:27.498 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:27.498 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:27.594 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:39:27.887 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:39:27.890 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.32ms> 05-08 23:39:27.893 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <1.39ms> 05-08 23:39:27.928 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:39:27.933 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.59ms> 05-08 23:39:27.933 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:39:27.936 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:39:28.499 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:28.499 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:28.499 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:28.499 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:28.499 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:28.499 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:28.499 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:28.947 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:39:28.950 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.14ms> 05-08 23:39:28.957 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <3.89ms> 05-08 23:39:28.999 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:39:29.004 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:39:29.004 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.63ms> 05-08 23:39:29.006 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:39:29.389 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:39:29.501 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:29.501 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:29.501 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:29.501 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:29.501 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:29.501 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:29.501 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:30.503 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:30.503 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:30.503 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:30.503 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:30.503 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:30.503 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:30.503 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:30.565 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:39:31.504 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:31.504 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:31.504 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:31.504 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:31.504 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:31.504 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:31.504 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:34.511 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 3 lines 05-08 23:39:35.513 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:35.513 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:35.513 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:35.513 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:35.513 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:35.513 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:35.513 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:35.573 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:39:36.515 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:36.515 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:36.515 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:36.515 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:36.515 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:36.515 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:36.515 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:45.536 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 9 lines 05-08 23:39:46.539 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:46.539 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:46.539 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:46.539 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:46.539 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:46.539 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:46.539 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:47.483 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:39:47.541 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:47.541 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:47.541 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:47.541 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:47.541 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:47.541 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:47.541 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:48.542 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:48.542 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:48.542 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:48.542 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:48.542 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:48.542 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:48.542 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:49.370 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:39:49.544 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:49.544 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:49.544 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:49.544 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:49.544 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:49.544 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:49.544 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:52.550 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 3 lines 05-08 23:39:53.552 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:53.552 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:53.552 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:53.552 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:53.552 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:53.552 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:53.552 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:53.807 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:39:54.379 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:39:54.554 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:54.554 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:54.554 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:54.554 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:54.554 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:54.554 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:54.554 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:57.561 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 3 lines 05-08 23:39:58.564 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:58.564 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:58.564 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:58.564 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:58.564 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:58.564 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:58.564 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:39:58.785 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:39:58.787 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:39:58.787 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:39:58.789 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:39:59.566 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:39:59.566 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:39:59.566 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:39:59.566 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:39:59.566 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:39:59.566 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:39:59.566 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:00.000 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:40:00.007 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 05-08 23:40:00.570 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:00.570 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:00.570 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:00.570 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:00.570 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:00.570 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:00.570 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:01.161 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:40:01.161 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid -1, active false, tsNanos 79369781437512 05-08 23:40:01.163 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:40:01.276 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:40:01.395 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:40:01.395 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid 10204, active true, tsNanos 79382484806308 05-08 23:40:01.396 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:40:01.572 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:01.572 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:01.572 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:01.572 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:01.572 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:01.572 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:01.572 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:02.498 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:40:02.575 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:02.575 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:02.575 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:02.575 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:02.575 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:02.575 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:02.575 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:03.381 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:40:03.510 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:40:03.576 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:03.576 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:03.576 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:03.576 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:03.576 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:03.576 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:03.576 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:03.589 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:40:03.598 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <7.18ms> 05-08 23:40:03.601 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <1.10ms> 05-08 23:40:03.631 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:40:03.636 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.48ms> 05-08 23:40:03.637 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:40:03.640 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:40:04.577 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:04.577 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:04.577 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:04.577 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:04.577 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:04.577 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:04.577 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:04.652 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:40:04.653 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <0.88ms> 05-08 23:40:04.655 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <1.09ms> 05-08 23:40:04.682 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:40:04.686 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:40:04.687 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.54ms> 05-08 23:40:04.689 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:40:05.579 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:05.579 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:05.579 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:05.579 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:05.579 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:05.579 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:05.579 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:06.581 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:06.581 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:06.581 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:06.581 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:06.581 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:06.581 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:06.581 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:07.558 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:40:07.582 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:07.582 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:07.582 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:07.582 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:07.582 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:07.582 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:07.582 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:08.040 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:40:08.585 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:08.585 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:08.585 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:08.585 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:08.585 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:08.585 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:08.585 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:14.597 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 6 lines 05-08 23:40:15.599 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:15.599 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:15.599 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:15.599 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:15.599 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:15.599 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:15.599 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:15.983 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:40:15.984 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:40:15.985 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:40:15.987 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:40:16.601 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:16.601 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:16.601 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:16.601 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:16.601 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:16.601 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:16.601 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:17.603 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:17.603 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:17.603 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:17.603 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:17.603 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:17.603 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:17.603 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:18.395 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:40:18.606 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:18.606 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:18.606 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:18.606 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:18.606 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:18.606 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:18.606 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:20.611 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:40:21.613 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:21.613 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:21.613 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:21.613 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:21.613 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:21.613 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:21.613 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:21.674 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:40:22.615 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:22.615 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:22.615 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:22.615 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:22.615 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:22.615 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:22.615 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:24.619 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:40:25.621 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:25.621 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:25.621 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:25.621 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:25.621 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:25.621 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:25.621 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:26.419 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:40:26.622 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:26.622 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:26.622 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:26.622 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:26.622 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:26.622 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:26.622 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:29.628 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 3 lines 05-08 23:40:30.630 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:30.630 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:30.630 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:30.630 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:30.630 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:30.630 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:30.630 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:31.426 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:40:31.632 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:31.632 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:31.632 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:31.632 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:31.632 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:31.632 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:31.632 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:34.638 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 3 lines 05-08 23:40:35.640 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:35.640 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:35.640 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:35.640 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:35.640 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:35.640 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:35.640 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:35.666 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:40:35.710 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:40:35.710 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid -1, active false, tsNanos 79404425988957 05-08 23:40:35.711 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:40:36.105 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:40:36.105 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid 10204, active true, tsNanos 79417196518951 05-08 23:40:36.106 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:40:36.642 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:36.642 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:36.642 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:36.642 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:36.642 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:36.642 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:36.642 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:37.644 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:40:38.646 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:38.646 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:38.646 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:38.646 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:38.646 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:38.646 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:38.646 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:39.100 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:40:39.647 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:39.647 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:39.647 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:39.647 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:39.647 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:39.647 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:39.647 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:39.965 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:40:40.151 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:40:40.153 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <0.76ms> 05-08 23:40:40.158 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.47ms> 05-08 23:40:40.199 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:40:40.203 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.49ms> 05-08 23:40:40.204 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:40:40.208 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:40:40.650 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:40.650 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:40.650 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:40.650 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:40.650 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:40.650 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:40.650 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:41.154 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:40:41.219 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:40:41.222 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <2.17ms> 05-08 23:40:41.229 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.76ms> 05-08 23:40:41.265 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:40:41.270 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:40:41.270 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.48ms> 05-08 23:40:41.272 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:40:41.373 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:40:41.653 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:41.653 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:41.653 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:41.653 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:41.653 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:41.653 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:41.653 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:42.655 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:40:43.657 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:43.657 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:43.657 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:43.657 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:43.657 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:43.657 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:43.657 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:44.341 662 20292 I netd : firewallSetUidRule(2, 10162, 2) <0.15ms> 05-08 23:40:44.345 1623 2054 D ConnectivityService: Blocked status changed to true for 10162(698) on netId 111 05-08 23:40:44.345 1623 1693 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:40:44.346 1623 2054 D ConnectivityService: Blocked status changed to true for 10162(699) on netId 111 05-08 23:40:44.367 1623 2075 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:40:44.666 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:44.666 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:44.666 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:44.666 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:44.666 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:44.666 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:44.666 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:46.670 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:40:47.673 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:47.673 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:47.673 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:47.673 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:47.673 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:47.673 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:47.673 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:48.638 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:40:48.675 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:48.675 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:48.675 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:48.675 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:48.675 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:48.675 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:48.675 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:49.676 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:40:50.678 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:50.678 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:50.678 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:50.678 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:50.678 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:50.678 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:50.678 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:50.743 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:40:51.679 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:51.679 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:51.679 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:51.679 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:51.679 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:51.679 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:51.679 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:56.692 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 5 lines 05-08 23:40:57.695 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:57.695 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:57.695 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:57.695 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:57.695 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:57.695 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:57.695 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:58.321 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:40:58.697 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:58.697 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:58.697 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:58.697 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:58.697 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:58.697 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:58.697 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:59.699 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:40:59.699 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:40:59.699 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:40:59.699 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:40:59.699 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:40:59.699 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:40:59.699 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:40:59.865 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:40:44.375 1623 2075 I chatty : uid=1000(system) miui.fg identical 139 lines 05-08 23:40:44.375 1623 2075 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:41:00.001 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:41:00.010 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 05-08 23:41:00.701 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:00.701 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:00.701 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:00.701 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:00.701 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:00.701 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:00.701 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:01.131 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:41:01.705 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:01.705 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:01.705 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:01.705 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:01.705 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:01.705 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:01.705 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:02.707 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:02.707 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:02.707 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:02.707 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:02.707 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:02.707 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:02.707 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:03.244 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:41:03.708 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:03.708 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:03.708 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:03.708 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:03.708 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:03.708 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:03.708 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:03.913 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:41:03.914 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:41:03.916 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:41:03.917 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:41:03.995 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:41:04.710 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:04.710 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:04.710 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:04.710 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:04.710 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:04.710 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:04.710 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:05.712 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:05.712 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:05.712 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:05.712 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:05.712 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:05.712 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:05.712 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:06.138 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:41:06.716 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:06.716 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:06.716 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:06.716 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:06.716 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:06.716 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:06.716 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:07.719 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:41:08.722 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:08.722 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:08.722 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:08.722 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:08.722 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:08.722 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:08.722 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:09.051 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:41:09.724 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:09.724 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:09.724 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:09.724 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:09.724 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:09.724 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:09.724 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:10.726 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:10.726 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:10.726 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:10.726 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:10.726 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:10.726 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:10.726 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:11.675 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:41:11.728 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:11.728 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:11.728 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:11.728 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:11.728 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:11.728 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:11.728 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:12.730 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:12.730 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:12.730 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:12.730 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:12.730 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:12.730 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:12.730 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:13.471 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:41:13.471 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid -1, active false, tsNanos 79442315001807 05-08 23:41:13.473 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:41:13.732 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:13.732 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:13.732 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:13.732 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:13.732 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:13.732 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:13.732 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:14.734 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:14.734 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:14.734 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:14.734 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:14.734 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:14.734 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:14.734 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:15.632 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:41:15.632 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid 10204, active true, tsNanos 79456723586540 05-08 23:41:15.633 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:41:15.735 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:15.735 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:15.735 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:15.735 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:15.735 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:15.735 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:15.735 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:15.986 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:41:15.989 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:41:15.991 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:41:15.987 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:41:16.738 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:16.738 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:16.738 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:16.738 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:16.738 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:16.738 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:16.738 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:16.858 11480 11511 I Finsky : [535] kkj.run(3): Stats for Executor: BlockingExecutor kmi@ceb8db[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 13] 05-08 23:41:16.860 11480 11511 I Finsky : [535] kkj.run(3): Stats for Executor: LightweightExecutor kmi@8b99f78[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 72] 05-08 23:41:17.071 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:41:17.179 11480 11511 I Finsky : [535] kkj.run(3): Stats for Executor: bgExecutor kmi@46fa651[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 60] 05-08 23:41:17.740 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:17.740 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:17.740 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:17.740 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:17.740 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:17.740 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:17.740 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:17.959 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:41:18.117 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:41:18.120 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <0.88ms> 05-08 23:41:18.123 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <1.38ms> 05-08 23:41:18.161 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:41:18.165 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:41:18.165 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.34ms> 05-08 23:41:18.168 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:41:18.176 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:41:18.741 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:18.741 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:18.741 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:18.741 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:18.741 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:18.741 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:18.741 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:19.182 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:41:19.184 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.45ms> 05-08 23:41:19.191 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <3.77ms> 05-08 23:41:19.227 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:41:19.234 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.50ms> 05-08 23:41:19.234 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:41:19.240 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:41:19.744 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:19.744 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:19.744 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:19.744 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:19.744 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:19.744 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:19.744 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:20.746 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:20.746 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:20.746 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:20.746 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:20.746 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:20.746 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:20.746 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:21.307 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:41:21.748 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:21.748 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:21.748 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:21.748 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:21.748 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:21.748 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:21.748 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:22.364 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:41:22.750 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:22.750 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:22.750 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:22.750 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:22.750 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:22.750 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:22.750 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:28.761 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 6 lines 05-08 23:41:29.762 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:29.762 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:29.762 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:29.762 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:29.762 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:29.762 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:29.762 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:30.105 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1942.0, y[0]=545.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47021906, downTime=47021906, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:41:30.405 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1942.0, y[0]=545.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47021906, downTime=47021906, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:41:30.405 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControlsThenHide() called 05-08 23:41:30.409 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$VideoPlayer$idNm3WgGoh2a7qLtpQkChoykaww@9070a6a 05-08 23:41:30.413 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: showSystemUi() called 05-08 23:41:30.445 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:41:30.445 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:41:30.716 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [2000] 05-08 23:41:30.764 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:30.764 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:30.764 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:30.764 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:30.764 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:30.764 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:30.764 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:31.765 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:31.765 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:31.765 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:31.765 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:31.765 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:31.765 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:31.765 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:31.971 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1957.0, y[0]=649.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47023773, downTime=47023773, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:41:32.271 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1957.0, y[0]=649.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47023773, downTime=47023773, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:41:32.272 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [0] 05-08 23:41:32.273 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$jCHp9ApB3JtV_0qS3NgJQCjOVHc@8836336 05-08 23:41:32.432 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: hideSystemUi() called 05-08 23:41:32.767 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:32.767 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:32.767 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:32.767 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:32.767 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:32.767 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:32.767 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:32.791 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:41:32.791 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:41:32.817 13200 13200 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 05-08 23:41:33.438 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:41:33.769 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:33.769 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:33.769 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:33.769 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:33.769 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:33.769 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:33.769 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:34.772 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:41:35.774 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:35.774 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:35.774 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:35.774 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:35.774 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:35.774 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:35.774 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:36.311 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:41:36.776 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:36.776 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:36.776 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:36.776 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:36.776 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:36.776 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:36.776 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:38.779 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:41:39.783 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:39.783 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:39.783 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:39.783 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:39.783 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:39.783 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:39.783 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:40.638 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:41:40.785 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:40.785 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:40.785 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:40.785 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:40.785 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:40.785 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:40.785 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:41.787 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:41:42.789 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:42.789 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:42.789 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:42.789 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:42.789 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:42.789 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:42.789 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:43.124 13003 13084 W FirebaseInstanceId: Token retrieval failed: SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE. Will retry token retrieval 05-08 23:41:43.144 13003 13085 E FirebaseMessaging: Topic operation failed: SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE. Will retry Topic operation. 05-08 23:41:43.791 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:43.791 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:43.791 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:43.791 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:43.791 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:43.791 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:43.791 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:44.794 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:44.794 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:44.794 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:44.794 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:44.794 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:44.794 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:44.794 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:45.645 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:41:45.797 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:45.797 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:45.797 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:45.797 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:45.797 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:45.797 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:45.797 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:47.802 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:41:48.804 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:48.804 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:48.804 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:48.804 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:48.804 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:48.804 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:48.804 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:49.310 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:41:49.311 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid -1, active false, tsNanos 79478156018825 05-08 23:41:49.313 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:41:49.427 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:41:49.427 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid 10204, active true, tsNanos 79490517487152 05-08 23:41:49.428 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:41:49.805 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:49.805 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:49.805 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:49.805 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:49.805 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:49.805 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:49.805 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:51.812 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:41:52.814 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:52.814 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:52.814 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:52.814 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:52.814 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:52.814 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:52.814 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:53.739 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:41:53.816 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:53.816 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:53.816 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:53.816 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:53.816 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:53.816 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:53.816 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:54.446 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:41:54.818 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:54.818 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:54.818 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:54.818 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:54.818 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:54.818 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:54.818 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:55.509 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:41:55.820 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:55.820 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:55.820 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:55.820 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:55.820 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:55.820 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:55.820 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:55.963 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:41:56.445 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:41:56.620 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:41:56.623 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <2.15ms> 05-08 23:41:56.627 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <1.81ms> 05-08 23:41:56.667 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:41:56.671 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.31ms> 05-08 23:41:56.671 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:41:56.674 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:41:56.821 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:56.821 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:56.821 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:56.821 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:56.821 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:56.821 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:56.821 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:41:57.690 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:41:57.692 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.01ms> 05-08 23:41:57.697 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.52ms> 05-08 23:41:57.736 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:41:57.741 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.54ms> 05-08 23:41:57.742 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:41:57.746 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:41:57.823 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:57.823 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:57.823 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:57.823 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:57.823 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:57.823 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:57.823 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:00.002 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:41:58.825 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:41:59.826 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:41:59.826 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:41:59.826 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:41:59.826 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:41:59.826 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:41:59.826 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:41:59.826 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:00.007 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 05-08 23:42:00.829 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:00.829 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:00.829 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:00.829 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:00.829 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:00.829 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:00.829 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:01.050 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1877.0, y[0]=577.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47052852, downTime=47052852, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:42:01.351 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1877.0, y[0]=577.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47052852, downTime=47052852, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:42:01.351 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControlsThenHide() called 05-08 23:42:01.353 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$VideoPlayer$idNm3WgGoh2a7qLtpQkChoykaww@5285d35 05-08 23:42:01.356 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: showSystemUi() called 05-08 23:42:01.393 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:42:01.393 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:42:01.665 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [2000] 05-08 23:42:01.833 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:01.833 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:01.833 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:01.833 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:01.833 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:01.833 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:01.833 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:02.432 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1900.0, y[0]=621.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47054235, downTime=47054235, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:42:02.733 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1900.0, y[0]=621.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47054235, downTime=47054235, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:42:02.734 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [0] 05-08 23:42:02.738 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$jCHp9ApB3JtV_0qS3NgJQCjOVHc@98e97b1 05-08 23:42:02.834 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:02.834 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:02.834 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:02.834 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:02.834 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:02.834 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:02.834 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:02.898 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: hideSystemUi() called 05-08 23:42:03.240 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:42:03.241 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:42:03.266 13200 13200 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 05-08 23:42:03.837 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:03.837 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:03.837 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:03.837 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:03.837 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:03.837 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:03.837 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:04.154 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:42:04.841 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:04.841 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:04.841 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:04.841 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:04.841 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:04.841 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:04.841 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:05.844 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:05.844 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:05.844 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:05.844 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:05.844 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:05.844 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:05.844 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:06.434 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:42:06.846 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:06.846 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:06.846 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:06.846 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:06.846 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:06.846 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:06.846 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:07.847 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:07.847 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:07.847 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:07.847 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:07.847 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:07.847 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:07.847 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:08.365 3067 3067 I CNSS : cnss_open_log_file: directory /data/vendor/wlan_logs/ created 05-08 23:42:08.852 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:08.852 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:08.852 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:08.852 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:08.852 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:08.852 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:08.852 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:09.069 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:42:09.070 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:42:09.070 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:42:09.073 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:42:09.854 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:09.854 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:09.854 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:09.854 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:09.854 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:09.854 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:09.854 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:12.861 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 3 lines 05-08 23:42:13.863 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:13.863 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:13.863 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:13.863 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:13.863 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:13.863 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:13.863 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:14.449 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:42:14.864 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:14.864 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:14.864 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:14.864 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:14.864 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:14.864 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:14.864 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:15.866 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:15.866 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:15.866 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:15.866 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:15.866 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:15.866 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:15.866 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:15.983 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:42:15.986 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:42:15.987 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:42:15.990 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:42:16.867 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:16.867 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:16.867 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:16.867 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:16.867 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:16.867 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:16.867 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:17.870 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:17.870 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:17.870 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:17.870 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:17.870 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:17.870 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:17.870 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:18.032 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:42:18.872 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:18.872 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:18.872 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:18.872 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:18.872 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:18.872 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:18.872 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:19.454 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:42:19.874 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:19.874 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:19.874 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:19.874 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:19.874 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:19.874 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:19.874 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:20.876 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:42:21.879 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:21.879 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:21.879 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:21.879 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:21.879 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:21.879 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:21.879 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:22.299 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:42:22.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:22.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:22.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:22.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:22.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:22.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:22.880 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:23.882 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:23.882 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:23.882 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:23.882 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:23.882 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:23.882 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:23.882 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:24.135 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:42:24.884 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:24.884 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:24.884 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:24.884 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:24.884 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:24.884 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:24.884 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:26.887 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:42:27.889 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:27.889 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:27.889 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:27.889 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:27.889 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:27.889 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:27.889 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:28.351 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:42:28.351 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid -1, active false, tsNanos 79517068886050 05-08 23:42:28.355 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:42:28.849 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:42:28.849 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid 10204, active true, tsNanos 79529938234481 05-08 23:42:28.850 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:42:28.891 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:28.891 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:28.891 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:28.891 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:28.891 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:28.891 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:28.891 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:29.893 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:42:30.894 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:30.894 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:30.894 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:30.894 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:30.894 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:30.894 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:30.894 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:31.057 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:42:31.895 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:31.895 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:31.895 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:31.895 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:31.895 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:31.895 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:31.895 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:32.897 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:32.897 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:32.897 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:32.897 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:32.897 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:32.897 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:32.897 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:33.884 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:42:33.899 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:33.899 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:33.899 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:33.899 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:33.899 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:33.899 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:33.899 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:33.951 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:42:34.784 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:42:34.900 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:34.900 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:34.900 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:34.900 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:34.900 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:34.900 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:34.900 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:34.999 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:42:35.003 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <2.99ms> 05-08 23:42:35.006 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <1.91ms> 05-08 23:42:35.042 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:42:35.047 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.69ms> 05-08 23:42:35.047 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:42:35.051 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:42:35.596 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:42:35.665 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:42:35.901 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:35.901 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:35.901 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:35.901 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:35.901 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:35.901 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:35.901 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:36.062 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:42:36.066 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <2.81ms> 05-08 23:42:36.072 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.89ms> 05-08 23:42:36.111 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:42:36.115 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:42:36.115 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.50ms> 05-08 23:42:36.117 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:42:36.903 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:36.903 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:36.903 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:36.903 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:36.903 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:36.903 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:36.903 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:37.905 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:37.905 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:37.905 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:37.905 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:37.905 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:37.905 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:37.905 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:38.874 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1970.0, y[0]=581.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47090674, downTime=47090674, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:42:38.907 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:38.907 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:38.907 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:38.907 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:38.907 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:38.907 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:38.907 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:39.175 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1970.0, y[0]=581.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47090674, downTime=47090674, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:42:39.176 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControlsThenHide() called 05-08 23:42:39.177 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$VideoPlayer$idNm3WgGoh2a7qLtpQkChoykaww@a0e6dff 05-08 23:42:39.181 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: showSystemUi() called 05-08 23:42:39.222 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:42:39.222 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:42:39.491 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [2000] 05-08 23:42:39.909 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:39.909 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:39.909 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:39.909 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:39.909 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:39.909 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:39.909 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:40.666 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1979.0, y[0]=609.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47092471, downTime=47092471, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:42:40.911 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:40.911 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:40.911 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:40.911 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:40.911 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:40.911 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:40.911 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:40.966 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1979.0, y[0]=609.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47092471, downTime=47092471, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:42:40.967 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [0] 05-08 23:42:40.969 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$jCHp9ApB3JtV_0qS3NgJQCjOVHc@fe5eb1b 05-08 23:42:41.125 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: hideSystemUi() called 05-08 23:42:41.340 5144 5144 I PowerKeeperBackgroundService: onStartCommand() 05-08 23:42:41.340 5144 5144 I PowerKeeperService: onAlarm 05-08 23:42:41.326 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:42:41.345 1623 2050 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:42:41.468 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:42:41.468 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:42:41.496 13200 13200 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 05-08 23:42:41.630 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=2036.0, y[0]=597.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47093434, downTime=47093434, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:42:41.914 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:41.914 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:41.914 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:41.914 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:41.914 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:41.914 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:41.914 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:41.932 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=2036.0, y[0]=597.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47093434, downTime=47093434, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:42:41.932 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControlsThenHide() called 05-08 23:42:41.934 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$VideoPlayer$idNm3WgGoh2a7qLtpQkChoykaww@ee1df7 05-08 23:42:41.938 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: showSystemUi() called 05-08 23:42:41.967 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:42:41.967 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:42:42.255 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [2000] 05-08 23:42:42.326 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=2014.0, y[0]=580.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47094131, downTime=47094131, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:42:42.629 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=2014.0, y[0]=580.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47094131, downTime=47094131, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:42:42.629 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [0] 05-08 23:42:42.631 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$jCHp9ApB3JtV_0qS3NgJQCjOVHc@cdca293 05-08 23:42:42.790 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: hideSystemUi() called 05-08 23:42:42.916 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:42.916 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:42.916 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:42.916 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:42.916 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:42.916 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:42.916 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:43.080 879 1447 D AF::Track: interceptBuffer: took 559us to intercept 0 tracks 05-08 23:42:43.147 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:42:43.147 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:42:43.177 13200 13200 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 05-08 23:42:43.299 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:42:43.919 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:43.919 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:43.919 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:43.919 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:43.919 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:43.919 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:43.919 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:46.926 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 3 lines 05-08 23:42:47.931 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:47.931 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:47.931 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:47.931 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:47.931 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:47.931 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:47.931 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:48.525 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:42:48.933 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:48.933 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:48.933 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:48.933 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:48.933 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:48.933 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:48.933 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:49.935 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:49.935 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:49.935 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:49.935 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:49.935 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:49.935 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:49.935 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:50.713 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:42:50.937 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:50.937 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:50.937 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:50.937 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:50.937 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:50.937 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:50.937 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:51.938 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:42:52.940 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:52.940 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:52.940 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:52.940 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:52.940 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:52.940 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:52.940 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:53.866 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:42:53.945 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:53.945 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:53.945 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:53.945 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:53.945 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:53.945 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:53.945 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:54.827 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1845.0, y[0]=536.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47106627, downTime=47106627, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:42:54.947 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:54.947 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:54.947 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:54.947 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:54.947 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:54.947 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:54.947 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:54.974 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:42:55.128 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1845.0, y[0]=536.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47106627, downTime=47106627, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:42:55.129 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControlsThenHide() called 05-08 23:42:55.130 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$VideoPlayer$idNm3WgGoh2a7qLtpQkChoykaww@f24d4ef 05-08 23:42:55.134 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: showSystemUi() called 05-08 23:42:55.184 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:42:55.184 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:42:55.449 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [2000] 05-08 23:42:55.949 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:55.949 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:55.949 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:55.949 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:55.949 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:55.949 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:55.949 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:56.293 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1831.0, y[0]=612.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47108099, downTime=47108099, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:42:56.595 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1831.0, y[0]=612.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47108099, downTime=47108099, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:42:56.596 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [0] 05-08 23:42:56.598 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$jCHp9ApB3JtV_0qS3NgJQCjOVHc@d13d10b 05-08 23:42:56.766 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: hideSystemUi() called 05-08 23:42:56.950 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:56.950 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:56.950 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:56.950 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:56.950 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:56.950 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:56.950 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:57.126 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:42:57.127 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:42:57.152 13200 13200 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 05-08 23:42:57.952 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:57.952 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:57.952 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:57.952 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:57.952 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:57.952 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:57.952 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:42:58.869 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:42:58.953 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:58.953 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:58.953 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:58.953 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:58.953 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:58.953 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:58.953 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:00.004 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:42:59.955 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:42:59.955 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:42:59.955 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:42:59.955 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:42:59.955 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:42:59.955 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:42:59.955 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:00.011 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 05-08 23:43:00.957 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:00.957 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:00.957 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:00.957 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:00.957 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:00.957 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:00.957 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:05.966 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 5 lines 05-08 23:43:06.969 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:06.969 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:06.969 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:06.969 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:06.969 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:06.969 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:06.969 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:07.392 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:43:07.392 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid -1, active false, tsNanos 79555981866191 05-08 23:43:07.394 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:43:07.971 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:07.971 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:07.971 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:07.971 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:07.971 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:07.971 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:07.971 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:08.166 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:43:08.166 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid 10204, active true, tsNanos 79569256543008 05-08 23:43:08.173 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:43:08.972 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:08.972 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:08.972 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:08.972 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:08.972 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:08.972 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:08.972 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:09.976 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:43:10.979 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:10.979 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:10.979 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:10.979 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:10.979 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:10.979 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:10.979 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:11.000 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:43:11.896 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:43:11.980 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:11.980 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:11.980 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:11.980 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:11.980 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:11.980 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:11.980 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:12.109 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:43:12.116 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <6.08ms> 05-08 23:43:12.119 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <1.25ms> 05-08 23:43:12.148 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:43:12.152 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.37ms> 05-08 23:43:12.152 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:43:12.155 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:43:12.983 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:12.983 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:12.983 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:12.983 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:12.983 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:12.983 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:12.983 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:13.169 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:43:13.172 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <2.26ms> 05-08 23:43:13.178 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.48ms> 05-08 23:43:13.218 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:43:13.223 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.49ms> 05-08 23:43:13.224 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:43:13.227 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:43:13.242 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:43:13.985 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:13.985 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:13.985 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:13.985 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:13.985 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:13.985 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:13.985 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:14.209 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:43:14.212 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:43:14.213 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:43:14.214 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:43:14.986 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:14.986 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:14.986 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:14.986 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:14.986 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:14.986 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:14.986 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:15.986 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:43:15.989 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:43:15.990 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:15.990 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:15.990 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:15.990 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:15.990 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:15.990 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:15.990 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:15.991 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:43:15.992 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:43:16.992 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:16.992 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:16.992 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:16.992 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:16.992 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:16.992 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:16.992 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:17.993 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:43:18.995 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:18.995 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:18.995 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:18.995 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:18.995 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:18.995 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:18.995 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:19.680 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:43:19.997 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:19.997 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:19.997 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:19.997 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:19.997 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:19.997 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:19.997 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:23.003 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 3 lines 05-08 23:43:24.004 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:24.004 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:24.004 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:24.004 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:24.004 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:24.004 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:24.004 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:24.800 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:43:25.006 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:25.006 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:25.006 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:25.006 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:25.006 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:25.006 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:25.006 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:31.020 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 6 lines 05-08 23:43:32.022 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:32.022 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:32.022 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:32.022 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:32.022 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:32.022 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:32.022 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:32.036 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:43:33.024 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:33.024 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:33.024 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:33.024 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:33.024 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:33.024 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:33.024 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:33.189 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:43:33.804 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:43:34.026 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:34.026 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:34.026 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:34.026 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:34.026 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:34.026 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:34.026 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:37.032 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 3 lines 05-08 23:43:38.034 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:38.034 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:38.034 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:38.034 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:38.034 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:38.034 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:38.034 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:38.196 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:43:39.036 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:39.036 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:39.036 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:39.036 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:39.036 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:39.036 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:39.036 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:40.039 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:40.039 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:40.039 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:40.039 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:40.039 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:40.039 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:40.039 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:40.156 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:43:41.041 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:41.041 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:41.041 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:41.041 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:41.041 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:41.041 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:41.041 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:42.043 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:42.043 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:42.043 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:42.043 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:42.043 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:42.043 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:42.043 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:42.388 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:43:43.045 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:43.045 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:43.045 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:43.045 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:43.045 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:43.045 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:43.045 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:43.872 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:43:43.872 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid -1, active false, tsNanos 79592846633937 05-08 23:43:43.874 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:43:44.048 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:44.048 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:44.048 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:44.048 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:44.048 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:44.048 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:44.048 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:45.042 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:43:45.043 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid 10204, active true, tsNanos 79606129096535 05-08 23:43:45.043 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:43:45.050 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:45.050 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:45.050 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:45.050 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:45.050 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:45.050 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:45.050 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:48.057 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 3 lines 05-08 23:43:49.059 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:49.059 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:49.059 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:49.059 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:49.059 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:49.059 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:49.059 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:50.056 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:43:50.060 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:50.060 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:50.060 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:50.060 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:50.060 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:50.060 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:50.060 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:50.373 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:43:51.061 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:51.061 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:51.061 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:51.061 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:51.061 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:51.061 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:51.061 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:51.176 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:43:51.465 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:43:51.467 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.50ms> 05-08 23:43:51.471 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <1.66ms> 05-08 23:43:51.502 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:43:51.507 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:43:51.507 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.56ms> 05-08 23:43:51.510 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:43:52.063 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:52.063 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:52.063 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:52.063 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:52.063 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:52.063 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:52.063 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:52.527 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:43:52.529 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.29ms> 05-08 23:43:52.536 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <3.31ms> 05-08 23:43:52.578 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:43:52.583 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.50ms> 05-08 23:43:52.584 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:43:52.586 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:43:53.064 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:53.064 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:53.064 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:53.064 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:53.064 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:53.064 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:53.064 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:43:58.075 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 5 lines 05-08 23:43:59.077 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:43:59.077 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:43:59.077 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:43:59.077 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:43:59.077 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:43:59.077 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:43:59.077 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:00.005 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 05-08 23:44:00.079 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:00.079 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:00.079 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:00.079 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:00.079 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:00.079 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:00.079 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:04.087 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 4 lines 05-08 23:44:05.089 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:05.089 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:05.089 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:05.089 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:05.089 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:05.089 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:05.089 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:05.152 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:44:05.525 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:44:06.091 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:06.091 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:06.091 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:06.091 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:06.091 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:06.091 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:06.091 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:07.094 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:07.094 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:07.094 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:07.094 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:07.094 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:07.094 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:07.094 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:08.092 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:44:08.096 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:08.096 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:08.096 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:08.096 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:08.096 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:08.096 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:08.096 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:09.097 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:09.097 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:09.097 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:09.097 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:09.097 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:09.097 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:09.097 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:10.048 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:44:10.099 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:10.099 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:10.099 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:10.099 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:10.099 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:10.099 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:10.099 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:10.883 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:44:11.101 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:11.101 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:11.101 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:11.101 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:11.101 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:11.101 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:11.101 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:12.103 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:44:13.104 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:13.104 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:13.104 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:13.104 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:13.104 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:13.104 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:13.104 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:13.107 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:44:14.105 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:14.105 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:14.105 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:14.105 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:14.105 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:14.105 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:14.105 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:15.055 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:44:15.107 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:15.107 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:15.107 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:15.107 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:15.107 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:15.107 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:15.107 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:15.989 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:44:15.990 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:44:15.991 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:44:15.993 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:44:16.110 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:16.110 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:16.110 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:16.110 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:16.110 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:16.110 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:16.110 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:16.993 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:44:17.112 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:17.112 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:17.112 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:17.112 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:17.112 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:17.112 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:17.112 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:17.401 879 1447 D AF::Track: interceptBuffer: took 398us to intercept 0 tracks 05-08 23:44:18.114 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:18.114 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:18.114 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:18.114 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:18.114 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:18.114 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:18.114 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:19.116 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:19.116 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:19.116 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:19.116 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:19.116 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:19.116 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:19.116 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:19.360 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:44:19.360 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:44:19.361 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:44:19.363 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:44:19.373 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:44:19.373 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:44:19.374 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:44:19.375 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 36, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:44:19.836 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:44:20.118 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:20.118 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:20.118 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:20.118 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:20.118 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:20.118 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:20.118 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:22.125 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:44:23.129 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:23.129 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:23.129 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:23.129 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:23.129 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:23.129 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:23.129 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:23.553 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:44:23.553 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid -1, active false, tsNanos 79632169384652 05-08 23:44:23.554 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:44:24.131 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:24.131 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:24.131 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:24.131 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:24.131 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:24.131 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:24.131 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:24.566 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:44:24.567 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid 10204, active true, tsNanos 79645656726468 05-08 23:44:24.567 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:44:25.132 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:25.132 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:25.132 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:25.132 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:25.132 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:25.132 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:25.132 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:26.034 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:44:26.133 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:26.133 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:26.133 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:26.133 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:26.133 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:26.133 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:26.133 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:26.245 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: updateProgress() called with: isVisible = false, currentProgress = [384823], duration = [2087961], bufferPercent = [20] 05-08 23:44:26.804 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:44:26.953 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:44:27.126 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:44:27.129 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.94ms> 05-08 23:44:27.135 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:27.135 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:27.135 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:27.135 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:27.135 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:27.135 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:27.135 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:27.138 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <6.74ms> 05-08 23:44:27.179 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:44:27.184 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:44:27.185 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.44ms> 05-08 23:44:27.187 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:44:28.136 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:28.136 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:28.136 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:28.136 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:28.136 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:28.136 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:28.136 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:28.198 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:44:28.201 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.64ms> 05-08 23:44:28.207 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.26ms> 05-08 23:44:28.244 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:44:28.250 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.55ms> 05-08 23:44:28.250 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:44:28.253 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:44:29.139 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:29.139 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:29.139 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:29.139 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:29.139 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:29.139 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:29.139 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:29.646 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:44:29.655 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:44:30.141 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:30.141 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:30.141 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:30.141 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:30.141 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:30.141 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:30.141 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:34.152 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 4 lines 05-08 23:44:35.154 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:35.154 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:35.154 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:35.154 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:35.154 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:35.154 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:35.154 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:35.666 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:44:36.156 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:36.156 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:36.156 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:36.156 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:36.156 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:36.156 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:36.156 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:00.002 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:44:47.248 2117 2117 I MiuiChargeManager: notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 2 level: 37 wireState: 11 chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: 0 05-08 23:44:46.180 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 10 lines 05-08 23:44:47.181 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:47.181 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:47.181 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:47.181 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:47.181 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:47.181 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:47.181 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:47.248 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate 05-08 23:44:47.249 2942 2942 I BatteryController: notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 2 level: 37 wireState: 11 chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: 0 05-08 23:44:47.249 2117 2117 I MiuiChargeController: checkBatteryStatus: chargeType 11 status 2 plugged 2 isRapidCharge false isSuperCharge false isCarMode false mChargeDeviceType 0 mChargeDeviceForAnalytic -1 05-08 23:44:47.249 2117 2117 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication: mVisible false mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn true mUpArrowIndication Desliza hacia arriba para desbloquear 05-08 23:44:47.250 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:44:47.251 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:44:47.252 5144 5144 D PowerChecker_Service: battery status = 2 plug = 2 level = 37 05-08 23:44:47.252 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 36, status = 2, level = 37, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:44:47.255 4386 3852 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo begin 05-08 23:44:47.264 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:44:47.265 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:44:47.265 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:44:47.266 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:44:47.268 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10041, uidState = 12 05-08 23:44:47.268 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10041,old:20,new:12 05-08 23:44:47.268 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10041,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:44:47.268 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:12,uid:10041,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:44:47.280 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10041, uidState = 20 05-08 23:44:47.280 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10041,old:12,new:20 05-08 23:44:47.280 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:12,uid:10041,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:44:47.280 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10041,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:44:47.289 1623 1701 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 05-08 23:44:47.327 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <0.98ms> 05-08 23:44:47.332 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <1.36ms> 05-08 23:44:47.336 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <0.34ms> 05-08 23:44:47.339 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <1.33ms> 05-08 23:44:47.427 4386 3852 D BatteryHistoryLoadMgr: getHistoryInfo end 05-08 23:44:47.427 4386 3852 I BatteryInfoReceiver: update charge detail 71 05-08 23:44:47.428 4386 3852 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 05-08 23:44:47.429 4386 3852 I PowerUtils: use feature battery typ capacity 05-08 23:44:47.429 4386 3852 I BatteryChargeTimeHelper: Use default time, 0.63 4h24m44s399ms 05-08 23:44:48.183 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:48.183 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:48.183 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:48.183 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:48.183 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:48.183 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:48.183 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:49.083 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:44:49.185 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:49.185 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:49.185 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:49.185 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:49.185 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:49.185 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:49.185 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:49.570 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:44:50.190 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:50.190 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:50.190 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:50.190 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:50.190 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:50.190 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:50.190 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:50.743 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:44:51.192 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:51.192 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:51.192 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:51.192 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:51.192 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:51.192 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:51.192 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:53.196 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:44:54.201 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:54.201 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:54.201 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:54.201 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:54.201 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:54.201 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:54.201 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:54.578 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:44:55.202 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:55.202 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:55.202 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:55.202 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:55.202 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:55.202 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:55.202 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:55.576 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:44:55.578 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:44:55.579 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:44:55.583 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 37, status = 2, level = 37, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:44:56.204 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:56.204 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:56.204 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:56.204 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:56.204 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:56.204 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:56.204 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:58.210 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:44:59.212 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:44:59.212 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:44:59.212 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:44:59.212 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:44:59.212 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:44:59.212 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:44:59.212 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:44:59.392 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:44:59.393 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid -1, active false, tsNanos 79668113123961 05-08 23:44:59.393 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:45:00.001 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:45:00.006 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 05-08 23:45:00.213 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:00.213 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:00.213 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:00.213 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:00.213 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:00.213 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:00.213 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:00.407 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:45:00.407 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid 10204, active true, tsNanos 79681497314163 05-08 23:45:00.409 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:45:01.215 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:01.215 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:01.215 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:01.215 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:01.215 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:01.215 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:01.215 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:02.216 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:02.216 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:02.216 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:02.216 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:02.216 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:02.216 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:02.216 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:03.092 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:45:03.217 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:03.217 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:03.217 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:03.217 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:03.217 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:03.217 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:03.217 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:03.950 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:45:04.147 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:45:04.149 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.12ms> 05-08 23:45:04.156 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.18ms> 05-08 23:45:04.199 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:45:04.203 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.44ms> 05-08 23:45:04.204 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:45:04.206 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:45:04.218 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:04.218 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:04.218 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:04.218 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:04.218 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:04.218 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:04.218 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:05.217 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:45:05.219 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.10ms> 05-08 23:45:05.220 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:05.220 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:05.220 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:05.220 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:05.220 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:05.220 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:05.220 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:05.225 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.56ms> 05-08 23:45:05.263 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:45:05.267 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.34ms> 05-08 23:45:05.267 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:45:05.269 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:45:05.474 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:45:06.222 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:06.222 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:06.222 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:06.222 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:06.222 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:06.222 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:06.222 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:06.255 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:45:07.223 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:07.223 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:07.223 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:07.223 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:07.223 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:07.223 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:07.223 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:10.228 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 3 lines 05-08 23:45:11.230 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:11.230 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:11.230 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:11.230 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:11.230 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:11.230 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:11.230 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:11.366 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1890.0, y[0]=675.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47243164, downTime=47243164, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:45:11.667 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1890.0, y[0]=675.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47243164, downTime=47243164, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:45:11.667 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControlsThenHide() called 05-08 23:45:11.669 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$VideoPlayer$idNm3WgGoh2a7qLtpQkChoykaww@fc415ee 05-08 23:45:11.674 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: showSystemUi() called 05-08 23:45:11.721 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:45:11.722 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:45:11.988 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [2000] 05-08 23:45:12.232 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:12.232 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:12.232 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:12.232 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:12.232 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:12.232 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:12.232 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:13.115 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1933.0, y[0]=599.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47244920, downTime=47244920, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:45:13.234 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:13.234 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:13.234 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:13.234 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:13.234 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:13.234 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:13.234 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:13.415 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1933.0, y[0]=599.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47244920, downTime=47244920, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:45:13.415 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [0] 05-08 23:45:13.417 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$jCHp9ApB3JtV_0qS3NgJQCjOVHc@dfa2fa 05-08 23:45:13.589 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: hideSystemUi() called 05-08 23:45:13.963 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:45:13.963 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:45:13.991 13200 13200 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 05-08 23:45:14.236 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:14.236 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:14.236 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:14.236 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:14.236 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:14.236 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:14.236 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:15.238 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:15.238 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:15.238 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:15.238 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:15.238 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:15.238 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:15.238 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:15.987 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:45:15.990 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:45:15.990 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 37, status = 2, level = 37, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:45:15.992 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:45:16.239 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:16.239 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:16.239 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:16.239 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:16.239 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:16.239 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:16.239 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:21.336 1623 2050 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:45:21.351 1623 2053 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:45:23.254 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 7 lines 05-08 23:45:24.255 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:24.255 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:24.255 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:24.255 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:24.255 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:24.255 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:24.255 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:24.510 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:45:24.512 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:45:24.512 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:45:24.514 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 37, status = 2, level = 37, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:45:25.257 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:25.257 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:25.257 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:25.257 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:25.257 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:25.257 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:25.257 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:25.412 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:45:25.461 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:45:26.258 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:26.258 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:26.258 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:26.258 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:26.258 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:26.258 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:26.258 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:26.269 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:45:26.855 1623 3559 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 05-08 23:45:26.881 3933 4138 W WifiMonitor: no need getAvailableWifis 05-08 23:45:26.881 3933 4138 W WifiMonitor: getScanResults has none 05-08 23:45:26.871 1623 2053 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiScanningSer identical 139 lines 05-08 23:45:26.871 1623 2053 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:45:26.886 1623 8975 E WifiService: Permission violation - getScanResults not allowed for uid=10036, packageName=com.google.android.gms, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: Location mode is disabled for the device 05-08 23:45:26.886 1623 2102 E AppScanObserverService: Result available, null observers for user: 0 05-08 23:45:26.887 1623 3559 E WifiService: Permission violation - getScanResults not allowed for uid=99910036, packageName=com.google.android.gms, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: Location mode is disabled for the device 05-08 23:45:27.260 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:27.260 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:27.260 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:27.260 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:27.260 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:27.260 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:27.260 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:28.262 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:28.262 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:28.262 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:28.262 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:28.262 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:28.262 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:28.262 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:28.956 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:45:29.264 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:29.264 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:29.264 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:29.264 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:29.264 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:29.264 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:29.264 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:30.267 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:30.267 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:30.267 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:30.267 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:30.267 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:30.267 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:30.267 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:30.420 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:45:31.269 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:31.269 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:31.269 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:31.269 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:31.269 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:31.269 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:31.269 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:32.271 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:45:33.273 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:33.273 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:33.273 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:33.273 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:33.273 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:33.273 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:33.273 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:33.515 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:45:34.275 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:34.275 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:34.275 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:34.275 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:34.275 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:34.275 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:34.275 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:34.633 2117 2117 D BluetoothController: fireStateChange 05-08 23:45:35.082 879 1447 D AF::Track: interceptBuffer: took 717us to intercept 0 tracks 05-08 23:45:35.277 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:35.277 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:35.277 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:35.277 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:35.277 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:35.277 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:35.277 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:35.871 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:45:35.871 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid -1, active false, tsNanos 79704464872853 05-08 23:45:35.872 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:45:36.250 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:45:36.251 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid 10204, active true, tsNanos 79717338671805 05-08 23:45:36.258 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:45:36.280 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:36.280 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:36.280 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:36.280 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:36.280 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:36.280 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:36.280 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:38.285 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:45:39.287 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:39.287 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:39.287 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:39.287 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:39.287 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:39.287 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:39.287 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:39.480 879 1447 D AF::Track: interceptBuffer: took 547us to intercept 0 tracks 05-08 23:45:40.289 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:40.289 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:40.289 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:40.289 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:40.289 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:40.289 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:40.289 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:41.292 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:41.292 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:41.292 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:41.292 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:41.292 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:41.292 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:41.292 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:41.325 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:45:41.539 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:45:42.293 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:42.293 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:42.293 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:42.293 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:42.293 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:42.293 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:42.293 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:42.489 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:45:42.616 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:45:42.619 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.78ms> 05-08 23:45:42.625 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.25ms> 05-08 23:45:42.660 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:45:42.664 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:45:42.664 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.48ms> 05-08 23:45:42.667 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:45:43.294 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:43.294 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:43.294 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:43.294 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:43.294 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:43.294 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:43.294 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:43.682 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:45:43.684 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.13ms> 05-08 23:45:43.689 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.40ms> 05-08 23:45:43.723 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:45:43.728 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.73ms> 05-08 23:45:43.728 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:45:43.731 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:45:44.296 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:44.296 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:44.296 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:44.296 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:44.296 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:44.296 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:44.296 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:45.298 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:45:46.300 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:46.300 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:46.300 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:46.300 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:46.300 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:46.300 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:46.300 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:46.456 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1866.0, y[0]=598.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47278258, downTime=47278258, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:45:46.758 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1866.0, y[0]=598.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47278258, downTime=47278258, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:45:46.759 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControlsThenHide() called 05-08 23:45:46.762 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$VideoPlayer$idNm3WgGoh2a7qLtpQkChoykaww@8f5fc6f 05-08 23:45:46.766 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: showSystemUi() called 05-08 23:45:46.801 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:45:46.801 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:45:47.068 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [2000] 05-08 23:45:47.301 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:47.301 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:47.301 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:47.301 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:47.301 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:47.301 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:47.301 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:48.303 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:48.303 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:48.303 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:48.303 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:48.303 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:48.303 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:48.303 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:48.516 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1965.0, y[0]=700.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47280320, downTime=47280320, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:45:48.816 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1965.0, y[0]=700.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47280320, downTime=47280320, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:45:48.817 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [0] 05-08 23:45:48.819 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$jCHp9ApB3JtV_0qS3NgJQCjOVHc@38ff08b 05-08 23:45:48.987 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: hideSystemUi() called 05-08 23:45:49.305 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:49.305 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:49.305 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:49.305 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:49.305 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:49.305 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:49.305 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:49.340 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:45:49.340 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:45:49.351 13200 13200 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 05-08 23:45:50.306 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:50.306 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:50.306 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:50.306 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:50.306 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:50.306 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:50.306 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:54.314 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 4 lines 05-08 23:45:55.316 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:55.316 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:55.316 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:55.316 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:55.316 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:55.316 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:55.316 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:56.043 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:45:56.317 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:56.317 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:56.317 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:56.317 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:56.317 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:56.317 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:56.317 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:45:56.380 1013 1013 I CNSS : cnss_open_log_file: directory /data/vendor/wlan_logs/ created 05-08 23:45:57.319 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:57.319 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:57.319 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:57.319 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:57.319 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:57.319 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:57.319 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:00.000 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:45:58.320 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:45:59.322 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:45:59.322 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:45:59.322 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:45:59.322 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:45:59.322 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:45:59.322 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:45:59.322 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:00.006 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 05-08 23:46:00.324 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:00.324 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:00.324 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:00.324 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:00.324 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:00.324 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:00.324 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:01.270 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:46:01.325 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:01.325 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:01.325 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:01.325 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:01.325 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:01.325 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:01.325 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:04.335 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 3 lines 05-08 23:46:05.337 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:05.337 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:05.337 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:05.337 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:05.337 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:05.337 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:05.337 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:05.686 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:46:06.278 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:46:06.339 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:06.339 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:06.339 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:06.339 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:06.339 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:06.339 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:06.339 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:08.344 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:46:09.346 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:09.346 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:09.346 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:09.346 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:09.346 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:09.346 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:09.346 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:09.733 1623 1657 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 396601(20MB) AllocSpace objects, 19(2316KB) LOS objects, 37% free, 37MB/60MB, paused 619us total 101.859ms 05-08 23:46:10.349 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:10.349 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:10.349 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:10.349 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:10.349 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:10.349 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:10.349 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:11.195 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:46:11.351 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:11.351 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:11.351 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:11.351 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:11.351 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:11.351 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:11.351 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:12.353 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:12.353 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:12.353 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:12.353 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:12.353 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:12.353 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:12.353 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:13.148 13003 13084 W FirebaseInstanceId: Token retrieval failed: SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE. Will retry token retrieval 05-08 23:46:13.201 13003 13085 E FirebaseMessaging: Topic operation failed: SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE. Will retry Topic operation. 05-08 23:46:13.354 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:13.354 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:13.354 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:13.354 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:13.354 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:13.354 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:13.354 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:14.357 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:14.357 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:14.357 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:14.357 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:14.357 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:14.357 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:14.357 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:14.912 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:46:14.912 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid -1, active false, tsNanos 79743377992005 05-08 23:46:14.914 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:46:15.360 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:15.360 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:15.360 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:15.360 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:15.360 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:15.360 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:15.360 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:15.572 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:46:15.572 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid 10204, active true, tsNanos 79756660696270 05-08 23:46:15.576 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:46:15.988 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:46:15.990 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:46:15.992 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 37, status = 2, level = 37, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:46:15.992 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:46:16.361 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:16.361 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:16.361 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:16.361 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:16.361 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:16.361 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:16.361 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:17.363 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:17.363 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:17.363 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:17.363 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:17.363 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:17.363 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:17.363 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:17.993 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1931.0, y[0]=522.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47309796, downTime=47309796, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:46:18.294 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1931.0, y[0]=522.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47309796, downTime=47309796, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:46:18.295 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControlsThenHide() called 05-08 23:46:18.297 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$VideoPlayer$idNm3WgGoh2a7qLtpQkChoykaww@88b0a67 05-08 23:46:18.301 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: showSystemUi() called 05-08 23:46:18.336 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:46:18.336 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:46:18.367 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:18.367 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:18.367 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:18.367 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:18.367 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:18.367 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:18.367 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:18.601 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [2000] 05-08 23:46:19.369 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:19.369 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:19.369 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:19.369 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:19.369 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:19.369 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:19.369 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:19.511 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:46:20.370 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:20.370 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:20.370 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:20.370 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:20.370 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:20.370 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:20.370 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:20.446 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:46:20.573 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:46:20.576 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.58ms> 05-08 23:46:20.581 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <1.67ms> 05-08 23:46:20.591 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:46:20.604 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$jCHp9ApB3JtV_0qS3NgJQCjOVHc@78906b 05-08 23:46:20.612 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:46:20.616 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:46:20.617 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.36ms> 05-08 23:46:20.618 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:46:20.916 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: hideSystemUi() called 05-08 23:46:21.257 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:46:21.257 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:46:21.267 13200 13200 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 05-08 23:46:21.372 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:21.372 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:21.372 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:21.372 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:21.372 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:21.372 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:21.372 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:21.634 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:46:21.639 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <2.91ms> 05-08 23:46:21.644 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.43ms> 05-08 23:46:21.679 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:46:21.683 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.43ms> 05-08 23:46:21.683 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:46:21.685 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:46:22.374 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:22.374 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:22.374 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:22.374 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:22.374 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:22.374 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:22.374 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:27.386 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 5 lines 05-08 23:46:28.388 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:28.388 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:28.388 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:28.388 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:28.388 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:28.388 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:28.388 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:28.561 879 1447 D AF::Track: interceptBuffer: took 355us to intercept 0 tracks 05-08 23:46:29.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:29.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:29.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:29.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:29.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:29.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:29.389 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:29.667 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:46:29.671 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:46:29.672 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:46:29.672 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 37, status = 2, level = 37, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:46:30.394 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:30.394 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:30.394 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:30.394 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:30.394 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:30.394 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:30.394 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:34.405 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 4 lines 05-08 23:46:35.407 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:35.407 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:35.407 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:35.407 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:35.407 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:35.407 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:35.407 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:35.664 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:46:36.409 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:36.409 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:36.409 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:36.409 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:36.409 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:36.409 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:36.409 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:37.413 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:37.413 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:37.413 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:37.413 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:37.413 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:37.413 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:37.413 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:37.696 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:46:38.415 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:38.415 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:38.415 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:38.415 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:38.415 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:38.415 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:38.415 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:39.417 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:46:40.420 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:40.420 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:40.420 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:40.420 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:40.420 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:40.420 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:40.420 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:40.599 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:46:41.422 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:41.422 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:41.422 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:41.422 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:41.422 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:41.422 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:41.422 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:41.916 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:46:42.056 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1866.0, y[0]=537.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47333858, downTime=47333858, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:46:42.355 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1866.0, y[0]=537.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47333858, downTime=47333858, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:46:42.356 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControlsThenHide() called 05-08 23:46:42.357 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$VideoPlayer$idNm3WgGoh2a7qLtpQkChoykaww@a8dc847 05-08 23:46:42.363 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: showSystemUi() called 05-08 23:46:42.418 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:46:42.418 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:46:42.426 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:42.426 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:42.426 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:42.426 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:42.426 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:42.426 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:42.426 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:42.672 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [2000] 05-08 23:46:42.767 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:46:43.428 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:43.428 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:43.428 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:43.428 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:43.428 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:43.428 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:43.428 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:44.074 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1910.0, y[0]=586.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47335875, downTime=47335875, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:46:44.376 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1910.0, y[0]=586.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47335875, downTime=47335875, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:46:44.377 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [0] 05-08 23:46:44.381 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$jCHp9ApB3JtV_0qS3NgJQCjOVHc@3d4a1e3 05-08 23:46:44.430 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:44.430 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:44.430 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:44.430 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:44.430 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:44.430 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:44.430 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:44.543 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: hideSystemUi() called 05-08 23:46:44.894 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:46:44.894 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:46:44.907 13200 13200 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 05-08 23:46:45.431 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:45.431 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:45.431 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:45.431 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:45.431 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:45.431 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:45.431 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:45.607 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:46:46.432 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:46.432 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:46.432 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:46.432 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:46.432 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:46.432 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:46.432 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:47.434 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:47.434 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:47.434 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:47.434 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:47.434 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:47.434 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:47.434 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:47.937 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:46:48.436 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:48.436 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:48.436 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:48.436 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:48.436 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:48.436 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:48.436 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:49.438 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:46:50.441 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:50.441 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:50.441 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:50.441 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:50.441 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:50.441 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:50.441 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:50.721 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:46:51.444 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:51.444 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:51.444 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:51.444 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:51.444 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:51.444 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:51.444 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:52.447 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:52.447 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:52.447 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:52.447 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:52.447 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:52.447 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:52.447 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:53.311 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:46:53.311 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid -1, active false, tsNanos 79781779072095 05-08 23:46:53.313 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:46:53.449 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:53.449 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:53.449 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:53.449 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:53.449 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:53.449 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:53.449 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:54.075 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:46:54.075 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid 10204, active true, tsNanos 79795165237245 05-08 23:46:54.076 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:46:54.451 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:54.451 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:54.451 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:54.451 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:54.451 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:54.451 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:54.451 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:55.452 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:55.452 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:55.452 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:55.452 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:55.452 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:55.452 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:55.452 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:55.599 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:46:56.454 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:56.454 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:56.454 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:56.454 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:56.454 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:56.454 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:56.454 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:57.018 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:46:57.455 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:57.455 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:57.455 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:57.455 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:57.455 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:57.455 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:57.455 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:57.824 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:46:57.871 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:46:58.062 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:46:58.067 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <2.54ms> 05-08 23:46:58.073 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.41ms> 05-08 23:46:58.106 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:46:58.110 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.46ms> 05-08 23:46:58.111 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:46:58.113 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:46:58.456 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:58.456 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:58.456 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:58.456 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:58.456 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:58.456 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:58.456 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:46:58.922 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:46:58.923 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:46:58.923 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:46:58.936 3974 4310 W PushService: 2020-05-08 23:46:58,936 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:276] JOB: Handle intent action = com.xiaomi.push.timer 05-08 23:46:58.937 3974 4310 W PushService: 2020-05-08 23:46:58,937 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:276] Service called on timer 05-08 23:46:58.942 1623 8975 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:46:58.952 3974 4310 W PushService: 2020-05-08 23:46:58,952 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:276] [Slim] SND ping id=0 05-08 23:46:59.025 3974 8157 W PushService: 2020-05-08 23:46:59,025 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:319] [Slim] RCV ping id=0 05-08 23:46:59.030 3974 4310 W PushService: 2020-05-08 23:46:59,030 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:276] TinyData TinyDataCacheProcessor.pingFollowUpAction ts:1588974419030 05-08 23:46:59.032 3974 4310 W PushService: 2020-05-08 23:46:59,032 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:276] TinyData TinyDataCacheProcessor.pingFollowUpAction !canUpload(uploader) ts:1588974419032 05-08 23:46:59.078 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:46:59.126 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:46:59.130 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <2.82ms> 05-08 23:46:59.136 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.68ms> 05-08 23:46:59.173 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:46:59.177 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.44ms> 05-08 23:46:59.177 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:46:59.180 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:46:59.459 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:46:59.459 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:46:59.459 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:46:59.459 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:46:59.459 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:46:59.459 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:46:59.459 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:00.001 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:47:00.010 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 05-08 23:47:00.329 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:47:00.461 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:00.461 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:00.461 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:00.461 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:00.461 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:00.461 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:00.461 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:02.465 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:47:03.467 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:03.467 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:03.467 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:03.467 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:03.467 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:03.467 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:03.467 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:03.682 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:47:04.469 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:04.469 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:04.469 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:04.469 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:04.469 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:04.469 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:04.469 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:05.471 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:47:06.473 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:06.473 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:06.473 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:06.473 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:06.473 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:06.473 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:06.473 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:06.798 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:47:07.475 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:07.475 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:07.475 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:07.475 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:07.475 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:07.475 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:07.475 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:08.478 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:08.478 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:08.478 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:08.478 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:08.478 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:08.478 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:08.478 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:08.955 3974 4310 W PushService: 2020-05-08 23:47:08,955 - [WARN::PushService] - [Thread:276] JOB: check the ping-pong.1588974418950 05-08 23:47:09.481 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:09.481 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:09.481 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:09.481 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:09.481 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:09.481 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:09.481 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:11.487 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 2 lines 05-08 23:47:12.490 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:12.490 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:12.490 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:12.490 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:12.490 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:12.490 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:12.490 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:12.635 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:47:13.492 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:13.492 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:13.492 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:13.492 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:13.492 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:13.492 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:13.492 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:14.494 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:47:15.496 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:15.496 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:15.496 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:15.496 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:15.496 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:15.496 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:15.496 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:15.981 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:47:15.985 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:47:15.989 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:47:15.990 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 37, status = 2, level = 37, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:47:16.498 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:16.498 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:16.498 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:16.498 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:16.498 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:16.498 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:16.498 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:17.501 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:47:18.503 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:18.503 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:18.503 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:18.503 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:18.503 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:18.503 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:18.503 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:19.088 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:47:19.505 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:19.505 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:19.505 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:19.505 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:19.505 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:19.505 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:19.505 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:20.124 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:47:20.508 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:20.508 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:20.508 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:20.508 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:20.508 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:20.508 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:20.508 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:21.511 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:21.511 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:21.511 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:21.511 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:21.511 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:21.511 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:21.511 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:22.349 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:47:22.513 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:22.513 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:22.513 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:22.513 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:22.513 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:22.513 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:22.513 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:22.754 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:47:23.514 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:23.514 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:23.514 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:23.514 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:23.514 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:23.514 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:23.514 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:24.095 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:47:24.516 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:24.516 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:24.516 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:24.516 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:24.516 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:24.516 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:24.516 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:28.527 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 4 lines 05-08 23:47:29.531 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:29.531 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:29.531 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:29.531 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:29.531 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:29.531 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:29.531 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:30.433 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:47:30.433 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid -1, active false, tsNanos 79819155803695 05-08 23:47:30.435 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:47:30.534 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:30.534 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:30.534 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:30.534 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:30.534 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:30.534 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:30.534 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:31.450 1623 1681 D NetworkManagement: wlan0 <====> 1 05-08 23:47:31.450 1623 1681 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: label wlan0, uid 10204, active true, tsNanos 79832541081137 05-08 23:47:31.451 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:47:31.536 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:31.536 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:31.536 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:31.536 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:31.536 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:31.536 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:31.536 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:32.538 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:47:33.539 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:33.539 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:33.539 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:33.539 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:33.539 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:33.539 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:33.539 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:34.072 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [true] 05-08 23:47:34.540 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:34.540 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:34.540 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:34.540 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:34.540 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:34.540 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:34.540 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:34.828 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:47:34.830 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:47:34.830 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:47:34.830 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 37, status = 2, level = 37, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:47:35.011 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onLoadingChanged() called with: isLoading = [false] 05-08 23:47:35.139 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:47:35.142 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <1.50ms> 05-08 23:47:35.150 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.28ms> 05-08 23:47:35.185 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:47:35.189 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.39ms> 05-08 23:47:35.190 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:47:35.192 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:47:35.545 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:35.545 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:35.545 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:35.545 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:35.545 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:35.545 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:35.545 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:36.206 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:47:36.209 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <2.63ms> 05-08 23:47:36.215 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <2.74ms> 05-08 23:47:36.261 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:47:36.265 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:47:36.265 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <0.52ms> 05-08 23:47:36.267 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:47:36.547 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:36.547 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:36.547 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:36.547 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:36.547 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:36.547 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:36.547 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:40.555 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 4 lines 05-08 23:47:41.557 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:41.557 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:41.557 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:41.557 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:41.557 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:41.557 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:41.557 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:42.365 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:47:42.558 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:42.558 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:42.558 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:42.558 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:42.558 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:42.558 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:42.558 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:45.144 1623 1693 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk 05-08 23:47:45.230 1623 1693 E AppIdleHistory: Error writing app idle file for user 0 05-08 23:47:45.230 1623 1693 I UsageStatsService: User[999] Flushing usage stats to disk 05-08 23:47:45.266 1623 1693 E AppIdleHistory: Error writing app idle file for user 999 05-08 23:47:45.564 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 3 lines 05-08 23:47:46.567 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:46.567 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:46.567 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:46.567 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:46.567 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:46.567 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:46.567 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:46.919 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:47:47.569 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:47.569 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:47.569 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:47.569 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:47.569 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:47.569 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:47.569 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:48.570 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 1 line 05-08 23:47:49.573 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:49.573 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:49.573 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:49.573 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:49.573 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:49.573 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:49.573 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:49.761 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:47:50.577 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:50.577 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:50.577 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:50.577 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:50.577 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:50.577 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:50.577 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:54.584 8375 9550 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LocalConnector- identical 4 lines 05-08 23:47:55.586 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:55.586 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:55.586 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:55.586 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:55.586 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:55.586 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:55.586 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:56.469 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: disable, rate=0 05-08 23:47:56.588 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:56.588 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:56.588 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:56.588 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:56.588 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:56.588 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:56.588 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:57.270 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1911.0, y[0]=500.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47409071, downTime=47409071, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:47:57.572 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1911.0, y[0]=500.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47409071, downTime=47409071, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:47:57.572 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControlsThenHide() called 05-08 23:47:57.574 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$VideoPlayer$idNm3WgGoh2a7qLtpQkChoykaww@ec702e9 05-08 23:47:57.577 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: showSystemUi() called 05-08 23:47:57.590 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:57.590 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:57.590 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:57.590 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:57.590 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:57.590 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:57.590 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:57.609 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:47:57.609 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:47:57.880 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [2000] 05-08 23:47:58.591 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:58.591 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:58.591 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:58.591 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:58.591 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:58.591 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:58.591 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:59.593 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:47:59.593 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:47:59.593 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:47:59.593 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:47:59.593 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:47:59.593 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:47:59.593 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:47:59.883 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$jCHp9ApB3JtV_0qS3NgJQCjOVHc@b83e4a5 05-08 23:48:00.000 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:48:00.002 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 05-08 23:48:00.196 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: hideSystemUi() called 05-08 23:48:00.556 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:48:00.557 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:48:00.581 13200 13200 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 05-08 23:48:00.594 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:00.594 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:00.594 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:00.594 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:00.594 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:00.594 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:00.594 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:48:00.974 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onDown() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1212.0, y[0]=335.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47412780, downTime=47412780, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:48:01.276 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onSingleTapConfirmed() called with: e = [MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1212.0, y[0]=335.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=47412780, downTime=47412780, deviceId=7, source=0x1002, displayId=0 }] 05-08 23:48:01.276 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControlsThenHide() called 05-08 23:48:01.280 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$VideoPlayer$idNm3WgGoh2a7qLtpQkChoykaww@a732621 05-08 23:48:01.284 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: showSystemUi() called 05-08 23:48:01.325 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:48:01.325 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:48:01.475 662 20292 D OemNetd : setLimit: enable, rate=0 05-08 23:48:01.594 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: hideControls() called with: delay = [2000] 05-08 23:48:01.595 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:01.595 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:01.595 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:01.595 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:01.595 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:01.595 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:01.595 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:48:02.597 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:02.597 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:02.597 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:02.597 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:02.597 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:02.597 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:02.597 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:48:02.699 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: onClick() called with: v = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageButton{3dcbfee VFED..C.. ...P.... 1032,402-1307,677 #7f0901d2 app:id/playPauseButton}] 05-08 23:48:02.699 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: onPlayPause() called 05-08 23:48:02.699 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: onPause() called 05-08 23:48:02.701 1623 4043 I MediaFocusControl: abandonAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10346/13200 clientId=android.media.AudioManager@fafce81org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.AudioReactor@1c0033 05-08 23:48:02.701 13200 13295 D AudioTrack: pause(sessionID=2121) 05-08 23:48:02.702 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: ExoPlayer - onPlayerStateChanged() called with: playWhenReady = [false], playbackState = [3] 05-08 23:48:02.702 879 23732 E AudioFlinger: open /proc/13200/cmdline error 05-08 23:48:02.702 879 23732 I AudioFlinger: setAppName(), name=[], active=[0] 05-08 23:48:02.702 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: changeState() called with: state = [126] 05-08 23:48:02.702 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: onPaused() called 05-08 23:48:02.702 13200 13200 D VideoPlayerImpl.MainVideoPlayer: showControls() called 05-08 23:48:02.703 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 400:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:02.703 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{c4f2edc V.E...... ........ 0,0-2340,1080 #7f0901d9 app:id/playbackControlRoot}] 05-08 23:48:02.704 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatImageButton:playPauseButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 80:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$D632bmC7S3FOV_A43vQapqSIGbc@81ed4a0 05-08 23:48:02.705 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: showSystemUi() called 05-08 23:48:02.711 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:playbackControlRoot] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=org.schabi.newpipe.player.-$$Lambda$MainVideoPlayer$VideoPlayerImpl$eCIZF2nq3h5dn5dxXelgzHD1NXk@1a98c1e 05-08 23:48:02.711 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{c4f2edc V.E...... .......D 0,0-2340,1080 #7f0901d9 app:id/playbackControlRoot}] 05-08 23:48:02.799 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [AppCompatImageButton:playPauseButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:02.801 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [AppCompatImageButton:playPreviousButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:02.801 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageButton{aae3c0c VFED..C.. ........ 811,471-949,609 #7f0901d3 app:id/playPreviousButton}] 05-08 23:48:02.802 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [AppCompatImageButton:playNextButton] [SCALE_AND_ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:02.802 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageButton{fc36955 VFED..C.. ........ 1390,471-1528,609 #7f0901d1 app:id/playNextButton}] 05-08 23:48:02.802 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatButton:closeButton] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:02.802 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatButton{ff6a147 GFED..C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f090080 app:id/closeButton}] 05-08 23:48:02.885 1623 1693 D ProcessManager: add temp remove audio inactive uid : 10346 05-08 23:48:02.886 768 1460 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:48:02.887 768 1460 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable 05-08 23:48:02.887 768 1460 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_VOL_STEP_TABLE_SIZE 05-08 23:48:02.887 768 1460 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_STEP_TABLE, vol index 0 05-08 23:48:02.887 768 1460 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000271B 05-08 23:48:02.887 768 1460 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -19 05-08 23:48:02.887 768 1460 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_VOL_CAL cal type = 40 05-08 23:48:02.887 768 1460 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 05-08 23:48:02.887 5144 5236 I PowerCheckerService: uid:10346change to inactive 05-08 23:48:02.888 879 1214 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: stopOutput portId 329 05-08 23:48:02.889 879 1214 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevices selected devices AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE 05-08 23:48:02.889 5144 5225 I AppActiveChecker: uid:10346change to inactive 05-08 23:48:02.891 879 1214 W AudioFlinger: moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session 0 not on source thread 0x734085ef00 05-08 23:48:02.891 768 861 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(1) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:48:02.891 768 861 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 05-08 23:48:03.486 1623 2083 D ProcessManager: real remove inactive uid : 10346 flag : 1 05-08 23:48:03.599 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:03.599 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:03.599 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:03.599 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:03.599 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:03.599 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:03.599 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:48:04.508 1623 3559 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4 down:true eventTime:47416318 downTime:47416318 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 05-08 23:48:04.516 1623 2033 V InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection succeeded. 05-08 23:48:04.517 13200 13200 D ViewRootImpl: [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=47416318, downTime=47416318, deviceId=-1, source=0x101, displayId=-1 } 05-08 23:48:04.577 1623 3559 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4 down:false eventTime:47416388 downTime:47416318 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 05-08 23:48:04.581 1623 2033 V InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection succeeded. 05-08 23:48:04.583 13200 13200 D ViewRootImpl: [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=47416388, downTime=47416318, deviceId=-1, source=0x101, displayId=-1 } 05-08 23:48:04.591 1623 4043 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 05-08 23:48:04.603 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:04.603 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:04.603 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:04.603 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:04.603 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:04.603 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:04.603 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:48:04.603 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: savePlaybackState() called 05-08 23:48:04.614 790 816 I sensors-hal: activate:147, android.sensor.device_orientation/34 en=0 05-08 23:48:04.616 790 816 E sensors-hal: ~ssc_qmi_connection:318, ~ssc_qmi_connection. 05-08 23:48:04.616 790 816 I sensors-hal: activate:158, android.sensor.device_orientation/34 en=0 completed 05-08 23:48:04.619 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:04.619 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:04.619 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 16 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:04.646 1623 4043 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480 {0.86 214mcc4mnc [es_ES] ldltr sw392dp w392dp h776dp 440dpi nrml long hdr widecg port uimode=12 night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 75 - 1080, 2210) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.6595 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0} 05-08 23:48:04.666 1623 4043 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config changes=20000480 {0.86 214mcc4mnc [es_ES] ldltr sw392dp w392dp h776dp 440dpi nrml long hdr widecg port uimode=12 night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 75 - 1080, 2210) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.6595 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0} for displayId=0 05-08 23:48:04.691 7153 7153 I Application: onConfigurationChanged: 05-08 23:48:04.704 1623 4043 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47416516 05-08 23:48:04.706 1623 4043 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47416518 05-08 23:48:04.712 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47416524 05-08 23:48:04.714 5977 5985 W gle.android.im: Reducing the number of considered missed Gc histogram windows from 277 to 100 05-08 23:48:04.718 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47416530 05-08 23:48:04.720 2117 2117 I vol.MiuiVolumeDialogImp: onConfigChanged sensitive config changed 05-08 23:48:04.720 2117 2117 I vol.MiuiVolumeDialogImp: dismissH mShowing:false dialog showing:false reason:8 05-08 23:48:04.722 1623 1684 I InputManager-JNI: Viewport [0] to add: local:19260674575326081 05-08 23:48:04.723 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47416535 05-08 23:48:04.726 1623 2034 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 05-08 23:48:04.726 1623 2034 I InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=7, name='fts_ts', size 1080x2340, orientation 0, mode 1, display id 0 05-08 23:48:04.726 2387 2387 D Launcher.ShortcutMenu: calculateScale, heightScale=1.0, widthScale=0.97833335 05-08 23:48:04.737 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:04.749 1623 2397 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47416560 05-08 23:48:04.753 1623 2042 V UiModeManager: switch night mode to 2 05-08 23:48:04.752 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:04.755 1623 2397 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:48:04.755 1623 2397 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:48:04.755 1623 2397 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:48:04.756 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:04.766 1623 1664 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47416578 05-08 23:48:04.767 1623 1664 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47416579 05-08 23:48:04.772 1623 13287 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47416584 05-08 23:48:04.776 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 11 05-08 23:48:04.776 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:14,new:11 05-08 23:48:04.777 2117 2117 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: setDisabledFlags back:false home:false recent:false 05-08 23:48:04.780 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 14 05-08 23:48:04.781 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:11,new:14 05-08 23:48:04.782 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47416594 05-08 23:48:04.783 2117 2622 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): 4G level = 3 05-08 23:48:04.784 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:04.787 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:04.787 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:04.787 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 13 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:04.788 2117 2532 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): getDataNetTypeFromServiceState slotId=0 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false 05-08 23:48:04.788 2117 2532 D NetworkTypeUtils: getDataNetTypeFromServiceState:srcDataNetType = 13, destDataNetType 13 05-08 23:48:04.789 2117 2532 D MobileSignalController: updateDataType mSelectedDataTypeIcon[0]=2131233070, mSelectedDataActivityIndex=6 05-08 23:48:04.789 1623 2467 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47416601 05-08 23:48:04.789 2117 2532 D TelephonyIcons: getSignalStrengthIcon: slot=0, inetCondition=1, level=3, roaming=false, signalstrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-81 rsrp=-110 rsrq=-12 rssnr=4 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 miuiLevel=3 level=1,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiSinr = 2147483647 ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 level = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte} 05-08 23:48:04.790 2117 2532 D TelephonyIcons: null signal icon name: drawable/stat_sys_signal_null 05-08 23:48:04.791 2117 2532 D TelephonyIcons: getDataTypeIcon sub=0 05-08 23:48:04.792 1623 2467 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47416604 05-08 23:48:04.797 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:04.799 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 11 05-08 23:48:04.799 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:14,new:11 05-08 23:48:04.802 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 99034, uidState = 14 05-08 23:48:04.802 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:99034,old:11,new:14 05-08 23:48:04.804 1623 2467 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47416616 05-08 23:48:04.806 2117 2117 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: scaleType CENTER 05-08 23:48:04.808 2117 2117 D MiuiGxzwAnimView: onDisplayChanged: oldState = 2, newState = 2 05-08 23:48:04.813 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47416625 05-08 23:48:04.826 1623 2355 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47416638 05-08 23:48:04.829 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(RotationChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:04.830 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(RotationChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:04.830 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RotationChangedEvent) duration: 23 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:04.830 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsImpl [0x66baf9f, P1] onBusEvent(RotationChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:04.830 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RotationChangedEvent) duration: 6 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:04.833 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{55d61c0 u0 org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity t385} time:47416645 05-08 23:48:04.833 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47416645 05-08 23:48:04.834 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:47416646 05-08 23:48:04.844 1623 1685 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +226ms due to Window{d67839b u0 org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity} 05-08 23:48:04.871 13200 13359 D SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0x72185a2010, reason connectToSurface 05-08 23:48:04.871 13200 13359 I MediaCodec: [OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc] setting surface generation to 13516803 05-08 23:48:04.871 13200 13359 D SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0x72185a2010, reason connectToSurface(reconnect) 05-08 23:48:04.871 13200 13359 D SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0x72185a2010, reason connectToSurface(reconnect) 05-08 23:48:04.872 1083 2291 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: OMX.google.android.index.AndroidNativeBufferConsumerUsage not implemented 05-08 23:48:04.872 13200 13360 D SurfaceUtils: set up nativeWindow 0x72185a2010 for 1280x720, color 0x7fa30c06, rotation 0, usage 0x20002900 05-08 23:48:04.873 13200 13359 D SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0x7229525010, reason disconnectFromSurface 05-08 23:48:04.886 13200 13200 D .MainVideoPlayer: onStop() called 05-08 23:48:04.890 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: destroy() called 05-08 23:48:04.890 13200 13200 D BasePlayer: destroyPlayer() called 05-08 23:48:04.892 13200 13200 I ExoPlayerImpl: Release 4d36367 [ExoPlayerLib/2.10.8] [pyxis, Mi 9 Lite, Xiaomi, 29] [goog.exo.core, goog.exo.mediasession] 05-08 23:48:04.895 2117 2117 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: setDisabledFlags back:false home:false recent:false 05-08 23:48:04.897 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:04.897 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 4 lines 05-08 23:48:04.897 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:04.897 13200 13503 D AudioTrack: stop(329): prior state:STATE_FLUSHED 05-08 23:48:04.897 13200 13503 D AudioTrack: ~AudioTrack(sessionID=2121) 05-08 23:48:04.901 13200 13503 D AudioTrack: stop(329): prior state:STATE_FLUSHED 05-08 23:48:04.902 2117 2117 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: onDraw 05-08 23:48:04.907 13200 13359 D SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0x72185a2010, reason disconnectFromSurface 05-08 23:48:04.910 1083 1083 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_deinit() complete 05-08 23:48:04.912 1083 1083 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Exit OMX vdec Destructor: fd=10 05-08 23:48:04.912 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:04.912 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 4 lines 05-08 23:48:04.912 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:04.913 1083 1083 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Video slvp perflock acquired 05-08 23:48:04.927 1623 2355 I MediaFocusControl: abandonAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10346/13200 clientId=android.media.AudioManager@fafce81org.schabi.newpipe.player.helper.AudioReactor@1c0033 05-08 23:48:04.927 13200 13200 D MediaSourceManager@217279222: close() called. 05-08 23:48:04.930 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:04.930 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 4 lines 05-08 23:48:04.930 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:04.930 1623 4043 D MediaSessionService: Media button session is changed to null 05-08 23:48:04.943 2117 2117 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): getDataNetTypeFromServiceState slotId=0 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false 05-08 23:48:04.944 2117 2117 D NetworkTypeUtils: getDataNetTypeFromServiceState:srcDataNetType = 13, destDataNetType 13 05-08 23:48:04.945 2117 2117 D MobileSignalController: updateDataType mSelectedDataTypeIcon[0]=2131233070, mSelectedDataActivityIndex=6 05-08 23:48:04.945 2117 2117 D TelephonyIcons: getSignalStrengthIcon: slot=0, inetCondition=1, level=3, roaming=false, signalstrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-81 rsrp=-110 rsrq=-12 rssnr=4 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 miuiLevel=3 level=1,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiSinr = 2147483647 ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 level = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte} 05-08 23:48:04.945 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:04.945 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 6 lines 05-08 23:48:04.945 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:04.945 2117 2117 D TelephonyIcons: null signal icon name: drawable/stat_sys_signal_null 05-08 23:48:04.946 2117 2117 D TelephonyIcons: getDataTypeIcon sub=0 05-08 23:48:04.947 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:48:04.955 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:04.955 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:04.955 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 19 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:04.955 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:04.956 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:04.956 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 19 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:04.956 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:04.956 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:04.956 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 8 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:04.961 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:04.961 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 6 lines 05-08 23:48:04.961 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:04.971 2117 2117 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: onDraw 05-08 23:48:04.977 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:04.978 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 6 lines 05-08 23:48:04.978 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:04.989 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:04.989 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:04.989 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 22 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:04.994 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:04.994 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 6 lines 05-08 23:48:04.994 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:05.001 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate 05-08 23:48:05.001 1623 1983 D AlarmManagerServiceInjector: adjustAlarmLocked, alarm is not restricted! 05-08 23:48:05.011 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:05.028 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 14 lines 05-08 23:48:05.028 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:05.029 2117 2117 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** unregister callback for com.android.systemui.BatteryMeterView$1@4244bc9 05-08 23:48:05.045 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:05.045 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 6 lines 05-08 23:48:05.045 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:05.056 2117 2117 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): getDataNetTypeFromServiceState slotId=0 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false 05-08 23:48:05.057 2117 2117 D NetworkTypeUtils: getDataNetTypeFromServiceState:srcDataNetType = 13, destDataNetType 13 05-08 23:48:05.057 2117 2117 D MobileSignalController: updateDataType mSelectedDataTypeIcon[0]=2131233070, mSelectedDataActivityIndex=6 05-08 23:48:05.059 2117 2117 D TelephonyIcons: getSignalStrengthIcon: slot=0, inetCondition=1, level=3, roaming=false, signalstrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-81 rsrp=-110 rsrq=-12 rssnr=4 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 miuiLevel=3 level=1,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiSinr = 2147483647 ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 level = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte} 05-08 23:48:05.059 2117 2117 D TelephonyIcons: null signal icon name: drawable/stat_sys_signal_null 05-08 23:48:05.060 2117 2117 D TelephonyIcons: getDataTypeIcon sub=0 05-08 23:48:05.061 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:05.061 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 6 lines 05-08 23:48:05.061 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:05.062 2117 2117 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** register callback for com.android.systemui.BatteryMeterView$1@4846459 05-08 23:48:05.062 2117 2117 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** unregister callback for null 05-08 23:48:05.069 2117 2117 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): getDataNetTypeFromServiceState slotId=0 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false 05-08 23:48:05.069 2117 2117 D NetworkTypeUtils: getDataNetTypeFromServiceState:srcDataNetType = 13, destDataNetType 13 05-08 23:48:05.070 2117 2117 D MobileSignalController: updateDataType mSelectedDataTypeIcon[0]=2131233070, mSelectedDataActivityIndex=6 05-08 23:48:05.070 2117 2117 D TelephonyIcons: getSignalStrengthIcon: slot=0, inetCondition=1, level=3, roaming=false, signalstrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-81 rsrp=-110 rsrq=-12 rssnr=4 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 miuiLevel=3 level=1,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiSinr = 2147483647 ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 level = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte} 05-08 23:48:05.070 2117 2117 D TelephonyIcons: null signal icon name: drawable/stat_sys_signal_null 05-08 23:48:05.070 2117 2117 D TelephonyIcons: getDataTypeIcon sub=0 05-08 23:48:05.078 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:05.078 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 6 lines 05-08 23:48:05.078 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:05.090 2117 2129 I ndroid.systemu: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 289472(11MB) AllocSpace objects, 15(492KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 16MB/32MB, paused 89us total 139.696ms 05-08 23:48:05.094 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:05.127 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 22 lines 05-08 23:48:05.127 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:05.132 2117 2131 W System : A resource failed to call close. 05-08 23:48:05.136 2117 2131 I chatty : uid=1000(system) FinalizerDaemon identical 1 line 05-08 23:48:05.137 2117 2131 W System : A resource failed to call close. 05-08 23:48:05.144 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:05.212 886 886 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 38 lines 05-08 23:48:05.212 886 886 W HwcComposer: command 0x4080000 generated error 4 05-08 23:48:05.606 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:05.606 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:05.606 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:05.606 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:05.606 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:05.606 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:05.606 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:48:05.745 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xeba9f000) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) 05-08 23:48:05.864 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: stop_output_stream: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) 05-08 23:48:05.864 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback speaker 05-08 23:48:05.867 768 861 E soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: invalid input device 0x0, for event 2 05-08 23:48:05.867 768 861 D soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_stream_status: uc_info->id 0 of type 0 for Event 2, with Raise=1 05-08 23:48:05.867 768 861 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back event 2 rx_concurrency_active 1, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 1, music on 1 05-08 23:48:05.867 768 861 D sound_trigger_hal: pcm_transfer_to_barge_in barge in 1, state 0, force idle 0 05-08 23:48:05.867 768 861 D sound_trigger_hal: pcm_transfer_to_barge_in exit barge in 0, state 0, force idle 0 05-08 23:48:05.867 768 861 D sound_trigger_hal: sound_trigger_hw_call_back rx_concurrency_active 0, tx_concurrency_active 0, screen on 1, music on 0 05-08 23:48:05.867 768 861 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:48:05.867 768 861 I msm8974_platform: platform_get_custom_mtmx_params: no matching param with id 0 ip_ch 2 op_ch 2 uc_id 0 snd_dev 2 05-08 23:48:05.868 768 861 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker 05-08 23:48:05.868 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker) 05-08 23:48:05.870 768 861 E libc : Access denied finding property "tas.smartamp.disable" 05-08 23:48:05.870 768 861 V tas_spk_prot: Feedback Disabled 05-08 23:48:05.862 768 768 W HwBinder:768_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:8888): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=19790 scontext=u:r:hal_audio_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:48:05.902 768 768 W HwBinder:768_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:8889): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=19790 scontext=u:r:hal_audio_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:48:05.913 768 861 V tas_spk_prot: TAS2562_SMARTPA_ENABLE: DISABLE 0 05-08 23:48:05.913 768 861 V tas_spk_prot: Disabling SND_DEVICE_IN_CAPTURE_VI_FEEDBACK 05-08 23:48:05.913 768 861 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = vi-feedback 05-08 23:48:05.914 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(195: vi-feedback) 05-08 23:48:05.914 768 861 E libc : Access denied finding property "tas.smartamp.disable" 05-08 23:48:05.914 768 861 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(195) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:48:05.914 768 861 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0xc3 of type 1 for Event 0, with Raise=0 05-08 23:48:05.914 768 861 V tas_spk_prot: Disabling USECASE_AUDIO_SPKR_CALIB_TX 05-08 23:48:05.914 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 05-08 23:48:05.915 768 861 D msm8974_platform: platform_split_snd_device: snd_device(2) num devices(0) new_snd_devices(0) 05-08 23:48:05.915 768 861 I soundtrigger: audio_extn_sound_trigger_update_device_status: device 0x2 of type 0 for Event 0, with Raise=0 05-08 23:48:05.915 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: stop_output_stream: exit: status(0) 05-08 23:48:05.915 768 861 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: exit 05-08 23:48:05.978 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:48:05.980 662 20292 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <0.97ms> 05-08 23:48:05.990 662 20292 I netd : tetherGetStats() <5.06ms> 05-08 23:48:06.043 1623 2045 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit 05-08 23:48:06.050 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina mTrafficStatsReceiver onReceive 05-08 23:48:06.052 662 20292 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(131072) <1.02ms> 05-08 23:48:06.054 4386 5063 I TrafficManageService: mina checkNormalTrafficStatus 05-08 23:48:06.214 1623 4043 D PerfShielderService: com.android.systemui|StatusBar|356|47416909108056|148|0|8 05-08 23:48:06.215 3295 5830 W MiuiPerfServiceClient: interceptAndQueuing:2117|com.android.systemui|356|148|unknown|null|StatusBar|47416909108056|Slow main thread|8 05-08 23:48:06.553 1623 4043 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4 down:true eventTime:47418362 downTime:47418362 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 05-08 23:48:06.562 1623 2033 V InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection succeeded. 05-08 23:48:06.568 13200 13200 D ViewRootImpl: [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=47418362, downTime=47418362, deviceId=-1, source=0x101, displayId=-1 } 05-08 23:48:06.601 1623 4043 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4 down:false eventTime:47418412 downTime:47418362 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 05-08 23:48:06.603 1623 2033 V InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection succeeded. 05-08 23:48:06.604 13200 13200 D ViewRootImpl: [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=47418412, downTime=47418362, deviceId=-1, source=0x101, displayId=-1 } 05-08 23:48:06.606 13200 13200 D MainActivity: onBackPressed() called 05-08 23:48:06.606 13200 13200 D VideoDetailFragment@149a580: onBackPressed() called 05-08 23:48:06.608 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:06.608 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:06.608 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:06.608 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:06.608 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:06.608 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:06.608 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:48:06.617 13200 13200 D VideoDetailFragment@149a580: onDestroyView() called 05-08 23:48:06.639 13200 13200 D MainFragment@291f704: onViewCreated() called with: rootView = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{54c573 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}], savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:48:06.662 13200 13200 D MainFragment@291f704: onTabSelected() called with: selectedTab = [com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout$Tab@4ac45cf] 05-08 23:48:06.663 13200 13200 D MainFragment@291f704: setTitle() called with: title = [Tendencias] 05-08 23:48:06.669 13200 13200 D MainFragment@291f704: setTitle() called with: title = [Tendencias] 05-08 23:48:06.687 13200 13200 D KioskFragment@c0db1e7: onViewCreated() called with: rootView = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{2373f8d V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}], savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:48:06.691 13200 13200 D KioskFragment@c0db1e7: setTitle() called with: title = [Tendencias] 05-08 23:48:06.691 13200 13200 D KioskFragment@c0db1e7: doInitialLoadLogic() called 05-08 23:48:06.691 13200 13200 D KioskFragment@c0db1e7: handleResult() called with: result = [KioskInfo[url="https://www.youtube.com/feed/trending", name="Trending"]] 05-08 23:48:06.692 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.692 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{298a290 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:48:06.692 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [ProgressBar:loading_progress_bar] [ALPHA 0:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.692 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.ProgressBar{7e54789 G.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f090169 app:id/loading_progress_bar}] 05-08 23:48:06.692 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.692 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{561638e G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:48:06.692 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [NewPipeRecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.692 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [org.schabi.newpipe.views.NewPipeRecyclerView{4a0d7af VFED.V... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f090154 app:id/items_list}] 05-08 23:48:06.692 13200 13200 D KioskFragment@c0db1e7: setTitle() called with: title = [Trending] 05-08 23:48:06.692 13200 13200 D KioskFragment@c0db1e7: setTitle() called with: title = [Tendencias] 05-08 23:48:06.700 13200 13200 D SubscriptionFragment@4ad043d: onViewCreated() called with: rootView = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{5b224f9 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}], savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:48:06.713 13200 13200 D FeedFragment@bf98583: onViewCreated() called with: rootView = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{5e93e69 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}], savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:48:06.723 13200 13200 D BookmarkFragment@a6aa739: onViewCreated() called with: rootView = [android.widget.RelativeLayout{cde419e V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0}], savedInstanceState = [null] 05-08 23:48:06.725 13200 13200 D BookmarkFragment@a6aa739: startLoading() called with: forceLoad = [true] 05-08 23:48:06.726 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.726 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{7a0c4c G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:48:06.726 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.726 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{27e9495 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:48:06.726 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.727 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.727 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{7a0c4c G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:48:06.727 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.727 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{27e9495 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:48:06.727 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [RecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.730 13200 13200 D MainFragment@291f704: onTabSelected() called with: selectedTab = [com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout$Tab@67b5f50] 05-08 23:48:06.730 13200 13200 D MainFragment@291f704: setTitle() called with: title = [Qué hay de nuevo] 05-08 23:48:06.731 13200 13200 D SubscriptionFragment@4ad043d: handleResult() called with: result = [LoadedState(subscriptions=[org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@5c7bf4c, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@31dcb95, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@1f544aa, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@5d6389b, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@4578438, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@edc8c11, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@cbb0176, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@d55c377, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@41cabe4, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@2ecd84d, org.schabi.newpipe.local.subscription.item.ChannelItem@14dbf02])] 05-08 23:48:06.731 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.731 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{d2ecd05 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:48:06.731 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.732 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{643015a G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:48:06.732 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.734 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RelativeLayout:refresh_root_view] [ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.734 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 300:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.735 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [ProgressBar:loading_progress_bar] [ALPHA 0:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.735 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.ProgressBar{d0e97bd G.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f090169 app:id/loading_progress_bar}] 05-08 23:48:06.735 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [AppCompatTextView:loading_progress_text] [ALPHA 0:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.735 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView{aa061b2 G.ED..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f09016a app:id/loading_progress_text}] 05-08 23:48:06.735 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 0:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.735 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{5ba0503 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:48:06.735 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 0:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:06.736 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{611f2b9 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:48:06.739 13200 13200 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching InputEvent took 135ms in main thread! (KeyEvent: event_seq=159, seq=261079, code=KEYCODE_BACK, action=ACTION_UP) 05-08 23:48:06.740 13200 13200 D MainActivity: onCreateOptionsMenu() called with: menu = [androidx.appcompat.view.menu.MenuBuilder@55bbddd] 05-08 23:48:06.741 13200 13200 D MainFragment@291f704: onCreateOptionsMenu() called with: menu = [androidx.appcompat.view.menu.MenuBuilder@55bbddd], inflater = [androidx.appcompat.view.SupportMenuInflater@1d75d52] 05-08 23:48:06.742 13200 13200 D FeedFragment@bf98583: onCreateOptionsMenu() called with: menu = [androidx.appcompat.view.menu.MenuBuilder@55bbddd], inflater = [androidx.appcompat.view.SupportMenuInflater@1d75d52] 05-08 23:48:06.894 13200 13200 D CollapsibleView: ready() called → readyToChangeState = [false], currentState = [0], targetHeight = [-1], mW x mH = [0x0], W x H = [0x0] 05-08 23:48:06.899 13200 13200 D CollapsibleView: ready() *after* measuring → readyToChangeState = [true], currentState = [0], targetHeight = [680], mW x mH = [0x680], W x H = [0x0] 05-08 23:48:07.072 1623 1684 I system_server: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 128978(7714KB) AllocSpace objects, 13(480KB) LOS objects, 39% free, 36MB/60MB, paused 153us total 223.167ms 05-08 23:48:07.088 13200 13200 D BookmarkFragment@a6aa739: handleResult() called with: result = [[org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.model.PlaylistRemoteEntity@aef794e, org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.model.PlaylistRemoteEntity@f409a6f, org.schabi.newpipe.database.playlist.model.PlaylistRemoteEntity@e69c37c]] 05-08 23:48:07.089 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:07.089 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{7a0c4c G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:48:07.089 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:07.089 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{27e9495 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:48:07.089 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:07.090 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView{a803405 VFED.V... ........ 0,0-1080,1849 #7f090154 app:id/items_list}] 05-08 23:48:07.090 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:empty_state_view] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:07.090 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{7a0c4c G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900ce app:id/empty_state_view}] 05-08 23:48:07.090 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() false → [LinearLayout:error_panel] [ALPHA 150:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:07.090 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already gone > view = [android.widget.LinearLayout{27e9495 G.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0900e3 app:id/error_panel}] 05-08 23:48:07.091 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() true → [RecyclerView:items_list] [ALPHA 200:0] execOnEnd=null 05-08 23:48:07.091 13200 13200 D AnimationUtils: animateView() view was already visible > view = [androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView{a803405 VFED.V... ......I. 0,0-1080,1849 #7f090154 app:id/items_list}] 05-08 23:48:07.096 13200 13200 D StateSaver: onDestroy() called with: savedState = [46810694586208 > /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/cache/state_cache/46810694586208.20.list] 05-08 23:48:07.097 13200 13200 D StateSaver: onDestroy() called with: savedState = [46810526631118 > /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/cache/state_cache/46810526631118.20.list] 05-08 23:48:07.130 13200 13200 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 336ms late because of 45 msg, msg 1 took 349ms (seq=7101 running=241ms runnable=5ms late=134ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver) 05-08 23:48:07.610 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:07.610 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:07.610 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:07.610 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:07.610 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:07.610 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:07.610 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:48:07.683 1623 4043 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4 down:true eventTime:47419493 downTime:47419493 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 05-08 23:48:07.688 1623 2033 V InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection succeeded. 05-08 23:48:07.689 13200 13200 D ViewRootImpl: [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=47419493, downTime=47419493, deviceId=-1, source=0x101, displayId=-1 } 05-08 23:48:07.743 1623 4043 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4 down:false eventTime:47419554 downTime:47419493 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 05-08 23:48:07.746 1623 2033 V InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection succeeded. 05-08 23:48:07.747 13200 13200 D ViewRootImpl: [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=47419554, downTime=47419493, deviceId=-1, source=0x101, displayId=-1 } 05-08 23:48:07.749 13200 13200 D MainActivity: onBackPressed() called 05-08 23:48:07.754 2387 20577 D Launcher: get showing item successandroid.graphics.Bitmap@eb97881 05-08 23:48:07.755 1623 4043 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 05-08 23:48:07.779 4386 19081 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mForegroundUid=10057, mForegroundPid=2387, mLastForegroundPackageName='org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release', mLastForegroundUid=10346, mLastForegroundPid=13200, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0} 05-08 23:48:07.779 4386 19081 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Cur=com.miui.home last=org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release 05-08 23:48:07.780 4386 19081 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mForegroundUid=10057, mForegroundPid=2387, mLastForegroundPackageName='org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release', mLastForegroundUid=10346, mLastForegroundPid=13200, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0} 05-08 23:48:07.780 4386 19081 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Exit 05-08 23:48:07.782 1623 2355 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47419594 05-08 23:48:07.782 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:48:07.782 1623 2145 E ANDR-PERF-JNI: UXEngine Trigger - Returning null 05-08 23:48:07.785 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47419597 05-08 23:48:07.789 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2387/top_app:1 05-08 23:48:07.790 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2600/top_app:2 05-08 23:48:07.792 11029 11477 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 05-08 23:48:07.795 1623 4043 D PerfShielderService: org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release|org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity|527|47418945038368|484|3|2 05-08 23:48:07.795 3295 5830 W MiuiPerfServiceClient: interceptAndQueuing:13200|org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release|527|484|unknown|null|org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/org.schabi.newpipe.MainActivity|47418945038368|Slow handle traversal|2 05-08 23:48:07.795 1623 4549 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47419607 05-08 23:48:07.798 886 964 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:07.798 1623 2397 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47419610 05-08 23:48:07.800 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/13200/top_app:0 05-08 23:48:07.800 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/13229/top_app:0 05-08 23:48:07.801 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onStart:UserHandle{0},7755e38,false 05-08 23:48:07.804 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10057, uidState = 2 05-08 23:48:07.804 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateWmmForUidState uid: 10057 state: 2 wmm: 1 05-08 23:48:07.805 662 20292 D OemNetd : updateWmm: uid=10057, wmm=1 05-08 23:48:07.805 2117 2117 D StatusBar: recevie broadbcast ACTION_APPLICATION_MESSAGE_QUERY, requestFirstTime=false 05-08 23:48:07.806 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread resumed 05-08 23:48:07.806 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10057,old:15,new:2 05-08 23:48:07.806 886 2815 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:07.807 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 05-08 23:48:07.808 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:07.808 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:15,uid:10057,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:48:07.808 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:2,uid:10057,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:48:07.809 11029 11477 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 05-08 23:48:07.810 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onResume:UserHandle{0},7755e38,false 05-08 23:48:07.810 2387 2545 D Launcher: disableStatusBarClock:false 05-08 23:48:07.811 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onRegister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:48:07.811 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 05-08 23:48:07.811 886 964 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:07.812 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47419624 05-08 23:48:07.814 1623 2397 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47419626 05-08 23:48:07.816 1623 2042 V UiModeManager: switch night mode to 2 05-08 23:48:07.814 886 964 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:07.823 886 2815 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:07.826 886 965 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:07.826 886 965 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:07.826 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:07.826 1623 4549 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47419638 05-08 23:48:07.840 886 2815 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:07.840 886 2815 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:07.841 886 965 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:07.842 886 965 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:07.842 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47419654 05-08 23:48:07.852 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:07.854 2387 2387 D Launcher_WallpaperUtils: changeStatusBarMode:false 05-08 23:48:07.856 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onWindowFocusChanged:true,UserHandle{0},7755e38,false 05-08 23:48:07.856 2387 2387 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: onWindowFocus:IDLE 05-08 23:48:07.856 886 2815 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:07.856 886 2815 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:07.860 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:07.869 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47419681 05-08 23:48:07.870 886 964 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:07.870 886 964 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:07.881 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(TaskSnapshotChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:07.887 886 2788 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:07.910 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:08.143 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:08.156 2387 2387 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=FitSystemWindowView, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0 05-08 23:48:08.156 2387 2387 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=ShortcutMenuLayer, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0 05-08 23:48:08.173 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{8be2f9 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:47419985 05-08 23:48:08.174 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.174 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.174 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 30 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:08.175 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.175 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.175 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 18 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:08.175 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:47419987 05-08 23:48:08.184 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10346, uidState = 19 05-08 23:48:08.185 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateWmmForUidState uid: 10346 state: 19 wmm: 0 05-08 23:48:08.185 662 20292 D OemNetd : updateWmm: uid=10346, wmm=0 05-08 23:48:08.187 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10346,old:2,new:19 05-08 23:48:08.187 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:2,uid:10346,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:48:08.187 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:19,uid:10346,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:48:08.234 13200 13200 D StateSaver: onDestroy() called with: savedState = [46810512722882 > /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/cache/state_cache/46810512722882.83.list] 05-08 23:48:08.247 13200 13200 D StateSaver: clearStateFiles() called 05-08 23:48:08.262 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.262 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.262 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 25 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:08.613 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:08.613 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:08.613 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:08.613 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:08.613 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:08.613 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:08.613 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:48:08.665 1623 1664 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82 down:true eventTime:47420474 downTime:47420474 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 05-08 23:48:08.671 1623 2033 V InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection succeeded. 05-08 23:48:08.741 1623 1664 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82 down:false eventTime:47420552 downTime:47420474 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 05-08 23:48:08.750 1623 2033 V InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection succeeded. 05-08 23:48:08.751 2117 2117 W HeadsUpManager: removeHeadsUpNotification() no heads up notification on show 05-08 23:48:08.751 2117 2117 I vol.MiuiVolumeDialogImp: dismissH mShowing:false dialog showing:false reason:2 05-08 23:48:08.761 2117 2117 D RecentsImpl: startRecentsActivity runningTask: ComponentInfo{com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} 05-08 23:48:08.766 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(ActivitySetDummyTranslucentEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.766 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(ActivitySetDummyTranslucentEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.767 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(ActivitySetDummyTranslucentEvent) duration: 267 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:08.770 1623 2397 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {flg=0x10884000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 1000 05-08 23:48:08.791 1623 2397 I ActivityTaskManager: Ignoring FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT, launchMode is "singleInstance" or "singleTask" 05-08 23:48:08.799 1623 2397 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 05-08 23:48:08.805 4386 19081 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.android.systemui', mForegroundUid=1000, mForegroundPid=2117, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=10057, mLastForegroundPid=2387, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0} 05-08 23:48:08.805 4386 19081 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Cur=com.android.systemui last=com.miui.home 05-08 23:48:08.805 1623 2397 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:48:08.805 1623 2397 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:48:08.805 1623 2397 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:48:08.805 4386 19081 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.android.systemui', mForegroundUid=1000, mForegroundPid=2117, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=10057, mLastForegroundPid=2387, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0} 05-08 23:48:08.805 4386 19081 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Exit 05-08 23:48:08.807 11029 11477 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 05-08 23:48:08.807 1623 2397 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47420619 05-08 23:48:08.809 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(RecentsActivityStartingEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.809 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(RecentsActivityStartingEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.809 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsActivityStartingEvent) duration: 66 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:08.809 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsImpl [0x66baf9f, P1] onBusEvent(RecentsActivityStartingEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.812 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onPause:UserHandle{0},7755e38,true 05-08 23:48:08.812 2387 2387 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: setState:PAUSE_WAIT 05-08 23:48:08.812 2387 2387 D ScreenElementRoot: pause 05-08 23:48:08.813 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2387/top_app:0 05-08 23:48:08.813 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2600/top_app:0 05-08 23:48:08.814 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: pause 05-08 23:48:08.814 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsActivityStartingEvent) duration: 4675 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:08.814 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> LegacyRecentsImpl [0xf5668ec, P1] onBusEvent(RecentsActivityStartingEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.814 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsActivityStartingEvent) duration: 36 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:08.816 1623 13287 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47420628 05-08 23:48:08.817 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2117/top_app:1 05-08 23:48:08.818 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2517/top_app:2 05-08 23:48:08.818 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onWindowFocusChanged:false,UserHandle{0},7755e38,true 05-08 23:48:08.819 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onUnregister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:48:08.819 2387 2769 D LifecycleResourceManager: begin check cache... 05-08 23:48:08.819 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread paused, waiting for signal 05-08 23:48:08.822 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47420634 05-08 23:48:08.826 11029 11477 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 05-08 23:48:08.828 2387 2545 D Launcher: disableStatusBarClock:false 05-08 23:48:08.829 2117 2117 D RecentsActivity: onStart 05-08 23:48:08.830 2387 2387 D Launcher_WallpaperUtils: changeStatusBarMode:false 05-08 23:48:08.830 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:08.884 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] registerSubscriber(TaskViewThumbnail) 05-08 23:48:08.884 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] Subscriber class type already registered 05-08 23:48:08.884 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] registerSubscriber(TaskViewThumbnail) 05-08 23:48:08.884 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] Subscriber class type already registered 05-08 23:48:08.885 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.885 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsViewTouchHandler [0xf398e31, P4] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.885 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) duration: 7 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:08.885 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.885 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) duration: 4 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:08.886 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsImpl [0x66baf9f, P1] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.886 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) duration: 1 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:08.886 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> LegacyRecentsImpl [0xf5668ec, P1] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.886 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) duration: 116 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:08.887 2387 2387 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=ShortcutMenuLayer, alpha=0.0, scale=1.0 05-08 23:48:08.888 1623 2355 W ActivityHelper: Unable to access /d/ion/heaps/system: Permission denied 05-08 23:48:08.889 1623 2355 W ActivityHelper: Unable to access /d/ion/ion_mm_heap: No such file or directory 05-08 23:48:08.882 1623 1623 W Binder:1623_4: type=1400 audit(0.0:8890): avc: denied { read } for name="system" dev="debugfs" ino=2583 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:48:08.889 2117 2117 D RecentsActivity: getFreeMemory:4042574848 05-08 23:48:08.893 2117 2117 W HeadsUpManager: removeHeadsUpNotification() no heads up notification on show 05-08 23:48:08.893 1623 2042 V UiModeManager: switch night mode to 2 05-08 23:48:08.893 2117 2117 I vol.MiuiVolumeDialogImp: dismissH mShowing:false dialog showing:false reason:2 05-08 23:48:08.895 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:08.899 1623 2397 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47420711 05-08 23:48:08.902 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(ShowStackActionButtonEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.903 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsView [0x926e48b, P3] onBusEvent(ShowStackActionButtonEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.903 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(ShowStackActionButtonEvent) duration: 18 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:08.903 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] post(RecentsDrawnEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.904 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.904 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.904 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 15 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:08.905 886 886 E Layer : setupBlurSurface setupBlurSurface com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-08 23:48:08.911 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47420723 05-08 23:48:08.919 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47420731 05-08 23:48:08.922 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsImpl [0x66baf9f, P1] onBusEvent(RecentsDrawnEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.922 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsDrawnEvent) duration: 62 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:08.922 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> LegacyRecentsImpl [0xf5668ec, P1] onBusEvent(RecentsDrawnEvent) 05-08 23:48:08.922 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsDrawnEvent) duration: 19 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:09.047 886 2788 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:09.057 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:09.057 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:09.057 1623 1684 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger 05-08 23:48:09.057 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 28 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:09.062 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10057, uidState = 15 05-08 23:48:09.062 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateWmmForUidState uid: 10057 state: 15 wmm: 0 05-08 23:48:09.064 662 20292 D OemNetd : updateWmm: uid=10057, wmm=0 05-08 23:48:09.066 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10057,old:2,new:15 05-08 23:48:09.066 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:2,uid:10057,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:48:09.066 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:15,uid:10057,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:48:09.067 886 2788 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:09.073 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{b71c190 u0 com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity t3} time:47420885 05-08 23:48:09.075 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:09.075 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:09.075 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 38 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:09.077 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:47420889 05-08 23:48:09.080 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(EnterRecentsWindowAnimationCompletedEvent) 05-08 23:48:09.080 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsView [0x926e48b, P3] onBusEvent(EnterRecentsWindowAnimationCompletedEvent) 05-08 23:48:09.080 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(EnterRecentsWindowAnimationCompletedEvent) duration: 119 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:09.080 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(EnterRecentsWindowAnimationCompletedEvent) 05-08 23:48:09.081 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(EnterRecentsWindowAnimationCompletedEvent) duration: 285 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:09.081 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(EnterRecentsWindowAnimationCompletedEvent) 05-08 23:48:09.081 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(EnterRecentsWindowAnimationCompletedEvent) duration: 406 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:09.090 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onStop:UserHandle{0},7755e38,false 05-08 23:48:09.110 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:09.114 2387 2387 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: mResetIdleStateRunnable 05-08 23:48:09.120 662 13516 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:48:09.245 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:48:09.245 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:48:09.261 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:09.261 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:09.261 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 25 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:09.331 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(EnterRecentsTaskStackAnimationCompletedEvent) 05-08 23:48:09.619 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:09.619 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:09.619 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:09.619 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:09.619 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:09.619 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:09.619 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:48:09.951 1119 1119 E cnss-daemon: neighbor: 4c:1b:86:02:28:69 05-08 23:48:10.408 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.408 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.409 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) duration: 39 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.409 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.409 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) duration: 30 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.450 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: invalid request, no optimizations performed 05-08 23:48:10.456 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.456 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.456 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 46 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.459 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.459 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.459 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 33 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.471 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.471 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.472 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 34 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.473 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.474 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.474 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 66 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.488 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.488 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.488 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 25 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.490 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.490 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.490 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 25 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.504 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.504 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.504 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 24 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.506 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.506 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.506 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 27 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.524 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.525 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.525 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 33 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.526 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.527 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.527 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 35 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.539 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.539 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.539 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 22 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.541 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.541 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.541 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 43 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.554 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.554 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.554 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 21 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.556 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.556 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.556 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 37 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.571 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.571 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.571 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 27 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.573 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.573 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.573 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 30 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.588 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.588 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.588 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 19 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.590 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.590 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.590 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 29 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.605 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.605 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.605 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 28 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.607 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.607 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.607 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 32 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.620 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:10.620 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:10.620 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:10.620 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:10.620 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:10.620 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:10.620 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:48:10.624 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.624 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.625 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 135 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.626 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.626 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.626 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 31 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.637 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.638 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.638 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 21 microseconds, avg: 356 05-08 23:48:10.640 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.640 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.640 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 25 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.654 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.654 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.655 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 27 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.656 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.656 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.656 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 24 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.671 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.671 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.671 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 21 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.673 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.673 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.673 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 102 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.688 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.688 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.688 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 28 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.690 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.690 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.690 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 28 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.704 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.705 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.705 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 24 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.706 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.706 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.706 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 25 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.721 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.721 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.722 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackViewScrolledEvent) duration: 30 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.723 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(HideRecentsEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.723 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(HideRecentsEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.724 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(DismissRecentsToHomeAnimationStarted) 05-08 23:48:10.725 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsView [0x926e48b, P3] onBusEvent(DismissRecentsToHomeAnimationStarted) 05-08 23:48:10.725 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(DismissRecentsToHomeAnimationStarted) duration: 271 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.725 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(DismissRecentsToHomeAnimationStarted) 05-08 23:48:10.726 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(DismissRecentsToHomeAnimationStarted) duration: 670 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.726 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(DismissRecentsToHomeAnimationStarted) 05-08 23:48:10.726 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(DismissRecentsToHomeAnimationStarted) duration: 165 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.726 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.726 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.726 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) duration: 10 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.726 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.726 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) duration: 10 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.726 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(HideRecentsEvent) duration: 3450 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.727 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.727 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.727 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 19 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.729 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: invalid request, no optimizations performed 05-08 23:48:10.731 2117 2117 W HeadsUpManager: removeHeadsUpNotification() no heads up notification on show 05-08 23:48:10.731 2117 2117 I vol.MiuiVolumeDialogImp: dismissH mShowing:false dialog showing:false reason:2 05-08 23:48:10.731 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(ActivitySetDummyTranslucentEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.731 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(ActivitySetDummyTranslucentEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.732 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(ActivitySetDummyTranslucentEvent) duration: 172 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.734 1623 2397 W XSpaceManagerService: checkXSpaceControl, from:com.android.systemui, to:com.miui.home, with act:android.intent.action.MAIN, callingUserId:0, toUserId:0 05-08 23:48:10.734 1623 2397 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher} from uid 1000 05-08 23:48:10.742 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:48:10.746 1623 2397 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 05-08 23:48:10.752 4386 19081 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mForegroundUid=10057, mForegroundPid=2387, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.android.systemui', mLastForegroundUid=1000, mLastForegroundPid=2117, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0} 05-08 23:48:10.753 4386 19081 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Cur=com.miui.home last=com.android.systemui 05-08 23:48:10.753 1623 2397 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:48:10.753 1623 2397 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:48:10.753 1623 2397 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:48:10.753 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:48:10.753 1623 2145 E ANDR-PERF-JNI: UXEngine Trigger - Returning null 05-08 23:48:10.754 4386 19081 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mForegroundUid=10057, mForegroundPid=2387, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.android.systemui', mLastForegroundUid=1000, mLastForegroundPid=2117, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0} 05-08 23:48:10.754 4386 19081 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Exit 05-08 23:48:10.755 2387 2483 D Launcher: get showing item successnull 05-08 23:48:10.755 1623 2397 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47422567 05-08 23:48:10.762 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47422574 05-08 23:48:10.763 11029 11477 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 05-08 23:48:10.764 1623 4043 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47422576 05-08 23:48:10.765 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.765 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.765 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) duration: 14 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.765 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.765 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) duration: 9 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.767 3974 15538 D com.xiaomi.common.Network: Http POST Response Code: 200 05-08 23:48:10.769 2387 13515 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 1654ms, interface=com.xiaomi.xmsf.push.service.IHttpService, code=2 oneway=false 05-08 23:48:10.770 11029 11477 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 05-08 23:48:10.771 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:10.772 886 964 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:10.772 1623 13287 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47422584 05-08 23:48:10.777 886 2815 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:10.778 1623 1664 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47422590 05-08 23:48:10.780 886 965 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:10.785 886 2788 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:10.786 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onStart:UserHandle{0},7755e38,false 05-08 23:48:10.787 1623 4043 I set_top_app: success /proc/2387/top_app:1 05-08 23:48:10.788 1623 4043 I set_top_app: success /proc/2600/top_app:2 05-08 23:48:10.791 886 1365 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:10.792 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47422604 05-08 23:48:10.794 886 1365 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:10.794 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:10.795 1623 4043 I set_top_app: success /proc/2117/top_app:0 05-08 23:48:10.796 1623 4043 I set_top_app: success /proc/2517/top_app:0 05-08 23:48:10.798 2387 2387 D Launcher: dialog already dismiss:class com.miui.home.launcher.LauncherMenuDialog 05-08 23:48:10.798 2387 2387 D Launcher: dialog already dismiss:class com.miui.home.launcher.TransitionEffectMenuDialog 05-08 23:48:10.799 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10057, uidState = 2 05-08 23:48:10.799 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateWmmForUidState uid: 10057 state: 2 wmm: 1 05-08 23:48:10.799 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread resumed 05-08 23:48:10.799 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 05-08 23:48:10.799 662 20292 D OemNetd : updateWmm: uid=10057, wmm=1 05-08 23:48:10.800 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onResume:UserHandle{0},7755e38,false 05-08 23:48:10.801 2387 2545 D Launcher: disableStatusBarClock:false 05-08 23:48:10.802 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10057,old:15,new:2 05-08 23:48:10.802 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:15,uid:10057,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:48:10.802 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:2,uid:10057,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:48:10.803 2117 2117 D StatusBar: recevie broadbcast ACTION_APPLICATION_MESSAGE_QUERY, requestFirstTime=false 05-08 23:48:10.804 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onRegister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:48:10.805 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 05-08 23:48:10.805 886 965 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:10.806 1623 2042 V UiModeManager: switch night mode to 2 05-08 23:48:10.807 2387 2387 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=ShortcutMenuLayer, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0 05-08 23:48:10.811 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:10.813 886 965 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:10.813 886 965 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:10.813 1623 4043 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47422625 05-08 23:48:10.821 886 1365 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:10.821 886 1365 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:10.826 886 965 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:10.826 886 965 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:10.827 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47422639 05-08 23:48:10.830 886 965 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:10.830 886 965 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:10.830 1623 4043 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47422642 05-08 23:48:10.832 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:10.834 2387 2387 D Launcher_WallpaperUtils: changeStatusBarMode:false 05-08 23:48:10.834 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onWindowFocusChanged:true,UserHandle{0},7755e38,false 05-08 23:48:10.834 2387 2387 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: onWindowFocus:IDLE 05-08 23:48:10.834 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:48:10.834 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:48:10.835 886 2788 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:10.835 886 2788 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:10.839 7153 7153 W AssistOnScrollListener: caculateScrollY firstView is null! 05-08 23:48:10.844 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47422656 05-08 23:48:10.844 1623 1693 W system_server: Insufficient pre-allocated space to mmap vdex. 05-08 23:48:10.844 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:10.846 886 965 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:10.846 886 965 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:10.855 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:10.874 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.874 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.874 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 23 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.883 886 2788 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:10.892 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:10.895 1623 4043 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger 05-08 23:48:10.898 2117 2117 D RecentsActivity: onStop 05-08 23:48:10.898 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.898 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsViewTouchHandler [0xf398e31, P4] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.898 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) duration: 8 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.898 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.898 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] unregister() 05-08 23:48:10.899 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] unregister() 05-08 23:48:10.899 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) duration: 889 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.899 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsImpl [0x66baf9f, P1] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.899 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) duration: 7 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.899 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> LegacyRecentsImpl [0xf5668ec, P1] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.900 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) duration: 151 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.901 2387 2387 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=ShortcutMenuLayer, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0 05-08 23:48:10.917 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:10.988 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{8be2f9 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:47422800 05-08 23:48:10.990 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.990 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:10.990 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 24 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:10.991 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:47422803 05-08 23:48:11.135 2387 2387 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=FitSystemWindowView, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0 05-08 23:48:11.135 2387 2387 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=ShortcutMenuLayer, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0 05-08 23:48:11.280 3974 15538 D com.xiaomi.common.Network: Http POST Response Code: 200 05-08 23:48:11.282 2117 13520 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 361ms, interface=com.xiaomi.xmsf.push.service.IHttpService, code=2 oneway=false 05-08 23:48:11.283 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:11.623 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:11.623 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:11.623 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:11.623 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:11.623 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:11.623 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:11.623 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:48:12.001 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:12.012 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:12.031 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:12.043 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:12.083 1623 13287 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82 down:true eventTime:47423893 downTime:47423893 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 05-08 23:48:12.060 886 965 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_2 identical 1 line 05-08 23:48:12.080 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:12.090 1623 2033 V InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection succeeded. 05-08 23:48:12.092 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:12.150 1623 4043 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82 down:false eventTime:47423961 downTime:47423893 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0 05-08 23:48:12.125 886 1365 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_3 identical 2 lines 05-08 23:48:12.142 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:12.158 1623 2033 V InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection succeeded. 05-08 23:48:12.160 2117 2117 I vol.MiuiVolumeDialogImp: dismissH mShowing:false dialog showing:false reason:2 05-08 23:48:12.161 2117 2117 W HeadsUpManager: removeHeadsUpNotification() no heads up notification on show 05-08 23:48:12.165 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:12.167 2117 2117 D RecentsImpl: startRecentsActivity runningTask: ComponentInfo{com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} 05-08 23:48:12.171 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(ActivitySetDummyTranslucentEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.171 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(ActivitySetDummyTranslucentEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.172 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(ActivitySetDummyTranslucentEvent) duration: 235 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.175 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:12.176 1623 13287 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {flg=0x10884000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 1000 05-08 23:48:12.178 1623 13287 I ActivityTaskManager: Ignoring FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT, launchMode is "singleInstance" or "singleTask" 05-08 23:48:12.183 1623 13287 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 05-08 23:48:12.189 1623 13287 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:48:12.189 1623 13287 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:48:12.189 1623 13287 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:48:12.190 4386 19081 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.android.systemui', mForegroundUid=1000, mForegroundPid=2117, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=10057, mLastForegroundPid=2387, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0} 05-08 23:48:12.190 4386 19081 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Cur=com.android.systemui last=com.miui.home 05-08 23:48:12.191 1623 13287 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47424003 05-08 23:48:12.192 4386 19081 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.android.systemui', mForegroundUid=1000, mForegroundPid=2117, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=10057, mLastForegroundPid=2387, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0} 05-08 23:48:12.192 4386 19081 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Exit 05-08 23:48:12.195 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(RecentsActivityStartingEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.195 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(RecentsActivityStartingEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.195 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:12.195 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsActivityStartingEvent) duration: 40 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.195 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsImpl [0x66baf9f, P1] onBusEvent(RecentsActivityStartingEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.196 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onPause:UserHandle{0},7755e38,true 05-08 23:48:12.196 2387 2387 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: setState:PAUSE_WAIT 05-08 23:48:12.197 2387 2387 D ScreenElementRoot: pause 05-08 23:48:12.197 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2387/top_app:0 05-08 23:48:12.197 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2600/top_app:0 05-08 23:48:12.197 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: pause 05-08 23:48:12.198 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsActivityStartingEvent) duration: 2370 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.198 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> LegacyRecentsImpl [0xf5668ec, P1] onBusEvent(RecentsActivityStartingEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.198 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsActivityStartingEvent) duration: 63 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.199 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2117/top_app:1 05-08 23:48:12.199 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2517/top_app:2 05-08 23:48:12.204 1623 4549 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47424016 05-08 23:48:12.205 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onWindowFocusChanged:false,UserHandle{0},7755e38,true 05-08 23:48:12.207 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47424019 05-08 23:48:12.208 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:12.212 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onUnregister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:48:12.212 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread paused, waiting for signal 05-08 23:48:12.213 2117 2117 D RecentsActivity: onStart 05-08 23:48:12.214 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] registerSubscriber(TaskViewThumbnail) 05-08 23:48:12.215 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] Subscriber class type already registered 05-08 23:48:12.215 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] registerSubscriber(TaskViewThumbnail) 05-08 23:48:12.215 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] Subscriber class type already registered 05-08 23:48:12.215 11029 11477 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 05-08 23:48:12.216 2387 2545 D Launcher: disableStatusBarClock:false 05-08 23:48:12.217 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.217 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsViewTouchHandler [0xf398e31, P4] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.217 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) duration: 13 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.217 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.217 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) duration: 9 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.217 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsImpl [0x66baf9f, P1] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.217 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) duration: 3 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.217 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> LegacyRecentsImpl [0xf5668ec, P1] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.218 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) duration: 348 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.220 2387 2387 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=ShortcutMenuLayer, alpha=0.0, scale=1.0 05-08 23:48:12.221 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:12.212 1623 1623 W Binder:1623_13: type=1400 audit(0.0:8891): avc: denied { read } for name="system" dev="debugfs" ino=2583 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:48:12.222 1623 4043 W ActivityHelper: Unable to access /d/ion/heaps/system: Permission denied 05-08 23:48:12.222 1623 4043 W ActivityHelper: Unable to access /d/ion/ion_mm_heap: No such file or directory 05-08 23:48:12.224 2117 2117 D RecentsActivity: getFreeMemory:4045229056 05-08 23:48:12.224 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:12.228 11029 11477 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 05-08 23:48:12.229 1623 2042 V UiModeManager: switch night mode to 2 05-08 23:48:12.235 886 886 E Layer : setupBlurSurface setupBlurSurface com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity#0 05-08 23:48:12.237 1623 4043 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47424049 05-08 23:48:12.237 2387 2387 D Launcher_WallpaperUtils: changeStatusBarMode:false 05-08 23:48:12.239 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:12.241 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(ShowStackActionButtonEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.241 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsView [0x926e48b, P3] onBusEvent(ShowStackActionButtonEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.242 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(ShowStackActionButtonEvent) duration: 11 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.242 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] post(RecentsDrawnEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.244 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:12.244 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.244 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.244 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 21 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.250 2117 2117 W HeadsUpManager: removeHeadsUpNotification() no heads up notification on show 05-08 23:48:12.250 2117 2117 I vol.MiuiVolumeDialogImp: dismissH mShowing:false dialog showing:false reason:2 05-08 23:48:12.257 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47424069 05-08 23:48:12.258 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:12.261 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsImpl [0x66baf9f, P1] onBusEvent(RecentsDrawnEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.261 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsDrawnEvent) duration: 54 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.261 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> LegacyRecentsImpl [0xf5668ec, P1] onBusEvent(RecentsDrawnEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.261 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsDrawnEvent) duration: 25 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.404 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.404 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.404 1623 1684 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger 05-08 23:48:12.404 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 39 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.410 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10057, uidState = 15 05-08 23:48:12.411 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateWmmForUidState uid: 10057 state: 15 wmm: 0 05-08 23:48:12.411 662 20292 D OemNetd : updateWmm: uid=10057, wmm=0 05-08 23:48:12.413 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10057,old:2,new:15 05-08 23:48:12.414 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:2,uid:10057,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:48:12.414 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:15,uid:10057,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:48:12.421 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{b71c190 u0 com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity t3} time:47424233 05-08 23:48:12.421 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.421 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.422 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 22 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.423 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:47424235 05-08 23:48:12.427 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(EnterRecentsWindowAnimationCompletedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.427 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsView [0x926e48b, P3] onBusEvent(EnterRecentsWindowAnimationCompletedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.427 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(EnterRecentsWindowAnimationCompletedEvent) duration: 120 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.427 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(EnterRecentsWindowAnimationCompletedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.427 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(EnterRecentsWindowAnimationCompletedEvent) duration: 385 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.427 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(EnterRecentsWindowAnimationCompletedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.428 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(EnterRecentsWindowAnimationCompletedEvent) duration: 242 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.438 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onStop:UserHandle{0},7755e38,false 05-08 23:48:12.460 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:12.502 662 13522 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (111, /0) 05-08 23:48:12.502 2387 2387 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: mResetIdleStateRunnable 05-08 23:48:12.575 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:48:12.575 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:48:12.590 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.590 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.590 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 23 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.624 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:12.624 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:12.624 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:12.624 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:12.624 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:12.624 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:12.624 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:48:12.670 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(EnterRecentsTaskStackAnimationCompletedEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.818 3974 4610 D com.xiaomi.common.Network: Http POST Response Code: 200 05-08 23:48:12.822 2387 13515 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 359ms, interface=com.xiaomi.xmsf.push.service.IHttpService, code=2 oneway=false 05-08 23:48:12.825 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:12.959 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.959 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.959 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) duration: 85 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.959 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:12.959 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) duration: 13 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:12.993 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: invalid request, no optimizations performed 05-08 23:48:13.048 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: invalid request, no optimizations performed 05-08 23:48:13.052 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.052 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.052 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 13 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.069 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.069 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.069 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 16 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.086 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.086 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.086 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 19 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.103 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.103 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.103 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 20 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.119 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.119 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.120 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 19 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.136 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.136 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.136 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 20 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.153 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.153 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.153 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 22 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.169 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.169 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.170 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 21 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.186 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.186 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.186 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 20 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.203 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.203 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.203 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 20 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.219 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.220 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.220 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 20 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.237 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.237 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.237 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 27 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.253 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.253 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.253 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 18 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.269 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.269 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.269 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 18 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.286 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.286 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.286 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 19 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.303 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.303 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.303 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 19 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.319 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.319 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.320 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 18 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.336 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.336 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.336 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 19 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.353 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(TaskViewDismissedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.353 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(TaskViewDismissedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.353 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] unregister() 05-08 23:48:13.354 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(DeleteTaskDataEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.354 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(DeleteTaskDataEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.354 2117 2117 D RecentsActivity: removeTask: [id=385 stackId=-1 windowingMode=1 user=0 lastActiveTime=79868849] NewPipe release_0.19.3 05-08 23:48:13.354 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(DeleteTaskDataEvent) duration: 180 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.355 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(TaskViewDismissedEvent) duration: 1652 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.355 1623 4549 I ProcessManager: Kill reason SwipeUpClean from pid=2117 05-08 23:48:13.355 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.356 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.356 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 18 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.357 1623 4549 D ProcessManager: update DY:[com.menny.android.anysoftkeyboard, com.miui.voip, com.miui.mishare.connectivity] 05-08 23:48:13.358 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:48:13.358 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:48:13.359 1623 4549 D WindowProcessUtils: remove task: TaskRecord{167a5e0 #385 A=org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release U=0 StackId=-1 sz=0} 05-08 23:48:13.360 1623 4549 I ProcessManager: SwipeUpClean: kill org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release Adj=900 State=19 05-08 23:48:13.361 1623 4549 I ActivityManager: Killing 13200:org.schabi.newpipe.debug.release/u0a346 (adj 900): SwipeUpClean 05-08 23:48:13.363 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:48:13.433 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:48:13.434 663 663 I Zygote : Process 13200 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 05-08 23:48:13.435 1623 1696 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10346 pid 13200 in 72ms 05-08 23:48:13.435 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:13.438 1623 1684 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 13200 05-08 23:48:13.438 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: removeUidState uid = 10346 05-08 23:48:13.439 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10346,old:19,new:20 05-08 23:48:13.439 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:19,uid:10346,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:48:13.439 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:20,uid:10346,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:48:13.443 662 20292 I netd : firewallSetUidRule(2, 10346, 2) <0.04ms> 05-08 23:48:13.625 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:13.625 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:13.625 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:13.625 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:13.625 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:13.625 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:13.625 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:48:13.851 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.851 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.851 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) duration: 47 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.851 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.851 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) duration: 9 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.868 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: invalid request, no optimizations performed 05-08 23:48:13.871 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.871 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.871 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 45 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.901 808 808 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: invalid request, no optimizations performed 05-08 23:48:13.903 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.903 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.903 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 27 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.919 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.919 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.919 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 20 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.936 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.936 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.936 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 19 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.953 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.953 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.953 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 20 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.969 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.969 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.969 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 21 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:13.986 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.986 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:13.986 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 22 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.003 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.003 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.003 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 22 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.019 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.019 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.019 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 23 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.036 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.036 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.037 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 22 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.053 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.053 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.053 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 20 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.070 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.070 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.070 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 20 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.086 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.086 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.087 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 21 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.103 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.103 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.103 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 19 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.120 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.120 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.120 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 22 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.136 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.136 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.136 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 20 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.153 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.153 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.153 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 20 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.170 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.170 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.170 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 22 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.186 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.186 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.186 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 22 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.203 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(TaskViewDismissedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.203 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(TaskViewDismissedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.204 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] unregister() 05-08 23:48:14.204 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AllTaskViewsDismissedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.204 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsView [0x926e48b, P3] onBusEvent(AllTaskViewsDismissedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.205 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AllTaskViewsDismissedEvent) duration: 28 microseconds, avg: 354 05-08 23:48:14.205 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(AllTaskViewsDismissedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.206 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(DismissRecentsToHomeAnimationStarted) 05-08 23:48:14.206 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsView [0x926e48b, P3] onBusEvent(DismissRecentsToHomeAnimationStarted) 05-08 23:48:14.206 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(DismissRecentsToHomeAnimationStarted) duration: 127 microseconds, avg: 354 05-08 23:48:14.207 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(DismissRecentsToHomeAnimationStarted) 05-08 23:48:14.207 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(DismissRecentsToHomeAnimationStarted) duration: 148 microseconds, avg: 354 05-08 23:48:14.207 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(DismissRecentsToHomeAnimationStarted) 05-08 23:48:14.207 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(DismissRecentsToHomeAnimationStarted) duration: 179 microseconds, avg: 354 05-08 23:48:14.207 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AllTaskViewsDismissedEvent) duration: 2816 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.208 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(DeleteTaskDataEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.208 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(DeleteTaskDataEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.208 2117 2117 D RecentsActivity: removeTask: [id=383 stackId=402 windowingMode=1 user=0 lastActiveTime=78911727] Ajustes 05-08 23:48:14.208 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(DeleteTaskDataEvent) duration: 163 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.208 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(TaskViewDismissedEvent) duration: 4944 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.208 1623 2467 I ProcessManager: Kill reason SwipeUpClean from pid=2117 05-08 23:48:14.209 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.209 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.209 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(StackScrollChangedEvent) duration: 17 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.210 1623 2467 D ProcessManager: update DY:[com.menny.android.anysoftkeyboard, com.miui.voip, com.miui.mishare.connectivity] 05-08 23:48:14.210 2117 2117 W HeadsUpManager: removeHeadsUpNotification() no heads up notification on show 05-08 23:48:14.210 2117 2117 I vol.MiuiVolumeDialogImp: dismissH mShowing:false dialog showing:false reason:2 05-08 23:48:14.211 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(ActivitySetDummyTranslucentEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.211 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(ActivitySetDummyTranslucentEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.211 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(ActivitySetDummyTranslucentEvent) duration: 169 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.213 1623 4549 W XSpaceManagerService: checkXSpaceControl, from:com.android.systemui, to:com.miui.home, with act:android.intent.action.MAIN, callingUserId:0, toUserId:0 05-08 23:48:14.217 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:48:14.218 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:48:14.218 1623 2467 D WindowProcessUtils: remove task: TaskRecord{8e7df5e #383 A=com.android.settings.root U=0 StackId=402 sz=2} 05-08 23:48:14.219 1623 2467 I ProcessManager: SwipeUpClean: kill com.android.settings Adj=900 State=17 05-08 23:48:14.221 1623 2467 I ActivityManager: Killing 11563:com.android.settings/1000 (adj 900): SwipeUpClean 05-08 23:48:14.222 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:48:14.223 1623 4549 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher} from uid 1000 05-08 23:48:14.225 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:48:14.228 1623 4549 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 05-08 23:48:14.233 4386 19081 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mForegroundUid=10057, mForegroundPid=2387, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.android.systemui', mLastForegroundUid=1000, mLastForegroundPid=2117, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0} 05-08 23:48:14.233 4386 19081 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Cur=com.miui.home last=com.android.systemui 05-08 23:48:14.233 4386 19081 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mForegroundUid=10057, mForegroundPid=2387, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.android.systemui', mLastForegroundUid=1000, mLastForegroundPid=2117, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0} 05-08 23:48:14.233 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:48:14.233 4386 19081 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Exit 05-08 23:48:14.233 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:48:14.233 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:48:14.235 2387 10549 D Launcher: get showing item successnull 05-08 23:48:14.237 1623 4549 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47426049 05-08 23:48:14.240 1623 4549 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47426052 05-08 23:48:14.244 886 964 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:14.244 1623 12508 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47426056 05-08 23:48:14.245 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onStart:UserHandle{0},7755e38,false 05-08 23:48:14.245 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.245 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.245 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) duration: 27 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.245 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsActivity [0xccb9f76, P2] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.245 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(UserInteractionEvent) duration: 6 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.249 886 965 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:14.249 1623 3559 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47426061 05-08 23:48:14.250 886 964 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:14.253 1623 2467 I ProcessManager: SwipeUpClean: kill com.android.settings:remote Adj=500 State=11 05-08 23:48:14.254 886 965 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:14.254 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:14.255 2387 2387 D Launcher: dialog already dismiss:class com.miui.home.launcher.LauncherMenuDialog 05-08 23:48:14.255 2387 2387 D Launcher: dialog already dismiss:class com.miui.home.launcher.TransitionEffectMenuDialog 05-08 23:48:14.255 2117 2117 D StatusBar: recevie broadbcast ACTION_APPLICATION_MESSAGE_QUERY, requestFirstTime=false 05-08 23:48:14.255 2387 2769 I RenderThread: RenderThread resumed 05-08 23:48:14.255 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 05-08 23:48:14.256 1623 2467 I ActivityManager: Killing 11029:com.android.settings:remote/1000 (adj 500): SwipeUpClean 05-08 23:48:14.257 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:48:14.258 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onResume:UserHandle{0},7755e38,false 05-08 23:48:14.258 2387 2545 D Launcher: disableStatusBarClock:false 05-08 23:48:14.260 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:48:14.260 1623 2145 E ANDR-PERF-JNI: UXEngine Trigger - Returning null 05-08 23:48:14.260 886 2815 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:14.261 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47426073 05-08 23:48:14.261 2387 2769 I NotifierManager: onRegister: miui.maml.NotifierManager$MultiBroadcastNotifier@c13882d 05-08 23:48:14.262 2387 2769 D ScreenElementRoot: resume 05-08 23:48:14.263 1623 2042 V UiModeManager: switch night mode to 2 05-08 23:48:14.263 2387 2387 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=ShortcutMenuLayer, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0 05-08 23:48:14.264 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2387/top_app:1 05-08 23:48:14.264 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2600/top_app:2 05-08 23:48:14.265 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:14.266 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2117/top_app:0 05-08 23:48:14.267 1623 1684 I set_top_app: success /proc/2517/top_app:0 05-08 23:48:14.271 886 964 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:14.271 886 964 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:14.271 1623 4550 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47426083 05-08 23:48:14.273 886 964 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:14.273 886 964 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:14.273 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10057, uidState = 2 05-08 23:48:14.274 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateWmmForUidState uid: 10057 state: 2 wmm: 1 05-08 23:48:14.275 662 20292 D OemNetd : updateWmm: uid=10057, wmm=1 05-08 23:48:14.278 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateMLUid uid:10057,old:15,new:2 05-08 23:48:14.278 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:15,uid:10057,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:48:14.278 1623 2048 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: isMLEnabled state:2,uid:10057,connect:DISCONNECTED 05-08 23:48:14.278 1623 2033 W InputDispatcher: channel 'b25b6f1 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 05-08 23:48:14.278 1623 2033 E InputDispatcher: channel 'b25b6f1 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 05-08 23:48:14.278 1623 2033 W InputDispatcher: channel '84b3634 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.MainSettings (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 05-08 23:48:14.278 1623 2033 E InputDispatcher: channel '84b3634 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.MainSettings (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 05-08 23:48:14.279 2117 2117 D StatusBar: disable disable2 05-08 23:48:14.280 2117 2117 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock visible=true 05-08 23:48:14.280 886 1365 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:14.281 886 1365 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:14.283 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47426095 05-08 23:48:14.287 7153 7153 W AssistOnScrollListener: caculateScrollY firstView is null! 05-08 23:48:14.290 886 2815 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:14.290 886 2815 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:14.290 663 663 I Zygote : Process 11563 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 05-08 23:48:14.291 1623 7527 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{84b3634 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.MainSettings} 05-08 23:48:14.291 1623 7527 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '84b3634 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.MainSettings (server)' 05-08 23:48:14.293 1623 1696 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 11563 in 71ms 05-08 23:48:14.294 886 2788 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:14.294 886 2788 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:14.294 1623 7527 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47426106 05-08 23:48:14.294 4386 29123 I ActivityThread: Removing dead content provider:android.content.ContentProviderProxy@df91aa2 05-08 23:48:14.295 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:14.296 886 1365 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:14.296 886 1365 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:14.297 1623 2356 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47426109 05-08 23:48:14.297 663 663 I Zygote : Process 11029 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 05-08 23:48:14.297 1623 1663 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{b25b6f1 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings} 05-08 23:48:14.297 1623 1663 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel 'b25b6f1 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings (server)' 05-08 23:48:14.299 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:14.300 886 1365 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:14.300 886 1365 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:14.300 1623 1663 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47426112 05-08 23:48:14.300 1623 1696 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 11029 in 5ms 05-08 23:48:14.302 2387 2387 D Launcher_WallpaperUtils: changeStatusBarMode:false 05-08 23:48:14.304 886 2815 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:14.304 886 2815 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:14.308 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:14.310 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:47426122 05-08 23:48:14.310 1623 1693 W system_server: Insufficient pre-allocated space to mmap vdex. 05-08 23:48:14.312 886 964 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=0.000000 05-08 23:48:14.312 886 964 D Layer : ---setAlpha Launcher=1.000000 05-08 23:48:14.317 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:48:14.320 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:14.325 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.326 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.326 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 25 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.326 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.326 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.326 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 19 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.330 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:48:14.331 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:14.331 1623 12508 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.settings/.dangerousoptions.DangerousOptionsWarningService in 1000ms 05-08 23:48:14.341 1623 1684 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 11563 05-08 23:48:14.360 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.360 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.360 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 18 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.362 663 663 D Zygote : Forked child process 13526 05-08 23:48:14.363 1623 1695 D Boost : hostingType=content provider, hostingName={com.android.settings/com.android.settings.cloud.CloudSettingsProvider}, callerPackage=com.miui.securitycenter, isSystem=true, isBoostNeeded=false. 05-08 23:48:14.364 662 20292 D OemNetd : setPidForPackage: packageName=com.android.settings, pid=13526, pid=1000 05-08 23:48:14.364 1623 1695 I ActivityManager: Start proc 13526:com.android.settings:remote/1000 for content provider {com.android.settings/com.android.settings.cloud.CloudSettingsProvider} caller=com.miui.securitycenter 05-08 23:48:14.369 886 1365 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:14.372 2387 2387 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onWindowFocusChanged:true,UserHandle{0},7755e38,false 05-08 23:48:14.372 2387 2387 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: onWindowFocus:IDLE 05-08 23:48:14.381 13526 13526 E settings:remot: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 05-08 23:48:14.382 1623 4549 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityStopTrigger 05-08 23:48:14.382 886 965 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:14.385 2117 2117 D RecentsActivity: onStop 05-08 23:48:14.386 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.386 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsViewTouchHandler [0xf398e31, P4] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.386 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) duration: 12 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.386 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> TaskStackView [0x71f142b, P3] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.386 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) duration: 7 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.386 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> RecentsImpl [0x66baf9f, P1] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.386 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) duration: 2 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.386 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> LegacyRecentsImpl [0xf5668ec, P1] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.386 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent) duration: 140 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.387 2387 2387 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=ShortcutMenuLayer, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0 05-08 23:48:14.395 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:48:14.395 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:48:14.395 1623 4549 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:48:14.403 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0 05-08 23:48:14.403 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440 05-08 23:48:14.403 1623 1694 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0 05-08 23:48:14.404 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:14.453 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{8be2f9 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:47426265 05-08 23:48:14.455 1623 1685 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:47426267 05-08 23:48:14.409 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:14.457 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.457 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0xbdf778f, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) 05-08 23:48:14.457 2117 2117 D EventBus: [2117, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 26 microseconds, avg: 355 05-08 23:48:14.470 13526 13526 I Perf : Connecting to perf service. 05-08 23:48:14.478 13526 13526 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.display.type" 05-08 23:48:14.472 13526 13526 W settings:remote: type=1400 audit(0.0:8892): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_display_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=19912 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_display_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:48:14.481 13526 13526 D miuisdk : current sdk level is 19 05-08 23:48:14.481 13526 13526 I miuisdk : initialize without hook 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: reflect applyLink failed: 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: miui.reflect.NoSuchMethodException: Couldn't find method android/text/util/Linkify.applyLink(Ljava/lang/String;IILandroid/text/Spannable;)V 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at com.miui.internal.os.Native.getMethod(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at miui.reflect.Method.of(Method.java:35) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at com.miui.internal.variable.v16.Android_Text_Util_Linkify_class.(Android_Text_Util_Linkify_class.java:70) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:379) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at com.miui.internal.variable.AbsClassFactory.create(AbsClassFactory.java:24) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at com.miui.internal.variable.Android_Text_Util_Linkify_class$Factory.(Android_Text_Util_Linkify_class.java:40) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at com.miui.internal.variable.Android_Text_Util_Linkify_class$Factory.(Android_Text_Util_Linkify_class.java:26) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at com.miui.internal.variable.Android_Text_Util_Linkify_class$Factory$1.createInstance(Android_Text_Util_Linkify_class.java:32) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at com.miui.internal.variable.Android_Text_Util_Linkify_class$Factory$1.createInstance(Android_Text_Util_Linkify_class.java:29) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at miui.util.SoftReferenceSingleton.get(SoftReferenceSingleton.java:25) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at com.miui.internal.variable.Android_Text_Util_Linkify_class$Factory.getInstance(Android_Text_Util_Linkify_class.java:44) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at com.miui.internal.initialization.OverrideHelper.doInitialize(OverrideHelper.java:37) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at miui.core.SdkManager.initialize(SdkManager.java:99) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at miui.external.Application.initializeSdk(Application.java:85) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at miui.external.Application.(Application.java:55) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at com.android.settings.Application.(Application.java:5) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at android.app.AppComponentFactory.instantiateApplication(AppComponentFactory.java:76) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory.instantiateApplication(CoreComponentFactory.java:47) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at android.app.Instrumentation.newApplication(Instrumentation.java:1156) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at android.app.LoadedApk.makeApplication(LoadedApk.java:1222) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:6511) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1400(ActivityThread.java:220) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1883) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:107) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:224) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7520) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:539) 05-08 23:48:14.492 13526 13526 W Linkify.v16: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:950) 05-08 23:48:14.511 13526 13543 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 05-08 23:48:14.512 13526 13526 I FeatureParser: can't find pyxis.xml in assets/device_features/,it may be in /system/etc/device_features 05-08 23:48:14.514 13526 13526 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.df.effect.conflict" 05-08 23:48:14.502 13526 13526 W settings:remote: type=1400 audit(0.0:8893): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=19913 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 05-08 23:48:14.520 13526 13543 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2 05-08 23:48:14.524 548 548 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device manifest. 05-08 23:48:14.527 13526 13554 E Perf : Fail to get file list com.android.settings 05-08 23:48:14.527 13526 13554 E Perf : getFolderSize() : Exception_1 = java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to get length of null array 05-08 23:48:14.528 13526 13554 E Perf : Fail to get file list com.android.settings 05-08 23:48:14.530 13526 13554 E Perf : getFolderSize() : Exception_1 = java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to get length of null array 05-08 23:48:14.625 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:14.625 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:14.625 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:14.625 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:14.625 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:14.625 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:14.625 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:48:14.673 2387 2387 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=FitSystemWindowView, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0 05-08 23:48:14.673 2387 2387 E Launcher: changeViewByFsGestureState, view=ShortcutMenuLayer, alpha=1.0, scale=1.0 05-08 23:48:14.761 3974 4610 D com.xiaomi.common.Network: Http POST Response Code: 200 05-08 23:48:14.763 2117 13520 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 353ms, interface=com.xiaomi.xmsf.push.service.IHttpService, code=2 oneway=false 05-08 23:48:14.764 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:14.844 548 548 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker::IServicetracker sid=u:r:system_server:s0 pid=1623 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_android_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 05-08 23:48:15.489 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:15.525 886 2815 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_5 identical 2 lines 05-08 23:48:15.543 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:15.559 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:15.576 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:15.609 886 2815 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_5 identical 2 lines 05-08 23:48:15.626 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:15.628 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:15.628 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:15.628 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:15.628 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:15.628 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:15.628 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:15.628 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 05-08 23:48:15.643 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:15.659 886 2815 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_5 identical 1 line 05-08 23:48:15.675 886 2815 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:15.694 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:15.743 886 964 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:886_1 identical 3 lines 05-08 23:48:15.760 886 964 D BufferQueueLayer: Launcher new frame Arrived 05-08 23:48:15.985 4386 4386 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:48:15.987 3332 3332 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:48:15.988 5144 5248 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 37, status = 2, level = 37, plug = 2, scale = 100 05-08 23:48:15.991 2117 2117 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED 05-08 23:48:16.630 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: Cannot connect the wmserver-data-reciever-80289 05-08 23:48:16.630 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 05-08 23:48:16.630 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method) 05-08 23:48:16.630 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:296) 05-08 23:48:16.630 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:147) 05-08 23:48:16.630 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at com.miui.wmsvc.b.b.a$a.run(Unknown Source:40) 05-08 23:48:16.630 8375 9550 W LocalConnector: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919)