There is ChaiVM's accumulator(acc) based ISA.
Notation: imm
is raw value, [imm]
is value from constant pool by number imm.
Operation | Format | Description |
Nop | N | Does nothing |
Ret | N | Returns a value via acc |
Mov | RR | i64, moves value from ri to rj |
Ldia | I | i64, loads constant [i] to acc |
Ldra | R | i64, loads the R1 to acc |
Star | R | i64, copies val of acc into register ri |
Add | R | i64, Adds R1 to acc |
Addi | I | i64, Adds [imm] to acc |
Sub | R | i64, sub R1 from acc |
Subi | I | i64, sub [imm] from acc |
Mul | R | i64, mul acc by R1 |
Muli | I | i64, mul acc by [imm] |
Div | R | i64, divides acc by R1 |
Divi | I | i64, divides acc by [imm] |
Modi | I | i64, acc = acc % [imm] |
Ldiaf | I | f64, loads constant [i] to acc |
Addf | R | f64, Adds R1 to acc |
Addif | I | f64, Adds [imm] to acc |
Subf | R | f64, sub R1 from acc |
Subif | I | i64, sub [imm] from acc |
Mulf | R | f64, mul acc by R1 |
Mulif | I | f64, mul acc by [imm] |
Divf | R | f64, divides acc by R1 |
Divif | I | f64, divides acc by [imm] |
IcPrint | N | Intrinsic. Prints value of acc |
IcScani | N | Intrinsic. Scans i64 from stdin into acc |
IcScanf | N | Intrinsic. Scans f64 from stdin into acc |
IcSqrt | N | f64, Intrinsic. Calculates sqrt of acc. |
IcSin | N | f64, Intrinsic. Calculates sin of acc. |
IcCos | N | f64, Intrinsic. Calculates cos of acc. |
If_icmpeq | RI | i64, if acc == r1 then branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm otherwise just next instr |
If_icmpne | RI | i64, if acc != r1 then branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm otherwise just next instr |
If_icmpgt | RI | i64, if acc > r1 then branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm otherwise just next instr |
If_icmpge | RI | i64, if acc >= r1 then branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm otherwise just next instr |
If_icmplt | RI | i64, if acc < r1 then branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm otherwise just next instr |
If_icmple | RI | i64, if acc <= r1 then branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm otherwise just next instr |
If_acmpeq | RI | ref, if references are equal, branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm |
If_acmpne | RI | ref, if references are not equal, branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm |
If_null | I | ref, if reference in acc is null, branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm |
Сmpgf | R | f64 -> i64, compare acc with r1. Acc became 1 i64 if greater than r1, 0 if equal, otherwise -1 |
Cmplf | R | f64 -> i64, compare acc with r1. Acc became 1 i64 if less than r1, 0 if equal, otherwise -1 |
Goto | I | Goes to another instruction at branchoffset(instructions) imm |
Call | I | Calls function [imm]. Imm is reference to function in constant pool named constant_func_name_and_type. |
NewI64Array | N | Allocates array of type i64 with number of elements from acc register. A reference to this new array is stored in acc. |
GetI64FromArr | R | Gets i64 from i64 array in acc and puts it to acc. |
SetI64InArr | RR | Sets i64 value to i64 array in acc and puts it to acc. |
NewF64Array | N | Allocates array of type f64 with number of elements from acc register. A reference to this new array is stored in acc. |
GetF64FromArr | R | Gets f64 from f64 array in acc and puts it to acc. |
SetF64InArr | RR | Sets f64 value to f64 array in acc and puts it to acc. |
NewRefArray | N | Allocates array of objects with number of elements from acc register. A reference to this new array is stored in acc. Value of every object is null. |
GetRefFromArr | R | Gets object by index in r1 from object array in acc and puts it to acc. |
SetRefInArr | RR | Sets ref value in r2 by index in r1 to object array in acc and puts it to acc. |
StringPrint | N | Prints String in acc |
StringConcat | R | Create new String, concatenating String in acc and String in r1. Result in acc. |
StringLen | N | Puts len of String to acc |
StringSlice | RR | Create new String slicing String placed in acc. r1 is start and r2 is finish of slicing |
AllocRef | I | Ref, Creates object of klass [imm], leaves ref in acc |
MovRef | RR | Ref, copies ref from ri to rj |
LdraRef | R | Ref, copies ref of the R1 to acc |
StarRef | R | Ref, copies ref of acc into register ri |
GetField | I | Ref, load value of field to acc. imm is offset of field (starting from all fields) Value can be ref, array or String |
SetField | RI | Ref, set value of register to field imm of object in acc. Value should be consistent to field signature. There are no checks in runtime. |
To generate this file use the following python script:
$ python3 tools/