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52 lines (52 loc) · 5.79 KB
  1. Simulation (RK4 stepping)
  2. Trajectory
  3. Sliders
  4. Forward Dynamics: RNE and EL
  5. List of premade arms, like panda, baxter, stanford, HUMAN ARM, etc.
  6. Wrap auto-differentiation around fk, jacob, and dynamics methods
  7. Pull IK into its own module, it's just too messy currently, and give it a wrapper function that calls different internal methods, right now the parameters list for IK is just nuts. Maybe an opts function? like an IKopts dataclass that gets put in to clean up the API for IK? Pull methods into their own functions in kinematics
  8. Need to rethink how VizScene is done, specifically for updating when there are multiple objects in the scene. Maybe you should be getting handles to the specific objects inside instead of needing to pass a list of update parameters in. This would make using VizScenes inside of stuff like IK or simulation work better for multiple object scenes.
  9. Viscous damping on dynamics
  10. Improve simulation setup, should have an integrated method to take care of weird damping stuff going on. Or maybe that needs to be in forward dynamics?
  11. Joint Limits, with integrated FK, IK, and simulation stuff
  12. Control module, enabling control functions or some common control methods to be passed in
  13. Simulation module should include linearization and step responses
  14. Make sliders on play function taller when possible.
  15. Make general dynamic arm creator with linear density
  16. Kinetic and Potential Energy calculation
  17. Make real decision about gravity and external wrench convention and standardize
  18. quaternion utility; slerp, product, etc
  19. IK uses quaternions internally
  20. **** Dual quaternions ****
  21. Random joint angle helper function, with list of joint limits. I'm tired of redoing this. BTW this should maybe be a method attached to Serial arm, so that a specific arm can generate sample points for itself
  22. Reachable distance estimate as a property of Serial Arm
  23. Okay the reachable distance thing was great but it's not so awesome that you need two copies of it! Figure out where arm.reach and arm.max_reach are being used and consolidate, please!
  24. Modified DH parameter conversion and arm generation
  25. Github landing page with tutorial
  26. Finish tutorial script and keep up to date
  27. str and repr functions for SerialArmDyn class need additional details
  28. ArmPlayer: It would be nice to be able to add other static objects to the scene, like markers, lines, etc. Likewise it would be good to add a callback function that executes each step given the joint angles (so we can add things like moving vectors, etc)
  29. Functionality for saving images from VizScene. First, a function that holds an app.processEvents() loop until user terminal input so that I can set up the image how I want. Then, a function that takes the current GLViewWindow, saves to an image, and puts it somewhere. It would be really cool if you could do this with GIF's as well, execute for a set time and save as a video or GIF. See
  30. SerialArm object should have preset joint configurations, e.g. zeros, maybe more for the premade arms
  31. ArmPlayer display Jacobian
  32. Rigid body kinematics, given q, qd, qdd, a, omega, and alpha return v, a, omega, and alpha for each frame
  33. Null space option on IK function
  34. FrameMeshObject should just be part of FrameViz
  35. Lie Groups: I think (emphasis on think) that Lie groups are the natural way to solve IK in that they provide the most natural definition for smooth error between a target pose and a current pose. It would also be great to learn the math by applying it to a concrete problem. Therefore, I'd like to make an IK3 function that uses Lie Groups to solve for pose-related inverse kinematics. This would be the same for purely translational targets, like cartesian or planar IK, but would replace (or maybe be equivalent to?) the quaternion analytic jacobian method for full SE3 stuff.
  36. Geometric Algebra: Same idea as with Lie Algebras, I'd love to see how Geometric Algebra can be applied to serial arm robotics and if that would yield any good performance or simplified calculation.
  37. IMPORTANT Caching for common functions like fk and jacob. fk gets recalled a lot during normal operation, and this could be a dramatic increase in performance especially for dynamics methods that require recalculation of jacobians over and over again. Caching is not going to be super simple, since numpy arrays can't be directly cached. I'm going to need to keep an input-standardization function, because I want inputs to still be able to be called with lists, numpy arrays, etc.
  38. call sign change. I am inevitably evolving into the convoluted (but hopefully well designed) monster package that I criticised when using robotics toolbox the first time. So, right now I have a ton of boiler plate code that does input standardization, error checking, etc. for fk or jacob calls. Instead, I should have one function which checks input sizes and converts inputs to a common data type (which should probably be a tuple for reasons in 37). Then the output of that function will go to other internal methods that can be leaner because they know the input type. For example,, index, base, tip, rep) will first call self._input_standardization(q) which would turn q into a tuple, check that len(q) == n, etc. Then that standardized output comes back to the fk function, (which will also check for the dimensions involved) and calls self._fk(q: tuple, index: int, ...) all fully known function inputs which can be cached using @lru_cache. Actually we can cut out base and tip from this as well to speed things up more, and just manually pre or post multiply at the end (makes cache more dense).