- Design Thinking
- Design Thinking: What is that?
- Design Thinking Visually
- A Beginners Guide to Wireframing
- Beyond Wireframing: Real Life UX Design Process
- VIDEO: How to Use Git and GitHub
- Git - the simple guide
- LifeHacker: How the Heck Do I Use GitHub?
- GitHub for Beginners, Don't Get Scared, Get Started
- Try Git
- LearnGitBranching
- Git Immersion
- Intro to HTML
- Build a simple website
- Beginners guide to HTML and CSS
- HTML tag cheatsheat
- CSS Basics (styling)
- Mozilla's CSS - Getting Started (sections 1-6 if you're unfamiliar with CSS, sections 3-5 if you're familiar with CSS)
- Hexidecimal color
- Classes vs IDs
- The Difference Between IDs and Classes
- An Advanced Guide to HTML and CSS
- Downloading CSS from a website
- Decoupling HTML from CSS
- Mozilla Developer Network - JavaScript
- JavaScript Enlightenment A JavaScript reference guide for those new to programming
- JavaScript: The Good Parts This resource is better for students with some familiarity with JavaScript who want to know more about style and syntax.
- Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby (POODR - book) HINT: work through one of your challenges as you read
- Writing our own Class in Ruby
- Ruby Classes and Objects
- A Beginners Guide to Ruby
- Introduction to Refactoring
- Ruby for Newbies
- Ruby Variable Scope
- GangesLearning (Videos)
- The Well-Grounded Rubyist (Book)
- Humble little Ruby Book
- Eloquent Ruby
- Confident Ruby
####SQL and Databases
- VIDEO: Database Basics
- SQL tutorial
- SQL SELECT statements
- SQL Tutorial on w3schools.org
- Zetcode's SQLite Tutorial
- VIDEO: Databases and SQL - an introduction
- VIDEO: Database Fundamentals
- VIDEO: Relational Database Concepts
- READING: Relational Database Design
- VIDEO: SQL Joins
- Seven Databases in Seven Weeks