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TronFlow Strelka2

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A nextflow (Di Tommaso, 2017) pipeline implementing the Strelka2 (Kim, 2017) pipeline for somatic variant calling of tumor-normal pairs.

How to run it

$ nextflow run tron-bioinformatics/tronflow-strelka2 -profile conda --help

    nextflow run tron-bioinformatics/tronflow-strelka2 -profile conda --input_files input_files --reference reference.fasta

    * input_files: the path to a tab-separated values file containing in each row the sample name, tumor bam and normal bam
    The input file does not have header!
    Example input file:
    name1	tumor_bam1	normal_bam1
    name2	tumor_bam2	normal_bam2
    * reference: path to the FASTA genome reference (indexes expected *.fai)
Optional input:
    * output: the folder where to publish output
    * intervals: path to the BED file containing genomic intervals. Will assume WGS if not given
    * memory: the ammount of memory used by each job (default: 16g)
    * cpus: the number of CPUs used by each job (default: 2)

    * Final somatic calls VCF

Input tables

The input table expects three tab-separated columns without a header. Replicate BAM files can be provided comma-separated, this will be merged into a single BAM file.

Patient name Tumor BAMs Normal BAMs
patient_1 /path/to/patient_1.tumor.bam /path/to/patient_1.normal.bam
patient_2 /path/to/patient_2.tumor.1.bam,/path/to/patient_2.tumor.2.bam /path/to/patient_2.normal.1.bam,/path/to/patient_2.tumor.2.bam

Current limitations

If replicates are provided, a conservative approach would be filter out variants not detected in every pairwise combination. A more relaxed approach would the opposite to keep them all. At the moment we just merge all reads in a single BAM, thus we lose the advantage of having replicates apart from having greater coverage.

The Strelka2 germline pipeline is not implemented.


  • Di Tommaso, P., Chatzou, M., Floden, E. W., Barja, P. P., Palumbo, E., & Notredame, C. (2017). Nextflow enables reproducible computational workflows. Nature Biotechnology, 35(4), 316–319.
  • Kim, S., Scheffler, K., Halpern, A. L., Bekritsky, M. A., Noh, E., Källberg, M., Chen, X., Beyter, D., Krusche, P., & Saunders, C. T. (2017). Strelka2: Fast and accurate variant calling for clinical sequencing applications. BioRxiv, 192872.