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Locally Develop CMS Portal Docs

W. Bomar edited this page Dec 9, 2021 · 90 revisions


Developers who already have a running, but want to run and develop on a and taccaci/frontera-tech-docs simulataneously.



This setup will result in two CMS instances, but one CMS directory with static assets, templates, settings, et cetera.

  • one set of CMS static assets, templates, and settings (shared between standalone CMS and Portal CMS)
  • two sets of CMS pages (one each for standalone CMS and Portal CMS) i.e. two databases and /media's
  • one Docs /docs (shared between standalone Docs and Portal Docs)
  • two sets of docker image layers for Docs (one each for standalone Docs and Portal Docs)

Consider distinguishing standalone CMS and Portal CMS, because they will look identical.

  • in standalone CMS, add INCLUDES_CORE_PORTAL = False
  • add unique homepage content to both CMS homepages
  • add a link to the other CMS in the navigation of each:
  • change the logo for each using their respective files


If You Did Not Use a Custom Docker Compose File, Then Do So

The default docker compose file has container name(s) that will conflict with Portal's.

  1. Follow How to Use a Custom Docker Compose File.

  2. (If docker containers are running) Stop (i.e. bring down) the docker containers.

  3. Rebuild the cms docker container using custom docker compose file.

    Commands to Run
    • If building from a different CMS image, then rebuild without cache (source):
      1. docker-compose -f docker-compose.custom.yml build --no-cache cms
      2. docker-compose -f docker-compose.custom.yml up --force-recreate --no-deps -d cms
    • If building from the same CMS image, then you may simply restart containers:
      1. docker-compose -f docker-compose.custom.yml up
  4. In the CMS container, collect static assets.³

  5. (If error contacting database) Stop (i.e. bring down) then Restart (i.e. bring up) the docker containers.⁴

  6. (If building assets locally) In the CMS container, run python collectstatic --no-input.

Note: Commands or changes that reference core_cms or core_cms_... should instead be sad_cms or sad_cms_....


Method A

This method is newly documented, and may be unreliable or not streamlined.

  1. Have an existing frontera-tech-docs in which you know how to develop.

  2. Checkout relevant branch.⁵

  3. For each change, follow the next steps:

  4. (may be optional) Commit change (to create a new commit has for docker to use as a tag)

  5. Run make build.

  6. Save the docker tag from the output:

    Truncated Example Output

    ... taccwma/frontera-tech-docs:1234567 ...

    Where 1234567 is a string of characters.

  7. Repeat "Portal" step 6 at "[…] Values to Change".

  8. Wait for build to complete (inside Docker container).

  9. (necessary?) Repeat "Portal" step 8.

Method B

This method is newly documented, and may be unreliable or not streamlined.

  1. For each change, follow the next steps:

  2. (may be optional) Commit change (to create a new commit has for docker to use as a tag)

  3. Have an existing Frontera_Docs build to use.

  4. Save the docker tag from the build output:

    Truncated Example Output

    ... taccwma/frontera-docs:1234567 ...

    Where 1234567 is a string of characters.

  5. Repeat "Portal" step 6 at "[…] Values to Change".

  6. Wait for build to complete (inside Docker container).

  7. (necessary?) Repeat "Portal" step 8.

Method C

  1. Have an existing frontera-tech-docs in which you know how to develop.

  2. Checkout relevant branch.⁵

  3. Copy docker-compose.yml as docker-compose.custom.yml.

  4. Add server/docs-standalone on its own line in .git/info/exclude.*

    • This tells Git to ignore this new directory with no need to edit .gitignore.
  5. In the docker-compose.custom.yml file, disable volume in services:cms:volumes.

    Volumes to Disable
          # - /var/www/frontera/docs:/docs/site

    This ensures the built docs stay within the current directory.

  6. For each change, follow the next steps:

  7. Rebuild the docs docker container without cache. (source)

    Commands to Run
    • If testing a change to requirements or docker config, then rebuild without cache (source):
      1. docker-compose -f docker-compose.custom.yml build --no-cache frontera_docs
      2. docker-compose -f docker-compose.custom.yml up --force-recreate --no-deps -d frontera_docs
    • If testing a change to just docs and assets, then you may recreate and restart:
      1. docker-compose -f docker-compose.custom.yml up --force-recreate --no-deps -d frontera_docs
  8. Wait for build to complete (inside Docker container).


  1. Have an existing Core-Portal in which you know how to develop.

  2. (If docker containers are running) Stop (i.e. bring down) the docker containers.

  3. Ensure relevant CMS secrets are up to date and accurate.

  4. Checkout relevant branch.⁵

  5. Add symlink in Portal to sync local stand-alone CMS content:

    Symlinks to Create
    1. Replace Directory of Volume Mounts with Symlink to Stand-Alone CMS
      rm -rf ${__PATH_TO_LOCAL_CORE_PORTAL__}/server/cms
      ln -s ${__PATH_TO_LOCAL_CORE_CMS__} ${__PATH_TO_LOCAL_CORE_PORTAL__}/server/cms-standalone
      Add server/cms-standalone on its own line in .git/info/exclude.*
    2. (If using "Docs" "Method C") Replace Directory / Volume Mounts with Symlink to Stand-Alone Docs Output
      rm -rf ${__PATH_TO_LOCAL_CORE_PORTAL__}/server/docs
      ln -s ${__PATH_TO_LOCAL_DOCS_REPO__}/site ${__PATH_TO_LOCAL_CORE_PORTAL__}/server/docs-standalone
      Add server/docs-standalone on its own line in .git/info/exclude.*
    • This tells Git to ignore this new directory with no need to edit .gitignore.
  6. Update the relevant docker-compose config file to sync local stand-alone CMS content:

    Volumes to Add to and Change in Nginx

    To ensure Nginx container has actual directory contents, not broken symlink(s).

    1. Add these replacements in services:nginx:volumes:

      • ../../cms/../../cms-standalone/
    2. Make these replacements in services:nginx:volumes:

      • ../../cms/../../cms-standalone/*

      * Except for ../../cms/media, because it was not changed in services:cms:volumes.\

    3. (If using "Docs" "Method C") Make these replacements in services:nginx:volumes:

      • ../../docs/../../docs-standalone/
    Values to Change (only for "Docs" "Method A" and "Method B")

    Replace the services:docs:image with the one from "Docs" "Method A/B" step 4.

  7. Rebuild the cms docker container without cache. (source)

    Commands to Run
    docker-compose -f server/conf/docker/docker-compose-dev.all.debug.yml up --force-recreate --no-deps -d cms

    The make stop and make start commands are not adequate.

  8. Rebuild the docs docker container without cache. (source)

    Commands to Run
    docker-compose -f server/conf/docker/docker-compose-dev.all.debug.yml up --force-recreate --no-deps -d docs

    The make stop and make start commands are not adequate.

  9. (might be necessary) (could be overkill) Rebuild the nginx docker container without cache. (source)

    Commands to Run
    docker-compose -f server/conf/docker/docker-compose-dev.all.debug.yml up --force-recreate --no-deps -d nginx
  10. Start (i.e. bring up) the docker containers.

  11. (If cms service has error contacting database) Stop (i.e. bring down) then Restart (i.e. bring up) the docker containers.⁴


Header Content Load Returns Server Error

The CMS service has likely crashed.

  1. Check CMS container logs.
    • If you see ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'test_without_migrations', then continue to next step.
    • If you see ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'some_module.you_know_exists', then check for syntax error within INSTALLED_APPS.
    • If you see something else, then this document has no specific guidance.
  2. docker exec -it core_portal_cms /bin/bash
    • pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
    • exit
  3. Restart the CMS service. Methods:
    • In Docker Desktop's Dashboard, in the core_portal_cms, click "↻" button.
    • docker-compose -f server/conf/docker/docker-compose-dev.all.debug.yml restart cms
Either or Returns 502 Server Error

The Nginx service has likely crashed.

  1. Restart the Nginx service:
    • In Docker Desktop's Dashboard, in the core_portal_nginx, click "↻" button.
    • docker-compose -f server/conf/docker/docker-compose-dev.all.debug.yml restart nginx

Workflow Changes

Build CMS Static Assets

To make sure Stand-Alone CMS and Portal CMS both receive re-built CSS assets, run:

npm run build && docker exec -it sad_cms python3 collectstatic --no-input && docker exec -it core_portal_cms python3 collectstatic --no-input


³ When you rebuild, the Node build output may be absent (because - .:/code entry for volumes overwrites containers files originating from image).

⁴ The first start may hit a database contact error, Name or service not known. The second start should not.

⁵ So that the CMS test is against the correct Portal code:

  • If the CMS branch has an accompanying Portal branch, then checkout that accompanying Portal branch.
  • If the CMS branch does not have an accompanying Portal branch, then checkout main.