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Project3 MultiRaftKV

In project2, you have built a high available kv server based on Raft, good work! But not enough, such kv server is backed by a single raft group which is not unlimited scalable, and every write request will wait until committed and then write to badger one by one, which is a key requirement to ensure consistency, but also kill any concurrency.

在project2, 你已经构建了一个基于Raft的高可用kv服务器,干得好!但这还不够,这样的kv服务器是由一个单个的raft group支持的,并不能达到无限的可伸缩行。并且每个写请求都会等待提交,然后一个一个地写给badger;这确保了一致性,但扼杀了任何并发性。


In this project you will implement a multi raft-based kv server with balance scheduler, which consist of multiple raft groups, each raft group is responsible for a single key range which is named region here, the layout will be looked like the above diagram. Requests to a single region are handled just like before, yet multiple regions can handle requests concurrently which improves performance but also bring some new challenges like balancing the request to each region, etc.

在这个项目中,您将实现一个基于multi raft的带有平衡调度程序的kv服务器。它包括多个raft group,每个raft group负责一个key范围,称为Region,架构如上图。对于单个Region的请求像以前一样被处理,但多个Region可以同时处理请求,这提高了性能,但也带来了一些新的挑战,如将请求平衡分配到每个region等。

This project has 3 part, including:

  1. Implement membership change and leadership change to Raft algorithm
  2. Implement conf change and region split on raftstore
  3. Introduce scheduler


  1. 在Raft算法中实现成员变更(membership change)和领导变更(leadership change)
  2. 在raftstore上实现配置变更(conf change)和region分裂(region split)
  3. 实现调度器

Part A

In this part you will implement membership change and leadership change to the basic raft algorithm, these features are required by the next two parts. Membership change, namely conf change, is used to add or remove peers to the raft group, which can change the quorum of the raft group, so be careful. Leadership change, namely leader transfer, is used to transfer the leadership to another peer, which is very useful for balance.

在本部分中,您将实现基本raft算法的成员变更和领导变更,这些特性是后面两部分所需要的。成员变更,即conf change,用于向Raft group添加或删除peer,这可能会改变raft group的quorum(大多数),所以要小心。领导变更,即leader transfer,是用来将领导权转移到另一个peer,这对于负载均衡非常有用。

The Code

The code you need to modify is all about raft/raft.go and raft/rawnode.go, also see proto/proto/eraft.proto for new messages you need to handle. And both conf change and leader transfer are triggered by the upper application, so you may want to start at raft/rawnode.go.

你需要修改的所有代码都在raft/raft.goraft/rawnode.go中,你也可以看看proto/proto/eraft.Proto,来了解你需要处理的新的消息类型。而conf change和leader transfer都是由上层应用程序触发,所以你可能要从raft/rawnode.go开始。

Implement leader transfer

To implement leader transfer, let’s introduce two new message types: MsgTransferLeader and MsgTimeoutNow. To transfer leadership you need to first call raft.Raft.Step with MsgTransferLeader message on the current leader, and to ensure the success of the transfer, the current leader should first check the qualification of the transferee (namely transfer target) like: is the transferee’s log up to date, etc. If the transferee is not qualified, the current leader can choose to abort the transfer or help the transferee, since abort is not helping, let’s choose to help the transferee. If the transferee’s log is not up to date, the current leader should send a MsgAppend message to the transferee and stop accepting new proposals in case we end up cycling. So if the transferee is qualified (or after the current leader’s help), the leader should send a MsgTimeoutNow message to the transferee immediately, and after receiving a MsgTimeoutNow message the transferee should start a new election immediately regardless of its election timeout, with a higher term and up to date log, the transferee has great chance to step down the current leader and become the new leader.

为了实现leader transfer,让我们引入两个新的消息类型:MsgTransferLeaderMsgTimeoutNow。转移领导权首先需要用MsgTransferLeader类型的信息来调用当前的领导者的Step方法。为了确保成功的转移,现任领导者应该首先检查受让者的资格,比如:受让者的日志是最新的,等等。如果受让者不合格,当前领导者可以选择中止转移或者帮助受让者,我们的实现选择帮助受让者。如果受让者的日志不是最新的,当前领导应该发送一个MsgAppend消息给受让者,并停止accept新的proposal(以防我们结束循环 > 啥叫结束循环)。如果受让者是合格的(或在当前领导的帮助下合格了),领导应该立即发送一个MsgTimeoutNow消息给受让者,在收到MsgTimeoutNow消息后,受让者应该立即开始新的选举,而不管它的选举时钟是否超时。有一个更高的term和最新的log,受让者有很大的机会选举成为新的领导人。

扩展阅读 raft phd paper section 3.10


  1. 有时候领导必须下台。例如,它可能需要重新启动进行维护,或者可能会从集群中删除(请参见第4章)。当它退出时,集群将在选举超时前处于空闲状态,直到另一台服务器超时并赢得选举。这种短暂的不可用可以通过让领导在下台前将其领导权转移到另一台服务器来避免。
  2. 在某些情况下,一台或多台服务器可能比其他服务器更适合领导集群。例如,高负载的服务器不是一个好的领导者,或者在广域网部署中,为了最大限度地减少客户端和领导者之间的延迟,主数据中心中的服务器可能是首选。其他共识算法可能能够在领导人选举期间适应这些偏好,但是Raft需要一个具有足够最新日志的服务器来成为领导人,这可能不是最受欢迎的服务器。相反,Raft中的领导者可以定期检查其可用的追随者中是否有一个更合适,如果是,将其领导转移到该服务器。



  1. 前任领导停止接受新的客户请求
  2. 前一个领导者使用第3.5节中描述的正常日志复制机制,完全更新目标服务器的日志以匹配其自己的日志。
  3. 前一个领导者向目标服务器发送超时请求。该请求与目标服务器的选举计时器触发具有相同的效果:目标服务器开始新的选举(增加其任期并成为候选人)。





  • 完成MsgTransferLeaderHandler
  • LeaderMsgProposeHandler改成当h.raft.leadTransferee == 0时就直接丢弃消息
  • becomeFollower时,将h.raft.leadTransferee更新回来
  • 如果leadTransferee !=0并且 MsgAppendResponseHandler收到了来自这个leadTransfereeResp,就发一个TransferLeaderMsg给自己,再看看现在能不能TransferLeaderMsg
  • 完成MsgTimeoutHandler
  • 最后,就是如果超时了如何处理?按照论文中的处理吗?

Implement conf change

Conf change algorithm you will implement here is not the joint consensus algorithm mentioned in the extended Raft paper that can add and/or remove arbitrary peers at once, instead, it can only add or remove peers one by one, which is more simple and easy to reason about. Moreover, conf change start at calling leader’s raft.RawNode.ProposeConfChange which will propose an entry with pb.Entry.EntryType set to EntryConfChange and pb.Entry.Data set to the input pb.ConfChange. When entries with type EntryConfChange are committed, you must apply it through RawNode.ApplyConfChange with the pb.ConfChange in the entry, only then you can add or remove peer to this raft node through raft.Raft.addNode and raft.Raft.removeNode according to the pb.ConfChange.

您将在这里实现的Conf change算法不是在扩展Raft论文中提到的联合共识算法,论文中的算法可以一次性添加和/或删除任意peer。相反,我们实现的算法只能一个一个地添加或删除对等点,这更简单,也更容易推理。此外,conf change开始于调用leader的raft.RawNode.ProposeConfChange,它会propose一个类型为EntryConfChangeData中存放输入的pb.ConfChangeentry。当类型为EntryConfChange的entries被提交了,你必须传入entry中的pb.ConfChange作为参数来调用RawNode.ApplyConfChange以apply这个entry。只有在这之后,你才能通过raft.Raft.addNoderaft.Raft.removeNode来添加或删除peer到这个raft节点。


  • 一次添加一个节点或删除一个节点
  • 先看raft.RawNode.ProposeConfChange()ent := pb.Entry{EntryType: pb.EntryType_EntryConfChange, Data: data}
  • 然后提交的时候,判断entry的类型来做不同的操作


  • 实现raft/raft.go/addNoderaft/raft.go/removeNode,简单来说就是往Prs里面加key删key
  • 直接改Prs有可能会引发各种级联效应,需要处理,
    • 甚至会改变quorum,这样会导致committed不是单增的,不能让committed回退
    • 然后很多地方还需要加上判断prs[id]现在在不在的判定,如果不在也是需要一番额外操作
  • HandleRaftReady的逻辑
  • q: 除了在prs上边删除这些节点还需要进行哪些操作?如果是leader是否需要将它转换为follower然后停止接收命令?
  • Only one conf change may be pending (in the log, but not yet applied) at a time. This is enforced via PendingConfIndex, which is set to a value >= the log index of the latest pending configuration change (if any). Config changes are only allowed to be proposed if the leader's applied index is greater than this value.
  • 一次可能只有一个conf change挂起(在日志中,但还没有应用)。这是通过PendingConfIndex强制执行的,该值被设置为 >= 最近挂起的配置更改(如果有的话)的日志索引。只有当leader应用的索引大于这个值时,配置更改才被允许被Proposed。


  • MsgTransferLeader message is local message that not come from network
  • You set the Message.from of the MsgTransferLeader message to the transferee (namely transfer target)
  • To start a new election immediately you can call Raft.Step with MsgHup message
  • Call pb.ConfChange.Marshal to get bytes represent of pb.ConfChange and put it to pb.Entry.Data


  • MsgTransferLeader消息是本地消息,不是来自网络
  • 你把MsgTransferLeader消息的message.from设置为受让人
  • 要立即开始新的选举,你可以使用MsgHup消息来调用Raft.Step
  • 调用pb.confchange.marshalpb.ConfChange转换为bytes,然后将转换后的bytes放到pb.Entry.Data

Part B

As the Raft module supported membership change and leadership change now, in this part you need to make TinyKV support these admin commands based on part A. As you can see in proto/proto/raft_cmdpb.proto, there are four types of admin commands:

  • CompactLog (Already implemented in project 2 part C)
  • TransferLeader
  • ChangePeer
  • Split

Raft模块现在支持成员变更和领导变更,在这一部分中,您需要让TinyKV基于part a支持一些管理命令(admin comands)。正如您在proto/proto/raft_cmdpb.proto中看到的,有四种类型的管理命令:

  • CompactLog (已经在project2 part C中实现了)
  • TransferLeader
  • ChangePeer
  • Split

TransferLeader and ChangePeer are the commands based on the Raft support of leadership change and membership change. These will be used as the basic operator steps for the balance scheduler. Split splits one Region into two Regions, that’s the base for multi raft. You will implement them step by step.


The Code

All the changes are based on the implementation of the project2, so the code you need to modify is all about kv/raftstore/peer_msg_handler.go and kv/raftstore/peer.go.


Propose transfer leader

This step is quite simple. As a raft command, TransferLeader will be proposed as a Raft entry. But TransferLeader actually is an action with no need to replicate to other peers, so you just need to call the TransferLeader() method of RawNode instead of Propose() for TransferLeader command.


这一步相当简单。作为一个raft命令,TransferLeader将被作为一条Raft entry。但是TransferLeader实际上是一个不需要复制到其他对等体的动作,所以您只需要调用RawNodeTransferLeader()方法,而不是Propose()

Implement conf change in raftstore

The conf change has two different types, AddNode and RemoveNode. Just as its name implies, it adds a Peer or removes a Peer from the Region. To implement conf change, you should learn the terminology of RegionEpoch first. RegionEpoch is a part of the meta-information of metapb.Region. When a Region adds or removes Peer or splits, the Region’s epoch has changed. RegionEpoch’s conf_ver increases during ConfChange while version increases during a split. It will be used to guarantee the latest region information under network isolation that two leaders in one Region.



You need to make raftstore support handling conf change commands. The process would be:

  1. Propose conf change admin command by ProposeConfChange
  2. After the log is committed, change the RegionLocalState, including RegionEpoch and Peers in Region
  3. Call ApplyConfChange() of raft.RawNode

你需要确保raftstore支持处理conf change命令。过程如下

  1. 通过调用ProposeConfChange提交conf change admin命令
  2. 日志提交完成后,需要修改RegionLocalState,包括RegionEpochRegion中的Peers
  3. 调用raft.RawNode上的ApplyConfChange()命令


  • For executing AddNode, the newly added Peer will be created by heartbeat from the leader, check maybeCreatePeer() of storeWorker. At that time, this Peer is uninitialized and any information of its Region is unknown to us, so we use 0 to initialize its Log Term and Index. The leader then will know this Follower has no data (there exists a Log gap from 0 to 5) and it will directly send a snapshot to this Follower.
  • For executing RemoveNode, you should call the destroyPeer() explicitly to stop the Raft module. The destroy logic is provided for you.
  • Do not forget to update the region state in storeMeta of GlobalContext
  • Test code schedules the command of one conf change multiple times until the conf change is applied, so you need to consider how to ignore the duplicate commands of the same conf change.


  • 要执行AddNode,新添加的Peer将由Leader的HeartBeatMsg创建(Leader向某个还没有该Region的Store发了一个HeartBeat,然后那边发现还没有就会创建一个),请查看storeWorkermaybeCreatePeer()。此时,该Peer未初始化,其区域的任何信息我们都不知道,因此我们使用0初始化其Log TermIndex。然后,Leader将知道该Follower没有数据(存在0到5之间的日志间隔),并将直接向该Follower发送快照。
  • 为了执行RemoveNode,您应该显式调用destroyPeer()以停止Raft模块。销毁逻辑已经为您提供。
  • 不要忘记更新GlobalContextstoreMeta中的Region状态
  • 测试代码对一个CONF更改的命令进行多次调度,直到应用CONF更改,所以您需要考虑如何忽略同一CONF更改的重复命令。




/// is_initial_msg检查msg是否可以用来初始化一个新的对等体。


/ / 1。目标同行已经存在,但尚未与领导建立沟通

/ / 2。由于成员变更或区域分裂,目标peer被新添加,但不是

/ /创建




/ /。

Implement split region in raftstore


To support multi-raft, the system performs data sharding and makes each Raft group store just a portion of data. Hash and Range are commonly used for data sharding. TinyKV uses Range and the main reason is that Range can better aggregate keys with the same prefix, which is convenient for operations like scan. Besides, Range outperforms in split than Hash. Usually, it only involves metadata modification and there is no need to move data around.

在raftstore中实现split Region

为了支持multi-raft,系统进行了数据分片,并使每个Raft Group仅存储一部分数据。Hash和Range通常用于数据分片。TinyKV使用Range,主要原因是Range可以更好地聚合具有相同前缀的key,这便于scan等操作。此外,Range在split中的性能优于hash。通常,它只涉及元数据修改,不需要移动数据(为什么通常只需要修改元数据不需要移动数据)。

message Region {
 uint64 id = 1;
 // Region key range [start_key, end_key).
 bytes start_key = 2;
 bytes end_key = 3;
 RegionEpoch region_epoch = 4;
 repeated Peer peers = 5

Let’s take a relook at Region definition, it includes two fields start_key and end_key to indicate the range of data which the Region is responsible for. So split is the key step to support multi-raft. In the beginning, there is only one Region with range [“”, “”). You can regard the key space as a loop, so [“”, “”) stands for the whole space. With the data written, the split checker will checks the region size every cfg.SplitRegionCheckTickInterval, and generates a split key if possible to cut the Region into two parts, you can check the logic in kv/raftstore/runner/split_check.go. The split key will be wrapped as a MsgSplitRegion handled by onPrepareSplitRegion().

让我们重新查看Region定义,它包括两个字段start_keyend_key,以指示区域负责的数据范围。因此,分裂是支持multi-raft的关键步骤。在开始时,只有一个区域的范围为['','')。您可以将键空间视为一个循环,因此['','')代表整个空间。写入数据后,分裂检查器将在每个SplitRegionCheckTickInterval检中检查Region大小。并生成一个split key(如果可能),以将Region分割为两部分。你可以在kv/raftstore/runner/split_check.go中查看分裂逻辑。分裂key将被包装为由PreparonSplitRegion()处理的MsgSplitRegion

To make sure the ids of the newly created Region and Peers are unique, the ids are allocated by the scheduler. It’s also provided, so you don’t have to implement it. onPrepareSplitRegion() actually schedules a task for the pd worker to ask the scheduler for the ids. And make a split admin command after receiving the response from scheduler, see onAskSplit() in kv/raftstore/runner/scheduler_task.go.

为了确保新创建的Region和Peer的ID是唯一的,由调度程序分配ID。ID由调度程序分配。它也是提供的,所以您不必实现它。onPrepareSplitRegion()实际上为pd worker安排了一个任务,以向调度器请求ID。并在收到调度程序的响应后发出split admin命令,查看kv/raftstore/runner/scheduler_task.go中的onAskSplit()

So your task is to implement the process of handling split admin command, just like conf change does. The provided framework supports multiple raft, see kv/raftstore/router.go. When a Region splits into two Regions, one of the Regions will inherit the metadata before splitting and just modify its Range and RegionEpoch while the other will create relevant meta information.

因此,您的任务是实现处理split admin命令的过程,就像处理conf change一样。提供的框架支持multiple Raft,参见kv/raftstore/router.go。当一个Region拆分为两个Region时,其中一个Region将在拆分前继承元数据,只需修改其RangeRegionEpoch,而另一个Region将创建相关的元数据信息。


  • The corresponding Peer of this newly-created Region should be created by createPeer() and registered to the router.regions. And the region’s info should be inserted into regionRanges in ctx.StoreMeta.
  • For the case region split with network isolation, the snapshot to be applied may have overlap with the existing region’s range. The check logic is in checkSnapshot() in kv/raftstore/peer_msg_handler.go. Please keep it in mind when implementing and take care of that case.
  • Use engine_util.ExceedEndKey() to compare with region’s end key. Because when the end key equals “”, any key will equal or greater than “”. > - There are more errors need to be considered: ErrRegionNotFound, ErrKeyNotInRegion, ErrEpochNotMatch.


  • 此新创建Region的对应Peer应由createPeer()创建并注册到router.regions(kv/raftstore/router.go:43)。Region信息应插入ctx.storeMeta中的regionRanges中。
  • 对于发生网络隔离的分裂Region,要应用的快照可能与现有区域的范围重叠。检查逻辑位于kv/raftstore/peer_msg_handler.gocheckSnapshot()中。请在实施和处理该案例时牢记这一点。
  • 使用engine_util.ExceedEndKey()region的结束键进行比较。因为当结束键等于“”时,任何键都将等于或大于“”需要考虑的错误还有:ErrRegionNotFoundErrKeyNotInRegionErrEpochNotMatch
  • Q: 为什么split只涉及元数据修改,不需要移动数据
  • A: 因为在存储层面上,同一个store的所有region的data都是存在一起的,只是这些数据的管理权隶属于不同的region,所以看起来就不需要挪动数据

Part C

注意: pending peers是leader不认为它们是working followers的peers

As we have instructed above, all data in our kv store is split into several regions, and every region contains multiple replicas. A problem emerged: where should we place every replica? and how can we find the best place for a replica? Who sends former AddPeer and RemovePeer commands? The Scheduler takes on this responsibility.


To make informed decisions, the Scheduler should have some information about the whole cluster. It should know where every region is. It should know how many keys they have. It should know how big they are… To get related information, the Scheduler requires that every region should send a heartbeat request to the Scheduler periodically. You can find the heartbeat request structure RegionHeartbeatRequest in /proto/proto/pdpb.proto. After receiving a heartbeat, the scheduler will update local region information.


Meanwhile, the Scheduler checks region information periodically to find whether there is an imbalance in our TinyKV cluster. For example, if any store contains too many regions, regions should be moved to other stores from it. These commands will be picked up as the response for corresponding regions’ heartbeat requests.


In this part, you will need to implement the above two functions for Scheduler. Follow our guide and framework, and it won’t be too difficult.


The Code

The code you need to modify is all about scheduler/server/cluster.go and scheduler/server/schedulers/balance_region.go. As described above, when the Scheduler received a region heartbeat, it will update its local region information first. Then it will check whether there are pending commands for this region. If there is, it will be sent back as the response.


You only need to implement processRegionHeartbeat function, in which the Scheduler updates local information; and Schedule function for the balance-region scheduler, in which the Scheduler scans stores and determines whether there is an imbalance and which region it should move.



Collect region heartbeat

As you can see, the only argument of processRegionHeartbeat function is a regionInfo. It contains information about the sender region of this heartbeat. What the Scheduler needs to do is just to update local region records. But should it update these records for every heartbeat?


Definitely not! There are two reasons. One is that updates could be skipped when no changes have been made for this region. The more important one is that the Scheduler cannot trust every heartbeat. Particularly speaking, if the cluster has partitions in a certain section, the information about some nodes might be wrong.


For example, some Regions re-initiate elections and splits after they are split, but another isolated batch of nodes still sends the obsolete information to Scheduler through heartbeats. So for one Region, either of the two nodes might say that it's the leader, which means the Scheduler cannot trust them both.


Which one is more credible? The Scheduler should use conf_ver and version to determine it, namely RegionEpcoh. The Scheduler should first compare the values of the Region version of two nodes. If the values are the same, the Scheduler compares the values of the configuration change version. The node with a larger configuration change version must have newer information.


Simply speaking, you could organize the check routine in the below way:

  1. Check whether there is a region with the same Id in local storage. If there is and at least one of the heartbeats’ conf_ver and version is less than its, this heartbeat region is stale

  2. If there isn’t, scan all regions that overlap with it. The heartbeats’ conf_ver and version should be greater or equal than all of them, or the region is stale.


  1. 检查本地存储中是否存在具有相同Id的region。如果存在并且heartbeat中的conf_verversion这两个中至少有一个小于本地存储中的region,则此heartbeat中的region已过时
  2. 如果没有,请扫描与其重叠的所有region。heartbeat的conf_verversion应大于或等于所有这些region,否则heartbeat中的region过时。

Then how the Scheduler determines whether it could skip this update? We can list some simple conditions:

  • If the new one’s version or conf_ver is greater than the original one, it cannot be skipped

  • If the leader changed, it cannot be skipped

  • If the new one or original one has pending peer, it cannot be skipped

  • If the ApproximateSize changed, it cannot be skipped


  • 如果新的versionconf_ver比原来的大,它不能被跳过
  • 如果leader变更了,它不能被跳过
  • 如果新的这个或者原来的有挂起的peer,不能被跳过
  • 如果ApproximateSize发生了变化,不能被跳过

Don’t worry. You don’t need to find a strict sufficient and necessary condition. Redundant updates won’t affect correctness.


If the Scheduler determines to update local storage according to this heartbeat, there are two things it should update: region tree and store status. You could use RaftCluster.core.PutRegion to update the region tree and use RaftCluster.core.UpdateStoreStatus to update related store’s status (such as leader count, region count, pending peer count… ).

如果调度程序决定根据此心跳更新本地存储,那么它应该更新两处:region tree和store status。你可以使用RaftCluster.core.PutRegion来更新region tree并使用RaftCluster.core.UpdateStoreStatus以更新相关存储的状态(例如领导计数、区域计数、挂起的peer计数…)

Implement region balance scheduler

There can be many different types of schedulers running in the Scheduler, for example, balance-region scheduler and balance-leader scheduler. This learning material will focus on the balance-region scheduler.

Scheduler中可以运行许多不同类型的schedulers,例如,balance-region scheduler和balance-leader scheduler。本学习材料将重点介绍balance-region scheduler。

Every scheduler should have implemented the Scheduler interface, which you can find in /scheduler/server/schedule/scheduler.go. The Scheduler will use the return value of GetMinInterval as the default interval to run the Schedule method periodically. If it returns null (with several times retry), the Scheduler will use GetNextInterval to increase the interval. By defining GetNextInterval you can define how the interval increases. If it returns an operator, the Scheduler will dispatch these operators as the response of the next heartbeat of the related region.

每个Scheduler都应该实现Scheduler interface,您可以在/scheduler/server/schedule/scheduler.go中找到该接口。Scheduler将使用GetMinInterval的返回值作为定期运行Schedule方法的默认间隔。如果它返回null(多次重试),调度程序将使用GetNextInerval来增加间隔。通过定义GetNextInterval,可以定义间隔的增加方式。如果它返回一个operatorScheduler将分发这些操作符作为相关region的下一个心跳信号的响应。

The core part of the Scheduler interface is Schedule method. The return value of this method is Operator, which contains multiple steps such as AddPeer and RemovePeer. For example, MovePeer may contain AddPeer, transferLeader and RemovePeer which you have implemented in former part. Take the first RaftGroup in the diagram below as an example. The scheduler tries to move peers from the third store to the fourth. First, it should AddPeer for the fourth store. Then it checks whether the third is a leader, and find that no, it isn’t, so there is no need to transferLeader. Then it removes the peer in the third store.


You can use the CreateMovePeerOperator function in scheduler/server/schedule/operator package to create a MovePeer operator.




In this part, the only function you need to implement is the Schedule method in scheduler/server/schedulers/balance_region.go. This scheduler avoids too many regions in one store. First, the Scheduler will select all suitable stores. Then sort them according to their region size. Then the Scheduler tries to find regions to move from the store with the biggest region size.

在这一部分,你唯一需要实现的Schedule方法在scheduler/server/schedulers/balance_region.go上。此Scheduler避免在一个store中出现过多的region。首先,scheduler将选择所有合适的store。然后根据region大小对它们进行排序。然后,scheduler从region size最大的store中寻找region来移动

The scheduler will try to find the region most suitable for moving in the store. First, it will try to select a pending region because pending may mean the disk is overloaded. If there isn’t a pending region, it will try to find a follower region. If it still cannot pick out one region, it will try to pick leader regions. Finally, it will select out the region to move, or the Scheduler will try the next store which has a smaller region size until all stores will have been tried.


  • 首先,它将尝试选择一个挂起的region,因为挂起可能意味着磁盘过载。
  • 如果没有挂起region,它将尝试查找follower region。
  • 如果它仍然无法选择一个region,它将尝试选择leader区域。
  • 最后,它将选择要移动的区域,或者scheduler将尝试下一个region大小较小的store,直到所有store都已尝试。

After you pick up one region to move, the Scheduler will select a store as the target. Actually, the Scheduler will select the store with the smallest region size. Then the Scheduler will judge whether this movement is valuable, by checking the difference between region sizes of the original store and the target store. If the difference is big enough, the Scheduler should allocate a new peer on the target store and create a move peer operator.

选择一个要移动的region后,scheduler将选择一个store作为目标。实际上,scheduler将选择具有最小region size的store。然后,scheduler将通过检查原始存储和目标存储的区域大小之间的差异来判断此移动是否有价值。如果差异足够大,scheduler应该在目标store上分配一个新的peer,并创建一个move peer operator。

As you might have noticed, the routine above is just a rough process. A lot of problems are left:

  • Which stores are suitable to move?

In short, a suitable store should be up and the down time cannot be longer than MaxStoreDownTime of the cluster, which you can get through cluster.GetMaxStoreDownTime().


q: 哪个store适合移动?


  • How to select regions?

The Scheduler framework provides three methods to get regions. GetPendingRegionsWithLock, GetFollowersWithLock and GetLeadersWithLock. The Scheduler can get related regions from them. And then you can select a random region.

q: 如何选择region

a: 调度器框架提供了三种获取region的方法。GetPendingRegionsWithLockGetFollowersWithLockGetLeadersWithLock。调度器可以从中获取相关region。然后你可以选择一个随机region。

  • How to judge whether this operation is valuable?

If the difference between the original and target stores’ region sizes is too small, after we move the region from the original store to the target store, the Scheduler may want to move back again next time. So we have to make sure that the difference has to be bigger than two times the approximate size of the region, which ensures that after moving, the target store’s region size is still smaller than the original store.


a:如果原始存储和目标存储的region大小之间的差异太小,则在我们将区域从原始存储移动到目标存储后,计划程序可能希望下次再次移回。因此,我们必须确保差异必须大于region近似大小的两倍,这确保在移动后,目标store的region大小仍然小于original store。

[2021/09/13 01:21:47.892 -07:00] [FATAL] [log.go:294] [panic] [recover={}] [stack="\n\t/home/tg/go/pkg/mod/\\n\t/home/tg/go/tinykv/scheduler/pkg/logutil/log.go:294\nruntime.gopanic\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:969\nruntime.goPanicIndex\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:88\*balanceRegionScheduler).Schedule\n\t/home/tg/go/tinykv/scheduler/server/schedulers/balance_region.go:126\*scheduleController).Schedule\n\t/home/tg/go/tinykv/scheduler/server/coordinator.go:350\*coordinator).runScheduler\n\t/home/tg/go/tinykv/scheduler/server/coordinator.go:303"]