All notable changes to the " Smallworld Magik" extension will be documented in this file.
- New integrated Smallworld Class Browser (replacing apropos function).
- New Redial function to automatically start the last GIS Command session.
- Definition and Reference support for Message identifiers in .magik and .msg files.
- Various bug fixes and improvements.
- Enabling Magik language extension in the Session Terminal.
- Code Outline for XML configuration resources.
- Magik Autocorrection performance improvements.
- Magik Code Linting, Reformatting and Refactoring.
- Snippets for product, module, resources, messages files and folders.
- New GIS Command (F2-z) to start a session.
- Multi-environment configuration for GIS path, command and startup.
- Support for Case and Style archive files.
- Various bug fixes and improvements.
- New Magik Reference and Definition Provider.
- Workspace Symbol Provider performance improvements.
- Additional Smallworld 5 Magik compiler commands.
- Bug fix for apropos Hover action.
- Magik snippets improvements.
- Session startup commands improvements.
- Smallworld 5 integrated terminal.
- Smallworld 5 Magik compiler Code Action.
- Smallworld 5 Class and Method apropos Hover.
- Session startup batch commands to run before gis.exe.
- Document Symbol Provider and Workspace Symbol Provider for supported extensions.
- SWGIS Run Alias command by MarkerDave.
- Magik autocorrection bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Improvements for Magik syntax colouring, supporting all complex forms of Magik Symbols.
- Snippet corrections by codi89.
- A new Workspace Symbol Provider is added.
- The Document Symbol hierarchy is modified to align the Magik Code Outline with VSCode expectation. VSCode Symbol hierarchy is expecting all the code for a Class to be enclosed within the Class declaration scope.
- A few bugs in Magik syntax autocorrection are resolved.
- Minor typos in some snippets are resolved.
- Syntax highlighting is extended to Support various forms of Magik "symbol" piped definitions.
*Basic support for Smallworld Magik source and resource file types, including Symbols and Autocorrection.