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Releases: SysBioChalmers/RAVEN


17 May 13:36
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  • fix:
    • checkInstallation throws warnings, not errors, when making binaries executable
    • optimizeProb and readYAMLmodel on MATLAB <2020b (solves #478)
    • getModelFromHomology correct handling of OLD_ genes and "or" relationships (solves #481)
    • prepINITData gets option to skip scaling, as ftINIT will otherwise fail for some models (solves #483)


21 Mar 09:38
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  • chore:
  • fix:
    • addRxns correctly defines rev field, only reactions that can go in both directions (LB<0 and UB>0) are reversible (solves #469).
  • feat:
    • GitHub updates: Action workflow, rename devel branch to develop, reformat and GH Pages.
    • if Parallel Computing Toolbox is installed, run getAllowedBounds across multiple workers.
    • solveLP checks if lb, ub, c and S fields do not have invalid values (e.g. NaN).


18 Feb 21:09
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  • fix:

    • checkInstallation failed to find the path for binaries on Mac
    • solveLP report the correct sign of the objective function. .f with objective value was previously inverted (maximization gives negative value). 🚨 If your own code reads the .f field coming from solveLP, it should be updated! 🚨
  • feat:

    • setRavenSolver can take 'soplex' as option, which assumes a succesful SCIP installation, and that soplex can be directly called in the terminal. No installation instructions yet, but checkInstallation tests for it.
    • model I/O functions (importModel, exportModel, exportToExcelFormat, writeYAMLmodel and readYAMLmodel) show a dialog box if no file name is specified.
    • convertToIrrev remove warning message


23 Jan 21:53
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  • fix:
    • fitTasks gave wrongly formatted model.b field
    • checkInstallation -> makeBinaryExecutable on Unix (solves #460).
    • writeYAMLmodel with logical
    • removeRavenFromPath with unix paths
    • ftINIT and Gurobi version 10: too sensitive to low int tolerances
  • feat:
    • checkInstallation highlight when new version is available


19 Jan 19:53
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  • feat:
    • readYAMLmodel and writeYAMLmodel support I/O of enzyme-constrained models in GECKO3-format
  • fix:
    • importModel subSystems bug
    • randomSampling use correct hot-start solution for speed improvement
    • expandModel remove unnecessary warning text
    • full runProductionEnvelope output


27 Nov 22:34
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  • fix:
    • checkInstallation binary fix on Mac
    • importModel write 0-length chars instead of empty cells if selected reactions do not have subSystem
    • runProductionEnvelope parameter and output parsing
    • runSimpleOptKnock removes duplicate targets if single KO was already sufficient
    • runDynamicFBA plot axes labels
    • contractModel does not contract complete model if it is called by replaceMets
    • removeRavenFromPath removes all RAVEN dirs and warns about MATLAB Add-On installations


20 Nov 01:00
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  • fix:
    • findGeneDeletions report zero flux and growth ratio for essential genes
    • GitHub workflow parsing of testing output
  • feat:
    • removeRavenFromPath can quickly remove RAVEN folders from the MATLAB path
    • graph layout improvements for runPhenotypePhasePlane
    • runRobustnessAnalysis optional reduced cost plot
  • refactor:
    • setParam minor speed improvement


16 Nov 21:39
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Main improvements in this PR:

  • fix:

    • checkInstallation ensures that binaries (blastp etc.) and MEX files (TranslateSBML etc.) are executable on Mac, as this is not the case if RAVEN is installed as MATLAB Add-On
    • checkInstallation runtests on MATLAB < 2018b
    • getModelFromHomology no longer includes "OLD_" genes from the template model(s) if this gene is only involved in "OR" gene associations (= isoenzyme), but only if involved in "AND" gene associations (= subunit).
    • constructS trim spaces around metabolites for matching
  • feat:

    • writeYAMLmodel and readYAMLmodel functionality
    • support in various functions for a model.metSmiles field, which contains SMILES for each metabolite
    • solveLP (via optimizeProb) reports shadow prices and reduced costs
    • new runRobustnessAnalysis, runDynamicFBA, runPhenotypePhasePlane, runProductionEnvelope and runSimpleOptKnock functions
    • printFluxes can print multiple flux vectors
    • convertToIrrev gives output specifying match between reversible and novel irreversible reactions
  • refactor:

    • randomSampling speed-up with hot-start LPs
    • expandModel speed improvement


21 Aug 14:29
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  • fix
    • solveLP use specified parameters during flux minimization
    • optimizeProb use default feasTol and optTol e-9 (instead of e-6), otherwise raising issues in Gecko (Light)
    • addRxns, addRxnsGenesMets, getModelFromHomology various minor bugs
    • exportModel revert 3996e6a, as it resulted in warnings when validating SBML files
    • changeGeneAssoc when genes are already in model (solves #440)
  • feat
    • checkInstallation reports system architecture
    • getAllowedBounds reports progress
    • randomSampling more detailed and accurate progress reporting
  • refactor
    • optimizeProb speed-up by avoid running ispref if not required


28 Jun 21:05
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  • fix:
    • fatal bug in checkTasks (closes #434)