diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-pvfactors: irradiance modeling made simple
-pvfactors is a tool used by PV professionals to calculate the
-irradiance incident on surfaces of a photovoltaic array. It relies on the use of
-2D geometries and view factors integrated mathematically into systems of
-equations to account for reflections between all of the surfaces.
-pvfactors was originally ported from the SunPower developed 'vf_model' package, which was introduced at the IEEE PV Specialist Conference 44 2017 (see [1] and [link](https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/ebb2/35e3c3796b158e1a3c45b40954e60d876ea9.pdf) to paper).
-The documentation can be found [here](https://sunpower.github.io/pvfactors).
-It includes a lot of [tutorials](https://sunpower.github.io/pvfactors/tutorials/index.html) that describe the different ways of using pvfactors.
-Quick Start
-Given some timeseries inputs:
-# Import external libraries
-from datetime import datetime
-import pandas as pd
-# Create input data
-df_inputs = pd.DataFrame(
- {'solar_zenith': [20., 50.],
- 'solar_azimuth': [110., 250.],
- 'surface_tilt': [10., 20.],
- 'surface_azimuth': [90., 270.],
- 'dni': [1000., 900.],
- 'dhi': [50., 100.],
- 'albedo': [0.2, 0.2]},
- index=[datetime(2017, 8, 31, 11), datetime(2017, 8, 31, 15)])
- |
- solar_zenith |
- solar_azimuth |
- surface_tilt |
- surface_azimuth |
- dni |
- dhi |
- albedo |
- 2017-08-31 11:00:00 |
- 20.0 |
- 110.0 |
- 10.0 |
- 90.0 |
- 1000.0 |
- 50.0 |
- 0.2 |
- 2017-08-31 15:00:00 |
- 50.0 |
- 250.0 |
- 20.0 |
- 270.0 |
- 900.0 |
- 100.0 |
- 0.2 |
-And some PV array parameters
-pvarray_parameters = {
- 'n_pvrows': 3, # number of pv rows
- 'pvrow_height': 1, # height of pvrows (measured at center / torque tube)
- 'pvrow_width': 1, # width of pvrows
- 'axis_azimuth': 0., # azimuth angle of rotation axis
- 'gcr': 0.4, # ground coverage ratio
-The user can quickly create a PV array with ``pvfactors``, and manipulate it with the engine
-from pvfactors.geometry import OrderedPVArray
-# Create PV array
-pvarray = OrderedPVArray.init_from_dict(pvarray_parameters)
-from pvfactors.engine import PVEngine
-# Create engine
-engine = PVEngine(pvarray)
-# Fit engine to data
-engine.fit(df_inputs.index, df_inputs.dni, df_inputs.dhi,
- df_inputs.solar_zenith, df_inputs.solar_azimuth,
- df_inputs.surface_tilt, df_inputs.surface_azimuth,
- df_inputs.albedo)
-The user can then plot the PV array geometry at any given time of the simulation:
-# Plot pvarray shapely geometries
-f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
-pvarray.plot_at_idx(1, ax)
-It is then very easy to run simulations using the defined engine:
-pvarray = engine.run_full_mode_timestep(1)
-And inspect the results thanks to the simple geometry API
-print("Incident irradiance on front surface of middle pv row: %.2f W/m2"
- % (pvarray.pvrows[1].front.get_param_weighted('qinc')))
-print("Reflected irradiance on back surface of left pv row: %.2f W/m2"
- % (pvarray.pvrows[0].back.get_param_weighted('reflection')))
-print("Isotropic irradiance on back surface of right pv row: %.2f W/m2"
- % (pvarray.pvrows[2].back.get_param_weighted('isotropic')))
- Incident irradiance on front surface of middle pv row: 886.38 W/m2
- Reflected irradiance on back surface of left pv row: 86.40 W/m2
- Isotropic irradiance on back surface of right pv row: 1.85 W/m2
-The users can also run simulations for all provided timestamps, and obtain a "report" that will look like whatever the users want, and which can rely on the simple API shown above.
-The two options to run the simulations are:
-- [fast mode](https://sunpower.github.io/pvfactors/theory/problem_formulation.html#fast-simulations): almost instantaneous results for back side irradiance calculations, but using simple reflection assumptions
-# Create a function that will build a report
-def fn_report(pvarray): return {'qinc_back': pvarray.ts_pvrows[1].back.get_param_weighted('qinc')}
-# Run fast mode simulation
-report = engine.run_fast_mode(fn_build_report=fn_report, pvrow_index=1)
-# Print results (report is defined by report function passed by user)
-df_report = pd.DataFrame(report, index=df_inputs.index)
- |
- qinc_back |
- 2017-08-31 11:00:00 |
- 110.586509 |
- 2017-08-31 15:00:00 |
- 86.943571 |
-- [full mode](https://sunpower.github.io/pvfactors/theory/problem_formulation.html#full-simulations): which calculates the equilibrium of reflections for all timestamps and all surfaces
-# Create a function that will build a report
-from pvfactors.report import example_fn_build_report
-# Run full mode simulation
-report = engine.run_full_mode(fn_build_report=example_fn_build_report)
-# Print results (report is defined by report function passed by user)
-df_report = pd.DataFrame(report, index=df_inputs.index)
- 100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 51.08it/s]
- |
- qinc_front |
- qinc_back |
- iso_front |
- iso_back |
- 2017-08-31 11:00:00 |
- 1034.967753 |
- 106.627832 |
- 20.848345 |
- 0.115792 |
- 2017-08-31 15:00:00 |
- 886.376819 |
- 79.668878 |
- 54.995702 |
- 1.255482 |
-pvfactors is currently compatible and tested with Python versions 2.7 and 3.6, and is available in [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/pvfactors/).
-The easiest way to install pvfactors is to use [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/) as follows:
- $ pip install pvfactors
-The package wheel files are also available in the [release section](https://github.com/SunPower/pvfactors/releases) of the Github repository.
-Requirements are included in the ``requirements.txt`` file of the package. Here is
-a list of important dependencies:
-* [shapely](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Shapely)
-* [numpy](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/numpy)
-* [scipy](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/scipy)
-* [pandas](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pandas)
-* [pvlib-python](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pvlib)
-Citing pvfactors
-We appreciate your use of pvfactors.
-If you use pvfactors in a published work, we kindly ask that you cite:
-> Anoma, M., Jacob, D., Bourne, B.C., Scholl, J.A., Riley, D.M. and Hansen, C.W., 2017. View Factor Model and Validation for Bifacial PV and Diffuse Shade on Single-Axis Trackers. In 44th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference.
-Contributions are needed in order to improve pvfactors.
-If you wish to contribute, you can start by forking and cloning the repository, and then installing pvfactors using [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/) in the root folder of the package:
- $ pip install .
-To install the package in editable mode, you can use:
- $ pip install -e .
-[1] Anoma, M., Jacob, D., Bourne, B. C., Scholl, J. A., Riley, D. M., & Hansen, C. W. (2017).
-View Factor Model and Validation for Bifacial PV and Diffuse Shade on Single-Axis Trackers. In 44th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference.
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68c45ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+pvfactors: irradiance modeling made simple
+|CircleCI| |License| |PyPI-Status| |PyPI-Versions|
+pvfactors is a tool used by PV professionals to calculate the
+irradiance incident on surfaces of a photovoltaic array. It relies on the use of
+2D geometries and view factors integrated mathematically into systems of
+equations to account for reflections between all of the surfaces.
+pvfactors was originally ported from the SunPower developed 'vf_model' package, which was introduced at the IEEE PV Specialist Conference 44 2017 (see [#pvfactors_paper]_ and link_ to paper).
+.. contents:: Table of contents
+ :backlinks: top
+ :local:
+The documentation can be found `here `_.
+It includes a lot of tutorials_ that describe the different ways of using pvfactors.
+Quick Start
+Given some timeseries inputs:
+.. code:: python
+ # Import external libraries
+ from datetime import datetime
+ import pandas as pd
+ # Create input data
+ df_inputs = pd.DataFrame(
+ {'solar_zenith': [20., 50.],
+ 'solar_azimuth': [110., 250.],
+ 'surface_tilt': [10., 20.],
+ 'surface_azimuth': [90., 270.],
+ 'dni': [1000., 900.],
+ 'dhi': [50., 100.],
+ 'albedo': [0.2, 0.2]},
+ index=[datetime(2017, 8, 31, 11), datetime(2017, 8, 31, 15)])
+ df_inputs
+.. raw:: html
+ |
+ solar_zenith |
+ solar_azimuth |
+ surface_tilt |
+ surface_azimuth |
+ dni |
+ dhi |
+ albedo |
+ 2017-08-31 11:00:00 |
+ 20.0 |
+ 110.0 |
+ 10.0 |
+ 90.0 |
+ 1000.0 |
+ 50.0 |
+ 0.2 |
+ 2017-08-31 15:00:00 |
+ 50.0 |
+ 250.0 |
+ 20.0 |
+ 270.0 |
+ 900.0 |
+ 100.0 |
+ 0.2 |
+And some PV array parameters
+.. code:: python
+ pvarray_parameters = {
+ 'n_pvrows': 3, # number of pv rows
+ 'pvrow_height': 1, # height of pvrows (measured at center / torque tube)
+ 'pvrow_width': 1, # width of pvrows
+ 'axis_azimuth': 0., # azimuth angle of rotation axis
+ 'gcr': 0.4, # ground coverage ratio
+ }
+The user can quickly create a PV array with ``pvfactors``, and manipulate it with the engine
+.. code:: python
+ from pvfactors.geometry import OrderedPVArray
+ # Create PV array
+ pvarray = OrderedPVArray.init_from_dict(pvarray_parameters)
+.. code:: python
+ from pvfactors.engine import PVEngine
+ # Create engine
+ engine = PVEngine(pvarray)
+ # Fit engine to data
+ engine.fit(df_inputs.index, df_inputs.dni, df_inputs.dhi,
+ df_inputs.solar_zenith, df_inputs.solar_azimuth,
+ df_inputs.surface_tilt, df_inputs.surface_azimuth,
+ df_inputs.albedo)
+The user can then plot the PV array geometry at any given time of the simulation:
+.. code:: python
+ # Plot pvarray shapely geometries
+ f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
+ pvarray.plot_at_idx(1, ax)
+ plt.show()
+.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SunPower/pvfactors/master/docs/sphinx/_static/pvarray.png
+It is then very easy to run simulations using the defined engine:
+.. code:: python
+ pvarray = engine.run_full_mode_timestep(1)
+And inspect the results thanks to the simple geometry API
+.. code:: python
+ print("Incident irradiance on front surface of middle pv row: %.2f W/m2"
+ % (pvarray.pvrows[1].front.get_param_weighted('qinc')))
+ print("Reflected irradiance on back surface of left pv row: %.2f W/m2"
+ % (pvarray.pvrows[0].back.get_param_weighted('reflection')))
+ print("Isotropic irradiance on back surface of right pv row: %.2f W/m2"
+ % (pvarray.pvrows[2].back.get_param_weighted('isotropic')))
+.. parsed-literal::
+ Incident irradiance on front surface of middle pv row: 886.38 W/m2
+ Reflected irradiance on back surface of left pv row: 86.40 W/m2
+ Isotropic irradiance on back surface of right pv row: 1.85 W/m2
+The users can also run simulations for all provided timestamps, and obtain a "report" that will look like whatever the users want, and which can rely on the simple API shown above.
+The two options to run the simulations are:
+- `fast mode`_: almost instantaneous results for back side irradiance calculations, but using simple reflection assumptions
+.. code:: python
+ # Create a function that will build a report
+ def fn_report(pvarray): return {'qinc_back': pvarray.ts_pvrows[1].back.get_param_weighted('qinc')}
+ # Run fast mode simulation
+ report = engine.run_fast_mode(fn_build_report=fn_report, pvrow_index=1)
+ # Print results (report is defined by report function passed by user)
+ df_report = pd.DataFrame(report, index=df_inputs.index)
+ df_report
+.. raw:: html
+ |
+ qinc_back |
+ 2017-08-31 11:00:00 |
+ 110.586509 |
+ 2017-08-31 15:00:00 |
+ 86.943571 |
+- `full mode`_: which calculates the equilibrium of reflections for all timestamps and all surfaces
+.. code:: python
+ # Create a function that will build a report
+ from pvfactors.report import example_fn_build_report
+ # Run full mode simulation
+ report = engine.run_full_mode(fn_build_report=example_fn_build_report)
+ # Print results (report is defined by report function passed by user)
+ df_report = pd.DataFrame(report, index=df_inputs.index)
+ df_report
+.. parsed-literal::
+ 100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 51.08it/s]
+.. raw:: html
+ |
+ qinc_front |
+ qinc_back |
+ iso_front |
+ iso_back |
+ 2017-08-31 11:00:00 |
+ 1034.967753 |
+ 106.627832 |
+ 20.848345 |
+ 0.115792 |
+ 2017-08-31 15:00:00 |
+ 886.376819 |
+ 79.668878 |
+ 54.995702 |
+ 1.255482 |
+pvfactors is currently compatible and tested with Python 2 and 3, and is available in `PyPI `_. The easiest way to install pvfactors is to use pip_ as follows:
+.. code:: sh
+ $ pip install pvfactors
+The package wheel files are also available in the `release section`_ of the Github repository.
+Requirements are included in the ``requirements.txt`` file of the package. Here is a list of important dependencies:
+* `shapely `_
+* `numpy `_
+* `scipy `_
+* `pandas `_
+* `pvlib-python `_
+Citing pvfactors
+We appreciate your use of pvfactors. If you use pvfactors in a published work, we kindly ask that you cite:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ Anoma, M., Jacob, D., Bourne, B.C., Scholl, J.A., Riley, D.M. and Hansen, C.W., 2017. View Factor Model and Validation for Bifacial PV and Diffuse Shade on Single-Axis Trackers. In 44th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference.
+Contributions are needed in order to improve pvfactors.
+If you wish to contribute, you can start by forking and cloning the repository, and then installing pvfactors using pip_ in the root folder of the package:
+.. code:: sh
+ $ pip install .
+To install the package in editable mode, you can use:
+.. code:: sh
+ $ pip install -e .
+.. [#pvfactors_paper] Anoma, M., Jacob, D., Bourne, B. C., Scholl, J. A., Riley, D. M., & Hansen, C. W. (2017). View Factor Model and Validation for Bifacial PV and Diffuse Shade on Single-Axis Trackers. In 44th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference.
+.. _link: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/ebb2/35e3c3796b158e1a3c45b40954e60d876ea9.pdf
+.. _tutorials: https://sunpower.github.io/pvfactors/tutorials/index.html
+.. _`full mode`: https://sunpower.github.io/pvfactors/theory/problem_formulation.html#full-simulations
+.. _`fast mode`: https://sunpower.github.io/pvfactors/theory/problem_formulation.html#fast-simulations
+.. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/
+.. _`release section`: https://github.com/SunPower/pvfactors/releases
+.. |Logo| image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SunPower/pvfactors/master/docs/sphinx/_static/logo.png
+ :target: http://sunpower.github.io/pvfactors/
+.. |CircleCI| image:: https://circleci.com/gh/SunPower/pvfactors.svg?style=shield
+ :target: https://circleci.com/gh/SunPower/pvfactors
+.. |License| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-BSD%203--Clause-blue.svg
+ :target: https://github.com/SunPower/pvfactors/blob/master/LICENSE
+.. |PyPI-Status| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/pvfactors.svg
+ :target: https://pypi.org/project/pvfactors
+.. |PyPI-Versions| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/pvfactors.svg?logo=python&logoColor=white
+ :target: https://pypi.org/project/pvfactors
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 2923fbde..338838e4 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ tag_prefix = v
parentdir_prefix = pvfactors-
-description-file = README.md
+description-file = README.rst
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index cb3e0e57..05595986 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
'2D View Factor Model to calculate the irradiance incident on ' +
'various surfaces of PV arrays')
-with open('README.md', 'r') as f:
+with open('README.rst', 'r') as f:
with open('requirements.txt', 'r') as f:
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
- long_description_content_type='text/markdown',